Draft Template for Associate College Agreement

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Draft Template for Associate College Agreement



In order to be eligible to seek the status of Associate College, an institution must be involved in an existing and successful collaborative partnership with University of Chester. This must include the satisfactory delivery of at least one programme leading to an award of the University for a period of no less than three years.

In addition the college must demonstrate that it can meet the criteria set out below:

. The proposed arrangement is consistent with the mission and strategic goals of University of Chester and those of the college, and that there are demonstrable mutual benefits to both institutions; . There is sufficient evidence (e.g. reports from professional bodies, statutory agencies and other external bodies) to suggest that the college is of an appropriate academic standing and has professional credibility; . There is an effective internal management structure; . The institution can be shown to be financially secure; . The teaching accommodation and learning and human resources that comprise the learning environment are appropriate for HE level delivery and can be shown to be sustainable; . The college is committed to fostering an appropriate HE experience for those students engaged in degree level programmes; . There are appropriate support services including those for student welfare and learning support; . There is a commitment to quality assurance and a demonstrably appropriate infrastructure to enable the institution to comply with University of Chester quality assurance requirements relating to effective programme management, the integrity of the assessment process and the maintenance of academic standards; . There is evidence of commitment to, and experience of working closely with, the community, including local schools e.g. through special one-off programmes, offering appropriate existing FE modules to local community groups, establishing compacts with schools and FE students; . There is evidence of the planning and advertising of curriculum pathways to support lifelong learning and seamless progression from school to higher education; . There is a willingness to participate in joint long-term strategic planning arrangements – e.g. through the exchange of strategic plans with University of Chester each academic session, with an emphasis on complementarity of provision; . The college offers a range of FE and HE programmes and can demonstrate a clear commitment to the development of a ‘core’ of HE provision; . The college is willing to commit to developing any HE provision exclusively in collaboration with University of Chester, or where a particular subject area is not offered by the University, will seek written approval from University of Chester to pursue collaboration with another HEI; . The college will agree actively to promote to students the progression routes available from the Associate College onto University of Chester undergraduate programmes; . The college can demonstrate a commitment to staff development in order to ensure that staff maintain currency within their curriculum area and are encouraged to pursue scholarship and where appropriate research activity; . The college can demonstrate a willingness to make a commitment to ensuring that all tutors delivering HE programmes have, within 2-3 years of Associate College Status being granted, successfully achieved the second level of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education.

A college which considers that they fulfil the stated criteria may apply for Associate College Status using the procedures outlined below.

Application Process

(i) Preliminary Application to University of Chester’s Executive

The prospective Associate College should approach the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with a preliminary application for presentation to, and consideration by, University of Chester’s Executive.

The preliminary application should include sufficient information to enable the Executive to give proper consideration to the application and should, therefore, include details of the institution’s existing relationship with University of Chester and relevant extracts from the institution’s Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. The application should also cite evidence against each of the criteria defined above.

The Executive will decide, on the basis of the preliminary application, whether the partner institution should be considered for Associate College Status. During consideration of the preliminary application, the Executive will need to be convinced that:

. the college has a track record of successful higher education provision and/or progression to higher education provision; . there is a sound strategic reason for University of Chester to recognise a college as having Associate College Status; . there are clear benefits to University of Chester, in terms of student recruitment, income generation, new programme developments, marketing and promotion etc.

(ii) Detailed application

If the preliminary application is endorsed by the Executive, it will be forwarded to the University’s Partnerships sub-Committee for information with a request to undertake an approval event at the partner institution. Partnerships sub-Committee may identify issues which it wishes to be explored at the event.

The Assistant Registrar (Collaborative Provision & Partnerships) will contact the partner institution and request that they submit a formal detailed application for consideration by the panel of staff to conduct the approval event. The timescale for submission of the formal application document and staging of an approval event will also be agreed with the partner institution at this time.

The formal application documentation should consist of:

(a) A brief contextual statement including:

. the partner organisation’s rationale for, and commitment to the collaboration; . a description of the background and history of the institution, its mission, its academic profile, and the size of its student population, with particular emphasis on HE-level aspects. This information should be available from existing publications (such as its prospectus, strategic plan and annual report) and reports from external bodies such as statutory agencies and professional bodies, and these documents should be made available); . brief details of any existing or former links with other higher education institutions and professional bodies, including professional body accreditation of provision; . a diagrammatic description of the institution’s management structure (academic, technical and administrative) including clearly defined channels of responsibility for academic leadership, management and quality control, indicating where appropriate specific responsibility for HE provision.

(b) Confirmation that the college is involved in an existing and successful partnership with University of Chester, and has been involved in the delivery of at least one programme leading to an award of the University for a period of no less than three years.

(c) A critical evaluation of the collaboration with University of Chester to date, describing any enhancement or development over the period of collaboration. It should also comment on impediments and challenges faced and the way these have been dealt with.

(d) Details of existing teaching accommodation, library, learning resources, IT and media services that support HE provision, together with an indication of the institutional plans for maintenance or development of those resources at the level appropriate to HE.

(e) A summary of the human resources assigned to HE provision at the college, with details of any staff development undertaken in support of HE delivery, and an indication of institutional plans to ensure that HE programmes will continue to be supported by appropriately qualified staff.

(f) Details of the support services available to HE students including those for welfare, learning support and study skills support.

(g) A statement on the financial status of the institution, with where appropriate a commentary on the way in which that status may change in the short, medium and long-term.

(h) A copy of the quality assurance procedures used by the college.

(i) Details of University of Chester quality assurance procedures as they apply to the college.

(j) Evidence of commitment to, and experience of working closely with the community, including local schools e.g. through special one-off programmes, offering appropriate existing FE modules to local community groups or establishing compacts with schools and FE students.

(k) A description of the college’s work on planning and advertising curriculum pathways which support lifelong learning and seamless progression from school to HE.

(l) A statement setting out the college’s willingness to participate in joint long-term strategic planning arrangements – e.g. through exchanging strategic plans with the University each academic session.

(m) Information on the college’s full range of provision, giving details of the curriculum areas offered and the depth and length of experience in those subject areas. This should also include an outline of the college’s strategy for the development of its HE provision.

(n) Confirmation of the college’s commitment to develop any HE provision exclusively in collaboration with University of Chester, or where a particular subject area is not offered by the University, to seek written approval from University of Chester to pursue collaboration with another HEI. (o) A statement setting out the college’s willingness actively to promote to students the progression routes available from the college to University of Chester undergraduate programmes.

(p) A commitment to all staff teaching on HE programmes having, within 2-3 years of Associate College Status being granted, successfully achieved the second level of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education.

(q) Evidence of the college’s commitment to the furthering of an HE experience for students and the provision of staff development opportunities that promote scholarship.

Wherever possible each of the items outlined above should be accompanied by appropriate supporting evidence. In addition, the college should provide a copy of their current Corporate Plan and appropriate documents relating to strategic planning for HE provision.

The formal application document and supporting evidence should be submitted to the Assistant Registrar (Collaborative Provision and Partnerships) by the agreed date.

Approval Event

The approval event at the partner institution will be undertaken by a panel of University of Chester staff approved by the Partnerships sub-Committee, to include: a member of the University Executive as Chair of the panel, the Assistant Registrar (Collaborative Provision and Partnerships), a representative of Learning Resources, a representative of Partnerships Sub- Committee itself, an External Adviser, and other appropriate members of staff.

The task of the panel will be to undertake an initial scrutiny of the documentation, plan an agenda for the visit to the partner institution, and formulate a recommendation to Senate on the approval/non-approval of Associate College Status.

The approval event will normally be conducted over a full day’s visit to the partner institution and will include:

. meetings with senior managers and appropriate heads of service of the college; . meetings with tutors, administrative staff and students involved in existing HE programmes delivered by the college; and . scrutiny of the physical resources, facilities and support services which support HE provision.

Where appropriate, the panel may request further documentation and information to be provided by the partner institution, and if necessary may choose to extend the visit beyond a single day. Suitable notice will be given to the partner institution of all such requests and arrangements.

Following the conclusion of the visit, a report will be compiled which will include a recommendation by the panel to Senate regarding the approval, or otherwise of Associate College Status, along with any ‘conditions’ or ‘recommendations’ on which that approval may depend. The report will be made available to the Principal of the partner institution to comment on factual accuracy and his/her response will be submitted along with the confirmed report to Senate for consideration. Final approval of the granting of Associate College Status will be the decision of the Senate of University of Chester and will only be conferred once it is satisfied that all requirements have been met by the partner institution. Agreements

Following approval by the Senate of University of Chester for the conferment of Associate College Status an agreement between the University and the college will be drawn up. This will include details of all arrangements between the two institutions relating to the status of Associate College and will be accompanied by a financial annex outlining the agreed overarching financial arrangements. The standard period of approval for the Associate College agreement will be six years at the end of which the college must apply for re-approval of the status should both parties wish to continue with the arrangement. Withdrawal from the arrangement will be subject to a minimum period of 12 months notice by either party.


Periodic Review An interim review of the arrangements between University of Chester and an Associate College will be conducted at the midway point of the period of agreement, normally after three years. The review will be conducted following procedures similar to those for the cyclical review of a collaborative partnership and will result in a report to be considered by Partnerships Sub- Committee.

Annual Review The college shall also submit an annual report each October to be considered by Partnerships sub-Committee, outlining developments in curriculum planning and delivery and in quality assurance and enhancement over the previous academic session.

Renewal of status

At the conclusion of the period of approval stated in the Associate College agreement a re- approval event shall be held in order to consider the renewal of the status. Renewal shall be subject to satisfactory demonstration by the Associate College of: . the continuing fulfilment of the stated criteria for Associate College status; . appropriate action taken in response to any recommendations made at previous approval and/or review events related to Associate College status/partnership; . the successful delivery of programmes validated by University of Chester and an ongoing commitment to the further development of HE provision.

The re-approval event shall involve a visit to the Associate College by a panel approved by the University’s Partnerships Sub-Committee.

Panel The Panel will be chaired by a member of the University Executive and will include the Dean of Academic Quality & Standards, the Partnerships Adviser, a representative of Learning & Information Services, a representative of Partnerships Sub-Committee, an External Adviser, and other appropriate members of staff, with the Assistant Registrar (Collaborative Provision & Partnerships) to act as Secretary to the event.

The task of the Panel will be to undertake an initial scrutiny of the documentation, plan an agenda for the visit to the Associate College and formulate a recommendation to Senate on the renewal or otherwise of Associate College status.

Documentation Prior to the visit the Associate College will be asked to provide the following documentation: . An Executive Summary detailing: o The way in which the College continues to fulfil the criteria for Associate College status, noting in particular any developments that have taken place since the previous approval/renewal of Associate College status, for example in physical or human resources relating to HE provision/students or new curriculum developments; o Action taken in response to recommendations made at previous approval/renewal events relating to Associate College status/partnership; o An evaluation of the current success or otherwise of programmes validated by University of Chester and plans for the further development of HE provision. . A management structure diagram sufficient to understand the operation of HE provision within the College; . The College’s Corporate Plan and HE Strategy; . Statistical data relating to HE programmes including recruitment, retention and progression; . Sample minutes from any committees or groups specifically relating to HE provision; . Recent internal review reports relating to HE provision; . Recent external review reports relating to HE provision; . A summary of staffing resources involved in the delivery and support of HE provision with, in the case of academic staff, an indication of relevant and highest qualifications; . A summary of the CPD activity undertaken by academic staff that was HE-specific; . A summary or samples of feedback from HE students; . Any other appropriate evidence to support statements made within the Executive Summary regarding fulfilment of criteria and response to recommendations relating to Associate College status/partnership.

The College may submit some or all of this information on a CD-ROM but should provide sufficient copies for the full panel. Where documentation is provided electronically an index of the contents of the CD-ROM should also be provided. All documentation should be submitted to the Assistant Registrar (Collaborative Provision & Partnerships).

In addition the Secretary to the event will circulate to the panel copies of the following documentation: . An agenda; . Criteria and procedures for Associate College status; . A contextual summary of the partnership; . The report from the previous approval/review; . The Executive Summary statement from the previous approval event; . Annual Institutional Reports since previous approval/review; . Annual Programme Monitoring Reports since previous approval/review; . External Examiner Reports since previous approval/review.

Visit The re-approval visit will take place over a full day, during which the Panel will meet with the following: . The Principal of the College; . Senior staff involved in the management of HE provision; . HE Programme Leaders; . Appropriate Heads of Service; . Students engaged in HE programmes.

The panel may also request a tour of appropriate facilities, in particular those specific to HE provision/students.

At the end of the visit the Chair of the Panel will provide an oral report to senior staff from the College on the conclusions and recommendations of the Panel. Report Following the conclusion of the visit the Secretary to the event will compile a report in conjunction with the Chair which will include a recommendation to Senate on the re-approval or otherwise of Associate College status, along with any ‘conditions’ or ‘recommendations’ on which that re-approval may depend. The report will be made available to the Principal of the College for comment prior to its consideration by the University’s Senate. Final approval of the renewal of Associate College status will lie with Senate.

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