C/O Security House, High Street

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C/O Security House, High Street

Flinders Founders c/o Security House, High Street, Donington, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 4TA Tel: 07748474717 E-mail: [email protected] Website : community.lincolnshire.gov.uk/FlindersFounders

Minutes of Flinders Founders meeting held on Wednesday 06 May 2009 at Select Timber Offices starting at 6.15pm.

PRESENT: Leah Bristow (LB), Margaret Wright (MW), Joe Gott (JAG), Chris Clay (CC), Alicia Inglis (AI), Megan Collier (MC), Jess Cokely (JC) NOT PRESENT : Sasha Dowding, Scott Sandall In the absence of AB, LB chaired the meeting.

1 Apologies for absence Jo Gisby working, Amy Bristow on a school trip, Mel Bristow at athletics, Kate Maddison not able to get. New members Megan and Jess were welcomed. MW to send them a new members pack of information. 2 Minutes of last meeting These were signed as a correct record. 3 Matters Arising Janet Clark (Community Lincs) thanked FF for the consultation information which she is currently processing. FF have permission from Amanda Puttick to buy an urn using Community Lincs money. No paperwork has been received from Streetskape for installation of new equipment – new concrete very stony – MW to chase up. MW and JG have not managed to get a Bookers card yet. 4 Correspondence (MW) Parish Council planning for Xmas Market 2009 – date set Saturday 5th December. Agreed to sell mince pies and mulled wine. MW to write asking not to have a Santa’s grotto as it clashes with our Christmas Party the next day. Message from CC - David West from Select Timber asks that members going into office sign in and out at the desk. Paul Wade has asked if FF application for Party in Park licence can be loaned to Swineshead who are planning a similar event. After discussion all agreed – no. MW to pass on message to PW. 5 Financial Report (JAG) Current account stands at £1420.14 Deposit account stands at £1023.21 Cash in hand £30.00. Expenses paid out to LB (refreshments) and MW (petrol website training) 6 Teen Park Gang of young boys throwing stones at greenhouses – police have been informed and have visited their homes. JAG has put up fencing to deter them. Parish Council have agreed to put up better fencing down the side and back. Same group also using laser pen to disturb residents nearby. Police have been informed. Broken bottles have been a problem. Send out message this is not acceptable. Any glass must be cleared immediately and carefully. Bins have been used to make jumps and been dented. JC said that whenever she is there people are well behaved and enjoy having the facility. Mopeds have been seen in the Teen Park – this is not acceptable. Members be watchful and deal with any problems. Website, posters, word of mouth to used to get the message across. Use the PCSO and police to keep them informed. PCSO and police to be asked to visit regularly especially on Friday nights. CCTV was discussed – MW to contact Stephen Wright to see if it is possible to install. Thanks to CC who has been working hard to clear the front dyke with JAGs help. It was agreed to write and thank those people who use the site well and keep an eye on it. 7 Website and Publicity Report (CC) Newsletter is out now. Apologies to LB – she was missed off the list of members. Website training was good. MW and CC now know how to administer the site. CC will contact old website immediately to close it. MW will change website address on correspondence. MW raised serious concerns with regard to the management of the website. After discussion it was agreed that CC would not interfere with the poll on the site and that nothing will be deleted without both MW and CC agreeing. Anything anyone wants to go on the site should be send to MW or CC to put on. The Primary School have agreed to have a notice board in the school for publicity. Flinders Park now has 2 fabulous notice boards in place and IDEA has agreed that FF can use them for promotions. JAG proposed and CC seconded that O2 grant money should be used to buy 2 banners from Andisigns – one for FF and one for Party in Park. MW will contact O2 to see if it is acceptable. CC to bring various designs to next meeting. All agreed. Camera is in bottom drawer of filing cabinet with rechargeable batteries and charger. To be kept there but can be borrowed – but only for FF business. LB proposed and AI seconded that FF should buy a photo album to keep copies of best photos in. All agreed. MW to buy. JAG collects all press cuttings to be kept in file. JAG proposed and LB seconded that we should get into the business directory. All agreed. JAG to send off the form. A set of publicity boards have been acquired thanks to JAG. 8 Grants and Funding (JAG)  Youth Capital Fund application for £65,000 – no news yet.  Community Spaces Grant Stage 2 application is still progressing and has to be completed by end of May. Unfortunately planning permission is needed but Parish Council have agreed to do this as it saves money and will be quicker.  Groundwork has secured £25,000 funding from Marks and Spencer Greener Living Spaces towards the Extreme Activity Equipment Project but this has to be matched by at least the same amount by FF. So the whole project depends on us getting the YCF money.  Bicker Wind Farm £3,000 for Lighting has now been withdrawn but if a new application is submitted for another use it will be considered. The £3,000 has not been given to anyone else. An application for the front dyke to be done – planting, strimmer, plants, clearing etc.  First Aid Course – application for funding has gone in to PIP fund. CC to explore sponsorship for stationery from Abbey Print, EcoAware and other possible businesses. 9 Flower Festival (AI) Church flower display was brilliant. Unfortunately overspent on flowers etc by £43. Agreed to wait and see if we get a bill for this overspend. CC proposed a vote of thanks to AI, LB and JAG for doing the flower display. Spare flowers were taken to Bank House Residential home. AI has spoken to Liz Walker of Donington in Bloom about railway sleepers for a flower bed and she has given AI a contact which AI will explore. CC said he has already got some plants from local plant growers. It was agreed that the dyke should be filled with heathers and low growing conifers when the new fencing is done. Bedding plants should be used in the flower beds. 10 Party in the Park Planning Went through checklist. Much progress has been made but please make sure highlighted things have been done or are in place by next meeting. Updated copy of checklist is attached with highlights. 11 Any other Business (a) JAG gave feedback from IDEA meeting. Main points of interest to FF were: Ian Coulson new police officer and Colin Abbotts new PCSO for Donington: Steve Pulfer new park warden for Flinders Park: Casino night will happen again next year: Karen Majer asked that newsletter items should come to her early and gradually, not all at once at the last minute: FF bins cannot be emptied by council as they are not on a footpath. (b) LB asked for dates of next Community Lincs meetings with Janet Clark – MW to find out and email. (c) LB asked whether people can get under the Teen Park footbridge and be hurt. Agreed it was not a problem. (d) MW expressed concern about the use of GB alarms address and letters going missing. Agreed that ONLY MW to collect mail weekly from GB and any letters addressed to persons to be given to them unopened. (e) JAG asked to buy a PAID stamp for invoices. All agreed. Date of Next Meeting was not set – will be done and posted after consultation with AB, MB and JG. The meeting closed at 8.35



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