California Standards for the Teaching Profession
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California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students. Key Element 4.1 Using knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“ How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• incorporate students' prior knowledge and experience in my curriculum and instructional planning? • use knowledge of my students' lives, their families, and their communities to inform my planning of curriculum and instruction? • use knowledge of my students' individual cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development to plan instruction and make appropriate adaptations to meet students’ unique needs? • plan lessons and units that promote access to academic content standards for all students? • use knowledge of my English learners’ levels of language proficiency to plan instruction that supports their subject matter learning and academic language development? • use knowledge of my students’ diverse learning needs to plan instruction that supports their learning? EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for Example Formulating Objective Teacher formulates an objective that Does teacher create objective that * Make sure objective also meets will make knowledge accessible to all makes knowledge accessible to all standards students recognizing individual students within a diverse group? Does * Teach to different learning styles differences within a diverse group the teacher have an objective * Know students’ needs without formulated so that it is differentiated pointing out differences enough so that objective can be achieved in different ways? * Take into account a variety of academic and personal backgrounds * Incorporate cultural/language diversity into the curriculum * Take into account 504 accommodations Teaching to the Objective Teacher uses a variety of ways of Does the teacher present IQAR to * Teacher demonstrates they can presenting (IQAR). accommodate a variety of learning differentiate when a student asks a styles? question and the teacher can answer it in a variety of ways * Teachers teach to different learning styles as much as possible (visual/auditory) * Able to answer a wide array of questions * Organization of material (matrices, etc.) * Scaffolding in terms of organizational skills * Transitions (into, through, and beyond) * Structured notes * Assignment sheets * Posting or copying notes * Variety of presentation skills (lectures, video discussion, overheads, notes on board) Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher varies active participation (by Has teacher planned lesson to take into * Extension activities built into an keeping content the same but varying account individual difference in assignment provides for level of cognition, form of active learning style and ability? differentiation participation, conditions of activity, * Allow student to master objective level of performance) in order to over time accommodate individual differences * Projects: students make children’s books, artistic posters, go do- volunteer, interview someone in field, make a game * Group projects * Labs * Powerpoint * Advanced warning for participation * Give questions ahead of time to allow processing Monitor and Adjust Teacher monitors learning and adjusts Does teacher check for understanding, * Do we as teacher provide several teaching (by keeping content the same re-teach as necessary using approaches ways to achieve a certain but varying level of cognition, form of that make the objective and content objective? (Math) allow students to active participation, conditions of clear to a diverse student population? do test/quiz corrections orally to activity, level of performance) to show they know the material – different levels of learning and very time-consuming achievement. (Monitoring is not about * Teacher allows different ways t o differentiating, but rather diagnosing complete a project learning problems and reteaching. * Have a student who understands Formulating the objective is more concept teach it relevant here.) * Ask students to voice what questions they still have and build next unit or activities * Give options for completing projects or assessments * Posting solutions, not just answers, student can check own work * One-on-one appointments for extra help
* Tapping students’ prior experience/knowledge for anticipatory set (“What do you know about . . .?” or “what would you do if . . .?”) * Having students fill out personal surveys or write about prior experience (“math autobiography,” “strengths & weaknesses in past English classes,” etc.) to plan lessons and objectives * Collecting information from FOS or College Pathways to better serve our students * Differentiated instruction and assessment (e.g., offer essay prompts of varying difficulty) * Finding ways to acknowledge different languages/cultures during instruction (Greek roots of math terminology, Latin roots of English vocab, etc.) * Pairing speakers of the same language to support each other * Adjusting vocabulary/repeating terms/concepts, etc. More for underclassmen * Plan shorter activities for younger students/faster pace of change with activities * More explicit teaching of group work norms to younger students: assigning roles, planning light icebreakers, scaffolding * Being aware of variations in students’ ability to understand/accept nuance California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students. Key Element 4.2 Establishing and articulating goals for student learning
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“ How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• build on the strengths, interests, and needs of all students to establish high expectations for learning? • establish long-term and short-term goals that are based on academic content standards and reflect students’ strengths, interests, and needs? • determine learning goals that address all students' language abilities and diverse learning needs? • establish learning goals that address school, district, and community expectations? • work with students and families to establish learning goals? • develop goals that prepare students for successful transition to their next learning environment? • communicate clear, challenging, and achievable expectations for students? EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for (simplify, and state Example/Talking Points (state as what teacher does) as a question: does the teacher . . .?) Formulating the Objective Teacher formulates an objective Does teacher demonstrate knowledge * Essential questions for each unit consistent within PAUSD standards and expertise of relevant factual * State and CSTP standards are in ESLRs and state standards framework. information, including ESLRs and state lesson plan standards framework; central organizing concepts and links to other disciplines. Teaching to the Objective Teacher demonstrates a knowledge of Does teacher demonstrate a knowledge * Teacher gives answer to questions content area, its broad organizing of relevant factual information? clearly, or says “I don’t know.” themes and how to link to other subject Can teacher break down content into areas. small relevant chunks? Is teacher able to answer questions at an appropriate level?
State a clear objective at the beginning of lesson (“By the end of today we will be able to . . .”) Teacher has clear idea of how objective will be demonstrated (not necessarily articulated) Teacher establishes differentiated practices for learning an objective Teachers collaborate with peers to look for best practices Create meaningful lessons that connect to student experience IN THE CLASSROOM: Be able to graph a quadratic equation using zeroes, y integer, standard form Differentiated strategies: plotting points, factoring to get zeroes, calculator activity to see transformations Connections: to gravity, vertical motion model (in sports, other subjects) Informal collaboration beginning of unit and throughout for ideas and best practices California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students. Key Element 4.3 Developing and sequencing long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“ How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• design an instructional program that considers the long-term and the short-term? • use assessment results for long-term and short-term planning? • incorporate diverse subject matter perspectives in my planning? • select and sequence instructional strategies appropriate to the complexity of the lesson content and to student learning needs? • plan an instructional program that supports students' second language learning and diverse learning needs? • incorporate my professional expertise and knowledge of my students into a prescribed curriculum, pace, and district assessment calendar? • collaborate with colleagues to make instructional decisions? • design instruction so that students participate in setting and achieving their individual learning goals?
EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for (simplify, and state Example/Talking Points (state as what teacher does) as a question: does the teacher . . .?) Formulating the Objective Teacher formulates an objective Does teacher demonstrate knowledge * Essential questions for each unit consistent within PAUSD standards and expertise of relevant factual * State and CSTP standards are in ESLRs and state standards framework. information, including ESLRs and state lesson plan standards framework; central organizing concepts and links to other disciplines. Teaching to the Objective Teacher demonstrates a knowledge of Does teacher demonstrate a knowledge * Teacher gives answer to questions content area, its broad organizing of relevant factual information? clearly, or says “I don’t know.” themes and how to link to other subject Can teacher break down content into areas. small relevant chunks? Is teacher able to answer questions at an appropriate level?
Developing and sequencing instructional plans to support student learning Introductory elements: safety, classroom norms, goal setting, basic vocabulary Building curriculum on previous steps (previous knowledge, start small and get big) Continually assess and adjust Don’t leave ELL students behind California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students. Key Element 4.4 Planning instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the learning needs of all students
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“ How do I...” or “Why do I...” • develop unit and lesson plans that build on and extend students' understanding of subject matter? • ensure that each instructional strategy is related to learning goals? • plan instruction to allow enough time for student learning, review, and assessment? • use my knowledge of subject matter and my students to plan and appropriately paceinstructional activities within a lesson and over time? • check for understanding, prepare for adjustments, remediate or accelerate instruction, and individualize when appropriate? • address the ELD standards appropriately, based on my English learners’ levels of language acquisition? • address the IEP goals and objectives of my students with special needs? • select materials, resources, and technologies to support the learning needs of English learners and students with special needs?
EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for Example Teaching to the Objective Teacher gives information, asks Does teacher give information, ask * Powerpoint, hands-on, varying questions, implements activities, and questions, provide activities, and activities responds to student effort in a way that respond using a variety of materials, helps students learn subject resources and instructional settings in matter/content. order to accommodate a variety of learning styles? Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher uses these principles of Does teacher use a variety of * Small group activities, learning to effectively teaching subject instructional strategies and material to manipulatives, discussion lecture, matter/content. accommodate a variety of different technology components, learning styles during set, closure, and kinesthetic (interpretive dance). active participation? Monitor and Adjust Teacher checks to see if students have Does teacher use a variety of strategies * Questioning strategies, walking understood subject matter/content and to monitor and adjust instruction? around, listening to small group reteaches if necessary. discussion, using specific examples to check for understanding.
Using a story to motivate instruction Why is this information valuable to you? Flexibility and innovation needed California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Teachers use knowledge of students' academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and individual development to plan instruction. They establish and articulate goals for student learning. They develop and sequence long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning. Teachers plan instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. They modify and adapt instructional plans to meet the assessed learning needs of all students. Key Element 4.5 Adapting instructional plans and curricular materials to meet the assessed learning needs of all students
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“ How do I...” or “Why do I...” • interact with my colleagues to identify typically difficult concepts or skills for students in order to re-examine and strengthen plans for future lessons? • proactively prepare for appropriate adjustments based on my assessment of student learning while teaching? • strengthen existing plans for students at identified levels of English proficiency? • strengthen existing plans for students with special needs? • reflect on my successes and struggles and apply what I have learned about effective and ineffective strategies to existing plans for future lessons? • reflect on my successes and struggles with the use of curriculum and apply what I have learned to existing plans for future lessons? • capture what I have learned during a particular lesson so that I can revisit my plans in advance of teaching the lesson again?
EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for Example Teaching to the Objective Teacher gives information, asks Does teacher give information, ask * Powerpoint, hands-on, varying questions, implements activities, and questions, provide activities, and activities responds to student effort in a way that respond using a variety of materials, helps students learn subject resources and instructional settings in matter/content. order to accommodate a variety of learning styles? Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher uses these principles of Does teacher use a variety of * Small group activities, learning to effectively teaching subject instructional strategies and material to manipulatives, discussion lecture, matter/content. accommodate a variety of different technology components, learning styles during set, closure, and kinesthetic (interpretive dance). active participation? Monitor and Adjust Teacher checks to see if students have Does teacher use a variety of strategies * Questioning strategies, walking understood subject matter/content and to monitor and adjust instruction? around, listening to small group reteaches if necessary. discussion, using specific examples to check for understanding.
Modifying instructional plans to adjust for student needs For projects, offer options that students could personally relate to (content relevant) Thumbs up / Thumbs down Whiteboards Student groupings Visual learners Auditory learners Postpone exams EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for Example Formulating the Objective Teacher uses monitoring to formulate Does teacher continually monitor * Write in journal new/progressive objectives for student progress and use these * Log instruction. assessments to adjust objective? * Monitor sheets Teaching to the Objective Teacher uses questions, responses and Does teacher use a variety of IQAR * Vocal polling to see if students activities to assess student progress. that are congruent to the objective understand concept consistently to check student progress? * Adjust level of questions/scaffolding (factual recall, evaluative, analysis) * Warm-up exercises done together (guided instruction) * Teacher rephrasing * Vocab, act out word * Ask questions of each person/grp Active Participation Teacher provides covert and overt Does teacher use covert and overt * Small group discussion activities for students to evaluate their activities to provide students the * Pair-share (everyone talking) own learning. opportunity to evaluate themselves or * Wait time peers? Teacher provides covert and overt * Daily oral language opportunities to receive peer feedback. * Review questions on the board * Visualize Monitor and Adjust Teacher gives congruent, immediate, Does teacher continually monitor * Listen and correct specific feedback. student progress and use the * Validate thinking but redirect assessments to adjust instruction? factual information * Send student back into the text Does teacher provide feedback to (English) students and report feedback to parents as needed? * How many agree? Disagree? Return to original do they agree Does teacher make adjustments during still – disagree a lesson and in short- and long-term * Post-It, ask question, student writes planning? first step, second step, and pass on * Literary evidence of agree/disagree * Formal assessment tools, review after conferences
* Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year * Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz * * Provide students a chance to teach each other * Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher) * Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson * * Direct, immediate feedback