Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Northern Ontario Research Node
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Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships
Content Analysis of Research
Prepared by Emma Sharkey, Student Researcher – November 2008 Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables BACKGROUND This table represents a snapshot of all the projects in which the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP) have been/are involved as of November 2008. . The information was compiled from CSERP member midterm reports, websites, and feedback. It can be sorted by a number of useful categories, including key words, regional node and theme. Theme categories were created selecting topics that continuously arise in all projects. Most projects can be categorized under several themes, and where this is the case what appears to be the dominant theme has decided the category with the other overlapping themes listed beside it. For more information about specific projects please contact those researchers or community members who have a deeper understanding of what exactly their projects are examining and whose emails are included in the table from node members.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project has been jointly developed by the Canadian Social Economy Hub (CSEHub) and the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) through the CSEHub's Public Policy Committee, co-chaired by Rupert Downing and Christine de Clercy. Thank you to Emma Sharkey, who carried out the core of the project work, and to the contributions of Annie McKitrick (CSEHub Coordinator) and Janel Smith (Social Economy Student Network and Research Coordinator), who administered the project, and Matthew Thompson (CCEDNet’s Research Program Assistant), who embedded the hyperlinks and assisted in updating the table. A special thank you goes to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, who’s funding made this work possible.
Projects were categorized as follows where they were explicitly and almost solely focused on: Capacity: building organizational capacity Communication: improving communication between SE organizations. Evaluation: evaluating and measuring existing projects or systems, or putting measurement and evaluation processes in place Finance: reviewing current SE, CED, or solidarity financing processes or policies, or researching recommended SE, CED, or solidarity financing processes or policies Food Security: enhancing, publicising, coordinating, and researching food security systems and projects Governance: SE, CED, or solidarity methods of organizational governance Housing: SE, CED, or solidarity related housing Human Services: services involving at risk populations such as seniors, those in assisted living situations or with health and ability challenges, and homeless. Indigenous Communities: SE, CED, or solidarity related projects involving Indigenous communities Mapping: creating an inventory of organizations, policies, or other types related to SE, CED, or solidarity related projects Natural Resources: use and control of natural resources Public Policy: researching and providing public policy recommendations Social Enterprise: enhancing, publicising, coordinating, and researching social enterprises
Please Contact Annie McKitrick, Coordinator for the Canadian Social Economy Hub for further information: [email protected] CSERP Research Projects Across Canada
Atlantic Social Economy Research Node
Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables Mapping; 1.1 Survey of Co-ops Atlantic List and map co-ops and credit unions in Mapping; Academic Research report; research Public and Credit Unions in Atlantic Provinces; categorize co-op work. comparative Luc Thériault briefs; web-posting; scholarly Policy; Atlantic Canada Document contribution to economy. analysis; co- (Sociology-University articles; public and conference Finance Show financing and their support for other ops; credit New Brunswick), Leslie presentations (A New Portrait enterprises and community organizations. unions; Brown (Sociology/ of Co-operatives and Credit Compare the co-operative sector to the nonprofits; Anthropology-Mount Unions in Atlantic Canada at non-profit and voluntary sector. Compare voluntary Saint Vincent the Canadian Association for Atlantic region to other regions in Canada sector; public University) Studies in Co-operation; Co- with similar work. Inform public policy policy; finance; Community operatives and Credit Unions in Social Ronald Skibbens Atlantic Canada: The State of Economy (Service Nova Scotia the Art at ISTR 2008; 2nd support; and Municipal EMES-ISTR European Atlantic Canada Relations) Conference Abstract); map- making; training of students (End date: September 2009) Mapping; 1.2 Atlantic Node Atlantic Bridge and bond social networks through Storytelling; Academic Electronic and print communicati Community’ Stories storytelling. Portrait of the Social social Noreen Millar (Social “Storybook” profiling partners on; Economy of Atlantic Canada through a networks; Economy & of the Atlantic Node profile of our team. portraiture; Sustainability Research Atlantic Canada Network-Mount Saint Vincent University) Community Cross-Sectoral Advisory Committee (government, RDA’s, Community Futures, etc.) (End date: September 2007) Social 1.3 Fishing for the Atlantic Case study of the Coastal Communities Case study; Academic Research report; journal articles Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
enterprise; Future II: Tracking the Network (CNN). Explore models and best Social Paula Romanow (i.e. Journal of Rural and finance Coastal Communities practices enabling the CCN to shift from a Economy; (Education-Mount St. Community Development, Network from First not-for-profit model towards a social rural; Nova Vincent University) Rural Sociology); conference Beginnings to enterprise model. A general history of the Scotia; best Community presentations (i.e. CCN’s Economic CCN and an asset map of what the CCN practices; non- Ishbel Munro (Coastal monthly meetings and annual Sustainability can possibly leverage into revenue streams profit; social Communities Network) conference and the Atlantic (i.e. facilitation expertise, mediation enterprise Region rural conferences); services, research). publication in the CCN magazine and on its website. (End date: 2009) Evaluation, 1.4 Government Atlantic Evaluate modes of financing for Finance; Académique Conference presentations; public policy; policies that support community, co-operative and Social community Omer Chouinard, Gilles workshops; an article (i.e. in finance community Economy groups in south-eastern New organizations; Martin (Sociologie et CIRIEC’s Économie et organizations in the Brunswick. Study provincial and federal co-ops; SE; l'environnement- Solidarités or UQÀM’s sustainable policies that relate to the functioning of the New Université de Moncton); Nouvelles pratiques sociales); management of target groups. Formulate policy Brunswick; (Université de Moncton) research report with watershed groups recommendations. provinciaux; Communauté recommendations fédéraux Jocelyne Gauvin (End date: 2008) 1.4 Les politiques Évaluer les modes de financement de (Groupe de Présentations aux conférences, gouvernementales groupes communautaires, coopératifs et/ou développement durable ateliers, un article (i.e. dans comme support aux d’économie sociale du sud-est du du Pays de Cocagne); Économie et Solidarités de organismes Nouveau-Brunswick. Faire l’examen des André Leclerc (Chaire CIRIEC ou Nouvelles pratiques communautaires de politiques provinciaux et fédéraux des caisses populaires sociales de UQÀM); un rapport gestion viable des touchant le fonctionnement des groupes acadiennes en gestion de recherches avec des groupes de basins ciblés. Établir des recommandations au coopératives-Université recommandations versants niveau des politiques. de Moncton à Edmundston) (Date de fin : 2008) Capacity; 1.5 Contribution of the Atlantic Phase 1: Mobilize community leadership Community Académique Literature review; preparation public policy; old and the new Social in collective and Social Economy leadership Omer Chouinard of interview and administrative social Economy to the enterprises in remote areas. mobilization; (Sociologie et framework for the focus group enterprise development of the co-ops; social l'environnement- community of enterprise; SE Université de Moncton), Lamèque in New André Leclerc (Chaire Brunswick. des caisses populaires acadiennes en gestion (End date: 2008) 1.5 Contribution de Phase 1: Mobiliser le leadership coopératives-Université Revue de la littérature et de Moncton à Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
l’ancienne et de la communautaire aux entreprises collectives Edmundston) élaboration du cadre d’entrevue nouvelle ES au et d’économie sociale en territoire éloigné. et administration du focus développement de la group communauté de Lamèque au Nouveau- Brunswick (End date : 2008) Public policy, 1.6 Policies that Atlantic Preliminary stage of an Atlantic-wide Public policy; Academic Annotated bibliography; evaluation Support Bridging, public policy scan and policy evaluation. evaluation Jan Myers (Business database system; report to Sub Bonding and Building Administration- Node 1 of trends and gaps between Government Dalhousie University); across information and policy and the Social Leslie Brown (in place and in development); Economy in Atlantic (Sociology/Anthropolog literature review; paper Canada y-Mount Saint Vincent (potentially); University); Curtis McGrath Community Peter Hough (Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation); Kathy Moggridge (Social Development Policy- Service Canada); Penelope Rowe (Community Services Council Newfoundland and Labrador) (End date: 2009) Social 2.1 Launching rural Atlantic Case study of LEAP (Launching Co-op; Academic Co-operative evaluation report enterprise; women’s Entrepreneurial Advantage for Parents), a participatory; Godfrey Baldacchino, for the Cooper Institute (2006); capacity; entrepreneurship co-operative model for bottom-up growth evaluation; case Irene Novaczek, Katie congress paper (2007); case evaluation; of the Social Economy. Explore the study; women; Harris (Institute of study report on hurdles to rural public policy challenges and resources that affect rural Island Studies- women’s economic successful economic development University of PEI) development; improved conceived and managed by those to whom Community supports for rural development the development is directed, specifically Wendy Pobjoy (long term); funding proposal rural women with dependent children, (Launching for co-op development facing multiple barriers to profitable, Entrepreneurial (declined - 2006); sustainable and meaningful employment. Advantage for Parents); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Marie Burge (Cooper Institute) (End date: 2008) Finance; 2.2 Community Atlantic Identify the components of wellbeing and Quality of life; Academic Research report; curriculum capacity; Accounts - PEI quality of life for individuals (10% community Irene Novaczek, Stacey materials in Environmental public policy population sample) living in the Lot 13 values; local Enman (Institute of Studies; Phase 2 research and Lennox Island area of PEI and how governance; Island Studies- proposal (under development); closely linked the factors are to the infrastructure; University of PEI) proposal for a pilot Community conventional socio-economic and supports; Community Accounts for PEI (Dec 2007); environmental indicators used by community Katherine Clough community meetings; governments to assess programs. Create accounts (Quality of Island Life conference and workshop accessible community accounts that are Co-op); Rob Sharkey presentations; improved tools easy to understand. (Trout River for local governance (long Environment term) Committee); Matt McGuire (Tyne Valley Municipality); Lennox Island First Nation; Community Accounts of Newfoundland and Labrador (End date: September 2010) Human 2.3 Youth Atlantic Build on the work undertaken in Phase I, Identity; Academic Research reports & services; Engagement entitled “Youth and Community marginalized Jean Mitchell, Dolores publications; conference and public policy in Hillsborough Mobilization in Hillsborough Park youth; LeVangie, Katie Harris, workshop presentations; Park (Global Culture, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island,” of community Heather Gushue honours thesis (completed); Local meanings and this three phase project. Address needs engagement (Sociology/Anthropolog community bulletins; contested identified by youth and continue to y-University of PEI), Hillsborough Helping Hands community): examine how youth were and are Community video; improved services for at- Redefining Youth conceptualized (by themselves and the James Clow risk youth (long term) Apathy older generations) within the community (Hillsborough and beyond. Promoters); Hillsborough Helping Hands youth group; Marie Burge (Cooper Institute) (End date: September 2010) Capacity; 2.4 Advocating Atlantic Build on phase I and II of this research, Partnerships; Academic Proposal (accepted); extended communicati changes to maternity which examined the broad implications policy; Colleen MacQuarrie networks for advocacy; policy on; public & parental benefits and equitability of new parental benefits maternity and (Psychology-University briefs to government and Social Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
policy legislation legislation in PEI and developed policy parental of PEI) Economy organizations; suggestions for a more equitable system. benefits Community website; brochures; workshops; Focus will shift to influencing the content Michelle Harris-Genge, broad awareness of need for of public policy, with particular emphasis Michelle Ridgeway improved parental benefits on empowering women to participate in (Women’s Network (long term) public policy decision-making processes PEI); Sara Roach Lewis through increased understanding of the (Women for issues. Environmental Sustainability); Jane Ledwell (PEI Advisory Council for the Status of Women) (End date: July 2008) Capacity; 2.5 The role of women Atlantic Document women’s roles in fisheries and Fisher; gender; Academic Case study of women’s public policy in the fishery and fisheries management. Apply a gender unions; women Irene Novaczek, Jean struggles for equity; funding fisheries management lens to unions and women’s roles. Mitchell, Heather proposal; advice to fishers’ Identify barriers women face to becoming Gushue, Doug Deacon, organizations and governments; involved in fisheries management through Funk (Institute of Island improved gender equity in their participation in Social Economy Studies and fisheries management (long organizations. Provide recommendations Sociology/Anthropology term). to improve gender inclusion in fisheries -University of PEI) management processes. Community Sara Roach Lewis (Women for Environmental (End date: September 2009-if Sustainability), funding proposal accepted) Mapping; 2.6 Mapping supports Atlantic Measure the extent and impacts of changes Social Academic Research report; conference public policy for the Social to federal and provincial government Economy; Irene Novaczek, Katie papers; community workshop; Economy supports for Social Economy public policy Harris, Barbara Groome recommendations to NGOs and organizations on Prince Edward Island. Wynne (Institute of governments in regards to Investigate federal and provincial funding Island Studies- strategies supporting Social programs that support Social Economy University of PEI) Economy; improved Social organizations on PEI, especially for those Community Economy sector/government involved in empowerment and inclusion of Janice Pettit (Executive partnerships (long term) marginalized members of society. Council Office- Government of PEI); others TBA (End date: March 2008) Indigenous 2.7(A) Indigenous Atlantic Contribute to two Social Economy Traditional Academic Research report; community Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
communities; Community organizations whose goals include knowledge; Irene Novaczek, Dolores guide and workshops; capacity Development: Phase I economic diversification, and cultural First Nations; LeVangie (Institute of conference paper; – Ethnobotany survival of marginalized indigenous health; CED Island Studies- curriculum materials; improved communities on PEI and Chiloé. University of PEI); CED capacity (long term) Catalogue indigenous knowledge of ARCIS University marine plants (i.e. seaweed) and increase (Chile) understanding between Mi’kmaq and Community Williche peoples. Build on the research of Randy Angus (Mi’kmaq the Cooper Institute and the Institute of Confederacy of PEI); Island Studies in their work with the Williche Council of Chilean partners. Chiefs; Bosque Modelo Chiloé (Chile) (End date: July 2008) Mapping; 2.7B Indigenous Atlantic Research micro enterprise as a vessel for Social Academic Research report; community indigenous Community empowerment and inclusion, specifically enterprise; First Irene Novaczek, Kim report and workshop; communities; Development: Phase II for marginalized groups, such as Nation D’Ambrogi (Institute of recommendations to partners capacity – Microenterprise aboriginal people (i.e. the Williche and Island Studies- regarding appropriate models Mi’kmaq) landed immigrants, and women. University of PEI); of small business development; Document opportunities for potential ARCIS University conference paper. product development based on indigenous (Chile) knowledge of marine plants. Research the Community benefits and challenges of micro enterprise Randy Angus (Mi’kmaq models in rural and island contexts. Confederacy of PEI); Williche Council of Chiefs; Bosque Modelo Chiloé (Chile), (End date: June 2008) Mapping 2.8 PEI Organic Atlantic How can farmer-citizen co-operatives be Co-ops; Academic Case study on farmer/citizen Farmer-Citizen developed in ways that address: small- agriculture Pamela Courtney Hall cooperation; journal article; op- Co-operative scale (family) farm attrition, centralization (Philosophy-UPEI), ed for newspaper; conference of farming, global corporatization of food Ford and Garland papers; community workshops; supply, and environmental degradation Community course curriculum for a new and energy waste? Goals of this project Gary Clauseheide, Jane course in Philosophy at UPEI; are premised upon 1) providing food for MacNeil, Joyce Coffin model for citizen-industry local needs first, exporting whatever is (PEI Growing Circle cooperation (long term) surplus, 2) ensuring that farmers get a fair Organic Food Co-op), price for the food they grow, and 3) Marie Burge developing a store in Charlottetown that (Cooper Institute) creates economic and educational Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
opportunities for farmers and citizens. (End date: June 2009) Mapping; 2.9 Social Economy Atlantic Document Chinese immigrant experience. immigration Academic Research report with capacity; Supports for Colleen MacQuarrie, recommendations to Social public policy Immigrants Laura Lee Howard Economy organizations doing (Psychology and the immigrant support; masters Institute of Island thesis; improved Social Studies-University of Economy services for PEI) immigrants (long term) Community Junzeng Zhang, Chiang (Canadian Chinese Association of PEI) (End date: March 2008) Capacity 2.10 Disabled Atlantic Investigate access to education of adults Adult Academic Research report; conference persons’ integration with learning disabilities; role and education; Carla DiGiorgio, papers; into educational potentials of the Social Economy learning MacDonald (Education- awareness-raising; institutions disabilities; University of PEI) improvement of conditions Social Community (long term) Economy Lori McCarthy (Learning Disabilities Association of PEI) (PEI Council of the Disabled) (End date: 2009) Capacity; 2.11 Internationally Atlantic How many and what type of immigrant Immigrants; Academic Research report and public policy Educated Health health professionals are there? How can health care; Godfrey Baldacchino, publications; database on Professionals in PEI: they gain access to jobs in the health employment; M. Fall (Institute of immigrant health professionals; Why They Come, sector? What policy changes are required policy; Social Island Studies- immigrant’s guide to Canada’s Why They Stay, and to improve integration of immigrant health Economy University of PEI) health care system; conference the Challenges They professionals? Investigates the various Community papers; policy Face roles Social Economy groups can play in M. Hood (PEI recommendations to working with immigrants. Newcomers governments and Social Association), Economy groups working with immigrants; (End date: March 2008) Public 2.12 Family Violence Atlantic What hurdles exist for rural women Rural; women; Academic Masters thesis; research report policy; Project seeking legal aid in domestic violence abuse; service Colleen MacQuarrie, and recommendations; capacity; situations? How can services to victims be improvement; Wendy Adams workshops for Social Economy human improved? Examine the role of Social Social (Psychology and the service providers. services Economy organizations. Economy Institute of Island Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Studies-University of PEI) Community SAGE Inc., Women’s Network PEI, UPEI Women’s Centre (End date: March 2009) Capacity; 2.13 Ethnic immigrant Atlantic What challenges do ethnic minority Immigration; Academic MA Thesis; research report; social entrepreneurs entrepreneurs face in PEI and NL? How social Godfrey Baldacchino, conference paper; enterprise; can Social Economy organizations support enterprise; PEI; M. Fall (Institute of recommendations ethnic minority entrepreneurs? NL Island Studies- University of PEI) Community Michelle Hood (PEI Newcomers Association) (End date: February 2009) Public 2.14 Beyond Silence Atlantic Use creative expression to educate and Child abuse; Academic Develop program materials policy; engage the public to prevent child sexual public Colleen MacQuarrie (brochure, DVD); needs communicati abuse. Work with SAGE to move their education (Psychology-University assessments; community on; research forward (transcription of of PEI); consultations; community guide capacity interviews, data analysis, etc) Community book to use of seaweed for SAGE Inc. food, medicine and small business; community workshops; conference papers; enhanced capacity for SAGE to deliver effective programming (End date: March 2013) Capacity; 2.17 Community Atlantic Document regional and national fair trade Fair trade; best Community Research report; learning circle food security Engagement in initiatives, history of fair trade, successes practices; Cooper Institute; educational materials and Developing Domestic and challenges in establishing and Social SeaSpray Atlantic engagement processes; Fair Trade for Food maintaining fair trade practice. Undertake Economy; Organic Marketing workshops (for farm family Products education. Engage producers, retailers, public Cooperative; National support orgs; for community consumers. Undertake Fair Trade education; Farmers’ Union promoter training); public Learning Circles. Design process to agriculture (University of PEI) forums; conference establish a Fair Trade system. Export presentation; national fair trade model to other parts of Canada. network development; PEI conference; national Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
dissemination plan (End date: December 2009) Food 3.1 Food Box Atlantic Evaluate the contributions and potential Food security; Academic Report and paper (journal to be security; Program: Current and contributions to the Social Economy of the Evaluation; Patty Williams (Applied determined); presentations (i.e. evaluation; Potential Kids Action Program’s food box program, Social Human Nutrition-Mount at the Community Forum on communicati Contributions to the including benefits and challenges from the Economy Saint Vincent Food Security and the Social on; Social Economy perspective of other vulnerable groups that University); Jessica Economy, at SMU’s Lunch public policy might benefit from access to the program, Penner (International and Learn); report to the Kids and suppliers and producers who might Development-Saint Action Program’s Board of support the program. Mary’s University) Directors; expansion of the Community food box program at Kids Debra Reimer, Lesley Action Program; develop Phase Frank (Kids Action 2 of the research project Program) (End date: Spring 2008) Food 3.2 Community Atlantic Bring together local politicians, farmers, Food security; Academic Call for further research security; Forum on Food representatives from local organizations, community; Patty Williams, Liesel proposals (4 priority themes: public policy Security and the academics, students, public health staff Social Carlsson (Applied Education-Children; Public Social Economy and community members already involved Economy; Human Nutrition-Mount Awareness; Food Box in or with an interest in becoming involved barriers Saint Vincent Program-Expansion; Schools in community food security (CFS) and University); Jessica Groups-Building Partnerships; food systems in the Annapolis, Kings and Penner (International and Agricultural Community Hants Counties. Clarify the relationship Development-Saint and Non-Profit Organizations- between CFS and the Social Economy. Mary’s University) Increasing Opportunities for Gain in-depth understanding of CFS and Community Dialogue); community forum the different groups involved in the local Debra Reimer, Lesley (Nov. 7, 2007); forum area. Create shared understanding of Frank (Kids Action proceedings barriers to CFS development. Identify Program); David Upton resources and facilitate dialogue around (NS Association of opportunities to build CFS. Discuss and Community Business create action supporting local CFS Development (including policy recommendations). Corporations); Kevin Explore how the Social Economy and Randall (FEED Nova Sustainability Network can support Scotia); Deanna Beck, community mobilization on food security Stacy Hanninen (Public and the Social Economy in Kings, Hants, Health Services, & Annapolis Counties in Nova Scotia. Annapolis Valley Health) (End date: February 2008) Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Food 3.3 Mobilization Atlantic National scan of food security research to Food security; Academic National scan (July 2007-May security; around Food Security fuel discussions around potential schools; Patty Williams, Liesel 2008); paper based on the capacity; within the Canadian collaborations and future research, identify procurement Carlsson (Applied thematic analysis (to be public policy Social Economy gaps in the food security research fabric on policies; health; Human Nutrition-Mount submitted for publication); Research a national level, and to initiate cooperation Canada; US Saint Vincent presentation at the Canadian Partnerships: A among the Canadian Social Economy University); Leslie Association for Food Studies National Scan Research Partnerships’ (CSERP) regional Brown (Sociology/ conference at Congress 2008 nodes to synthesize food security-related Anthropology-Mount (May/June 2008) results. Saint Vincent University) Community Debra Reimer (Kids Action Program); Annie McKitrick (Coordinator, CSEHub) (End date: 2008) Food 3.4 Mobilization Atlantic Fuel discussions within the SES and SN3 Food security; Academic Research paper (2007); security; Around Food Security around potential collaborations and networking; Patty Williams, Liesel conference paper (2008) mapping; within the Canadian research; identify gaps in national food Social Carlsson (Applied capacity Social Economy security research; initiate cooperation Economy; Human Nutrition-Mount Research Partnerships: among CSERP regional nodes to mapping Saint Vincent A National Scan synthesize food security-related results University); Leslie Brown (Sociology/ Anthropology-Mount Saint Vincent University); Annie McKitrick (Coordinator, CSEHub) Community Debra Reimer (Kids Action Program); (End date: 2008) Natural 4.1 Social Economy Atlantic Social Economy in the practices of Social Académique Social Economy perspective of resources; and watershed groups watershed groups Economy; basin Omer Chouinard, Pierre- watershed group practices public policy on the Acadian coast management Marcel Desjardins (Sociologie, l'environnement, et (Phase 2 in progress) 4.1 Économie Sociale L’Économie Sociale dans les pratiques des l’économie-Université Compréhension des pratiques et groupes de bassin- groupes de bassin versant de Moncton); Maurice des groupes de bassin versant à Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
versant sur le littoral Beaudoin (Arts et la lumière de l’économie acadien sciences sociales- sociale Université de Moncton à Shippagan) Communauté Patrick Émond, Frédéric Paillard (Vision H20); Jocelyne Gauvin (Groupe de développement durable de Cocagne); Nadine Gauvin (Coalition pour la viabilité du sud du Golfe du St.-Laurent), Jean Lambert (Secrétariat Rural) (Phase 2 en cours) Natural 4.2 Participation and Atlantic Importance of CF in northern NB Community Académique Appreciation of impact of resources; community forestry forests; New Stephen Wyatt, Diane community forestries on public policy (CF) in northern NB Brunswick Landry (Foresterie- northern New Brunswick’s Université de Moncton à rural economy; Masters thesis Edmundston) Communauté (Phase 2 in progress) 4.2 Participation et Importance de la FC dans le Nord du N.- Donald LeBlanc Appréciation de la FC dans foresterie B. (Coopérative travailleurs l’économie rurale du nord du communautaire (FC) forestiers McKendrick); N.-B. dans le nord du N-B Peter deMarsh (New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners); Solange Nadeau (Service canadien des forêts) (Phase 2 en cours) Food 4.3 Alternative Atlantic Importance of alternative traditional Agriculture; Académique Nov. 2007 workshop resulting security; farming practices and farming on the local economy Social Omer Chouinard, Gilles in 14 of 29 farmers prepared to public policy food security at the Economy; co- Martin (Sociologie et modify their agricultural input Really Local ops; food l'environnement- practices Cooperative security Université de Moncton); (Phase 1 2007) Communauté Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
4.3 Pratiques agricoles Importance de l’agriculture artisanale Léopold Bourgeois 14 fermiers sur 29 sont ouverts alternatives et sécurité alternative dans l’économie locale (Récolte de chez-nous à modifier leur pratique sur les alimentaire à la co-op) intrants agricoles lors d’un coopérative de la atelier en nov. 2007 Récolte de chez nous (RCN) (Phase 1: 2007) Natural 4.4 Acceptabilité Atlantic Gestion intégrée de l’aquaculture dans les Académique Prise en compte des aspects Resources sociale des pratiques communautés côtières du sud du Golfe du Omer Chouinard d’Économie Sociale et Capacity; aquacoles dans le sud Saint-Laurent (Sociologie et environnemental; études de cas Governance du Golfe du St- l'environnement- dans une ferme familiale Laurent Université de Moncton); aquacole au NB et trois fermes Communauté familiales aquicoles à L’Île du L’association des Prince-Édouard; thèse de aquaculteurs du NB Maitrise (Phase 2 – TBA) Capacity; 4.5 New Social Atlantic Mobilization of local governments to deal Local Académique Building community capacity natural Economy, reinforcing with rising sea levels government; Omer Chouinard in Le Goulet and Pointe resources; the capacities of sea level; (Sociologie et Duchesne and Pointe Carron- public policy coastal communities climate change; l'environneme East Bathurst in Chaleur Bay. in delivering services capacity nt-Université to citizens in relation building de Moncton); to rising sea levels on Steve Plante the Acadian littoral of (Développeme New Brunswick. nt régional, (End date: 2007) 4.5 Nouvelle Mobilisation des gouvernements locaux sociale, et Renforcement des capacités économie sociale, face à l’augmentation du niveau marin territorial- communautaires des villages de renforcement des Université du Le Goulet, de Pointe Duchesne capacités des Québec à et de Pointe Carron-East collectivités côtières Rimouski); Bathurst dans la baie des dans la livraison de Claire Chaleurs. services aux citoyens Kostrzewa, face à la hausse du Alice Koné niveau marin sur le (L'environnem littoral acadien du ent-Université Nouveau-Brunswick. de Moncton) (Date de fin: 2007) Communauté La municipalité du Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Goulet; le District de service local de Pointe Duchesne Indigenous 4.6 Climate change Atlantic Vulnerability of medicinal plants to rising Medicinal Académique Understanding of the communities; and medicinal plants temperatures caused by climate change plants; climate Omer Chouinard importance of protecting natural in the Mi’kmaq change; First (Sociologie et traditional medicinal plants. resources; communities of Eel Nations l'environnement- public policy River Bar and Université de Moncton) d’Elsipogtog Communauté (End date: 2008) 4.6 Changements Vulnérabilité des plantes médicinales face Nadine Gauvin Compréhension de climatiques et plantes au réchauffement causé par les (Coalition pour la l’importance de protéger les médicinales dans les changements climatiques viabilité du sud du plantes médicinales communautés Golfe); traditionnelles. Mi’kmaq d’Eel River Bar et d’Elsipogtog (Date de fin: 2008) Capacity; 4.7 Contribution des Atlantic Valorisation de la production locale des First Nations; Académique Compréhension de la indigenous coopératives coopératives d’artisanat Mi’kmaq aux co-ops; artisans Leslie Jane McMillan contribution de l’artisanat communities; d’artisanat autochtone provinces maritimes (Chaire de recherche du autochtone à la valorisation de à l’économie des Canada sur les peuples la culture et du savoir-faire Premières Nations aux autochtones et les Mi’kmaq aux provinces provinces maritimes communautés durables- maritimes. St. Francis Xavier University) Communauté Kelly Prosper (Paq’tnkek First Nation) (End date: 2009) Public 5.1 Financing the Atlantic Investigate who provides finance to Social Finance; Social Academic Student training; research; policy; Social Economy Economy organizations in Atlantic Economy; George Karaphillis publications; presentations to finance Canada, identify issues and problems; Atlantic Canada (CED Institute-Cape Canadian Social Economy estimate the demand for finance of the Breton University), actors; conference presentations Social Economy in selected communities; Roger Wehrell (Business policy implications. Administration-Acadia University) Community Peter Hough (Canadian Worker Co-op Federation; Canadian Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Community Investment Network Co-op), Seth Asimakos (St. John (End date: 2010) Community Loan Fund) Governance 5.2 Fogo Island Atlantic Study the relationship between Labour Unions; co-ops Academic Workshops; conferences; Cooperative Unions and mature cooperatives. Judy Haiven (Co-op and newsletters; student training Credit Union and publications Management-St Mary’s University), Community Bernadette Dwyer (Fogo Island Co-op) (End date: 2007) Public 5.3 Generally Atlantic Develop a Statement of Recommended Finance; co- Academic Student research and policy; Accepted Accounting Practice for Co-operative Reporting to ops; public Tom Webb (Cooperative publications; cross- finance Principles (GAAP) improve the understandability and policy Management Education sectoral/national committee; and cooperative accountability of Generally Accepted Co-op and Co-op and conference presentations accounting Accounting Principles (GAAP) to Credit Union members and other users. Currently, Management-St Mary’s GAAP does not adequately meet the University), Elizabeth unique reporting needs of co-operatives Hicks (Business and are not always compatible with the Administration-Mount purpose of co-operative business. Saint Vincent University) Community Centre of Excellence in co-operative Accounting & Reporting (End date: 2009) Governance; 5.4 Halifax Atlantic Devise tools to measure performance of Performance Academic Academic Independent school the Halifax Independent School, a multi- measurement; Sonja Novkovic, Steven Research and workshop performance measures stakeholder organization to strengthen the Social Smith (Co-op and Credit facilitation done by graduate school’s mission, organizational culture Economy; Union Management & student; workshop and and identity. Results will be based on school Psychology-St Mary’s conference presentations dialogue with stakeholders. University) Community Molly Hurd (Halifax Independent School) (End date: 2010) Governance 5.5 Diagnostic tool for Atlantic Organize a workshop to further the Co-ops; Academic Workshop publications; Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
co-op firms development of a performance diagnostic diagnostic tools Tom Webb, Sonja conference presentations; co-op tool for cooperatives as value-based Novkovic (Cooperative sector tool for measuring organizations. Build upon the existing tool Management Education performance indicators used by Ryszard Stocki and others that Co-op and Co-op and measures the impact of worker Credit Union participation on the performance of the Management-St Mary’s organization. The modified tool will link University), performance indicators to co-operative Community values and include performance measures Peter Hough (Canadian beyond profitability, based on, but not Worker Co-op limited to, the ICA co-operative principles. Federation) (End date: 2009) Governance 5.6 The Labrador Atlantic Contrast the Labrador Fishermen’s Union Comparative Academic Workshops; conferences; Fishermen’s Union Shrimp Co. with the Fogo Island Co-op to analysis; co-ops Judy Haiven (Co-op and newsletters; student-led Shrimp Co. Ltd locate their individual strengths and Credit Union research and publishing weaknesses and to explore community Management-St Mary’s relations in each situation. University) (End date: 2009) Governance; 5.7 Measuring the Co- Atlantic Work with partners Consumers’ Finance; co-ops Academic Presentations; guides for CCC; evaluation op Difference Community Co-operative (CCC) and Co- Leslie Brown, Elizabeth publications; reports op Atlantic to develop social audit Hicks measures to aid strategic planning and to (Sociology/Anthropolog use in building social cohesion. y and Business Administration-Mount St. Vincent University) (End date: 2010) Governance; 5.8 Guide to choosing Atlantic Curriculum development useful in Academic Undergraduate curriculum social an enterprise form corporate law courses. Bruce Anderson development (business and enterprise; (Accounting-St Mary’s law) at St. Mary’s University; education; University); Sonja consultations around the corporate law Novkovic, Elizabeth development of a tool for Hicks (Co-op and Credit organizations and government Union Management-St bodies that give business advice Mary’s University); Stacey Corriveau (Fraser Valley Centre for Social Enterprise) Community Glen Fitzpatrick (NL Federation of Co-ops); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Ronald Skibbens (Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations); Claire Gagnon (Registrar of Co-operatives); Richard (End date: 2009) Bridge Communicati 6.1 Bridges and Atlantic Introduce and evaluate a web community Survey; Academic Web community software; on; Pathways, or Detours to the Social Economy and Solidarity networking; Ivan Emke (Social online tutorials; personal evaluation and Dead Ends Research Network; study the variables in internet Sciences-Sir Wilfred instruction; survey analysis its adoption. Grenfell College, MUN) Community Penelope Rowe, Darlene Scott (Community Services Council NL) (End date: 2010) Communicati 6.2 Introducing a web Atlantic Introduce a web community to the Survey; Academic Online tutorials; personal on community software Community Education Network; study the networking; Ivan Emke, Patrick instruction opportunities; to a complex Social variables in its adoption; increase the internet Shanahan (Social survey analysis; annotated Economy organization active engagement of potential users of the Sciences-Sir Wilfred bibliography on internet community. Grenfell College, MUN) usability; web community Community software Penelope Rowe, Darlene Scott, P. Enguehard, J. Howlett (Community Services Council NL); Beverley Kirby, Sharon Park (Community Education Network) (End date: 2008) Communicati 6.3 The development Atlantic Develop an open-source internet tool to Internet; Community Web community software on of open-source web create a web community. networking; Penelope Rowe community software computer (Community Services software Council NL); Darlene Scott (Voluntary Gateway); other CSC and Voluntary Gateway staff (End date: 2010) Communicati 6.4 The Uses and Atlantic Evaluate the uses of communication tools Mapping; Academic Data for Social Economy Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
on; mapping; Gratifications of (internet, local newspapers, radio, TV, survey; Ivan Emke (Social organizations capacity- evaluation; Communication newsletters, bulletin boards, interpersonal evaluation; Sciences-Sir Wilfred building; suggestions for using Technologies for communications, etc.) in Social Economy Social Grenfell College, communications tools in Social Social Economy organizations Economy MUN), Economy organizations Actors Community Penelope Rowe, Darlene Scott (Community Services Council NL) (End date: 2010) Communicati 6.5 Annotated Atlantic Analyze web-based literature on the Social Social Academic Annotated bibliography on Bibliography on Economy. Economy; Ivan Emke, Christine Social Economy internet Abbott (Social Sciences- Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, MUN) (End date: 2006) Communicati 6.6 Annotated Atlantic Analyze the literature on the use of web Social Academic Annotated bibliography; on Bibliography and communities, including what works, main Economy; Ivan Emke, Patrick executive summary Summary of Research functions, and enhancement. internet; Shanahan (Social Literature on the use volunteer Sciences-Sir Wilfred of web communities organizations Grenfell College, MUN) in voluntary organizations (End date: 2007) Communicati N.1 Mount St. Vincent Atlantic Develop a student-focused guide to Education; Academic Guide developed and on University Library research materials on the Social Economy Social Meg Raven (EMF disseminated through several project I: Social for the Mount St. Vincent University, Economy; Library), Leslie Brown websites (updated annually) Economy Subject which will be an adaptable model to other categorization (Sociology/ Guide university library systems. Anthropology-Mount St. Vincent University) Communicati N.2 - Library Project Atlantic Work with Mount St. Vincent University’s Education; Academic Web tool on II – Web-based library and others to develop and upload a Social Leslie Brown, Donna research tool for research tool for the Social Economy. Economy; Bourne-Tyson, Meg Social Economy categorization Raven, Stanislav Orlov Academic (Sociology/ Anthropology and the EMF Library-Mount St. Vincent University), other universities, Community TBA (End date: 2010) Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Indigenous N.3 Mapping the Atlantic Mount a seminar on the role of the Social First Nations; Academic Workshop; workshop report; communities; Social Economy with Economy in Aboriginal communities mapping Leslie Brown grant application mapping; Mi’kmaq communities (Sociology/ capacity; Anthropology -Mount St. Vincent University), Leslie Jane McMillan (Chaire de recherche du Canada-St. Francis Xavier University) Community Kelly Prosper (Paq’tnkek First Nation) (End date: 2008) Policy S.4 The Policy Atlantic Assess policy makers’ understanding of Student Masters thesis; policy Context for Co- cooperative enterprises and the impact of Erin Hancock recommendations operatives in New policy on coops. Describe the (Renaissance College- Brunswick establishment and continued operation of University of New existing co-operatives and their impact on Brunswick) communities. Describe how current Supervisor provincial and federal policies directly or Luc Thériault indirectly affect the success of co- (Sociology-University operatives. Create policy suggestions to New Brunswick) integrate cooperative development into existing government support programs for enterprise and community economic development. (End date: 2008) Food S.5 Cultivating Food Atlantic Explore the value of school gardens in School gardens; Student Journal article; conference security; Security in NS Public advancing Community Food Security at community; Liesel Carlsson (Applied presentation public policy; Schools: A Case the school level. Discover the health, Nova Scotia Human Nutrition-Mount Study of the social and ecological effects of these Saint Vincent Gaspereau Valley gardens, how these effects are felt, by University) Elementary School whom; what the key factors are in Supervisor Garden Project reconciling benefits, and what resources Patty Williams (Applied are necessary to ensure the programs are Human Nutrition-Mount successful Saint Vincent University) (End date: 2009) Mobilization S.6 Capacités des Atlantic Étudiant Masters thesis élèves de 6è année de Monique Langis Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
poser un problème (L'environnement- environnemental relié Université de Moncton) à la santé humaine Superviseur Diane Pruneau (Sciences de l’éducation- Université de Moncton) (Date de fin: 2007) Mobilization S.7 Politiques et Atlantic Étudiant changements Alice Kone climatiques au Nord (L'environnement- du Burkina et dans le Université de Moncton) Nord du N-B Superviseur Omer Chouinard (Sociologie et l'environnement- Université de Moncton) Amidou Garané; (Université de Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso) (Date de fin: décembre 2008) Mobilization S.9 Acceptabilité Atlantic Étudiant sociale des activités Léon Lanteigne conchyliculture dans (L'environnement- le sud du Golfe du St- Université de Moncton) Laurent Superviseur (L'environnement- Université de Moncton) (Date de fin : juin 2009)
Québec Social Economy Research Node
Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables Les projets innovants Québec Comprendre les contraintes, obstacles et Social Académique Cadre théorique; séminaire en Économie Sociale stratégies des acteurs de l’Économie Economy; Jo Mulamba Katambwe, pour présenter les premiers et leurs conditions de Sociale pour faire décoller des projets success; Michel Nolin (Lettres et résultats réussite; le cas de la innovants. tourism communication sociale- franchise sociale UQTR) Communauté Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Lynn O’Cain (CRÉS de la Mauricie); Jean- François Aubin (Démarches des premiers quartiers) (Date de fin : automne 2008) Le crédit Québec Cette recherche décrit les pratiques du Community Académique Publication : Marie Langevin communautaire dans crédit communautaire et en évaluer les credit Steve Jacob (Science (2008), Le crédit la région de la impacts socio-économiques pour les politique-Université communautaire : Capitale Nationale personnes et les communautés. Laval) conceptualisation, Communauté dimensions d'évaluation, Linda Maziade (FEÉC impacts et indicateurs. Rapport Québec); Annie Girard synthèse (phase 1), cahier du (Cercles d’emprunt de CRIDÉS (en révision). Charlevoix); Lucie Villeneuve (RQCC) (Date de fin : 2008) Les enjeux de Québec Ce projet de recherche veut permettre la Health; Social Académique Publication : Marie-Ève Giroux l’ Économie Sociale clarification des enjeux touchant la Economy Yvan Comeau (Service (2008), Les enjeux et la place dans le domaine de la présence et le développement de sociale-Université de des coopératives et des OBNL santé l’Économie Sociale dans le domaine de la Laval); Jean-François dans le système de santé au santé. Il procèdera par une recension des Simard (Travail social- Québec, cahier du CRIDÉS. écrits et des entrevues avec des UQO) informateurs-clés. Communauté Marie-Joëlle Brassard (CQMC) (Date de fin : 2008) Les impacts sociaux et Québec Décrire et mieux comprendre les impacts Questionnaire Académique Questionnaire; cueillette des économiques du sociaux et économiques des activités des Pierre-André Tremblay données auprès des organismes; milieu communautaire groupes membres des CDC (Sciences humaines- saisie informatique des au Saguenay UQÀC) informations Communauté CDC Chicoutimi- Jonquière; CDC du Roc; CDC du Bas-Saguenay (Date de fin : 2008) La Villa Ripon, OSBL Québec Le présent projet vise à analyser une Académique Des documents d’archives sont d’habitation pour entreprise (OSBL) qui fournit du logement Jacques L. Boucher, trouvés et analyses; les personnes âgées en à des personnes âgées en milieu rural, plus (Travail social-UQO) entrevues débuteront en 2007 milieu rural précisément Villa Ripon, une association Communauté membre du ROHSCO. Joscelyne Lévesque Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
(ROHSCO); Léo Bédard (Villa Ripon) (Date de fin : 2008) Les territoires de la Québec Ce projet veut documenter l’expérience de Co-ops; CED; Académique Le rapport de recherche est coopération : le cas de la Coopérative de développement régional case study Guy Chiasson (Travail rédigé la Coopérative de Outaouais-Laurentides. social-UQO); Caroline développement Andrew (Études régional Outaouais- politiques-Université Laurentides d’Ottawa) Communauté Patrick Duguay (CDROLl) (Date de fin : janvier 2008) Capacity Composantes de Québec Évaluer comment l’approche par les Capacity Académique Début des entrevues auprès des l’approche par les capacités peut bonifier l’intervention Paul Morin (Service intervenants et des jeunes capacités en lien avec auprès de la clientèle de l’organisme social-Université de locataires les interventions du Sherbrooke) Tremplin 16-30 Communauté L’équipe du Tremplin 16-30 (Date de fin : 2008) Capacity Les facteurs Québec Identifier les principaux facteurs Social Académique Revue de littérature d’émergence des identifiables pour comprendre l’émergence Economy; Yvon Laplante (Lettres initiatives en des initiatives en Économie Sociale emergence et communication Économie Sociale factors sociale-UQTR) Communauté Jean Brouillette (CLD des Cheneaux) Capacity Colloque sur les Québec Organiser une rencontre d’une journée des Social Académique Un colloque enjeux et défis de acteurs de l’Économie Sociale afin Economy Pierre-André Tremblay l’Économie Sociale au d’identifier les priorités en recherche et en (Sciences humaines- Saguenay-Lac-Saint- intervention et de diffuser l’état actuel des UQÀC) Jean connaissances. Favoriser une meilleure Communauté prise de conscience des possibilités de François Bergeron (Pôle l’Économie Sociale dans la diversification régional en Économie de l’économie régionale. Identifier les Sociale); Suzanne étapes suivantes de développement de la Tremblay (Société recherche et de l’intervention. d’intervention urbaine Chicoutimi-Jonquière) (Date de fin : le 28 mars 2008) Capacity; Participation Québec Le projet veut comprendre les Mental health; Académique En cours de réalisation Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Governance citoyenne et particularités de l’implication des participation Martine Duperré gouvernance dans les personnes ayant des problèmes de santé (Service sociale- initiatives mentale. Il s’inscrit dans l’objet d’éclairer Université Laval) communautaires en l’organisation communautaire dans sa Communauté santé mentale capacité à accroître la sociabilité des Michel Desrosiers, personnes. (RQIIAC de la région de la Capitale-Nationale) Capacity; Société civile et Québec Quel est l’état actuel de la réflexion sur la Solidarity Académique Publication : Yvan Comeau Governance solidarité solidarité internationale au Québec? En economy; civil Yvan Comeau (Service (2008) Société civile et internationale à quoi est-il pertinent de relier Économie society sociale-Université de solidarité internationale à Québec Sociale et solidarité internationale? L’une Laval) Québec : les initiatives et les peut-elle être un appui pour l’autre? Quels Communauté innovations. Actes de la 3e sont les enjeux et les défis de l’arrimage Les membres du Groupe Université d’été du GÉSQ, entre l’Économie Sociale et solidarité d’économie solidaire du cahier du CRIDÉS internationale? Québec (Date de fin : 2008) Governance Inventaire des sources Québec Examiner les possibilités d’élargissement Social Académique Publication : Charles Fleury d’information du processus de démocratisation des Economy; Richard Marcoux, (2008) Les initiatives de statistiques en données qui a court depuis quelques governance Charles Fleury démocratisation des données et économie solidaire et années afin d’en faire bénéficier les (Sociologie-Université l’Économie Sociale, cahier du identification des organisations ayant un intérêt pour Laval), CRIDÉS modalités d’accès l’Économie Sociale. Communauté pour les chercheurs-e- Les membres du comité s et les partenaires conjoint (Date de fin : 2008) Human Sensibilisation et Québec En lien avec la mission du CREDDO, le Quality of life; Académique Le rapport de recherche est services actions autour des projet proposé vise 4 objectifs principaux health Judith Lapierre, rédigé, enjeux de gestion des contribuant à l’amélioration de la qualité Francine Major matières résiduelles de vie des citoyens de la région et la (Sciences infermières- auprès de l’industrie, protection de la santé populationnelle par UQO) du commerce et de son action au cœur des entreprises. Communauté l’institution régionale Nicole Desroches, Jamel Charest (CREDDO) (Date de fin : 2008) Human Effects of health and Québec Study the impacts on and reorganization of Bill 25; Social Académique Document identification and Services; social services system Social Economy enterprises caused by the Economy Sébastien Savard, analysis; data collection tools; Social reorganization on the operation of Bill 25. enterprise Marielle Tremblay, interviews (2008) Enterprise; partnership between reorganization; (Sciences humaines- Public Policy the CSSS and Social health; social UQÀC) Economy home care services Communauté Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
enterprises Lynda Bélanger Les effets de la Étudier les impacts de la loi 25 et les Loi 25; (Coopérative de Identification et analyse de la reconfiguration du reconfigurations qu’elle met en place sur reconfiguration solidarité de services à documentation; élaboration des système de santé et les entreprises d’Économie Sociale s sur les domicile du Royaume) outils de collecte des données; services sociaux sur le entreprises entrevues (2008) partenariat entre le d’Économie CSSS et les Sociale; santé; entreprises services d’ Économie Sociale sociaux en aide domestique Human La perspective de la Québec Recueillir des informations sur les Human Académique Questionnaire; cueillette des Services; gestion des ressources emplois, le travail et les stratégies de GRH resources; Denis Harrisson données en cours; publication Social humaines (GRH) dans des entreprises d’Économie Sociale de social (Organisation et Enterprise; les entreprises l’Île de Montréal par la conception d’un enterprises; ressources humaines- Mapping d’Économie Sociale outil de cueillette de données sur la GRH, questionnaire; UQÀM) de l’Île de Montréal outil qui s’ajouterait au questionnaire mapping Communauté développé afin d’obtenir des informations Danielle Ripeau servant à tracer le portrait socio- (CÉSÎM) économique des entreprises d’Économie Sociale à Montréal. (Date de fin : 2008) Mapping Un portrait de Québec Mettre à jour le portrait de l’Économie Social Académique En cours de réalisation; phase l’Économie Sociale en Sociale qui a été réalisé en 2000. Economy; Marie Lequin (CERB- de collecte des données hiver Mauricie mapping; UQTR) 2008 Communauté Lynn O’Cain (CRÉS de la Mauricie), Annie Roy (Coop de solidarité d’aide domestique de Shawinigan) Mapping Quelle est la vision et Québec Comment les communautés Social Académique Présentation des résultats dans quelles sont les ethnoculturelles du quartier Côte-des- Economy; Lucie Dumais, Valérie le cadre du colloque du RQRP- caractéristiques du Neiges se reconnaissent-elles dans mapping Chamberland, Jean- ÉS; publication : Lucie Dumais développement social l’Économie Sociale? La CDÉC indique la Marc Fontan (Sciences et Valérie Chamberland (2008) et économique portées vitalité de l’entrepreneuriat des humaines-UQÀM) Étude exploratoire sur par les communautés communautés culturelles. Mais qu’ont- Communauté l’Économie Sociale et les culturelles de Côte- elles en commun avec l’esprit de Roger Côté, Alain communautés culturelles, des-Neiges? l’Économie Sociale? Landry (CSSS Côte-des- cahier du RQRP-ÉS Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Neiges; Multicaf), Hélène Bordeleau (CDÉC-CDN-NDG), Affifa Maaninou (Conseil communautaire CDN-Snowdon) (Date de fin : mai 2008) Mapping Portrait et retombées Québec Décrire les initiatives de l’économie Solidarity Académique Données statistiques recueillies; de l’économie solidaire, leur situation eu égard à leur economy Yvan Comeau, Steve analyse statistique en cours solidaire dans les diversité dans les régions de Québec et de Jacob (Service sociale- régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches et au Québec, et Université de Laval) de Chaudière- leurs retombées dans le milieu. Communauté Appalaches Nancie Allaire (CLD Robert-Cliche); J. Benoit Caron (CDR Québec-Appalaches); Martine Cazes (Pythagore Coopérative de solidarité); Danielle Jean; Louis-Pierre Légaré (CLD de Québec); Nancy Lebeuf (CRÉ de la Capitale- Nationale); Gérald Morin (Communauté métropolitaine de Québec); Lucie Paré (Emploi-Québec (Date de fin : 2008) Chaudière Appalaches) Mapping Inventaire et Québec Évaluer l’importance et les retombées des Mapping Académique Données statistiques recueillies; retombées des systèmes d’échanges locaux qui se sont Manon Bouliane analyse statistique en cours systèmes d’échanges mis en place au cours des dernières (Anthropologie- locaux années. Université Laval) Communauté Pascale Caron (La Caisse d’économie (Date de fin : 2008) solidaire Desjardins) Mapping Inventaire, retombées Québec Identifier l’ensemble des jardins collectifs Mapping; CED Académique Cueillette des données en cours Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
et contribution des de la région, les décrire et évaluer leurs Manon Bouliane jardins collectifs à retombées économiques et sociales sur le (Anthropologie- l’économie régionale plan local en analysant aussi leur Université Laval) dans les régions de articulation avec d’autres initiatives de Communauté Québec et Chaudière- développement local ou régional. Vincent Galarneau Appalaches (Moisson Québec) Mapping Portrait de l’Économie Québec Déterminer l’importance de l’Économie Social Académique Début de la recherche Sociale au Saguenay- Sociale dans la région par la réalisation Economy Marielle Tremblay, Lac-Saint-Jean d’un portrait de l’Économie Sociale dans Pierre-André Tremblay la région. (Sciences humaines- UQAC) Communauté Pôle régional d’Économie Sociale; Suzanne Tremblay (SIU- Chicoutimi-Jonquière) (Date de fin : 2008) Mapping Portrait de l’Économie Québec La recherche vise à faire l’inventaire des Social Académique Publication : MCE Conseils Sociale en Outaouais organismes d’Économie Sociale en Economy Jacques L. Boucher, (2007) Portrait de lÉconomie Outaouais, selon les divers secteurs organizations (Travail social-UQO) Sociale et diagnostic des d’activités. Communauté entreprises en Outaouais MCE Conseils, CDÉC Gatineau (Date de fin : octobre 2007) Mapping; Réalisation d’un Québec Réaliser un portrait de la situation des Mapping; youth Académique Rédaction du devis; demande Human portrait sur la situation jeunes à Montréal en lien avec la Lucie Dumais, Jean- de financement déposée à Services des jeunes à Montréal problématique de l’insertion en emploi. Ce Marc Fontan (Sciences Emploi-Québec en lien avec l’insertion portrait permettra de réfléchir sur une humaines-UQÀM) en emploi stratégie d’insertion à l’emploi pour cette Communauté population. Gérard Henry (Pot), Pierre Gingras (CJE ABC); Marie-Josée Dubois (Groupe Conseil Saint-Denis) (Date de fin : 2009) Mapping; Apport de l’Économie Québec Dresser un portrait des entreprises Social Académique 4 études de cas; publication : Social Sociale à la culture: d’Économie Sociale dans le domaine de la enterprise; Serge Côté, Jean-Michel Jean-Michel Landry (2008) Enterprise les enjeux du culture; question aussi de mieux connaître culture Landry (Sciences Portrait d’organismes développement des leurs besoins afin de soutenir leur humaines-UQÀR) d’Économie Sociale qui Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
entreprises développement de manière plus Communauté œuvrent dans le domaine d’Économie Sociale appropriée. Ginette Lepage (Conseil culturel dans le Bas-Saint- dans le domaine régional de la culture du Laurent, cahier de l’ARUC-ÉS culturel Bas-Saint-Laurent) (Date de fin : 2008) Natural Un nouveau mode de Québec Il s’agit d’examiner tout particulièrement Forestry; Académique Resources; gouvernance de la le mode de gouvernance, de gestion et governance Jacques L Boucher Governance forêt : l’expérience de d’arbitrage expérimenté par ce type (Travail social-UQO); la Corporation de d’organisation de coordination d’usages Svetla Koleva (Institut gestion de la Forêt de diversifiés de la forêt et d’intérêt souvent de sociologie de Sofia l’Aigle divergents. Bulgarie) Communauté Marc Lachapelle (Corporation de la Forêt de l’Aigle) (Date de fin : 2008) Natural Changements des Québec Ce projet vise à étudier les effets des Forestry; public Académique Resources; politiques forestières changements des politiques forestières policy Jacques L Boucher Public Policy et reconfiguration des québécoises, survenues depuis 1987 sur les (Travail social-UQO); acteurs dans acteurs-usages de la forêt. Svetla Koleva (Institut l’utilisation et la de sociologie de Sofia gestion de la forêt : le Bulgarie) cas des projets de Communauté forêts habitées Marc Lachapelle (Corporation de la Forêt de l’Aigle) (Date de fin : 2010) Natural Changements des Québec Il s’agit d’étudier de nouvelles formes Forestry; Académique Resources; politiques forestières d’utilisation, d’aménagement et de gestion governance; Jacques L Boucher Public et reconfiguration des de la forêt, les nouveaux modes de public policy (Travail social-UQO); Policy; acteurs dans gouvernance et d’arbitrage qui en Marie Bouchard Governance l'utilisation et la résultent, les innovations qui les (Organisation et gestion de la forêt : le accompagnent. ressources humaines- cas des coopératives UQÀM); Svetla Koleva (Institut de sociologie de Sofia Bulgarie) Communauté Jocelyn Lessard (Fédération québécoise des coopératives Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
forestières) (Date de fin : 2010) Natural Changement des Québec Il s’agit d’étudier de nouvelles formes Forestry; Académique Resources; politiques forestières d’utilisation, d’aménagement et de gestion governance; Jacques L Boucher Public et reconfiguration des de la forêt, les nouveaux modes de public policy (Travail social-UQO) Policy; acteurs dans gouvernance et d’arbitrage qui en Communauté Governance l’utilisation et la résultent, les innovations qui les Daniel Pouplot gestion de la forêt : le accompagnent. À partir de ses impacts (Fédération québécoise cas des clubs et écoles pour les organisations de plein air. de la marche) de randonnée (Date de fin : 2010) Natural Changement des Québec Il s’agit d’étudier de nouvelles formes Forestry; Académique Resources; politiques forestières d’utilisation, d’aménagement et de gestion governance; Jacques L Boucher Public et reconfiguration des de la forêt, les nouveaux modes de public policy (Travail social-UQO), Policy; acteurs dans gouvernance et d’arbitrage qui en Svetla Koleva (Institut Governance l’utilisation et la résultent, les innovations qui les de sociologie de Sofia gestion de la forêt : le accompagnent, à partir de ses impacts pour Bulgarie) cas des groupements les sociétés d’aménagement forestier. Communauté forestiers Marc Beaudoin (Regroupement des sociétés d’aménagement forestier du Québec) (Date de fin : 2010) Public Policy Les élus et Québec Le projet vise à savoir pourquoi certaines Politicians; Académique Rédaction du questionnaire l’Économie Sociale municipalités et MRC sont mieux Social Bernard Sévigny d’entrevues disposées à soutenir le développement des Economy; CED (Administration- entreprises d’Économie Sociale. Université de Sherbrooke) Communauté Joanne Beaudin (Services d’aide domestique Coaticook) (Date de fin : 2008) Public Policy Exploratory study of Québec Summarize the different types of public Social Académique Inventory of experiences; study public policies that policies that support, guide and promote Economy; Margie Mendell of 5 municipalities support, guide and Social Economy development in the cities. cities; public (Affaires publiques et promote Social policies communautaires- Economy Université Concordia) development in the Louis Jacob, Lucie cities Dumais (Sciences (End date: 2008) Étude exploratoire des Résumer les diverses formes de Économie humaines-UQÁM), Recension des expériences; Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
politiques publiques politiques publiques qui soutiennent, Sociale; villes; Christian Jetté (Service études de 5 municipalités; qui soutiennent, encadrent ou facilitent l’essor de politiques social-Université de rédaction du rapport synthèse encadrent ou facilitent l’Économie Sociale dans des villes. publiques Montréal) printemps 2008 l’essor de l’Économie Communauté Sociale dans des villes Danielle Ripeau (CÉSÎM), Johanne Lavoie (Ville de Montréal) (Date de fin : 2008) Social Contribution de Québec Examiner la contribution des entreprises Social Académique Cadre théorique développé; Enterprise l’Économie Sociale au d’Économie Sociale au développement enterprise; CED Carol Saucier, Majella 4 études de cas; publication : développement des économique local au sein des milieux Simard (Développement Majella Simard (2006) La milieux ruraux: le cas ruraux du Bas-Saint-Laurent. régional, social et contribution de l’Économie du Bas-Saint-Laurent territorial-UQÀR) Sociale au développement Communauté socio-économique des milieux Étiennette Thériault ruraux: le cas du Bas-Saint- (CDR Bas-Saint- Laurent. Énoncé préliminaire Laurent); Anne Gauthier de la problématique de (CRÉ Bas-Saint- recherche et de la Laurent); Claude Ouellet méthodologie utilisée (ATENA) (Date de fin : 2008) Social Climat éthique de Québec Cette recherche fait l’hypothèse que les Social Académique Le projet est suspendu (congé Enterprise travail dans les participants à l’Économie Sociale ont des Enterprise; Michel Fortier, sabbatique du chercheur) entreprises valeurs morales et des attitudes qui les work ethic Dominique Pépin-Filion d’Économie Sociale distinguent des participants de l’économie (Sciences comptables- marchande traditionnelle. La recherche UQÀR) analysera les climats éthiques de travail au Communauté sein d’entreprises d’Économie Sociale du Suzanne Verreault Bas-Saint-Laurent. (Entre Deux Vagues) Social Les conditions de Québec Le démarrage d’entreprises d’Économie Success; social Académique Recension des écrits; Enterprise succès dans Sociale constitue un défi central pour le enterprise; Jacques Caillouette, élaboration de la problématique l’émergence développement de l’Économie Sociale. En Social Suzanne Garon (Service et de la méthodologie; d’entreprises étudiant, en milieu rural comme en milieu Economy; social-Université de identification avec les acteurs d’Économie Sociale urbain, comment et sous quels principes rural; urban Sherbrooke) des projets à étudier pour l’an dans les contextes naissent des entreprises d’Économie Communauté 1; élaboration et validation des rural et urbain Sociale spécifiques, nous pourrons jeter, Dominic Provost outils de recherches auprès des tant sur les plans théoriques que pratique, (CLD du Haut-Saint- acteurs terrains; réalisation des un éclairage intéressant sur des processus à François); Joanne études de site Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
la genèse même du développement Beaudin (Services d’aide d’Économie Sociale domestique Coaticook) (Date de fin : l’automne 2008) Social Partenariats Québec Documenter les partenariats existants entre Social Académique Publication : Lovasoa Enterprise entreprises/OBNL de les entreprises d’Économie Sociale et les enterprise; Andrée De Serres, Ramboarisata et Andrée De la région de Montréal entreprises privées et identifier des private Lovasoa Ramboarisata Serres (2007) Les partenariats dans le cadre de la opportunités de relations plus étroites dans enterprise; (Sciences de la gestion- entreprises / OBNL du Québec mise en œuvre de la le cadre de la responsabilité sociale des partnerships; UQÀM) dans le cadre de la mise en politique de entreprises privées best practices Communauté œuvre de la stratégie de responsabilité sociale Danielle Ripeau responsabilité sociale des des entreprises types, (CÉSÎM) entreprises, cahier de l’ARUC- opportunité et défis ÉS (Date de fin : 2007) Social Amélioration du cadre Québec L’aide demandée contribuera à la Exploratory Académique Questionnaire; cueillette des Enterprise de vie et sentiment de constitution d’une équipe, à la définition research; Louis Jacob (Sciences données sécurité dans du programme de recherche partenarial qui questionnaire; humaines-UQÁM), l’arrondissement pourrait s’échelonner sur l’année 2007- urban Communauté Mercier-Hochelaga- 2008, et à la création d’un outil de revitalization; Pascale Bédard, Maisonneuve: une recherche (un questionnaire) mis à la social Anaïs Bertrand- étude exploratoire sur disposition de l’entreprise dans le cadre de enterprise Dansereau, Anne St- une nouvelle son propre plan d’action. Pierre (CDEST); entreprise d’Économie Jean-Charles Phaneuf Sociale en (YQQ) revitalisation urbaine (Date de fin : 2008) Social Les conditions Québec Documenter les conditions et les Social Académique Début du projet. Enterprise d’émergence des mécanismes qui sous-tendent la mise en Enterprise; Marielle Tremblay, entreprises œuvre des entreprises d’Économie Sociale urban; rural Pierre-André Tremblay d’Économie Sociale tant dans les secteurs urbains que ruraux (Sciences humaines- au Saguenay–Lac- au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. UQÁC) Saint-Jean Communauté Suzanne Tremblay (SIU Chicoutimi- Jonquière); Chantale Roberge (CDRSLSJ) Social Projet de rédaction de Québec L’objectif général de cette recherche est Social Académique Début du projet. Enterprise monographies sur les d’élargir la base documentaire de enterprise; Pierre-André Tremblay entreprises l’Économie Sociale et solidaire au solidarity (Sciences humaines- d’Économie Sociale Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. economy UQAC), Cégep de Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
au Saguenay-Lac- Jonquière, Saint- Jean Communauté Miriam Alonso, Suzanne Tremblay (SIU Chicoutimi-Jonquière), Social S’intégrer dans une Québec La recherche porte sur le processus Youth; social Académique Réalisation des schémas Enterprise entreprise d’Économie d’intégration organisationnelle des jeunes enterprise; Romaine Malenfant d’entrevues auprès des jeunes Sociale : travailler dans des entreprises d’Économie Sociale values (Relations industrielle- et des superviseurs autrement qui s’appuient sur des valeurs et des UQO) objectifs de développement qui vont au- Communauté delà de la productivité économique. Jacques Bertrand (La Relance) (Date de fin : 2008) Social Économie Sociale et Québec Le projet veut répondre à la place des Women; social Académique Dresser la liste des projets en Enterprise groupes de femmes en femmes comme promotrices d’entreprises enterprise Denyse Côté Économie Sociale; début des Outaouais : une d’Économie Sociale en Outaouais. (ORÉGAND-UQO) entrevues espèce menacée? Communauté Stéphanie Lalande (AGIR); Gisèle Parisien (CDÉC Gatineau) Social Different legal forms Québec Study the ways in which the principals of Social Académique Hiring of a student; literature Enterprise; of Social Economy Social Economy enterprises interact in Economy Daniel Thomas, Patrice review; theoretical framework; Governance enterprises: leverage, order to echo the provisions of the legal enterprises; LeBlanc (Sciences du interviews; case selection advantages, statutes and other legal measures that call provisions of développement humain disadvantages for participation in management and the legal et social-UQAT) decision making, sharing of statutes; Communauté responsibilities and accountability. advantages/disa Les membres du comité dvantages conjoint (End date: 2008) Les diverses formes Étudier la manière qu’interagissent les Entreprises Embauche d’une étudiante; juridiques des commettants des entreprises de d’Économie revue de littérature et cadre entreprises l’Économie Sociale pour faire écho aux Sociale; théorique; réalisation d’Économie Sociale : dispositions légales du statut juridique et dispositions d’entretiens exploratoires; effets de levier, aux autres éléments du cadre juridique légales du statut sélection des cas avantages, portant sur la participation à la gestion de juridique; inconvénients l’entreprise et aux décisions, sur le partage avantages/incon des responsabilités et sur la reddition de vénients compte. (Date de fin : 2008) Social Les principaux Québec Quels sont les principaux mécanismes mis Social Académique Cadre théorique développé; Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Enterprise; mécanismes favorisant en place pour favoriser l’équilibre entre le Enterprise; Paul Morin, Ernesto grille de recherché; production Governance l’équilibre entre le management et la gouvernance governance Molina (Service social- des indicateurs; outil management et la démocratique dans une entreprise Université de d’intervention gouvernance d’Économie Sociale? Sherbrooke) démocratique au sein Communauté des entreprises Manon Sévigny (CDÉC d’Économie Sociale de Sherbrooke); France Roussy (Au Pont de Bois – Ébénisterie) (Date de fin : l’automne 2007) Social Un portrait de Québec Réaliser un portrait des entreprises Social Académique Questionnaire; cueillette des enterprise; l’Économie Sociale d’Économie Sociale de l’île de Montréal enterprise; Marie Bouchard données; publication Mapping sur l’île de Montréal mapping; (Organisation et questionnaire ressources humaines- UQÁM) Communauté Danielle Ripeau (CÉSÎM) (Date de fin : 2008) Social L’évolution des Québec Faire le point sur la situation des EESAD Social Académique Identification de 4 entreprises; Enterprises; arrangements compte tenu de l’évolution que connaît le enterprises; Christian Jetté entrevues; présentation des Human institutionnels secteur de la santé et des services sociaux. home care; (Service social- résultats préliminaires au Services structurant le Il vise aussi à alimenter les leaders et les health Université de Montréal), colloque; production du rapport développement des responsables des EESAD quant aux Yves Vaillancourt final entreprises avantages et inconvénients des différents (Sciences humaines- d’Économie Sociale scénarios qui se dessinent pour leur UQÀM) en aide domestique à développement dans les prochaines Communauté Montréal de 2003 à années. Marie-Thérèse Chédiac 2006 (COADIM), Denise Arprin (RÉÉSADQ), Jacques Monet (Novaide) (Date de fin : printemps 2008) La reprise et la Québec Académique En cours de réalisation transformation par Yvan Comeau (Service l’Économie Sociale social-Université Laval) d’entreprises privées. Communauté Recension des écrits CDR Québec- Appalaches Le crédit Québec Académique Recrutement d’un étudiant Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
communautaire dans Steve Jacob (Science la région de la politique-Université Capitale nationale : Laval) pratiques et impacts Communauté socio-économiques FEÉCQ; Cercles pour les personnes et d’emprunt de Charlevoix pour les communautés et Réseau québécois du (phase 2) crédit communautaire Étude de cas de la Québec Académique En cours de réalisation ‘Coop La Mauve’ Sabrina Doyon, Manon (Coopérative en Boulianne développement (Anthropologie- durable de Université Laval) Bellechasse) : facteurs Communauté de succès et Caisse d’Économie incidences sur le Solidaire Desjardins développement local Les initiatives Québec Académique Projet en définition d’Économie Sociale et Stéphanie Arsenault solidaire chez les (Service social- immigrants de la ville Université Laval) de Québec Communauté Confirmations à venir (partenaire impliquée : Martine Cazes) Inventaire et retombés Québec Académique Le projet démarrera lorsque la des systèmes Manon Boulianne phase 1 sera terminée d’échange de (Anthropologie- proximité québécois Université Laval) (phase 2) Communauté Caisse d’Économie Solidaire Desjardins Le cas du tourisme Québec Comprendre les contraintes, obstacles et Académique Début de la recherche social dans les stratégies des acteurs de l’Économie Michel Nolin (Études en premiers quartiers de Sociale pour faire décoller des projets loisir, culture et Trois-Rivières innovants. tourisme-UQTR) Communauté Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Jean-François Aubin (Démarches des premiers quartiers) Contribution de la Québec De quelle façon la concertation vécue dans Académique Début du projet concertation pratiquée le cadre de l’élaboration et de la mise en Julie Fortier (UQTR) dans le cadre de « La œuvre de La Grande Séduction des Communauté Grande Séduction des Chenaux a-t-elle contribué à la dynamique Jean Brouillette (CDC Chenaux » à la de la vie communautaire et de l’Économie Des Cheneaux) dynamique de la vie Sociale sur le territoire de la MRC des communautaire et de Chenaux? l’Économie Sociale Répertoire raisonné et Québec Le projet a pour but la production d’un Académique Début du projet évaluation des répertoire raisonné des activités de Louis Jacob, Anouk activités de médiation médiation culturelle soutenue par la Ville Bélanger (Études en culturelle à Montréal de Montréal dans le cadre de ses loisir, culture et programmes, ainsi que la proposition d’un tourisme-UQAM) plan destiné à l’évaluation de projets Communauté exemplaires de médiation, mettant l’accent Eva Quintas (Culture sur l’analyse qualitative et la réflexion pour tous); Danièle critique Racine (Ville de Montréal) État de situation et Québec Faire une revue des pratiques actuelles. Académique Un inventaire; une journée de perspectives sur les Faire le point sur des pratiques Lucie Dumais, Annie ressourcement pratiques des agents hétérogènes de manière à ressortir les Camus (Sciences d’Économie Sociale à points communs et les apprentissages humaines- UQAM) Montréal collectifs. Organiser un séminaire visant à Communauté produire un bilan collectif. Pierre Charrette (RESO); Annissa Kherrati (CDEC CDN/NDG); Caroline Coin (CDEC RPP); Claude Journdain (CLD de l’Ouest de l’île) La dimension « Québec L’étude permettra de mieux comprendre Académique Début du projet Juillet 2008 environnementale » au comment l’Économie Sociale en tant que Jean-Marc Fontan, sein des entreprises secteur aborde ou prend en compte la Jean-François Filion, montréalaises question environnementale. Éric Pineau, Laurent Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
d’Économie Sociale Lepage (Sciences humaines et Sciences de l’environnement- UQAM) Communauté Suzann Méthot (Technopole Angus); Johanne Lavoie (Ville de Montréal) Soutien au comité Québec Cerner la place des communautés Académique Début juin 2008 d’orientation sur culturelles dans l’Économie Sociale. Lucie Dumais, l’Économie Sociale et Jean-Marc Fontan les communautés (Sciences humaines- culturelles UQAM) Communauté Chantal Aznavourian (Chantier de l’Économie Sociale) Les mesures de Québec Est-ce que les entreprises d’Économie Académique Début de la recherche juillet conciliation entre la Sociale proposent des conditions de travail Diane-Gabrielle 2008 vie professionnelle et qui favorisent la conciliation entre les Tremblay (TÉLUQ) la vie personnelle et activités professionnelles d’une part, et les Communauté les conditions de responsabilités familiales et personnelles Lucie Chagnon travail dans les d’autre part? (Commodus) organisations communautaires et d’Économie Sociale
Southern Ontario Social Economy Research Node
Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables Mapping; 1&2. Mapping of Southern Investigate the size and scope of Ontario’s Co-ops; credit Academic Research report; academic Capacity Social Economy ON Social Economy and related issues such as unions; non- Ann Armstrong, Ray presentations; researcher Organizations the challenges that organizations in the profits; caisses Dart (social resources; census document; Social Economy experience. Determine populaires; ON; entrepreneurship baseline data; fact sheet: Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
the social and economic impact of Social project); Laurie Mook, Overview of the 2007 Ontario Ontario’s co-ops, credit unions and caisses Economy; Jack Quarter (Social Co-operatives & Credit Union populaires. Research builds upon the mapping; Economy Centre) Census; presentations at the National Survey of Nonprofit and comparative Community Social Economy Symposium Voluntary Organizations (Hall et al., 2004) analysis Michael Hall (co-lead), by David Lasby and Mark by Statistics Canada that investigated the David Lasby (Imagine Ventry; size and scope of nonprofit and voluntary Canada); Denyse Guy organizations in Canada. (co-lead), Mark Ventry (OnCoop) (Year 3) Mapping; 3. Mapping of Social Southern Map social purpose businesses in Ontario, Social Academic Presentations at the ARNOVA Social Purpose Businesses ON conceptually and empirically, using enterprise; ON; Ann Armstrong, 2007 & 2008 Conferences; Enterprise surveys and case studies. mapping; (Rotman School of conference follow-up papers in survey; case Management-University the Nonprofit and Voluntary study of Toronto); Ray Dart Sector Quarterly; research (Business posted on various websites Administration-Trent (Rotman School, CSEN, and University) Canadian CED Network); short Community reports circulated to William Young (Social participating organizations. Capital Partners); Community Opportunity & Innovation Network (Year 3) Mapping 4. The Social Southern Explore the Social Economy in the organic Social Academic Journal articles; book chapter; Economy in Organic ON farming movement, and to investigate its Economy; Jennifer Sumner, Ann conference papers; a Social Agriculture contributions to the sustainability of rural rural; Clark (Environmental Economy in organic agriculture communities. This study builds upon agriculture; Design and Rural conference; presentation at the previous research on the links between the food security Development-University Guelph Organic Conference; organic farming movement—built through of Guelph) research report (to be posted on mutual co-operation and communication in Community the OACC website); policy the absence of institutional support—and Steve Cavell (OntarBio recommendations from the sustainable rural communities (Clark & Organic Farmers Co-op Expert Committee on Organic Maitland, 2004; Sumner, 2003a, 2003b, Inc.); Debbie Field Agriculture; news story 2005). (FoodShare Toronto) released by OACC; short fact sheet (Year 3) Mapping; 5. To Investigate Fair Southern Investigate problems facing Social Purchasing Academic Journal articles; conference Public Policy and Ethical Trade ON Economy enterprises in developing new policies; fair Darryl Reed (Social papers; book or special journal Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
and Local Public fair trade products. Investigate conditions trade; public Science-York issues; workshops; a Canadian Procurement for success, exploring the role of policy University) purchasing policies database; 3 Policies in Canada procurement policies in promoting the fair Community reports with public policy and ethical trade movements and their Bill Barrett (Planet recommendations; statements underlying goals of improving the living Bean-SUMAC); St. and strategies for related standards and working conditions of Jacobs’ Mennonite bodies; pamphlets/booklets in workers in the South. Provide a community; conjunction with Southern ON theoretical and practical framework for Wikwemikong First projects 6 and 7; Interview with evaluating the social and economic capital Nation; Foodshare Darryl Reed of Social Economy institutions. Toronto; Partners in India (TBD)
(Year 5) Social 6. To Analyze the Southern Investigate the entire range of activities Case study; fair Academic Journal articles; conference Enterprise; Efforts of the Planet ON involved in the development of fair trade trade; social Ananya Mukherjee- papers; book or special journal Evaluation Bean Coffee Co-op to products; analyze problems and solutions; accounting; Reed, Darryl Reed, issue; workshops; reports and Develop Two New develop and employ social accounting social John-Justin McMurtry public policy Fair Trade Products measures; evaluate the effectiveness of enterprise; (Political Science & recommendations; pamphlets/ (Chai and Spices) with Fair Trade certifying bodies. Social Science-York booklets in conjunction with Local Partners in the University) Southern ON projects 5 and 7 Indian State of Kerala Community (Year 5) Bill Barrett (Planet Bean Coffee Co-operative- SUMAC); Capacity; 7. Uncovering the Southern Provide a theoretical and practical Evaluation Academic Journal articles; conference Mapping; Pre-existing Social, ON framework for evaluating the social and John-Justin McMurtry papers; book or special journal Evaluation Cultural, and Political economic capital of Social Economy (Social Science-York issue; workshops; reports and Frameworks that Form institutions. University); public policy the Background Upon Community recommendations; pamphlets/ Which All Economies, Mary Lynn Objig, booklets in conjunction with and Specifically Lauren Fox Southern ON projects 5 and 6 Social Economies, (Wikwemikong First Rely to Develop their Nation); Rick Cober Economic Goods Bauman (Mennonite Central Committee); Mariela Morales (Arauco Housing Co- Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
op); Debbie Field (Foodshare Toronto); Bill Barrett (Planet Bean Coffee Co-operative- SUMAC) (Year 5) Capacity; 8. To Explore the Southern Review restructuring and partnership Greening; Academic Journal articles (i.e. in Local Social Successes and Failures ON building in Green Communities’ energy Social Paul Parker, Jennifer Environment, Environment and Enterprise in the Greening of the efficiency function following the Economy; Lynes (Geography & Planning); workshop Social Economy cancellation of the federal EnerGuide for social Environment and discussions; conference papers/ Within Waterloo, Houses program and the launch of the new enterprise; Resource Studies - presentations (i.e. at Green Toronto, green plan in 2006. Examine the capacity University of Waterloo); Communities Canada’s annual Peterborough, successful Ontario Power Authority’s Low Community conference); workshops/ Hamilton, and Elora Income Housing Retrofit Programs, and Clifford Maynes (Green special meetings; web postings; investigate issues of capacity for new Communities Canada); sub-project reports (with programs or services. Survey the lessons Mary Jane Patterson recommendations) to Green learned at three levels: individual (Waterloo Region Green Communities Canada and its organizations (various green Solutions) member organizations; fact communities), formal networks (Green sheets Communities Canada) and government (policy change drivers). (Year 5) Capacity 9. Social Innovation Southern Exploring 1) the strategic processes Social Academic One major practitioner oriented through Cross-Sector ON whereby cross-sector partnerships come to Economy; Pratima (Tima) Bansal, paper in a management journal; Models of successfully co-develop services, governance; Oana Branzei, Marlene conference presentations Collaboration technologies, and products; 2) how the evaluation, J. Le Ber (Business- resulting social value balances the tension University of Western of economic self-interest and societal Ontario) wellbeing and 3) the role of the Social Community Economy in the business-government- TBA society interface. Food 10. To Explore the Southern Look at the synthesis between urban food Food Security; Academic Local food strategies in Ottawa Security; Synthesis Between ON security and rural food producers through Social David Welch (Social area; enhanced cross- Capacity; Urban Food Security social-economy that are part of ‘buy local’ Economy; Work-University of pollination across Anglo- and Communicati and Rural Food strategies projects like catering, networking; Ottawa); Franco Social Economy on Producers Through community gardens and collective non-profits; Community agencies Such Social-Economy kitchens (City of Ottawa, 2001). Propose Franco-Anglo Lisa Jayne (Ottawa CED Projects as Catering, policies for a sustainable, long-term relations Network); Moe Grahan Community Gardens, solution for food security. Focus is on (Just Food/Ottawa Food Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Collective Kitchens rural Franco-Ontarian communities of Security Council) Eastern Ontario but will develop policies with broader application. (Year 3; long term) Human 11. An Exploration of Southern Understand the impact of co-ops on Immigration; Academic Bilingual literature reviews; Services the Potential Impact of ON Franco-Ontarians and assimilation in refugees; Ginette Lafrenière journal publications with the Co-operative Southern ON, the impact of co-ops on the Franco-Anglo (Social Work-Wilfrid ACFAS, Nouvelles Pratiques Model on the Lives of integration of francophone immigrants in relations; co- Laurier University); Sociales, Reflets and the Minority Southern ON ops; Social Community Canadian Social Work Review; Francophones Living Economy; Stephane Audet (Conseil academic presentations (i.e. the in Southern Ontario interview de la Coopération de Social Work National l'Ontario); Centre de Conference); presentations at santé francophone de the AGM's of the CCO, the Hamilton et Niagara Fédération des Caisses Populaires, OnCoop (Year 2; long term) Human 12. Service Learning Southern Explore the efficacy of service learning Co-ops; Academic Report; integrate revised Services in the Social Economy ON from the perspective of Social Economy community Jorge Sousa (University learning model into education organizations. Study community- service of AB); courses; journal articles; university partnerships between Ontario learning; Community/university Interview with Jorge Sousa; universities and Social Economy community- partners publication: Sousa, Jorge, organizations involved in service learning university George Brown College; Goudar, N., and Xiao, J. (2007) activities. Research the benefits and partnerships; Public Interest AB; Service Learning in the Social challenges involved in the effective citizen Global Education Economy; publication: Sousa, implementation of service learning engagement Network (University of Jorge and Goudar, N. (2007). activities that are mutually beneficial and AB); Community Initial Explorations into respectful. Utilize a multi-method Service Learning Service Learning and Social approach to data collection (i.e. survey, (University of AB) Economy Organizations semi-structured interviews, focus groups) (Year 4) Evaluation 13. Impact of Social Southern Apply the expanded value added statement Social Academic Network conferences and Economy ON (EVAS) tool, coupled with logic-model Economy; Ted Jackson (Public publications—both Canadian Organisations analysis, to corporate social responsibility social Policy and and International activities of major co-operatives and accounting; Administration-Carleton public enterprises operating in southern cost-benefit University) Ontario. Build on previous EVAS studies analysis; (i.e. PARO) performance measurement (Year 5) Evaluation; 14. Financial Planning Southern Test the 100% Business Cost Recovery Cost-benefit Academic Case studies, conference Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Mapping for Social Enterprises ON metric to measure the financial analysis; social Jack Quarter (OISE- presentations; "How to" guide; - Testing the 100% sustainability of different types of social accounting; University of Toronto) magazine article Business Cost purpose enterprises. performance Community Recovery Metric measurement Susannah Cameron, Anne Jamieson (Toronto Enterprise Fund) Social 15. To Develop and Southern Develop and operationalize a social Social Academic Academic journal article; Enterprises Operationalize a ON accounting model (incl. social impacts) for enterprises; Laurie Mook (Social conference presentations (i.e. at Social Accounting social enterprises. Builds upon earlier social Economy Centre); the 3 rd annual symposium of the Model That Can Be social accounting models and the accounting Natalie Ambler, Southern Ontario Social Applied to Social adaptation of a value added statement, or (Environmental Studies- Economy Node, the Enterprises expanded value added statement, by York University); Administrative Sciences Mook. The social accounting model will Joanna Ranieri, Association of Canada be linked to Evergreen’s strategic plan and (Geography-University conference, the American will be used as the key reporting tool in of Toronto) Congress for Social and annual reports and for key stakeholders Community Environmental Accounting including staff, volunteers (including Geoff Cape, Seana Research); online report and board of directors), government agencies, Irvine, James Cha manual; fact sheet; community funding partners and the community at (Evergreen); Eric Plato presentation; article in large. (Frontier College); Evergreen newsletter; interview Susan Henry (Alterna with Geoff Cape Credit Union); Canadian Community Investment Network (Year 5) Capacity 16. To Create a Southern Develop an understanding of co-ops Social Academic Conference presentations (i.e. Process and a Set of ON through the development of a way of accounting; co- Leslie Brown, Elizabeth the Atlantic Schools of Indicators that accounting that better reflects the nature of ops; case study Hicks (Sociology/ Business and the Canadian Measure the “Co-op the business. Investigate how a social Anthropology-Mount St. Academic Accounting Difference” and, auditing approach can help co-ops Vincent University); Association); journal articles; Subsequently, Other regenerate Community presentations to Consumers’ Social Factors Don Morton and Tom Community Co-op and Credit Webb (Consumers’ Union Central; articles in Community Co-op); professional and trade Monique Bourque (Co- magazines and/or newsletters, op Atlantic) fact sheet (potentially); course curriculum Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
(Year 4) Natural 17 To Explore if Southern Build on stakeholder engagement studies Social Academic Papers; fact sheet; Resources; Social and ON by the Trust as it seeks to develop a accounting; Jan Bebbington, Rob presentations Finance Environmental stewardship-infused vision for environmental Gray, Massimo Accounting Tools management of its estate. Investigate accounting Contrafatto (University Exist Which Could social and environmental accounting tools of St. Andrews) be Brought to Bear on for stewardship and attempt to apply them Community Creating a Common to the Falkland Heritage Trust. Ninian Stuart (Falkland Understanding of Centre for Stewardship) Stewardship (Year 4) Capacity 18. To Examine the Southern Study effectiveness of behaviours Capacity; Academic Report Effectiveness of ON (primarily web-based) for facilitating the internet; Jeanette Holden, Specific Behaviours, development of social networks. Evaluate networking; (Psychology and Primarily Web-Based, web-based technologies and best practices best practices; Physiology-Queens for Facilitating the for maintenance, evaluation, and evolution social capital University); Development of of social capital. Community Social Networks Frank Huntley (GRIDS); Margaret Spoelstra (Autism Society Ontario) (Year 4) Communicati 19. High School Southern Examine business education textbooks in Document Academic Journal article; public on Textbooks Project ON ON high schools to see how the Social analysis; Daniel Schugurensky, presentations (“What Economy is portrayed. Analyze to what business Erica McCollum (OISE, knowledge is of least extent innovative reforms in the private education; high University of Toronto); worth...?”, The Social sector (such as worker participation and school; Social Community Economy in Ontario High profit sharing) and the role of unions are Economy (OnCoop) School Business Textbooks); discussed in the textbooks. Build on a newspaper article (Textbooks similar study published in Education economical with words about Forum: “Business textbooks - telling half co-ops) the story” by Quarter. (Year 5) Governance 20. To Investigate Southern Search for generalizable insights from the Co-op; social Academic Papers; presentations; fact Learning Related to ON successful Masters in Social Economics housing; Daniel Schugurensky, sheet Participation in program at the Universidad Nacional farming; Social Jack Quarter, Fiona Decision-Making and General Sarmiento (Argentina). Study Economy; Duguid, Behrang to the Sense of informal learning in Ontario’s Windshare participation Foroughi, Karsten Belonging to a Social Co-operative, an Ontario social housing Mundel (OISE- Economy Project complex and a sustainable farming University of Toronto); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
network in Alberta. Build on prior work Community (i.e. Schugurensky, 2000) on participatory Windshare Co-op learning in decision-making and the sense of belonging to a Social Economy project. (Year 4) Public 21. Analyze the Southern Study the relationship between the Ontario Social Academic Conference paper: Encouraging Policy; Relationship Between ON government and SEOs in Southern Ontario Economy; Kathy Brock (Policy the Social Economy through Capacity the Ontario through public policy. Assess how government; Studies-Queen's Public Policy: The Relationship Government and government, the Social Economy and the capacity; University) between the Ontario Social Economy for-profit sector can effectively work partnerships; Community Government and Social Organizations together and how specific policies and public policy TBD Economy Organizations. programs strengthen the Social Economy, Canadian Political Science create social capital and sustain a healthy Association Conference. democratic polity. Develop criteria as to when government should serve as enablers of organizational objectives and when governments should act more coercively. (Year 3) Capacity 22. Employer Southern Does Employer Supported Volunteerism Volunteering Academic Journal articles (i.e. Nonprofit Supported ON (ESV) affect and increase volunteer rates? Femida Handy (Social management and Leadership Volunteerism (ESV) What are the HR challenges? What Policy & Practice- and the Academy of in Canada’s Financial motivates employees to participate? What University of Management Journal); fact Institutions: Who are the opportunities and challenges? Pennsylvania); Agnes sheet; a short report targeted Profits? Meinhard (Business towards corporations involved Management-Ryerson in ESV programs University); Community Imagine Canada (Year 2) Capacity; 23. To Explore Southern Assess the impact of Ontario’s new high Academic Scholarly articles (one based on Public Policy Ontario’s Mandatory ON school mandatory community service Steven Brown, Mark the survey of the double cohort Community Service program on participants’ subsequent civic Baetz, Kimberly Ellis- in its fourth year of study, and Program, its Impact in engagement. Focus on the different Hale, Ailsa Henderson, two based on surveys of first Introducing Students experiences of the two factions of the Mark Pancer (LISPOP et year university students); two to the Social double cohort year (the two graduating al.-Wilfred Laurier fact sheets (one on student Economy, and its classes of 2003 – one of which University); Maureen assessment of community Policy Implications participated in this program). Initiate a Drysdale, John Goyder service experience and another new tracking survey of students at four (Co-operative Education on the relationship between post-secondary institutions in & Sociology- University high school experiences and southwestern Ontario. Include a proposal of Waterloo); Joanna subsequent civic engagement Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
for grant funding to complete a more Everitt (History and comprehensive study of Ontario’s High Politics-UNBSJ); School Mandatory Community Service Paulette Padanyi program. (Marketing and Consumer Studies- University of Guelph); Carol Gregory (Conestoga College); Community (Year 3) Imagine Canada Governance 24. Exploring the Southern Explore how boards make decisions; Non-profit Academic Management journal articles; Impact of ON comparative analysis of decision making boards; Pratima (Tima) Bansal academic journal articles; Organizational structure of co-operatives, charities, etc. accountability; (Shurniak Professor in conference presentations (A Ownership Structures Social International Business); test of moderated mediation on the Decision Economy; Geoff Kistruck (Richard between board size and Making Process of comparative Ivey School of Business) financial performance in the Boards of Directors analysis; co- nonprofit sector and Aurora ops; charities Cultural Centre - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 2006 Conference and Substitution Effects of Formal and Informal Corporate Governance Mechanisms in the Nonprofit Sector - Academy of Management 2006 Conference) (End date: September 2009) Social 25. To Explore the Southern Address the human resource practices and Human Academic Seminars (one at U of T, at Enterprise Human Resource ON policies in Social Economy Organizations. resources; Anil Verma, Amanda another school by invitation); Practices and Policies Build on research of the impact of human social Shantz, Akingbola, conference presentation; in Social Economy resource policies on the organizational enterprise; (Rotman School of journal publication on public Organization’s performance of Social Economy public policy Management-University policy; chapter in a book; fact Organizations (i.e. Hall & Andrukow, of Toronto); Kunle sheet 2003). Analyze a longitudinal dataset Akingbola (OISE- prepared by the Workplace and Employee University of Toronto Survey (WES). (End date: September 2009) Social 26. Work Stoppages in Southern Explain the pattern and potential Work Academic Journal articles; conference Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Enterprise Social Economy ON implications (for services) of work stoppages; Kunle Akingbola (OISE- presentations (Work Stoppages Organizations stoppages in Social Economy social University of Toronto) in Social Economy organizations. Provide insight into labour enterprise; Organizations: A First Look – relations and human resource management human ARNOVA; Labour Disputes in in Social Economy organizations. Lay the resources; Social Economy Organizations: foundation for future research on labour relations A First Look - CIRA); fact relationships between services or market, sheet. government policies and labour relations (End date: September 2007) 27. To Synthesize the Southern Build a bridge between the Social Social Academic Textbook; conference Social Economy ON Economy and corporate social Economy; Jack Quarter, (OISE- presentations Framework and responsibility, corporate social corporate social University of Toronto); Theories on performance, business ethics, multiple behaviour; Community Corporate Social bottom-line management, stakeholder theory Imagine Canada Behaviour theory and social investment. 28. The Roles of Southern Examine the relative roles of ideology and Gender; Social Academic Report; factsheet Ideology and Gender ON gender composition in determining the Economy; Agnes Meinhard (Food Composition in Social nature, characteristics and behaviour of Security-Ryerson Economy organizations. University) Organizations Mapping 29. Mapping of Southern Develop a framework for identifying and Mapping; Academic Report Unincorporated ON measuring unincorporated Social Social Kunle Akingbola (OISE, Nonprofit & Economy organizations in Ontario. Economy; ON University of Toronto), Voluntary Community Organizations Imagine Canada, OnCoop (Year 3) Mapping; 30. Mapping Online Southern Identify ON online organizations that Case study; Academic Conference presentations Social Social Economy ON qualify as place-based social enterprises; mapping; ON; Sherida Ryan (OISE- (Canadian online Social Enterprise Enterprises explore how they use internet technology social University of Toronto) Economy organizations – to fulfill their organizational objectives; enterprise; Community CIRIEC conference 2008); promote inclusion of online non-profits in internet Imagine Canada; journal article; report; radio the Social Economy Centre website. OnCoop interview with Sherida Ryan; preliminary list of online Social Economy organizations Mapping 31. Survey of ON’s Southern Assess the size and scope of mutual ON; mutual Academic Report Mutual Insurance ON insurers in Ontario. insurers Jack Quarter, Antony Companies Chum (OISE-University of Toronto); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Community Imagine Canada; OnCoop (Year 3) Indigenous 32. To Investigate Southern Assess the relevance of Social Economy Social Academic Journal articles produced Communities Cree Concepts of ON concepts and framework to the Cree of Economy; First Jean-Paul Restoule, jointly (OISE/UT and Algoma ; Capacity Land and Fort Albany First Nation. Support local Nations; youth; Sheila Gruner (OISE - University); audio Environment and the Cree participants (with an emphasis on social, University of Toronto); documentary; written report on Relevance of Social youth) to document and value local environmental, Community training, research process and Economy Concepts economic practice and key issues related and economic Chris Metatawabin (Fort findings to social, economic and environmental change Albany First Nation) change. (Year 4) Mapping 33. A Comparison of Southern Identify and assess policy frameworks and Public policy; Academic Conference presentation; Policy Frameworks ON instruments which exist in Québec which social Peter R. Elson working paper; journal article; for Social Enterprises may be of assistant to Social Enterprises enterprise (Nonprofit Studies- policy report; executive and Non-Profits in and Non-Profits in Ontario. Create an Mount Royal College) summary; factsheets Ontario and Québec updated profile of the policy frameworks Community for social enterprises and non-profits in TBA Québec. Mapping 34. An Overview of Southern Examine the different policy frameworks Public policy; Community Conference presentations; the Different Policy ON that exist in Québec and Ontario for co-ops Denyse Guy, Jen comparison chart; report; Frameworks for the supporting the development, growth and Heneberry (OnCoop) executive summary; factsheets; Support and ongoing management of the co-operative policy supports Development of Co- sector. Examine specific government operatives in Québec supports, legislation and regulations for and Ontario co-operatives, start-up and registration costs and regulations, and financing tools and supports. 35. An Overview of Southern Overview of student co-operative sector in Co-ops; public Community Report; executive summary; the Different Policy ON Ontario and Québec. Comparison between policy; Denyse Guy, Sonja factsheets; conference Frameworks and the policy/co-op support frameworks for Carriere, Audrey Aczel- presentations (i.e. OSCA) Organizational student co-ops in Ontario and Québec. Castillo (OnCoop); Peter Support Systems for Examination of the relationships between Allen (Ontario Student the Support and academic institutions, student unions and Co-operative Development of co-operatives. Summarize key potential Association); Tina Student Co-operatives areas of growth for student co-operatives. Sorboro (Guelph in Québec and Ontario Campus Co-operative); COOPSCO Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Northern Ontario Research Node
Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables Mapping CL1-01-NO Northern Complete a portrait of Sault Ste. Marie; Mapping; Academic Report; holistic planning; Community ON, MB, increase awareness of resilience; improve networking Linda Savory-Gordon, conference presentations (at Resilience in the City and SK planning to include a multi-sector Jude Ortiz, Gayle Community Leaders Forums, of Sault Ste. Marie approach; networking and linking; Broad (Nordik the Ministry of Northern sharing knowledge. View the poster here. Institute-Algoma Development and Mines University) Regional Economic Community Development Branch Multiple Community Conference, and the Bio Eco Socio Conference in Hearst) (End date: March 2009) Social CL1-02-NO Northern Identify the demand for local beef; create Social Academic Report; creation of a holistic Enterprise; Penokean Hills ON, MB, a business plan and marketing strategy; enterprise; Alicia Mills, Gayle business plan and marketing Capacity Farms Marketing and SK increase awareness of local beef; capacity; Broad, David strategy; conference Project network; share knowledge; assist in network; Thompson, Shannon presentation in Hearst; radio leveraging other resources (i.e. a agriculture Atkinson (Nordik interviews and a CTV marketing firm and a marketing co- Institute-Algoma interview; articles in the Sault operative). View the poster here. University); Star (Why shouldn’t Algoma Community eat its own beef, farmers ask; Algoma Co-operative Farmers go local; Penokean Livestock Sales Hills Farm Inc.; The Ethics of Eating) (End date: July 2007) Capacity CL1-03-NO Northern Examining the intergenerational issues Participatory Academic Journal articles; book chapter; Recovery of the ON, MB, related to building ASOPRICOR’s action Gayle Broad, Jose conference presentations; Collective Memory and SK capacity to continue its efforts in holistic research; Reyes (Nordik Winnipeg Inner-City Research and Projection into development and explore opportunities to holistic Institute-Algoma Alliance (WIRA)/Linking the Future: build/extend networks of learning at development; University) Learning Leveraging (LLL) ASOPRICOR regional, national, and international CED Community Annual Provincial Social levels. The work in this phase will be ASOPRICOR Economy Workshop; paper building upon the findings of phase I. presentation: INORD Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
View the poster here. Colloquium Series, publication: Jose Reyes et. al. (2006) Recovery of the Collective Memory and Projection into the Future: ASOPRICOR (End date: Dec. 2009) Indigenous CL1-04-NO Garden Northern Networking; increasing cultural First Nation; Academic Play performance; report; Communitie River First Nation ON, MB, awareness; sharing knowledge. This culture Alice Corbiere (Nordik lectures; papers; Performing s Performance of and SK project brought together members of the Institute-Algoma History and Myth: Garden Hiawatha Batchewana and Garden River First University), Margot River Obijwa’s Interpretation Nations groups to re-interpret Henry Francis (Sociology- of the Past for Community, Longfellow’s poem “The Song of Brock University), Karl Cultural, Political and Hiawatha” from a contemporary Hele (First Nations Economic Development - a Anishinaabe perspective. The project also Studies-University of guest lecture for the CESD resulted in a new initiative - a re- Western Ontario) Lecture Series. enactment of the negotiating and signing Community of the Robinson-Huron Treaty of the Batchewana First 1860s.View the poster here. Nation; Garden River First Nation; Garden River Arts Committee (End date: 2007) Indigenous CL1-05-NO Northern A requisite of economic growth is the Capacity; Academic Meetings; literature review; Communitie Developing and ON, MB, quality of a community’s labour force, networking Rosalind Johnston, report s; Capacity Retaining Human and SK and education but this often results in out Gayle Broad (Nordik Capital in First migration of the skilled and educated Institute-Algoma Nations workers. Phase I created a research University) proposal to examine different models and Community conditions for developing and retaining Sagamok Anishnabek; human capital through education and Kenjgewin Teg training. This included a literature review Educational Institute and the creation of an advisory group of Community. Phase II, the actual research, will occur as part of completing a Master’s Thesis. View the poster here. (End date: Phase I, June 2007) CL1-06-NO Northern Northern First regional economic development Women, CED, Academic Conference in Thunder Bay Ontario Women’s ON, MB, conference devoted to advancing business social Gayle Broad, Madison Economic and SK development opportunities for women, enterprise Saunders (Nordik Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Development open to individuals who share a vision for Institute-Algoma Conference developing innovative, women- centred University) solutions to help build strong and Community sustainable Northern Ontario Rosalind Lockyer, communities. View poster here. Kirsti Tasala (PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise); Marg Scott (North Superior Training Board); Canadian Women’s CED Council (End date: April 29-30, 2008) Food CL1-07-NO Northern Assist new community supported Food security, Academic Publication: Miranda Mayhew Security Community ON, MB, agriculture (CSA) groups through the agriculture Cecilia Fernandez, et. al. (2007) Community Supported and SK production of a handbook. View poster Miranda Mayhew, Lee- Supported Agriculture: Putting Agriculture here. Ann Chevrette the “Culture” Back into (Community Economic Agriculture; handbook on how and Social to start a CSA Development-Algoma University) (End date: March 2007) CL1-08-NO Northern Raise and celebrate the profiles of First Nation, Academic Report; article, conference Aboriginal Women in ON, MB, northern women involved in community CED, women Gayle Broad (Nordik presentation Non-profits and SK economic and business development; Institute-Algoma increasing understanding of Aboriginal University); Christine women’s experience in non-profits; Sy (Native Studies- building links among northern Ontario Trent University) communities. Indigenous CL1-10-NO Northern This project will support the development First Nation; Academic Community presentations; Communitie Knowing Traditional ON, MB, of meaningful space for inter-generational capacity; Sheila Gruner, Gayle paper; conference s; Capacity Territory: An Inter- and SK dialogue and community-driven research Social Broad (Nordik presentations Generational concerning the importance of land- Economy Institute-Algoma Dialogue for relationships for Fort Albany First University) Community Research Nation. It will develop a process with Community community groups to promote Fort Albany First involvement by youth, adults and elders, Nation; Christopher provide basic training in community Metatawabin research, organize a river expedition (Economic involving an inter-generational group, Development Officer); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
and produce research material (audio or and other community written) on key issues related to the role advisory groups of land for community well-being. View poster here. (End date: 2009) Capacity; CL1-11-MB Northern The Community Research Hub (CRH) is Social Academic Final report; market feasibility Evaluation; Community Research ON, MB, building a collective social enterprise Economy; case Judith Harris, Brock study; business plan; brochure; Public Hub: a Case Study of and SK based on the informal skills of residents study; Legge (Urban and website; 6 modules; Policy Social Economy of an inner-city neighbourhood. This interview; Inner-City Studies Community Learning Circles; project seeks to design and conduct survey; Program-University of conference presentations training, link workers to employers, evaluation Winnipeg), (national and local) (i.e. organize community and learning circles, Community CIRIEC’s international co-op monitor work of Community Research Sandra Leone conference in 2007, the Hub workers, establish working relations (Community Research Manitoba CD/CED Gathering with several organizations, interview Hub), Spence 2008, WIRA/LLL workshop residents, conduct market survey, and Neighbourhood 2008) ; national and local evaluate social enterprise to increase the Association, Joan Hay presentations; article in policy community’s ability to access resources (House of journal; policy position paper and consequently broaden residents’ Opportunities) control of their own livelihoods. View poster here. (End date: 2009) Food CL1-12-MB Harvest Northern Identify how new generation co- Interviews; Academic Literature review; academic Security Moon Society ON, MB, operatives, specifically those focused on food security; Stéphane McLachlan, publications; conference Marketing Co-op: and SK local food systems, increase social participatory Colin Anderson papers; communications tools Building Social cohesion and social capital within the action (Environmental (i.e. website development but Capital through an immediate marketing group, the larger research; rural; Conservation- also a communication tool for Alternative Food communities in which they are nested, focus groups; University of MB), HMS marketing group, a Economy and among the diverse stakeholders questionnaires Community brochure); press releases; represented in the food system. Describe Jo-Lene Gardiner, Celia articles for local and regional group dynamics and evolving nature of Guildford (Harvest newspapers and television social cohesion and capital within this Moon Society) (Harvest Moon Society emerging rural social enterprise. Explore celebrates sixth year at role of social capital in local sustainable Clearwater; Producers form food systems. Evaluate role agricultural marketing group); workshops co-operatives play in managing risk and at Harvest Moon Festival adapting to BSE and future stressors. regarding local food, social View poster here. enterprise development, sustainable agriculture; Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
master’s thesis (End date: May 2008) Food CL1-13-MB Eat Northern Assess possibilities for improving local Food security; Academic Academic articles; Security; Where You ON, MB, food security through the Social social Joel Novek (Sociology- presentation at Academic Social Live: Building a and SK Economy with specific focus on enterprises University of conferences; master’s thesis; Enterprises Social Economy of Winnipeg and SK; examine obstacles and Winnipeg), Shirley summary report Local Food in solutions faced by social enterprises and Thompson, Cara Western Canada community organizations in the food Nichols, James sector. View poster here. Kornelson (University of MB), Community Kim Bailey (Mount Carmel Clinic); Paul Chorney (MB Food Charter) (End date: October 2008) Indigenous CL1-14-SK Northern Develop a database with Aboriginal First Nations; Academic Publication: Karen Lynch et. Communitie Aboriginal Funding ON, MB, funding available to Aboriginal funding; Isobel Findlay, Cara al. (2007) Urban Aboriginal s; Finance Database and SK community. View poster here. database Spence, Karen Lynch Strategy Funding Database; (Management & online database Marketing-University ( of SK, CUISR), Fundorgs.php) Community Dwayne Docken (Urban Aboriginal Strategy) (End date: May 2007) Human CL1-15-SK A New Northern Identify models of individualized funding Intellectual Academic Understanding of IF and IFS Services; Vision for SK: ON, MB, (IF) and individually funded services disabilities; Isobel Findlay, Karen models; publication: Karen Funding Changing Lives and and SK (IFS); identify and address arguments funding Lynch (Management & Lynch and Isobel Findlay Systems Through against these. View poster here. Marketing-University (2007) A New Vision for Individualized of SK, CUISR) Saskatchewan: Changing Funding for People Community Lives and Systems through with Intellectual Judy Hannah (SK Individualized Funding for Disabilities Association for People with Intellectual Community Living) Disabilities (End date: April 2008) Human CL1-16-SK Cypress Northern Identify existing programs and services Disabilities; Academic Training; materials; report; Services Hills Abilities ON, MB, for persons with cross-disabilities in programs; Cassandra Phillips, presentation Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Centres, Inc.: and SK Swift Current and surrounding area; services Chipo Kangayi Exploring examine feasibility of expanding (Management & Alternatives programs and services for persons with Marketing-University disabilities. View poster here. of SK), Community Swift Current Abilities Council; Cypress Hills Ability Centres, Inc. (End date: May 2008) Mapping; CL1-17-SK Northern Identify development needs of co-ops Co-ops; needs; Academic Research report Capacity; Advancing the Co-op ON, MB, operating in emerging, under-represented, communicatio Isobel Findlay, Michael Communicat Sector: Mapping and SK or struggling sectors; provide foundation n Chartier (Management ion Development Needs for co-op development communications & Marketing- of Co-ops in project. View poster here. University of SK, Emerging, Under- CUISR) April represented, and Bourgeois (St. Mary’s Struggling Sectors University) Community SK Co-op Association; Prairie Labour-Worker Co-op Council; (End date: May 2008) Capacity CL1-18-SK Co-op Northern Analyze and propose strategies for co-op Co-op; Academic Report; additional outcomes to Development ON, MB, development. View poster here. development Isobel Findlay be determined Program and SK (Management & Marketing-University of SK, CUISR) Community Warrren Crossman (SK Co-op Association) (End date: August 2008) Indigenous CL1-19-SK Getting Northern Complete literature review and Mapping; Academic Research report Communitie Tough on Policy: ON, MB, environmental scan of existing programs incarceration; Isobel Findlay, Darlene s Mapping Investing in the and SK and support services to returning youth; First Lanceley, Gloria Lee Successful Aboriginal community members from Nations; (Management & Reintegration of incarceration in federal, provincial, and services Marketing-University Aboriginal Peoples youth institutions; identify gaps in of SK, CUISR) Returning from services and supports. View poster here. Community Incarceration SK Economic Development Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Association, Urban Aboriginal Strategy (End date: March 2008) Governance; CL1-20-SK Artisan Northern Study organizational governance, Co-op; Academic Research report Communicat Co-op Business ON, MB, communications, transparency, governance; Isobel Findlay , Arlene ion Development and SK accountability, member engagement, communicatio Bear (Management & organizational learning, and integration of n Marketing-University traditional values and world views. View of SK, CUISR) poster here. Community Thickwood Hills Business Learning Network (End date: March 2008) Human CL1-21 Northern Uncover the potential of the multi- Disability; co- Academic Masters thesis; presentations Services Empowerment ON, MB, stakeholder model of co-operatives to ops Kama Soles, Kathleen through Co- and SK empower people with disabilities by James-Cavan, Brett operation: Disability building capacity and solidarity within Fairbairn (Co-operative Solidarity in the the community to enhance social capital Studies-University of Social Economy and social efficiency. View poster here. SK) (End date: March 2009) Capacity CL1-22 Co-operative Northern Review relevant literature and inventory Co-op; Academic Recommendations for co-ops; Marketing Options ON, MB, SK experience in co-op marketing of agriculture Michael Gertler, Jason paper; report; presentations for Organic and SK organic grains and specific crops. View Heit (Co-operative (conferences and meetings) Agriculture poster here. Studies-University of SK), Community Walter Nisbet, Bill Rosher (Canadian Organic Certification Co-op), Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-food SK Program (End date: June 2008) CL1-23-SK Northern Review the administrative structure and First Nations; Academic Publication: Cara Spence and Evaluation of ON, MB, processes that have been established by Isobel Findlay, Cara Isobel Findlay (2007) Saskatoon Urban and SK the Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS) Spence (Management Evaluation of Saskatoon Aboriginal Strategy Saskatoon project, and provide & Marketing- Urban Aboriginal Strategy recommendations to assist in the future University of SK, success of the UAS as it moves beyond CUISR) the pilot stage. Community Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Dwayne Docken (Urban Aboriginal Strategy) (End date: March 2007) CL1-24-MB Beyond Northern Characterize local food initiatives as a Academic Video documentary; journal Local: Building ON, MB, response and alternative to the global Stephane McLachlan, article (Journal of Agriculture Urban-Rural and SK agro-food system; identify the role and Colin Anderson and Human Values); research Solidarity Through success that local food initiatives have in (Environment & brochures; conference Food Relationships reducing risk associated with rural Geography-University presentations (Manitoba Food decline; identify the degree that local of MB) Charter Food Security marketing is shaped by regional Community Conference 2009 and variables; evaluate the ways in which Jo-Lene Gardiner, Celia Congress 2009: Canadian local marketing generates social capital Guildford (Harvest Association of Food Studies and the degree to which this capital Moon Society) Annual Conference); report; increases farm-level resilience to future PhD Thesis; blog (Farm to crises. Fork Research) (End date: April 2009) Mapping; CL2-01 Sustainable Northern Identify and describe the providers and Social Academic Publication: Wanda Wuttunee Finance; Financing for the ON, MB, types of financing available to Social Economy; Wanda Wuttunee, Lois et. al. (2008) Financial Social Social Social Economy, and SK Economy organizations and enterprises in mapping; Gray (Native Studies- Enterprises: A Scan of Enterprise Phase I the study region. View poster here. finance; social University of MB), Financing Providers in enterprise Community Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Russ Rothney Northwestern Ontario Region; (Assiniboine Credit publication/newsletter articles; Union) info on website; presentations at public forums and conferences (i.e. WIRA/LLL Workshop 2008) (End date: January 2008) Finance CL2-02 Sustainable Northern Identify models of sustainable Social Social Academic Publication: Wanda Wuttunee Financing for the ON, MB, Economy organizations. View poster Economy; Wanda Wuttunee, Lois et. al. (2008) Financing Social Social Economy, and SK here. finance Gray (Native Studies- Enterprise: An Enterprise Phase II University of MB), Perspective; examples of Community successfully financed Social Martin Chicilo Economy organizations; (Affinity Credit Union), working paper Russ Rothney (Assiniboine Credit Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
(End date: January 2008) Finance; CL2-03 An Northern Examine factors for performance of Finance; social Academic PhD Thesis; academic Social Economic Analysis ON, MB, micro-finance loans from credit unions to enterprise; Murray Fulton, Wu conference presentation Enterprise of Canadian Credit and SK social enterprises. credit unions Haotao (Co-operative Union Microfinance Studies-University of Schemes SK) Community Martin Chicilo (Affinity Credit Union), Russ Rothney (Assiniboine Credit Union), Derek Gent, (VanCity Community Foundation) (End date: September 2008) Indigenous CL2-04 Financing Northern Explore the potential for AFIs to evolve First Nations; Academic Questionnaire; report; Communitie Aboriginal Enterprise ON, MB, into credit unions or trust companies and co-ops; social Lou Hammond presentation s; Social Development: The and SK the motivation to do so; examine the enterprise; Ketilson, Kim Brown Enterprise Feasibility of Using process, challenges, and benefits of credit unions; (Co-operative Studies- Co-op Models setting up Aboriginal credit unions; trust University of SK), determine the changes presently taking companies Community place in the credit union system. Michael Mills and David Elgie, (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) (End date: April 2008) Social CL3-01-SK The Northern Explore collaborative governance models, Co-op; Academic Research report Enterprise; Northern SK ON, MB, organizational communications, governance; Isobel Findlay, Dwayne Governance; Trappers Association: and SK transparency, accountability, and the communicatio Pattison (Management Communicat Moving Forward as a integration of traditional trapper values n; trapping; & Marketing- ion Co-op Enterprise and worldviews. View poster here. worldviews University of SK, CUISR), Community Northern Trappers Association (End date: March 2008) Governance; CL3-02 Toolkit for Northern Create downloadable resources for Governance; Academic Website with planning tools; Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Capacity; Empowering ON, MB, organizational training, research and best practices; Murray Fulton (Co- participatory processes; Mapping Practices in Social and SK models for inclusion, participation, sense Social operative Studies- checklists for governance Economy of community, and ownership; document Economy; co- University of SK), tasks; presentations; case Governance and best practices in governance models, ops; Community studies; research papers Planning compare and contrast with the Social democratic Quintin Fox (Canadian Economy; review QC multi-stakeholder values; Co-operative co-ops; define and map democratic linguistic Association) values; study cultural and governance barriers; barriers of language and socioeconomics socioeconomic in governance planning. barriers (End date: 2010) Social CL3-03 Self- Northern Develop questionnaire to help social Questionnaire; Academic Self-assessment questionnaire; Enterprises; Assessment of ON, MB, enterprises analyze their democratic social Brett Fairbairn (Co- database of shared results; Governance Democratic and SK practices and identify successes and enterprise; operative Studies- publications; PowerPoint Character in challenges; develop a way to understand democracy University of SK) presentation; project brief: the Organizations and assess the democratic character of Community Six Views of Democracy Social Economy organizations. View Voluntary participation poster here. in the self-assessment questionnaire (End date: 2009) Governance CL3-04 Cognition Northern Examine how systems of governance help Academic Case studies; presentations; and Governance in ON, MB, or hinder citizen-driven organizations to Brett Fairbairn, Murray best practices the Social Economy: and SK innovatively service societal needs; Fulton, Karlah Rudolph Innovation in Multi- discover connections between governance (Co-operative Studies- stakeholder and innovation in multi-stakeholder University of SK), Organizations Social Economy community Marie Bouchard environments; partially address “best (UQÀM) practices” in the Social Economy. View poster here. (End date: 2010) Governance; CL3-05 Exploring Northern Identify literature on collaborative Governance; Academic Research report Public Collaborative ON, MB, governance models; consider how they public policy Brett Fairbairn, Robert Policy Governance Models and SK operate within existing policy, how to Dobrohoczki (Co- move pilots into mainstream policy, and operative Studies- success factors. University of SK) Community Urban Aboriginal Strategy; Saskatchewan Association for Community Living (End date: October 2008) Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Mapping CL4-01-NO Northern Provide a better understanding of the Social Academic Journal article; training tools; Initiatives, pratiques ON, MB, contribution to the Social Economy made Economy; Rachid Bagaoui, conference presentation; report et appuis au DÉC: la and SK by Francophones outside Québec, in ON, Francophones; Christian Howald, and participation de MB, and SK; identify regional differences networking; Elisabeth Labrie l’Économie Sociale and commonalities; network; build links; comparative (Sociology-Laurentian dans la construction share knowledge analysis University) des capacités des Community communautés Monique Beaudoin (le francophones: Nord Comité de Recherché de l’ON, MB et SK sur l’économie sociale du nord de l’Ontario) and multiple Community (End date: 2009) Mapping CL4-02-SK Northern Mapping the Social Economy in a rural Mapping; rural Academic Report; article; presentations Exploring the Social ON, MB, area of SK. View poster here. Isobel Findlay, Lori (i.e. Congress 2007); Economy in SK and SK Blondeau (Management identification of Social Rural Area & Marketing- Economy actors University of SK, CUISR), Community Vision North, Quint Development Corporation, Child Hunger and Education Program; Kapachee Training Centre (Fort Qu’Appelle) (End date: September 2006) Mapping CL4-03-SK Northern Mapping the Social Economy in a Mapping; Academic Identification of Social Exploring the Social ON, MB, northern setting in SK. View poster here. rural; Social Isobel Findlay, Kim Economy actors; report; Economy in SK: La and SK Economy Brown, Robert article; presentations (i.e. Ronge Dobrohoczki Congress 2007 and the (Management & Aboriginal and Indigenous Marketing-University Graduate Studies and Research of SK, CUISR), Event 2007) Community Vision North, Quint Development Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Corporation, Child Hunger and Education Program; Kapachee Training Centre (Fort Qu’Appelle) (End date: September2006) Mapping CL4-04-SK Growing Northern Mapping the Social Economy in an urban Mapping; Academic Publication: Mitch Pains: Social ON, MB, setting in SK. View poster here. urban; Social Isobel Findlay, Mitch Diamantopoulos and Isobel Enterprise in and SK Economy Diamantopoulos Findlay (2007) Growing Pains: Saskatoon’s Core (Management & Social Enterprise in Neighbourhoods Marketing-University Saskatoon’s Core of SK, CUISR), Neighbourhoods; list of Social Community Economy actors; article; Vision North, Quint presentations (i.e. Congress Development 2007 and the Aboriginal and Corporation, Child Indigenous Graduate Studies Hunger and Education and Research Event 2007) Program; Kapachee Training Centre (Fort Qu’Appelle) (End date: 2007) Mapping; CL4-05-SK Mapping Northern Develop a model with tools and measures Mapping; Academic Report; additional outcomes to Capacity Social Capital in a ON, MB, from which other communities can learn. social capital; Michael Gertler, Jason be determined Community and SK View poster here. community Heit (Co-operative Development development Studies-University of Network SK), Community Karen Bonesky (South West Centre for Entrepreneurial Development); SK Economic Development Association, (End date: March 2008) Mapping; CL4-06 Measuring Northern Evaluate the impact of co-ops on Evaluation; Academic Publication: Chipo Kangayi et. Evaluation and Mapping the ON, MB, population change; study how co-ops mapping; co- Rose Olfert, Mark al. (2007) Measuring and Impact of Social and SK vary spatially; assess how different types ops Partridge, Chipo Mapping the Impact of Social Enterprises: Co-ops of co-ops impact communities; provide a Kangayi (Rural Enterprises: The Role of Co- visual depiction of the incidence and Economy Research- ops in Community Population impact of co-ops. View poster here. University of SK) Growth; national level maps of Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Community co-op incidence; workshop Albert Daost, Rhiannen presentations; MSc thesis Putt (Co-operatives Secretariat) (End date: October 2007) Social CL4-07 Assessing Northern Examine the degree and type of support Credit unions; Academic Research report Enterprise; the Contributions of ON, MB, provided by credit unions and co-ops to co-ops; social Roger Herman (Co- Finance Co-ops to Social and SK new and developing co-ops and other enterprise; operative Studies- Enterprise forms of social enterprise in Canada. finance University of SK); Development View poster here. Juanita Bacsu (University of Western ON) Community Carol Hunter, Quentin Fox (Canadian Co- operative Association) (End date: Fall 2008) Mapping CL4-08 Mapping Northern Conduct a census of co-ops and credit Mapping; co- Community Research report Social Economy ON, MB, unions in ON in collaboration with the ops; credit Denyse Guy (Ontario Organizations in ON and SK Southern ON Regional Node. View unions Co-operative poster here. Association); Michael Hall, Cathy Barr (Imagine Canada) (End date: 20??) Evaluation; CL4-09 Measuring Northern Review social accounting literature for Social Academic Literature review; report of finance; the Effectiveness of ON, MB, applicability to social enterprises; survey accounting; Lou Hammond survey results; measurement Social Social Enterprises and SK node measurement methods. evaluation; Ketilson (Co-operative toolkit Enterprises; social Studies-University of enterprises SK) Community Pat Thomas (P.A Thomas Chartered Accountant, SK) (End date: Fall 2009) Mapping CL4-10 Mapping the Northern Update 2 existing databases (Winnipeg Mapping; non- Academic Maps; analysis; journal article; Social Economy of ON, MB, and Saskatoon); measure the impact by profits; social Lou Hammond conference presentations; MB and SK and SK physically “mapping” the not-for-profit enterprises Ketilson (Co-operative report organizations and social enterprises. Studies-University of SK), Tom Carter (University of MB) (End date: September 2009) Mapping CL4-11 Mapping the Northern Map Canadian credit unions; assess Mapping; Academic Maps; report Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Impact of Credit ON, MB, geographic spillovers re: population credit unions Rose Olfert (Rural Unions in Canada and SK growth and retention. Economy Research- University of SK) Community (End date: September 2008) Indigenous CL4-12 Mapping the Northern Document the types of Social Economy SE; mapping; Academic Case studies; meta-analysis; Communitie Nature and Extent of ON, MB, organizations in Northern ON, MB, and First Nations Lou Hammond report s; Mapping the Social Economy and SK SK. Ketilson (Co-operative in Aboriginal Studies-University of Communities SK), Gayle Broad (Algoma University) (End date: September 2009) CL4-13-MB Northern Increase understanding about Academic Report, online resources Mapping ON, MB, ethnocultural organizations in rural Dr. Robert Annis, Jill Ethnocultural and SK centres, including what factors contribute Bucklaschuk, Alison Organizations in to the successful development of these Moss, Monika Sormova Brandon and Rural organizations and what barriers hinder (Rural Development Manitoba their establishment. Build linkages Institute, Brandon between ethnocultural communities and University) social enterprises while also generating Community ideas and opportunities for ethnocultural Hope Roberts organizations to build capacity to address (Immigrant Services the key issues and needs of its members Network) (End date: March 31, 2009) CL4-14-MB When Northern Focus on the role of the Social Economy Academic Literature review; SWOT Every Day Brings a ON, MB, in increasing community resilience to Judith Harris (Urban (Strengths, Weaknesses, New Emergency: and SK crisis situations. It will map conditions and Inner-City Studies Opportunities, Threats) and Building Community and services in the social economy that Program-University of research training; focus groups Resilience to Disaster “make the community vulnerable or Winnipeg) and research training; one in a High-Risk enhance its ability to respond to and Community popular and one scholarly Neighbourhood recover from emergencies”. Research Kate Sjoberg (Spence article on community will provide resilience profiles of three Neighbourhood resilience; report communities in Winnipeg. Association); Patricia Masniuk (Community Research Hub) (End date: August 29, 2008) Public CL5-01-NO Northern Increase awareness of Social Economy Social Academic Report (presented to the Arts Policy; Community ON, MB, impact of the arts in Sault Ste. Marie; Economy; arts; Jude Ortiz, Gayle Council and endorsed by Communicat Resilience and the and SK inform policy making. View poster here. Sault Ste. Broad (Nordik several other groups and is ion Arts: the Marie; policy Institute-Algoma being presented to city council Socioeconomic University) for its endorsement) Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Impact of the Arts in Community the City of Sault Ste. Arts Council of Sault Marie Ste. Marie and District; Community Development Corporation (funder) (End date: April 2007) Public CL5-02-NO Social Northern Expand the knowledge of policy Policy; Academic Publication: Gayle Broad and Policy; Enterprises and the ON, MB, challenges facing social enterprises that disability; Gayle Broad, Meghan Madison Saunders (2008) Communicat ON Disability and SK employ ODSP recipients. Strengthen support Boston, Madison Social Enterprise and the ion; Support Program: A models of employment and training network Saunders (Nordik Ontario Disability Support Capacity Policy Perspective on service delivery to recipients of ODSP. Institute-Algoma Program: A Policy Perspective Employing Persons Facilitate peer learning of social University) on Employing Persons with with Disabilities enterprise practitioners, and ODSP Community Disabilities employment service delivery agents. The Canadian CED View poster here. Network (End date: 2008) Public CL5-03-NO Northern Networking and sharing knowledge Trains; Academic Publication: Linda Savory- Policy Coalition of Algoma ON, MB, around rail services and infrastructure. Algoma; Linda Savory-Gordon, Gordon et. al. (2007) Coalition Passenger Trains and SK Linking northern ON communities, policy Diane Merini, Bonnie for Algoma Passenger Trains; Aboriginal communities and non- Gaikezhe-yongai, meetings with stakeholders; Aboriginal communities together. Sharon Sayers (Nordik website development; Institute-Algoma Opportunity Study University) Community Coalition for Algoma Passenger Trains (End date: 2008) Public CL5-04-MB Building Northern Engage practitioners in developing a Policy; Social Academic National and local Policy a Policy Framework ON, MB, policy framework for the CED and SE Economy; John Loxley, Daniel presentations; policy journal for CED and the and SK sector in MB and QC. Identify policy communities; Simpson (Economics- article; publication: John Social Economy and supportive of building strong CED; University of MB) Loxley and Dan Simpson National communities. Identify effective strategies Community (2008) Government Policies Hub and models of policy advancement. Brendan Reimer towards Community Economic Engage practitioners in developing a (Canadian CED Development and the Social policy framework for the CED and Social Network, Prairies); Economy in Québec and Economy in MB. View poster here. multiple community Manitoba partners (End date: March 2008) Public CL5-05-MB Building Northern Discover what and how tax policy Tax policy; co- Academic Final report; national and local Policy; a Tax Policy ON, MB, enables co-op development; identify tax ops Chris Clamp (Business- presentations (i.e. WIRA/LLL Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Finance Framework to Enable and SK policy and other factors that help co-op Southern New workshop and the ACE 2008 Co-op Development development, growth, and support; make Hampshire University), conference); policy position recommendations; share knowledge. Monica Juarez Adeler paper View poster here. (Co-operative Studies- University of SK) Community Cindy Coker (SEED Winnipeg), (End date: August 2008) Evaluation; CL5-06-SK Northern Understand the impact of IF and IFS on Human Academic Understanding of IF and IFS Human Individualized ON, MB, recipients, their families, relevant services; Isobel Findlay, Karen models; report; presentations Services; Funding (IF) and and SK community members and representatives evaluation Lynch, Philip Knudtson (academic, non-academic, Public Individually Funded of government bodies at both the local (Management & policy) Policy Services (IFS) and provincial levels; examine outcomes Marketing-University Demonstration and impacts on community structures, of SK, CUISR), Project: An program delivery, and policy Community Evaluation Judy Hannah (SK Association for Community Living) (End date: July 2008) Public CL5-07 Social Northern Create an inventory of node SE policies Social Academic Book chapter; journal article; 2 Policy; Economy Public ON, MB, Economy; Cristine de Clercy conference papers; general Mapping Policy Survey and SK public policy (Political Science- public Presentation University of Western ON), Community Brendan Reimer (Canadian CED Network, Prairies) (End date: Summer 2009) Public CL5-08 Social Northern Investigate differences between Sustainable Academic Book; journal article; book Policy Economy Leadership: ON, MB, sustainable and unsustainable policies. policy; Social Cristine de Clercy chapter; 3 conference papers; Lessons in and SK Study how Social Economy groups Economy (Political Science- public lecture; 2 newspaper Organizational challenge and change policy barriers. institutions; University of Western articles Entrepreneurship and Investigate how tax policy enables Social barriers; tax Ontario) Government Economy development and alternative tax policy Community Partnership policy options. (End date: Fall 2009) Public CL5-09 The Promise Northern Examine the policy framework for the Co-ops; public Academic PhD Thesis; academic Policy and Potential of ON, MB, development of worker co-ops in Canada policy Isobel Findlay, Len conference presentation; Worker Co-ops in and SK Findlay, Mitch journal article Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Canada Diamantopoulos (Management & Marketing-University of SK, CUISR) (End date: September 2009) Public CL5-10 Re-engaging Northern Review co-operative law and legislation Co-ops; public Academic PhD Thesis; 3 academic Policy Citizens: Co-ops ON, MB, and the policy context historically and policy; citizen Isobel Findlay, Rob Conference presentations; 1 as Public Policy and SK culturally. Examine the role of co- engagement; Dobrohoczki journal article Instruments for operatives in public policy, international democracy (Management & Democratic Renewal trade arrangements, and international Marketing-University conventions. View poster here. of SK, CUISR) (End date: September 2009) Public CL5-11 Adult Northern Examine the historical role of adult Co-op; adult Academic MA Thesis; 1 academic Policy Education and the ON, MB, education in promoting co-op education Howard Woodhouse, conference presentation Social Economy: and SK development. View poster here. Michael Chartier Rethinking the (Educational Communitarian Foundations-University Pedagogy of of SK) Watson Thomson (End date: June 2008) Evaluation; CL5-12 The Social Northern Study how governments evaluate and Evaluation; Academic PhD Thesis; 1 academic Public Economy and Public ON, MB, measure the Social Economy and thereby Social Cristine de Clercy, Presentation Policy Policy and SK come to value this sector. Economy; Juanita Bascu (Political government Science-University of Western ON) (End date: 2010) Public CL5-13 Municipal Northern Explore the relationship between Local Academic MA Thesis; 1 academic Policy Government ON, MB, municipal governments, CED and the government; Cristine de Clercy, Presentation Support of the and SK Social Economy; discover gaps and CED; Social Richard Milgram Social Economy barriers; distinguish best practices Economy; best (Political Science- Sector: An practices University of Analysis of Best Western ON), Robyn Practices Webb (University of MB) (End date: 2009)
BC/Alberta Research Node
Housing; A1-2007 Innovative BC/Albert Actual and potential use of mortgage free Social Academic Research report; research Finance Use of Housing Co- a co-op housing assets to leverage funding Economy; co- Bob McKeon (Newman paper; presentation operative Assets for financing of new co-op housing and ops; housing; Theological College); Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
other Social Economy purposes. finance; Rebecca Pearson collective (Sauder School of ownership; Business-University of property BC) rights; First Community Nations; Carol Murray (Same industry Page Strategies); John Restakis (BC Co-op Association); Jenny Kain (City of Edmonton) (End date: 2008) Human A2-2007 Co- BC/Albert The project will examine the increasing Co-ops; human Academic Research report; research Services operative Models of a role of co-ops in the design and delivery services; social Jean-Pierre Girard paper; section of proposed Social Care of social care. care; elder (Organization and book care; public Human Resources- policy; tax; UQÀM); Carlo Borzaga legislation (Economics-University of Trentino); Stefano Zamagni (Economics- University of Bologna); Allison Dunnet-Holzer (Public Policy-Simon Fraser University) Community John Restakis (BC Co- op Association); (End date: 2008) Finance A3-2007 The Non- BC/Albert Examine the range of current and Finance; Academic Progress report; research Profit Sector Capital a potential financing options for the Social Social Rebecca Pearson publication; academic articles; Market in B.C. and Economy. Economy (Sauder School of conference presentations; Alberta Business-University of BC) (End date: 2010) Mapping A4-2007 Role of BC/Albert Examine current and potential role of Social Academic Progress reports (phase I+II); Faith Based a faith based organizations with respect to Economy; Bob McKeon (Newman research publication; Organizations in the the Social Economy. religious Theological College) academic articles; conference Social Economy (3- organizations Community presentations (within faith Phase Project) Martin Garber Conrad sector and academic (Edmonton Community societies); educational Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Foundation) resources (End date: August 2010) Social B1-2007 BC/Albert Scope in BC and AB of non-timber forest Non-timber Academic Research report; research Enterprise; Understanding the a products, local and organic food systems, forest Mary Beckie paper; research note; Natural Role of the Social eco-tourism, fisheries, renewable energy. products; local (Extension-University presentation Resources; Economy in organic food of AB); Sean Markey, Food Advancing Rural systems; eco- Billy Collins (Arts and Security Revitalization and tourism; Social Science and Development fisheries; Urban Studies-Simon renewable Fraser University) energy Community Michelle Aasgard (AB Community and Co-op Association); Sandy Lockhart (Canadian Centre for Community Renewal); Wendy Aupers (AB Ministry of Sustainable Resource Development) (End date; March 2008) Natural B2-2007 BC/Albert International review of Social Economy Social Academic Academic articles; research Resources Sustainability and the a literature with focus on ecology; Economy; Mike Gismondi (Arts report; report; policy paper Social Economy relationship of bio-economy to Social ecology; bio- Integrated Studies- Economy; measurement of sustainability economy; Athabasca University); for well-being indicators. sustainability; Mark Roseland; Lena well-being Soots (Centre for Sustainable Community Development-Simon Fraser University) Mary Beckie (Extension- University of AB); (End date: April 2009) Rural Sociological BC/Albert Gain an improved understanding of rural Community Study plan; door-to-door Barriers to Adoption a social needs in Alberta’s agriculture Ross Mitchell, Jennifer surveys; expert interviews; of Conservation and communities. Assist the Alberta Karpyshyn, Marke two focus group sessions; Food Safety in Rural Environmental Farm Plan Company Ambard (Alberta final report Alberta (AEFP); in the development; Research Council); improvement and/or delivery of effective Alberta Environmental Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
extension programs Farm Plan Company; Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada; Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (End date: August 2006) Public C1-2007 Summary of BC/Albert Public Policy; Community Report Policy QC Policies that are a Social Mike Lewis (Canadian Supportive of the Economy; Centre for Community Social Economy Québec Renewal); Ralph Rouzler (End date: 2006) Capacity C2-2007 NS Co-op BC/Albert Case study; Academic Development a co-op Lena Soots (Centre for System Case Study: Sustainable Community Phase 1 Development-Simon Fraser University) Community Mike Lewis (Canadian Centre for Community Renewal) (End date: 2007) C3 - Socio-Economic BC/Albert Provide important context for the overall Academic Annotated outline; draft and Environmental a BALTA research objectives. Socio- Mike Gismondi (Arts reports; reviews/feedback; Context; Profile and economic context and profile for B.C. and Integrated Studies- final reports Trends for B.C. and Alberta. Analysis of key social; Athabasca University) Alberta economic and environmental drivers and Community trends affecting Alberta and BC. Mark Anielski (Anielski Management Inc) (End date: December 2007) Mapping C4-2007 Preliminary BC/Albert Identify; review and analyze existing data Mapping; Academic Research report; Profile of the Size a to develop a preliminary profile of the Social Jorge Sousa recommendations and Scope of the Social Economy within AB and BC; Economy (Educational Policy- Social Economy in aggregate and separate data of the size University of AB) AB and BC and scope of the Social Economy (End date: 2007) Public C5-2007 From Social BC/Albert Examine and critique Social Economy CED; Social Community Paper; publication and website Policy Economy to a definition; look at policy and practice and Economy; Mike Lewis (Canadian products; interview addendum Solidarity Economy: the context CED and Social Economy public policy; Centre for Community Changing emerged from over the last 30-50 years solidarity Renewal); Dan Perspectives in a economy; Swinney (Centre for Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Volatile World - public sector; Labor and Community Phase 1 private sector; Research) case study; comparative analysis (End date: July 2007) Mapping C6-2007 From Social BC/Albert Case studies of Chicago and Montreal on Case study; Community Research paper; publication Economy to a coalitions and urban poverty poverty; Mike Lewis (Centre for products; paper for Solidarity Economy: coalitions; Community Enterprise); presentation Changing Social Dan Swinney (Centre Perspectives in a Economy; for Labor and Volatile World - solidarity Community Research) Phase 2 economy; public policy (End date: 2007) Capacity C7-2007 NS Co-op BC/Albert To engage a cross-section of stakeholders Case study; Community Guided discussion document; Development System a in Alberta and BC co-op systems in co-op; Mike Lewis, Stewart workshop plan; or interview Case Study; Phase 2: relation to the Nova Scotia system; comparative Perry (Canadian Centre guide; report Analysis of identify strategies to achieve significant analysis; for Community Application in BC improvements in the Alberta and BC finance; case Renewal) and AB systems. study; human resources; training; governance; Nova Scotia (End date: 2007) C8 - Social Return on BC/Albert Examine the current state of development Academic Literature review and Investment (SROI) a in social return on investment analysis Mike Gismondi (Arts discussion paper; Analysis Framework with a view of developing a suitable Integrated Studies- review/feedback; final outputs framework that would help measure the Athabasca University) financial/economic and social returns to Community human; social and economic capital from Mark Anielski social economy enterprises in BC and (Anielski Management Alberta Inc) (End date: February 2008) Public C9-2007 CED and BC/Albert Design a classification framework to Public Policy; Academic Classification framework; Policy; Social Economy a guide the planning of the policy inventory CED; Social Jorge Sousa; Zane inventory Mapping Policy Inventory in and the analysis of the results; conduct an Economy; Hamm (Educational BC and AB; Phase 1 inventory of CED and Social Economy framework; Policy-University of relevant federal and provincial inventory AB); Mike Gismondi legislation; policies; programs and (Arts Integrated Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
initiatives in BC and AB Studies-Athabasca University) (End date: 2008) Public C10-2007 Municipal BC/Albert Explore and analyse municipal Local Academic 2 reports; policy paper; Policy Government Support a and government support for the Social government; Mike Gismondi (Arts PowerPoint presentation; of the Social National Economy in BC and AB. Identify best Social Integrated Studies- strategic plan; summary of Economy Sector Hub practises. Explore the issue of scale and Economy; Athabasca University); learning transferability CED; best Brendan Reimer (MB practices; Research Alliance on comparative CED); Emma Sharkey analysis (Dispute Resolution- University of Victoria); Mary Beckie (Extension-University of AB); Jean Marc- Fontan (Sociologie- Université du Québec à Montréal) Community Rupert Downing (CSEHub); Jenny Kain (City of Edmonton); (End date: 2008) Finance; C11-2007 Credit BC/Albert Review BALTA and CCA research; Finance; credit Academic Research plan; funding Public Unions as a a select the cases and engage the unions; Social William Kendall application; report; case Policy Financing Source for partnership of the selected credit unions; Economy (Public Policy-Simon studies; conceptual structure; the Social Economy better understand the capacity and Fraser University) publications; book-length activities of credit unions for financing Community manuscript the Social Economy; offer a series of Stewart Perry models for increasing the accessibility of (Canadian Centre for Social Economy financing. Community Renewal); Mapping C12-2007 Leadership BC/Albert Mapping Paper Formation Scoping a Paper Mapping D1-2007 Literature BC/Albert Academic Reviews for SERC 1; a Mark Roseland; Rob 2 & 3 Themes O'Brien; Robyn Heaslip (Centre for Sustainable Community Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Development-Simon Fraser University); Andre Vallillee (Political Science- University of BC) Natural D2-2007 Leveraging BC/Albert Natural Academic Resources; Social Ownership of a resources; First Doug Gordon; Nadine Indigenous Proprietary Goods Nations; Pinnell (Resource and Communitie and Services related ownership; Environmental s to the Golden Mussel social Management-Simon to Expand Social enterprise Fraser University) Enterprise in Coastal BC Aboriginal Communities Mapping E1-2007 Mapping BC/Albert Identify and characterize Social Economy Social Academic Inventory; data scan; Framework a organizations in BC and AB; survey these Economy; Lena Soots (Centre for determine outcome indicators; Development organizations in order to determine the survey; Sustainable Community data storage and repurposing Social Economy’s scope and mapping Development-Simon strategy characteristics Fraser University); Mike Gismondi (Arts Integrated Studies- Athabasca University) Community Sandy Lockhart (Canadian Centre for Community Renewal) (End date: 2008) Mapping E2-2007 Mapping the BC/Albert Identify and characterize Social Economy SE; survey; Academic Inventory; data scan; Social Economy in a organizations in BC and AB; survey these mapping Lena Soots (Centre for determine outcome indicators; AB and BC - Phase 1 organizations in order to determine the Sustainable Community data storage and repurposing Social Economy’s scope and Development-Simon strategy characteristics Fraser University); Mike Gismondi (Arts Integrated Studies- Athabasca University) Community Sandy Lockhart (Canadian Centre for Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Community Renewal) (End date: 2008) Evaluation ME Evaluation and BC/Albert Evaluation Academic Monitoring a Karen Heisler - PhD (Simon Fraser University); Stuart Wulff (BC-Alberta Research Alliance)
Northern Research Node
Mapping Project 1: A Profile North Develop a profile of the Social Economy Survey; Social Academic Questionnaire (completed of the Social in Northern Canada Economy; Chris Southcott April 2008); information for Economy in Northern mapping (Sociology-Lakehead newsletters & website; Canada University); Valoree discussion/information Walker (Northern sessions; conference Research Institute- presentations; seminars; Yukon College); Carrie journal publications Spavor (Nunavut Research Institute- Nunavut Arctic College); Alana Mero (Aurora research Institute-Aurora College) Project 1a: Social North Academic capital and Social Chris Southcott, Economy Danielle McLean development: (Sociology-Lakehead community University) comparisons in Canada's North Project 1b: Social North Academic Economy and gender Chris Southcott, in Canada's North Tomiko Hoshizaki (Sociology-Lakehead University) Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Project 2: Resource North Look at the past, present and potential Academic Regimes and the impact of varying resource extraction Brenda Parlee (Rural Social Economy in regimes on the development of the Social Economy-University of the North Economy and the evolution of Alberta) government programs. Examine differing resource regimes based on the type of resource, the conditions of the resource development, and co-management conditions. Project 2b: Impact of North Examine the qualitative and quantitative Academic 25-30 interviews/surveys Participation in the effects of the wage economy on the Brenda Parlee, Zoe (March – May 2008) Wage Economy on traditional economy in the Inuvialuit Todd (Rural Economy- Traditional Settlement Region. How do different University of Alberta); Harvesting, Dietary forms and patterns of employment Community Patterns and Social influence the amount, value, and structure Debbie Gordon Ruben Networks in the of time spent on the land; social networks (Hamlet of Paulatuk); Inuvialuit Settlement utilized for harvesting, sharing and Bernice Elias (Inuvik region distributing country foods; and dietary Hunters and Trappers patterns/health? Committee); Bob Simpson (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation) Public Project 3: The State North Examine governance structures, policies, Social Academic PhD; chronology of northern Policy; and the Social and changes in the North that influence Economy; Frances Abele, Senada policy initiatives from 1930's; Governance Economy in Northern the northern Social Economy, social public policy; Delic, Tim, O'Loan assessment of oral history data Canada enterprises and related organizations co-ops; (Public Policy and bases in the regions under since Confederation; interpret and assess education; Administration and study the impact of these changes upon the curricula Canadian Studies- traditional, domestic or mixed economy Carleton University) as it has evolved over the same period Project 4: Indigenous North Develop a better understanding of the Academic Communities and the relationship between sharing, a David Natcher Social Economy subsistence economy, traditional (Agricultural indigenous cultures and values, and social Economics-University cohesion in Northern communities. of Saskatchewan) Project 4a: Hunting North Academic PhD thesis Support Programs David Natcher and Sustaining (Agricultural Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Locally-based Economics-University Livelihoods in the of Saskatchewan); North Damian Castro (Anthropology- Memorial University) Project 4b: North Academic PhD thesis; inventory of co- Examining the David Natcher management Boards across the Northern Social (Agricultural country Economy through the Economics-University lens of Natural of Saskatchewan); Resource Carolina Tytleman Management in (Anthropology- Labrador Memorial University) Mapping Project 5: North Demonstrate the extent and creation of Mapping; Academic MA thesis; presentation Contributions of social capital in the voluntary sector and volunteering; Margaret Johnston, (CIRIEC conference 2007); volunteering in understand the impacts of volunteering recreation Carrie McClelland, abstract; publication: outdoor recreation to with outdoor recreational activities on the Harvey Lemelin McClelland et. al. (2008) the Social Economy individual and the community using (Outdoor Recreation, Social capital, relationship in Whitehorse concepts and ideas from the Social Parks & Tourism- building and personal benefits Economy Lakehead University) of volunteers in outdoor Connie Nelson (Social recreation Work-Lakehead University) Community Tracy Erman (Yukon Volunteer Bureau) (End date: June 2008) Project 6: Mining and North Examine the impact of mining Academic MA thesis the Social Economy development on northern communities Arn Keeling, John in the Canadian and their local environments and Sandlos (History and North economies. Illuminate how major mine Geography-Memorial developments affect existing Social University) Economy organizations and practices. Community Address the impact of social and local First Nations, economic changes associated with large- community groups and scale capitalist enterprises on indigenous mining companies and Northern communities. Project 7: Yukon North Assess community assets in the Yukon Academic Individual and community Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
Asset Mapping and further to identify relationships and Robert Robson asset development; community Project and the Social networks that create and provide for (Indigenous Learning- profiling; mapping special Economy healthy and prosperous communities. Lakehead University) physical characteristics of the Community Yukon; define policy direction Christine Spinder (Yukon Regional Round Table) Project 8: The North Examine social, economic and Academic Interviews and focus group Relationship of the environmental goals related to park Raynald Harvey sessions with community Social Economy to development. The emphasis will be on Lemelin, Nathan members Community establishing social and economic Bennett, Margaret Development and objectives that will support the Johnston (Outdoor Park Creation: A community’s development and Recreation, Parks & Case Study in Lutsel understanding the role of the Lutsel K'e Tourism-Lakehead K’e, Northwest Dene First Nation in achieving the University) Territories community’s social and economic Community objectives. Steve Ellis (Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation) Project 9: Co- North Seek to uncover the impediments to Academic Interviews; MA thesis operative cooperative development that have lead to Doug Lionais, Kim Development in the the paucity of cooperatives in the Yukon. Hardy (Business-Cape Yukon Examine both existing and recently Breton University) dissolved cooperatives to understand the cooperative experience in the Yukon. Explore cooperative-like organizations to understand their particular cooperative experience and how it relates to more mainstream cooperatives. Project 10: The Role North Analyze the role of two Land Claim Academic Literature review; financial of Inuit Land Claim Organizations (Nunavut Tunngavik Thierry Rodon (Science data analysis; interviews with Organizations in the Incorporated and Makivik Corporation) in politiques-Université Nunavik organizations; final Northern Social the development of the northern Social Laval) report Economy Economy in the Inuit region. Describe Community briefly the state of Social Economy in Harry Tulugak; each of these regions and examine the Nunavut Tunngavik policies and investment strategies of these Incorporated; Makivik two organizations and develop indicators Corporation Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
to measure their effect on the Social Economy in each of these regions. (End date: Fall 2009) Project 11: A galleria North Academic of co-operatives in Ian McPherson (Co- the Canadian North operative Studies- University of Victoria) Project 12: Co- North Academic operatives and Lou Hammond- economic Ketilson (Co-operative development in Pond Studies-University of Inlet, Nunavut Saskatchewan)
National Research Hub
Public K-12 Curriculum National Analysis of the senior high school Education; Community policy Hub curricula to determine the representation Annie McKitrick, Janel of Social Economy themes in curricula Smith, Sarah Cormode (CSEHub) (End date: 2008) Capacity Gender Analysis National Including gender analysis in research Gender; Hub and projects Northern ON, MB, and SK (End date: 2008) Public Synthesis and National Review literature on the Social Economy Social Community Paper Policy analysis of Social Hub to explore definitions Economy; Annie McKitrick Economy definitions definitions (CSEHub) by the Nodes and key Social Economy writers (End date: Fall 2008) Communicat Understanding the National Canadian historical roots to the Social Social Academic Paper ion Historical roots of the Hub Economy Economy; Jean-Marc Fontan, Social Economy history Benoît Lévesque (Sciences humaines- UQÀM) Community Ian MacPherson Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
(CSEHub) (End date: December 2008) Capacity Observatory on Local National Profile best practices in creating an Best practices; Community Development Policies Hub enabling environment for community CED; Latin Rupert Downing in Latin America economic development in Latin America. America (CSEHub)
Finance Laying a Foundation National Examine the history of mutuals as a Mutuals; Community Publication: Ron Dueck for Mutuals in Hub distinct form of economic organization. social Ron Dueck (Farris, (2007) Laying a Foundation Canada Analyse the legal framework available for enterprise Vaughan, Wills and for Mutuals in Canada, the development of mutuals within the Murphy LLP) Occasional Papers Series Canadian Social Economy. Address the Number 1 economic and social strengths and weaknesses of the mutual form of organization. Evaluate the suitability of the mutual model for various types of social enterprise (End date: May 2007) Mapping Inventory of Public National Identify public policy at all levels of Social Policy Hub government that enable the Social Economy; Economy. Make recommendations on mapping; public policy. public policy Public Public Policy Co- National Analyse the processes of co-construction Public policy, Academic Publication: Yves Policy construction Hub and co-production of public policy using democracy Yves Vaillancourt Vaillancourt (2008) Social a conceptual framework responsive to the (Sciences humaines- Economy in the co - multiple configurations arising from the UQÀM) construction of public tangible evolution of interactions among policy /La démocratisation des three main spheres—the state, the market politiques publiques: Une and civil society. Report on research vision canadienne et findings concerning the “democratizing” québécoise, Occasional Papers impact of the participation by the Social Series Number 3 Economy in the application and definition of public policy (End date: July 2008) Public Immigrant and National Identify models of immigrant and refugee Immigrants; Academic Policy; Refugee Cultural Hub settlement and integration using co- refugees; Jean-Marc Fontan Capacity Communities; CED operative and community economic culture; (Sciences humaines- and Coop development. Demonstrate social integration; UQÀM) Development enterprise development as a tool for co-ops; CED; Community immigrant integration. Identify policy social Annie McKitrick issues in the use of the social economy in enterprise; (CSEHub); Metropolis Theme Title Node Description Key Words Researchers Deliverables
immigrant and refugee settlement in public policy Canada Social Social National Review existing literature and gather data Public policy; Academic Publication: Jean-Marc Fontan Enterprise; Entrepreneurship Hub on social entrepreneurs with the goal of social Jean-Marc Fontan, Julie et. al. (2008) Becoming a Public providing a basic level of understanding enterprise Allard, Anaïs Bertrand- Social Entrepreneur in Policy of becoming one in Canada. Inform Dansereau, Julien Canada/Enquête auprès policy makers on how to foster the Demers (Sciences d’entrepreneurs sociaux, growth of new and innovative ways to humaines-UQÀM); Occasional Papers Series meet the needs of Canadians in Ana Maria Peredo Number 2 communities across Canada. (BCICS); Community Rupert Downing, Annie McKitrick, Ian McPherson (CSEHub); Mike Toye (CCEDNet); Michelle Colussi, Sara-Jane Brocklehurst (CCE) (End date : June 2008)