Roll Call 6:08 Pm-6:11 Pm (Conference Chair)

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Roll Call 6:08 Pm-6:11 Pm (Conference Chair)

BLT 2012 Minutes October 12-13, 2012

FRIDAY  Meeting called to order 6:07 pm  Roll Call 6:08 pm-6:11 pm (Conference Chair)  Rules about Lions Camp (Advisor) o No fires other than fire pits o No smoking except corner of parking lot o Hunting training tomorrow, don’t go in woods o Stay away from path that goes downhill-another conference here o Have fun o Yield 6:13 pm  Icebreakers- 6:14- 6:30 pm  President entertains motion to approve minutes o UW-Platteville WHIL moves to approve minutes o Stout second o Consent called 6:34 pm o What is WURHA Presentation-6:34 pm-6:48 pm  Goals and Expectations for BLT- 6:49 pm-6:56 pm o Be open minded (a lot of information, take in and process it) o Be respectful (we’re all learning and all different) o Be willing to learn (a lot of information, some familiar and some not) o Take notes (whatever’s the best for you, easier to remember later) o Participate (boring if just d-ship talking, want to hear from you, some expectations for each other?, expectations for us?) o Have fun! (we’re not scary, don’t bite (just moo), all have something to offer) o Platteville WHIL- don’t be afraid to ask other CCs questions, share ideas, get input o Post in facebook group  Boardroom Presentation- 6:56 pm- 7:03 pm o Some basics (parli pro, Roberts Rules of Order newly revised, President presides over meeting (make sure everyone gets heard), Placards (placard arms)) o Overview of general meeting (role call, approval of minutes, directorship report, special order/business, old business, new business, announcements, adjournment) o Talking (raise placard when you want to speak, speakers list) o Breaks (move to recess (longer break), move to groove(short break)) o Computer protocol (social media/texts can wait, computers down during presentations, cellphones off or silent)  Parli Pro Presentation- 7:06 pm-7:25 pm  Move to Groove 7:26 pm  Called back 7:35 pm  What/Who is directorship? 7:43 pm o Jenni- Advisor from SP, learning job, budget, helps keep connected, helps d-ship help WURHA o Stephanie- Conference Chair from Carthage, presentation on conference later, working since conference okay to get ready, ahead of schedule o John- President from Carthage, communicate with d-ship, preside over meetings, WURHA Wednesdays, reaching out to new schools, legislation, meeting with subregional execs and GLACURH director, created new website, manage social media o Sam- WHIL Chair from Parkside, getting constitution updated, writing legislation, WHIL models self after NRHH, just on smaller scale  Roundtables- until 9:05 pm  UW-Stout moves to recess until 9 am @9:12  UW-Platteville seconds SATURDAY  8:55 am- called to order  Role Call-8:55-8:58 am  Boardroom Buddies  Snaps  WHIL Conference update- 9:07- 9:18 am o Q/A- 9:16-9:17 am . No questions asked  WURHA Conference o Q/A . Possible to drive back and forth instead of staying at hotel to increase delegate sizes?  Being discussed, pros/cons of staying at hotel vs. increased delegate size . Considered using smartphone app. For pdf booklet?  Thought about it, not guaranteed . How many advisors per room?  2 advisors per room like other conferences . What is advisor cost?  Double $175, Single $225 . How many schools won’t be bringing all delegates?  Only 3 schools under delegate cap, if schools bring less, positions for alternates . Established late registration cost?  Working on it . Only 8 or 9 with alternates?  Yes . Platteville WCC moved to end Q/A . Seconded by Carthage WHIL o Pro/Con Pros: Cons: PDF booklet delegate cap Pre conference spirit Use of technology What’s your animal? Survey limited hotel space Facility location Banquet Presentation o Survey  Move to groove: 10:17  Roll Call: 10:26  Legislation: 10:29 o MMA- . Stout- moved to waive reading . Platteville second . Proponent speech- Currently $25 to cover award for AAFW inductees. In recent years, have over spent budget due to increase of award prices. If we over spend, it comes out of WURHA budget. Currently, cheaper awards are high $30s and low $40s plus shipping fees. . Q/A-  Where would excess money go if award does not cost $50? o Go back into budget for emergencies, etc.  Platteville moves to end  Whitewater seconds  Consent called o Discussion- . UW-Platteville WHIL- good piece of legislation because price is going up, so doesn’t see why increasing price in budget is a problem . Marquette WHIL- $50 fee might dissuade people from applying . UW-Platteville WHIL- can ask to split fee between person and organization . UW-Stout- honor to be inducted into the AAFW, so shouldn’t be $50 if they’ve made a contribution worthy of being inducted . Carthage WHIL-calls to question . WCC vote: in favor-12, opposed-2, abstain- 0, PASSES  Carthage moves to bring MMD to the floor  Platteville seconds  Consent  MMD o Stevens Point moves to waive reading o Carthage seconds o Consent o Proponent’s speech- states that directorship can write legislation. Turned into a precedent that directorship doesn’t write legislation. Can see things from working order here to bring to everyone. Explicitly says that directorship can write legislation and participate in that process. o Q/A- . Carthage WHIL moves to end Q/A . Carthage seconds . Consent o Discussion- . LaCrosse WHIL- directorship has view of organization that CCs don’t have, encourages legislation writing that will help the organization . Carthage WHIL- agrees with LaCrosse . Stout- Agrees, but may think that they don’t have to write legislation anymore since directorship is doing so . Platteville WHIL- agrees with Stout and that legislation is worded weird . Carthage-yield . Platteville WHIL calls to question, no dissent  Vote- in favor: 14, opposed: 0, abstain: 0 , PASSES  Carthage moves to bring MMB to the floor  Platteville seconds o Boardroom yielded to WHIL Chair o Proponent’s Speech- It is unknown when the last time a joint bank account was opened within the organization. To clear things up, should take out things that aren’t currently happening. o Q/A . Wouldn’t there be more stability in having a joint bank account?  Most things we’ve looked into buying has been discussed by the whole directorship although Jenni’s the only one who can actually purchase it. We can add something about having an agreement throughout the directorship for all purchases. Having just one person makes it more streamlined. Yield to Jenni  Distance also makes it a challenge and it’s easier to maintain the budget with only one person having access. . Why was the rule established?  President and Advisor jointly made purchases, but with technology, it’s easier to go through the Advisor instead of writing checks for everything. . How does the control of funds transfer?  Yield to Jenni  It’s a non-profit account. Forms are filled out with the bank to fill out to transfer the name on the account. Yield to John.  Difficulties with multiple names on account. Yield to Jenni. . Stout moves to end Q/A . Green Bay seconds . Consent o Discussion . Marquette WHIL- Having a second person on the account would be an internal control for the account transfer. Having a joint account may not be the best system, but having a second person would be a good check for the organization. . Called to question . 7-8-0; DOES NOT PASS  Stout moves to bring MMC to the floor  Platteville seconds  consent  Stevens Point moves to waive the reading  Stout seconds o Proponent’s Speech- Although CTC is an important position, due to technology changes and social media, we need to update the position to reflect that. It’s hard to find a student who is HTML based and it is a lot of work. With the change it would become the Media and Communications Chair. o Q/A . Are we leaning toward wordpress for the more permanent site?  Yes, after having someone look at sites, determined that wordpress was the easiest to use and update. Ultimately it will be up to the CTC. . Is it more of an expectational change rather than a Constitutional change? . As it stands, the person holding the postion needs to be tech saavy. The position description is ambiguous and makes it possible that in the future there is no CTC. This makes it more specific for the expectations of the position. . Platteville moves to end Q/A . Stout seconds . Consent o Discussion o Carthage President- it’s important because it is difficult to find someone HTML saavy. The position requires more social media as expectations. o Marquette President- The change would also allow more opportunities for people to be on the directorship. o LaCrosse WHIL- It is still ambiguous enough to allow for interpretation in the future. o Green Bay- Since it is generally the same, Green Bay feels it won’t gain anymore interest. o River Falls- The social media aspect is important and the MCC would still maintain the website. o Carthage calls the question o Seconded o 14-0-0; PASSES . Platteville moves to bring MME to the table . Eau Claire seconds . Consent . Stout waives the reading . Platteville seconds . Proponent Speech: two different fees for WHIL, one $10 art. 10 sec 4 sub b; $12 other, to streamline constitution . Q/A o Why doesn’t it go to WHIL budget? . There is no WHIL budget specifically. Anything WHIL Chair needs comes out of various parts of the WURHA budget. o Moves to end Q/A o LaCrosse seconds o Consent . Discussion o Stout: great to gain consistency, since WHIL is only one day conference, shouldn’t be the same as WURHA conference o Platteville WHIL friendly amends to add dollars to section four, sub b . Stout seconds . Consent . Author approves o Marquette: agrees with Stout that there should be a difference that reflects conferences o LaCrosse: sub B (3) fund to funds . Platteville seconds . Author approves o Platteville WHIL calls to question, retracted o Platteville WHIL calls to question; marquette objects: more to say, retracted o Marquette WHIL: evaluating specific values would be good approach to rewriting and passing, also comparing to former WHIL budgets o Platteville moves to refer to committee o Milwaukee seconds o 12-1-1, REFERED TO COMMITTEE . WURHA Budget: o Move to approve budget: Platteville WHIL o River Falls WHIL o Consent o Discussion o Platteville WHIL calls question o No objections o 14-0-0, approved . Milwaukee motions to recess until 1 pm . Stevens Point seconds 11:55 am . Called to order 1:00 pm . Roll Call 1:00-1:04 pm . Group Picture . Goals and Expectations for the Year o Expectations of Each Other: . Mindful of each other’s schools o Expectations of Directorship o Expectations of Organization as a Whole o Dship expectations of CCs . What/Who is WURHA? . WCC/WHIL CC Relationship . AAFW/AAFW Committee Set up . OTM Committee . Legislation . Move to groove 2:48 pm . Breakouts . Announcements . Feedback from BLT o Presidents keep coming o Breakouts for feedback o Community building within wurha o Coffee, more bagels . Snaps . Whitewater moves to adjourn . Lacrosse seconds . Consent called . BLT 2012 to close @ 3:33 pm

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