Shippensburg Borough Council
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SHIPPENSBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL May 7, 2013 7:01 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 7:01 PM Attendees: Andrea Lang Kathy Coy Steve Brenize Kerri Burrows Earl Parshall Joe Hockersmith
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Comment Andrea Lage: Open for public comment.
Randy Hurst: I was here in November with the National Speleological Society, Inc. I would like to remind you all that we are having our convention the first week of August at the University and we are expecting anywhere from 800 to 1000 people for the week. There will be people with funny hats on the streets. I have been talking about the business that we are bringing to town and getting some ads. We would like to ask the Council for sponsors? I would like to leave some sponsorship sheets. Andrea Lage: Unfortunately we know that answer but we can look at them. Randy Hurst: I have been selling ads and programs. Anybody has any questions, my address and information is on the bottom of the paper. Andrea Lage: Anyone have any questions? Thank you very much for coming tonight. Anyone else who would like to address Council at this time?
Anne Hinkle: I am the director of Southampton Place. I have been here before and I have done this before and I am sad to say that I am looking for a home for the Senior Center. We are, I have been in contact with several individuals that have some suggestions as to where we can go and what we can do. We have no home as of June 30, 2013. Looking at short term to permanent long term. My goal was announced in a public Senior Meeting is I would like to a permanent place for them. So many rejections it is tough to take and eventually you give up. I served almost 10,000 meals last year and there was close to 16,000 people in activities that we have put. Senior Centers are so vital to every community which keeps them in their homes and ultimately saves us as tax payers. The programming and the activities and the meals, I don’t understand why it would be going away. This should be considered an advantage and an opportunity for everybody. This is a plea. It is a request to come up with some solutions please. I know that the borough residents are more than behind this. A couple of them are here and present and that is just a drop in the bucket. Andrea Lage: Do you have any sort of solid leads on a location. Anne Hinkle: No, I have leads on sponsors, or potential sponsors. That is not the issue, the building is the problem. There are solutions that are temporary / permanent. It is nice to think about a temporary place but then that means another move. If that has to be, then it has to be and I would understand that and we are willing to work with that. This is vital. There are things that are being thrown around and good suggestions, I did
1 talk about working something out about getting back the community center as ours. I know that there is a lot of work involved. No matter where we go it is going to take money. So, if you can come up with ideas and suggestions it would be appreciated. Andrea Lage: Anyone else that would like to address Council tonight. Thank you and we will close Public Comment.
Andrea Lage: As I recall we sent this into committee for potential solutions. Steve Brenize: The Transportation Committee met yesterday and coming out of it is our recommendation to all of Council is to work towards a repeal and change. As we continue to get more information about exactly what the issue was there are far worse safety and health issues with parking situation in the Borough other than that one and since we are not addressing those there is no reason to address this one. Andrea Lage: Okay. Discussion. Joe Hockersmith: Well, coming out of committee that is a motion. Steve Brenize: That is just the recommendation coming out of committee. Andrea Lage: It can be put on as a form of a motion if you want. Steve Brenize: I will move that. Kerri Burrows: I will make the motion to repeal the no parking on E Fort St. Steve Brenize: Second. Andrea Lage: I have one question. Before we changed it I believe there were still some areas of no parking on E Fort St. So, is your motion to return to what existed prior? Steve Brenize: Yes, to return to what was in the Borough Code before we changed it. Andrea Lage: Okay. Earl Parshall: The Borough Code was inaccurate before we changed it. I think what you really are meaning is to repeal the No Parking on E Fort St between High St and Queen St. That was the piece that we added that wasn’t already no parking. Steve Brenize: So you are talking that there are already signs there that we were just not enforcing? Earl Parshall: No, the language was backward in the Ordinance and we clarified it to match what we really should have said. The only new No Parking we added was from High St. to Queen St. I think that is what you are referring to. Joe Hockersmith: In the Committee report it was the complete Committee? It was unanimous? Steve Brenize: Yes. Andrea Lage: Since the clarification from Earl is that consistent with what the committee discussed?
2 Steve Brenize: Yes, we wanted it to go back physically to the way it was before we made the changes. We want to go back to the same number of parking spots that were available before we made the changes. Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0. Noting that Sue is absent.
Earl Parshall: This is the one that we had here last time that Sam said he had made some changes that he had recommended to the agreement and we showed you the changes and this is the clean version now incorporating those changes to the agreement. I believe the same agreement as it appears has also been provided to the other municipalities that are listed on the back page. Sam Wiser: That is correct. I have worked with Officer Schmidt in Washington Township to revise the agreement and recirculate it to municipalities and I believe almost all the Municipalities have acted on it. Joe Hockersmith: Motion to approve. Kerri Burrows: Second. Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Hearing none, motion carries 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR HANDICAP PARKING SPACE AT 23 CUMBERLAND AVE AND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 13 – 008
Joe Hockersmith: Move to approve Kathy Coy: Second Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Steve Brenize: Just a procedural one, where is the doctor’s orders? Earl Parshall: Yes, we have it but it is confidential information which I chose not to include it in the packet. Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0. Kathy Coy: What is the process for removing parking permits once they have been designated? Earl Parshall: There is a process, however if there is only one per street I do not remove them because we are required to provide them. If there is one on a street that somebody had asked for and they no longer need it I do not take them off. If there is two on a street we will take one off. Joe Hockersmith: I suppose that this gentleman is aware that space is for any handicap plaque.
Earl Parshall: We were not in compliance with the Borough Code. The state law Borough Code which sets the maximum penalty that you can assess at 10%. We had something like 75% in here and I did give you on page 14 what the current ordinance show and I underlined the piece that we changed to 10% so that we are in compliance with the law.
3 Steve Brenize: Have we ever tried to go after somebody for 75%? Kathy Coy: Motion to advertise Joe Hockersmith: Second Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0.
Andrea Lage: This is the house on Roxbury Rd. Earl Parshall: Yes Sam Wiser: A lot of it is your normal standard real estate agreement. Purchase price is $45,000 for the property at 7 Roxbury Rd and closing would occur within 60 days of the date of the agreement so once the agreement is executed we would close within 60 days. The Borough would deposit $1000.00 towards the purchase of the property that would be held in escrow and applied toward the purchase price. The property is being sold as is price. The closing costs; the Borough would be paying all the costs for the seller but the seller would be responsible for any attorney’s fees if she wanted an attorney to review any documents on their own. The Borough would cover any transfer tax and utilities of that nature. The rest of that is the Borough’s warranty that we have the ability to buy it and the seller warranty to sell it. The maintainance and risk of loss transfer is at settlement. Joe Hockersmith: My only other question is the public aware of why we are doing this? Sam Wiser: I don’t know that it has been discussed. Earl Parshall: That has not been discussed. This is the first time that this is coming up. This is the little red house on 7 Roxbury Rd where we had the complaints this year of dangerous curve and the house came on the market the beginning of November last year and we contacted Penn Dot and for whatever reason they can’t purchase property. The hope is by us agreeing to this purchase and then we would then dismantle the house. I have someone who would like to do it for the scrap value. At that point we can say to Penn Dot now you have no reason not to fix your road. Kerri Burrows: I have a question. The adjoining house is not really joined, they are aware? Earl Parshall: Yes, Kerri Burrows: Have we had an engineer to make sure that the destruction of that house will not impair the structural integrity of other house? Earl Parshall: Yes, we have actually walked both houses attics with the owner of the white house. Kerri Burrows: Who would assume liability? Sam Wiser: If we entered into an agreement for somebody to tear down the house for scrap value, as part of the agreement we would make sure that they have insurance and that they are liable for any damage that might occur to the neighboring house. Kerri Burrows: Obviously there is going to be some exposed non sided part of the house that is now connected to the red house. I would imagine that the borough would be responsible to fix and repair that. Sam Wiser: That would be the white house property owner’s responsibility. Kerri Burrows: And, they are aware of that?
4 Earl Parshall: They are aware of that. We met with the owner there a couple of times. We went over all the specifics. He was interested in the property if we wanted to donate it to him? Steve Brenize: So, I guess the idea by doing this is we are hoping that the state is going to come in and make it safer? Earl Parshall: Just by tearing down the house it will make it safer because you will have sight vision through the whole curve. Joe Hockersmith: Had we budgeted for this? Earl Parshall: We would take this out of contingency. Joe Hockersmith: I would make motion to approve the agreement of the sale. Kathy Coy: Second Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion approved 5-0.
Kathy Coy: The property committee met on the 23rd of April. The advisory board presented a nice list of events and activities and as you can see it is a relatively doable list. I think as far as the committee is concerned we felt like it was a good list. There are some things that we need to do as follow up and public relations also. I thought I had passed out a survey for the advisory board. I can see that everybody gets it. Anyhow, they had asked for follow up on that. They are very interested in getting that out to the public. Steve Brenize: So they are working on that. Kerri Burrows: They have done it and we need to approve it. It has to go to the public. We need to take action as Council to say, good job. Steve Brenize: I think it is important to have a Park and Advisory Board; they need a survey to find out what the community wants. If they have come up with a survey and you guys are comfortable with it, then I think we should move forward on it. Steve Brenize: Motion to approve the survey. Kerri Burrows: They actually have their questions that they would like to make into a short form and pass out at the fair. They have thought this out. Andrea Lage: Okay, so we have a motion to approve the survey and I presume its various forms. Steve Brenize: Yes, and allowing the Park & Rec Committee to move forward with survey and the community. Kathy Coy: Second Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Simply in its implementation, on the web. It goes into the website improvement. If you want to take that separately. Steve Brenize: I think that is why the Chair of the Technology Committee will be having a committee meeting sometime in the near future. Andrea Lage: So all those in favor with the survey and the distribution, any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0. They may go forward with the implementation of that survey. Kerri Burrows: Shipshape day is a established event. There were some direct improvements to the park this year.
5 Andrea Lage: To me, that isn’t a program for the park. I am not sure that the Park and Rec Board will be developing that much. Kerri Burrows: I don’t think that they were necessarily interested in doing that, I think that what they were suggesting is that they may be available to possible suggest things that can be done for clean-up efforts at the park. The Move it Outside program; which generally happens during Earth Days. It is a time where the borough would have a public relations frenzy to showcase our parks, Dykeman Springs, the Gazebo Park, and Memorial Park. It doesn’t have to be anything grand or big but just to say here it is. To me, it would be a no-brainer to do something with this next year. Andrea Lage: One of my questions for Council is; do we go back and give them direction to develop that program. Kathy Coy: I thought that we were just asking for them to come forward with the ideas and that we would approve. I don’t know that we instructed them to implement. Andrea Lage: Once we say, this sounds good it is my impression that we would kick that back to the Advisory Board/Committee to formalize it. Steve Brenize: Yes, are we going to accomplish it by the Move It Outside or by creating some kind of Move It Outside in the Borough or just announcing it and putting it on Kip. Kerri Burrows: Here is my feeling. The general idea from what I got from the committee is that they are bringing things to us and saying this is a great idea we were very clear with them on what the constraints were and it seems to me that the Move It Outside thing, what are we formalizing a plan for? Andrea Lage: How do you promote it? Suggestions from them as far as the best means of promotion, what are the costs of that promotion? Steve Brenize: If you are going to go to Dykeman, we have signs out there for the walking trails you would want to have somebody out there walking around showing people where the trails are. Have somebody out there that has maybe some kind of history of the Hatch House or something like that so that people understand why it is historical and it is a wet land preserve. Maybe an expert on biology to explain to people. Kerri Burrows: But, we not expecting them to plan this? Andrea Lage: Yea, we are actually. That is what my thought is about the committee. Joe Hockersmith: It is all well and good for us to approve it but if nobody plans it? It can’t be just throw it on to our current director. We have to be careful about this. We made them advisory and we didn’t ask them to do all the grunt work is that is involved. Steve Brenize: When we created the ordinance it does allow communication back and forth and we can give them tasks. They brought the what to us and we are saying we like the what, now tell us how we are going to do that. Bring back to us how is the borough going to accomplish this. Andrea Lage: We need the plan to implement? Kerri Burrows: Here is my concern is that we have these 6 enthusiastic residents who have spent a tremendous amount of time on this and it is my concern that we are going to say, go at it. Tell us how you are going to do it. They are going to come back and there is no input with Kip. She is not in this process so we are having somebody basically implement a program in here park without her having any say over that. Earl Parshall: I never heard about this Move It Outside? What is it?
6 Steve Brenize: Here is how I am looking at it. Move it Outside, 2014. To task the committee with; what is Shippensburg’s Move It Outside going to look like? What events do we want it to have, how do we want it to function and then bring back that plan to us. Right now, it is Move It Outside? If there is cost involved. What is it going to be? Andrea Lage: Maybe it is unrealistic to highlight all of them. What and how do we go about this? Kerri Burrow: I think that there is just some general confusion. They felt that every time they were trying to move that direction or become well informed they were getting their hands slapped. I think that was maybe part of my confusion as to what the expectation was. Andrea Lage: I think what we can do is say, these sound great. Maybe if they realize that they have to come up with implementation plans and recommendations maybe not all of this will take place. Kathy Coy: So the implementation will just be their ideas for us but not necessarily that they will be implemented? Andrea Lage: They have to make sure that it is reasonable to implement. Kathy Coy: Sure, that would come back to us to make sure that it was. Andrea Lage: I think some of the confusion in the past was when people made approaches to outside agencies but we didn’t know that. Kerri Burrows: My understanding is that they have attempted to have communication with the Borough and haven’t been getting a response. Two sides to every story I suppose. #3, #4, #5 and #6, the dates are set. We are moving forward, right? Didn’t we take action a couple of weeks ago? Steve Brenize: I heard that they are going to happen. Andrea Lage: That is fine. Earl Parshall: Who is going to do it? Andrea Lage: Yea, who is coordinating? Earl Parshall: Who is setting up the chairs? Kerri Burrows: This comes back to the whole thing we were having this discussion about. She actually said something to me about the chairs that she needed to get in touch with these bands because typically these bands bring their own chairs because they are playing a no cost concert are they still planning that or do we need to find chairs somewhere? So, she is on that. Here is the question that I have, is this the direction that we are taking this advisory committee? That to me seems like implementation, somebody who has actually taken the time to find where the chairs are going to come from and physically set them up on that day. To me, is implementation? Now I know that she has said this is something that she has already been thinking about. Earl Parshall: Maybe they do not need chairs because there are benches there. Kerri Burrows: The picnic tables have to be moved out of the pavilion to make room for the band and the picnic tables weight 965 pounds a piece. They are very, very heavy. That is what has to be understood very clearly because obviously I as a Council Member do not understand and they do not understand. Andrea Lage: Well, if we approve this as something that is to go forward. They are working on that and then they come back and talk to the Manager and the Manager
7 directs whether or not that is a Park Manager thing for them to discuss and organize or have that conversation on how that actually needs to happen. Whether or not we can cover things and have the stuff or if there is a gap in resources. Earl Parshall: I can tell you that there is a gap. If we have to move all those tables, that is not an easy task. You have these ideas that are great but we need to look at all the consequences that come with these ideas. Joe Hockersmith: These are all on Sunday? If that is the case have we already coordinated with the Park Calendar for pavilion rentals? Kerri Burrows: The days were cleared with Kip. Joe Hockersmith: Okay. It seems to be that the three band concerts, are they to benefit the Town Band or are they to benefit Shippensburg Park and Rec? Kerri Burrows: They are just free. Joe Hockersmith: Okay, if they are a free concert and Shippensburg Park and Rec is indeed the sponsor then my feeling would be that we whether is it Park and Rec or the Borough of Shippensburg should provide whatever it is to get the pavilion cleared out so this can happen. I do not think, okay Park and Rec volunteers go clear it out and then we want it back in for Monday. That is just not fair. Now, again. Are we approving this tonight or are they already approved? Earl Parshall: Well, it has to be back together by 7:00 am Monday morning. Joe Hockersmith: I agree. Earl Parshall: We have other programs in there at 7 on Monday morning. Joe Hockersmith: Yes, but if these are a part of our Park and Rec program then it behooves us to provide whatever it takes to make it happen. This is not that big a deal to throw some labor at it and it is a small contribution for exposure to our Park. This is what we are asking these people for, so again have these been approved? Kerri Burrows: Maybe we have to pull the meeting minutes out and I can’t believe I am the only person who recalls this. It was the same night that Becky talked about the fun runs and she said we have all of these. We asked her about the dates and she said I sent an email to Kip and she said these dates are free. Maybe we didn’t take action because it was any other business or whatever. My understanding is that we gave the full go ahead with these concerts. Andrea Lage: Okay, so now we have to figure out how to get set up? Joe Hockersmith: How are they advertising these? Kathy Coy: I don’t think they are. Kerri Burrows: That was another question. They were kind of fighting blindly. Steve Brenize: When we created and appointed the Park & Rec Advisory board, for me this is the way I look at it and I am just one member of Council. So we look at the Park and Rec board and we say this is out park system and what can we do to make it better? They come back with an idea and we say, yes we like it or no we don’t like that idea? Yes, ok. How are we going to accomplish this and then it get brought back again. At that point we act on it. Andrea Lage: To me is the idea of how they bring it back. Okay, we want to have free concerts and we say great. Then they would come back and say, the challenges are it will be on Sunday and they have to clear the pavilions, etc.
8 Steve Brenize: Yes, and then they would bring back with that and say we think we could utilize Borough staff and we would still have to approve it because they are the advisory board. Bring us a plan that is easy to implement. Joe Hockersmith: The Town Band at this point is 6 weeks away. Kerri Burrows: I think this is just the type of activities that will bring people down to the park to give something new and different and it is advertising Shippensburg. We have all this amazing talent in Shippensburg. We are not bringing the Carlisle Town Band in, this is home town. Kathy Coy: Because of the three bands, I know that they were approved. I think that they jumped the gun as far as booking it had not really come back and understandably this is new so our committee as well as their community. Their frustrations have built and I can understand that because they feel like they have been working needlessly. Now that they have a list it is not needless. This is a really wonderful list and I think it has really paid off. Some of it may not have been put into process the way it should or should not have happened but at the same time there is no expense. We are not paying them, we are not paying the band. Earl Parshall: This was the first that I heard anything about moving all the picnic tables out of the pavilion to order to do this. Kerri Burrows: Where did you think they were playing Earl? Earl Parshall: I do not know no one has talked to me about it. I saw this list, Lions Pavilion. Steve Brenize: Move to approve the schedule for three concerts this summer. Kerri Burrows: Second. Andrea Lage: Motion to approve the three band dates that have been presented to us. Joe Hockersmith: Are we asking the advisory committee to come back to us and tell us what they need to make this happen? Steve Brenize: What we want in the future, idea and bring it back, yes/no how are we going to accomplish this? Specifically what it looks like. We need to utilize Borough staff, we need to get volunteers. Bring the general idea and then yes or no and then take it back and how do we accomplish it. That way they don’t get frustrated with an almost ready idea and us just thinking it is a good idea. Kerri Burrows: I don’t have a problem throwing it back to the committee and saying, hey what do you think the challenges we are going to have with this. If they come back to us and say, we are 6 weeks out I believe that we should as a Borough stand behind this advisory board. Andrea Lage: We still need to know from them what is needed. They need to talk to Earl. Joe Hockersmith: We are committing to those three. Andrea Lage: We need to know as soon as possible what needs to happen for these concerts. Kathy Coy: I will communicate with them. Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0.
Foundation Fun Run Zombie Encounter October 19 Earl Parshall: It is a private enterprise. Kathy Coy: They would still need to tell us what the needs are.
9 Kerri Burrows: Correct. Becky is planning on preparing a letter similar to what we get.
Pool Open House The pool open house we did one for the 4th of July like we had in previous years. The suggestion with this is to have one toward the beginning of the season that would boost possibly season ticket sales. Kathy Coy: Possibly Memorial Day instead of July 4th. Kerri Burrows: Have it available for Borough residents to come to the pool that day with the feeling that it boost numbers for season ticket holders. Memorial Day weekend, we are open Saturday, Sunday and Monday? Earl Parshall: Weather permitting. Kerri Burrows: Then we could have a day if there is inclement weather but that would have to be coordinated through Kip. Some type of coordination would have to be made. In my opinion this may be something that is just as simple as, we think this is a great idea Kip. What days would work for you and have her pick the days. Joe Hockersmith: Motion to approve. Kathy Coy: Second. Andrea Lage: Motion to have a beginning of season pool open house which is a free day for Borough residents to use the pool. Steve Brenize: I think when we did July 4th last year we tinkered around with Borough residents, certain ages…..etc. We realized that it would create certain issues for our employees there and although I would like it to be for Borough residents I think the issue is how do you prove. Should we just open it up again. Kerri Burrows: Well, we could throw that back to Kip again. I remember saying that it would become cumbersome for the pool staff. If this works and it boosts ticket sales. My recollection is that we made out on concession on that day. Joe Hockersmith: So this one we are throwing back to Kip? Andrea Lage: Yes, let us know what works best. Kerri Burrows: Maybe even a news release. Andrea Lage: Any further discussion? Motion carries 5-0.
Pickle Ball Kerri Burrows: We had to ask what it is. It is apparently it is something that has to happen on a hard surface and you use ping pong paddles and waffle ping pong balls. There is a huge following and there is interest and somebody is willing to be an instructor but she just doesn’t have the equipment. Earl Parshall: It is played on tennis courts where it is a combination of badminton and ping pong. You have to have a special racket and a special ball. Joe Hockersmith: What is it going to cost? I would like to see the plan on it. This requires some future approval. Kerri Burrows: We mentioned to Becky about how much it would cost. She is getting some information on this. Back to Committee
Tennis Lessons
10 Steve Brenize: Once we fix the website there would be a list of instructors and people and they could contact them? Kathy Coy: They would have to work through Kip. I think that the idea is that we would have some unique things at the park where other municipalities’ do not have. The tennis courts and the swimming pool. Andrea Lage: We might want to think about a policy about one court reserved at a time so there is always one open court. Steve Brenize: I like the idea on our website when we get some more Park and Rec that if the borough of township resident would like to use the tennis courts and contact somebody to teach them, how are we going to do it. Earl Parshall: None of this is in the budget. One of the things that you will need to discuss within the group that is coming up with ideas is that they need to be in by September so they can be put into the budget for next year. Kerri Burrows: We actually did tell them that. Earl Parshall: Actually this timing is probably good because it will be budget time for next year. Back to Committee
Bike Clinic Kathy Coy: I think they talked about this and working with Fred Scott and Officer Young. Kerri Burrows: Doing it over by the basketball courts and the storage shed. Earl Parshall: So that would be overtime for the police? Kerri Burrows: I would imagine that they could do it while they are on duty. Earl Parshall: We don’t have enough to patrol regularly or enough to go and teach bicycles. Steve Brenize: Have they already talked to them about it? Kerri Burrows: They have not talked to the police department. Andrea Lage: There has been helmet and bike safety things done in the community. Kerri Burrows: This is not a bike safety clinic. This is actually a place where people can take their kids and they are shown this is how you would ride your bike. This isn’t something for the parents, this is for the kids. Maybe they pay them overtime, maybe they don’t. Andrea Lage: I am not against this; I am just thinking maybe we should coordinate if this already exists. I do know that they have things for kids that are coming out of the University and Ship Cycling. They have a club up there that is really active. Kerri Burrows: A lot of times, stuff is happening on campus is only known by faculty and students. Sometimes it may be intentionally not published for the general public. That could be the difference. Steve Brenize: If we can bring the Bike Club into having some type of Bike Clinic into the park I think that is a great way to get it together. Let’s invite the professionals to the Borough. Andrea Lage: I will check with the person I know and when I have permission I will send that name to you.
Kite Festival
11 Kathy Coy: They bring their own kite and then they fly it. I don’t think there was much more than they advertise it. Andrea Lage: How are you advertising? Who is making signs, etc? Kerri Burrows: It was more like a sponsorship thing where it is kind of like they do on Ship Shape Day. First to get off the ground, things like that. Something to bring people to the park. This was a way to bring Dykeman into it. Andrea Lage: I like that. Kerri Burrows: That would something that would have to be done in spring. Andrea Lage: This is a great but it is a long list. If they get back to us the implementation plans then they can choose. They do not have to do it all. They will prioritize. Steve Brenize: The three town bands, we are going to communicate with Kip. Move It Outside specifically we like it, how do we do it? Kathy Coy: They can present those back one by one or however they chose to do that.
After School Programs Kathy Coy: This is just a note that after school kids are going down and hanging out because they don’t want to go home or they are just sitting around because they want a place to go and chat. Now that the weather is nice, if there is a way that anybody could go over and put some music on for them or cabinets that have balls or something in there and make them feel welcome. It sounds like a lot of middle school children go down there. Kerri Burrows: There wouldn’t be any level of stringent supervision. The general feeling is that and once again this is something that would have to be tossed back to the Park Manager but the general feeling is that at 2:00 the cabinet gets unlocked. She is around the park area doing what she needs to do. Kathy Coy: I think one of the biggest things is if somebody left a note and said, if you want volleyball or whatever come over and sign it out to make them feel better. Steve Brenize: We are talking after school. Kerri Burrows: In the summer, there is a program going on. Kathy Coy: Some of the kids may want to use a ball and this way they would know. I know that Sue said she was going to call a meeting for technology. Kerri Burrows: One of the concerns that the Park & Rec Advisory Board brought to us is that their general concerns is as they have been getting more and more into this they have found that this might all be for not because they have gotten the impression that Council has not been receptive to new programs that the manager has suggested. Granted I have only been on Council for a year, if the Park Manager is coming up with programs that she thinks is beneficial and a good idea why are they not at least being brought to us as ideas? Earl Parshall: Because they have not been brought to me. If she has ideas I will talk to her and get them. Kerri Burrows: I specifically remember a situation, because I asked what programs would you be referring to? What they had understood is that there were programs that were published in the paper as new programs that might happen and Dale I don’t know if you did. I think it was in the News Chronicle that they saw them and when they
12 contacted about interest they say I am sorry, I was told we can’t have those programs this year so I actually had to pull them out of the newspaper. Earl Parshall: They were in the newspaper. There was something in the newspaper. Kerri Burrows: I can’t remember if it was kickball? Steve Brenize: So, what you are saying is that coming out of the committee is that the Park Manager has come up with ideas for programs at the park and we haven’t heard about them? Kerri Burrows: Well, they didn’t know that we hadn’t heard about them. I could just say that I had no knowledge of any new programs that had been brought. So, my frustration is that the programs-are there programs that are being suggested by the Park Manager and if so why aren’t they even being attempted to be implemented or being brought to Council for our consideration? That doesn’t seem to be happening. There seems to be a break down somewhere and I don’t believe that it is the Park Manager. My understanding from the feed-back that I got from the residents it does not appear to me that it is the Park Manager. An effort has been made to implement new programs and it has been shut down. Joe Hockersmith: Again, if it is not presented as a budgetary request and there is cost involved? Kerri Burrows: What is there is no cost involved? Joe Hockersmith: Well, if there is no cost involved and she has the time I would say she is the Park Manager. That is my feeling. Andrea Lage: Unless there is a liability or something. Joe Hockersmith: Again, if there is budget issues. We need to do more recreation in Shippensburg. There hasn’t been the desire to fund additional programming. Anne was here to talk about the seniors today. We have a major problem. Kerri Burrows: I 100% agree. Joe Hockersmith: I personally think that we have a responsibility in that. We have been helping to fund the center that has been in existence. If we don’t step up to the plate it is probably going to fall by the way side. It has to come at budget time. Andrea Lage: Give us a list and the money? Steve Brenize: How long has she been our Park and Rec manager? Have we gotten any proposals from her? Kerri Burrows: Does she have any input in her budget? Earl Parshall: You all want to take over running the park? Your telling me that I do not know how to do my job and I am resenting it right now. Kerri Burrows: No, actually Earl what I am implying is…. Earl Parshall: You are implying that I am a liar and I don’t like that either. Kerri Burrows: Actually I am not implying that you are a liar. Earl Parshall: Now, what I told you was that the manager has not come to me with those programs that she had in the paper, and that is what happened. If she wants to, we will discuss them. Kerri Burrows: Actually that, this isn’t a Kip issue. I actually didn’t talk to Kip about this. My issue is that if there is a program, here is my question. We have a Park and Rec Manager, okay. My understanding about this advisory committee meeting is having some people bring in some new and fresh ideas and my concern is that the feedback that I am getting from them is; hey we are bringing you new fresh good ideas but your
13 Park and Rec Manager is also bringing new fresh ideas and they are being turned down. Earl Parshall: Where did she bring them to? Kerri Burrows: You acknowledge that you knew about them Earl. Earl Parshall: I read about them in the newspaper. Just like you did. That is all I know about it. Kerri Burrows: Okay, but Earl that is her job. Earl Parshall: That is her job to come to me at budget time when we go over the budget and present her programs and what they are going to cost so that we can budget for them. Not to put it in the paper which is the first time that I read about it. You haven’t talked to her about it, you just admitted that. Kerri Burrows: I haven’t talked about it. Earl Parshall: So, you are believing third party over your manager, so I resent that. Kerri Burrows: Because you think that I am accusing you of something, Earl Parshall: You did. Kerri Burrows: Did I accuse him of something? Andrea Lage: Alright, let’s get it back into something that can function properly which is, regardless of what has happened in the past we do want to encourage new programs but we do also want to have a plan. We want to know what those programs are going to be and the goals of those programs. You have to have that planning first, even if it is just notification of this is what we are going to do. We will try 4 new programs this summer. Kerri Burrows: Okay Kathy Coy: I agree with you Andrea, whatever has happened in the past we are moving forward with the new advisory board and a new process. I believe that as we work our way through this it will. Joe Hockersmith: What I am thinking I am hearing Kerri say is: we as a Council need to hear ideas whether they are coming from the Advisory Board or from the Park Manager. That is what I think I am hearing you say? Kerri Burrows: That is exactly what I am saying. Earl Parshall: If Kip comes up with an idea and we budget it and we put it in, you don’t need to hear about it we just do it. You will hear about it at budget time. Steve Brenize: So what happened with this issue is that she came up with these ideas after the budget was already made, is that the issue? Andrea Lage: All we know is that they appeared in the paper. Earl Parshall: The issue is that somebody, a private citizen told Kerri that I was a roadblock and she didn’t confirm with anybody and she took it as gospel. Steve Brenize: No, I want to continue this. It is not that it is about that is what he said, she said. Right here basically said that in the paper there were these programs that weren’t in the budget so we are not having the programs that weren’t in the budget. The idea she just basically put them in the paper? Earl Parshall: Correct. Kerri Burrows: Here is the thing, when they were put into the paper, her knowing that have a budget line item( I would assume that she knows what her budget is) why would she put these programs in there if they knew they couldn’t be funded if they were going to cost money? It is a kickball league, to me it is hey you want to sign up you spend
14 $10.00 for a t-shirt and here you go every Saturday from March through May or in the fall? Andrea Lage: Again, that probably should be discussed it is or is it not cost free. We don’t know these things. Steve Brenize: At the same time, we pay her to manage the park. We pay Earl to manage the Borough and we pay her to manage the park. Kerri Burrows: We pay the Chief to manage the police department and we pay Kevin to manage the street department, etc. That is what I am trying to get at. Steve Brenize: I think that is the point of this conversation, if we have a park manager that is coming up with ideas on how to utilize the park. So she needs to know that next year anything that she wants to do needs to be before you for the budget? Earl Parshall: She already knows that. Steve Brenize: Okay. Andrea Lage: I think there is no desire to shutdown creativity but we have to be responsible about how we develop the programs. Steve Brenize: Do we have a line in the budget for miscellaneous park expenses? Kerri Burrows: I know the answer to this because I checked. Earl Parshall: We have a very lean budget. Joe Hockersmith: I suppose that is a whole other discussion? How do we stack up compared to other municipalities on how much we actually spend on recreation? Is that something that we could find out because it seems to me that again I understand the fiscal restraints, I really do. I also think that it is a very important aspect of our job as Shippensburg Borough Council to make sure that there are opportunities for people to have constructive outlets for their time. I think that is really important and senior to have a place in the community to have time together. I would like to know are we anywhere up to? Earl Parshall: I can look at budgets of other municipalities the same size, we are way below what Chambersburg spends but they are 4 times bigger than we are. Sam Wiser: Part of the consideration you have to look at personnel costs because of a larger organization you have got more cost. I think it really comes down to what is the quantitative percentage so we can compare programming to programming. Earl Parshall: You can spend whatever you want to spend but be prepared to raise taxes accordingly to get more revenue. We are not making any money at the park, we are losing money. Joe Hockersmith: I have never maintained that it should be a break even or a profit program. I don’t think that is what the recreation is. It is a shared burden, so yes there should be some tax dollars there. Private industry are not running parks. Earl Parshall: Gettysburg privatized their park system or they are in the process. Kerri Burrows: They have a different tax base than what we do. Joe Hockersmith: I would love to go back to a regional concept or a true authority that can’t be dissolved at the whim of some local official but it is not going to happen. Andrea Lage: Alright, so where are we at addressing this? Kathy Coy: I think you have addressed it enough at this point and we will go back to the Advisory Board and get them what they need from them from here on out. I think everybody’s heart is in this for wanting it for the kids and the town. I do believe that Kip need to be seriously involved, I think it is tough for us to be taking suggestions from the
15 Advisory Board and we don’t have input from the Park Manager. I would imagine that she would be angry if they didn’t ask for her input. Andrea Lage: Keeping in mind that part of what is happening is to prevent what happened in the past that this is not about day to day operations and it is very easy at times for the discussion to devolve into that and I know that the intent was not completely to cut Kip out of the idea generation, not to create a situation that revisits the past. It is about the bigger picture. Kathy Coy: I do think we have some work going forward and we need to continue to figure out how we are going to work Kip into that process. Joe Hockersmith: I would like to see a future discussion on what we are actually working to make this whole thing work for the betterment of the community. Steve Brenize: I think the challenge when we go around the budget things is trying to stick with programs that we know work. So how do you find programs that can be successful if you don’t take a chance? Kerri Burrows: We might get 10 people one year but then those 10 people will tell 5 people the next year and their expectation is that the program will be back next year. It is just going to continue to grow, the first year you may not have a response because it is just not known. Earl Parshall: We adjusted the pool hours last year to try to see if a couple of nights during the week would work. If that didn’t work we try something different. Kerri Burrows: Did the extra pool hours work last year? Earl Parshall: Not real well, but we are going to try it again. Kathy Coy: That in itself, if we could have a report at the end of the year on events that happened before and what the turnout was. That might be something good for the Advisory Board to help promote something or a different idea, not that Kip or anyone else is wrong but sometimes it just takes a little more. Earl Parshall: Kathy for the free day at the pool, it is looking like June the 8th or the 15th. That is a Saturday. Normally the 8th would be great but the school got pushed back to the 11th this year instead of getting out the 6th. Kerri Burrows: So Memorial Day you don’t think would be an option which would be the 27th of May? Earl Parshall: I don’t like Memorial Kerri because the weather is too iffy. The very first day I would not want to have a ton of people with the new employees this year. I think the weather would be better around the 8th or the 15th. We want to do it as early as possible. Kathy Coy: Maybe some advertisement for the free pool pass.
Andrea Lage: We have a need for an executive session to discuss a potential contractual matter about property. There will be no action that comes out of that Exec session. Sam do you have anything else? Sam Wiser: Nothing in addition to that. Andrea Lage: Alright, let’s do any other business and then you can head home.
Any Other Business Andrea Lage: I do think that we should open up discussion about the Senior Center. Sam: Nothing.
16 Joe Hockersmith: Earl, was there a water line break in front of the Fire Company? Was it an old pipe? Earl Parshall: When the valve was opened it didn’t seat all the way. Joe Hockersmith: Okay, I know that Anne was here to ask about the use of that building which I don’t necessarily agree with but I do think it is pretty important to try to facilitate the seniors to at least try to find a temporary location. Earl, correct me if I am wrong but I understand that that we have about 48 seniors that participate with some regularity in her program. She averages at any given day from 40 – 80 seniors with as high as 100 seniors. There is a need here. Earl Parshall: I can’t remember the exact number. The 2012 statistics that I got from the County of Aging the borough residents made up 17% of the usage of the facility. Southampton/Cumberland despite what was in the paper made up about 45%. Joe Hockersmith: I am not sure what all the reasoning was behind this move because it seemed to me that it was working pretty well. I just want us to keep that in front of us. There has been talk about other things that we can do. Earl Parshall: I have been working with Ann and Scott Brown at the Chamber. The problem is that they almost are going to have to take a temporary home, I have given them a couple of possibilities that I think could work temporarily. Long term, they mentioned the bowling alley or the senior center. We have a lease and it has no heat because we were planning to sell it. That is not an immediate or probably not even a long term solution. I have talked to Steve Alt about it and none of us really have a building. There just aren’t many buildings. One of them is the Swid Brothers there on the corner, but it needs work. Kathy Coy: We made some phone calls about the Franklin building up there on Lurgan Ave. I never get a call back. There are tough times about keeping the maintenance on the grounds and things like that so they were interested in talking. I do have a number. This gentlemen made a comment about the building. Earl Parshall: That would be way bigger than what they might need. Joe Hockersmith: It would be in Franklin County but the bulk of the funding comes from Cumberland. Steve Brenize: There are more participants from Green Township than there is from Shippensburg Township. Joe Hockersmith: Somebody needs to go and talk to Green Township. Earl Parshall: If you think of a building, let me know. Kathy Coy: Somebody asked me when the line painting starts? Earl Parshall: This summer. Andrea Lage: Earl, anything? Kerri, anything? Steve, anything? Steve Brenize: Yes, the fines for snow shoveling. Sam Wiser: That got back burnered because I figured it wouldn’t snow for a while now. It is still on the list. Steve Brenize: Any movement on our stop sign on Washington St and Walnut St? Andrea Lage: We had a discussion that we discovered that part of the issue. Joe Hockersmith: If there signs say one thing and all of our signs say something else then there is a problem. Andrea Lage: That is not what you asked?
17 Steve Brenize: I had one thing, me and some other people in the community are going to have 100 Conifer trees and I had talked about planting them out behind Dykeman. Earl gave me a map of where I could plant them. I just wanted to make sure that Council was okay with that. Andrea Lage: Where did you suggest? Earl Parshall: Along the meadow and then the trail comes out. Where it would complement the existing trails. Steve Brenize: I figure it would take 2 weekends. Andrea Lage: I think that is it then except for the Executive session.
Executive Session started: 8:46 pm Executive Session ended : 9:08 pm
Joe Hockersmith: Motion to adjourn Kathy Coy: Second.
______Borough Secretary