Client ID______ First Contact Date______ Case Close Date:______
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Client ID______Household ID Number______First Contact Date______Case Close Date:______
All questions should be completed within 24 hours of intake. A. CLIENT DEMOGRAPHICS
B. 1. Name:______Date of Birth:______1. Phone intake 2. In-person intake
Ot her: 2. Gender Female Male ______ Not Reported (Client declined) Identity: ______
Transgender female (male to female): Someone whose sex is or was male but identifies as female
Transgender male (female to male): Someone whose sex is or was female but identifies as male
Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming: Someone who does not identify exclusively as male or female, somewhere in between or neither gender identity 3. Age at First Contact: ______
Non- Hispanic/La 4. Ethnicity: Hispanic/Non- Unknown tino Latino Native 5. Race: American Black/Afric Hawaiian/ Check as Indian Asian White Unknown an Other many as or Alaska American Pacific apply Native Islander
6. Sexual Heterosexu Homosexua Orientati Bisexual al/Straight l/Gay/Lesbian on:
Queer: Refers broadly to lesbians, gay, bisexual people and others who may NOT identify with the terms above but DO identify with this term.
Other: ______ Not Reported: Client declined or not collected) ______
Unknown: Note: If client uses the term “Questioning” to describe their sexual orientation, please use the “Other” category above and write in this term.
7. Veteran’ No Yes Unknown Not Reported (e.g., client declined) s Status: 8. Employm Not Full Time Part Time Unknown ent: Employed
9. Educatio College High School No High Some College n: Grad or More Grad School Some High Unknown School
10. Marital Common Legally Divorced Married Single Unknown Widowed Status: Law Separated
11. Pregnant Not No Unknown Yes Not Applicable (male clients only) : Reported
12. Number of Children: ______Name Sex Age
C. PRIMARY PRES ENTI NG Emotional Physical DV Sexual DV Primary Offense Date: ______/______/______ISSUE DV (choo se ONE): 1. Offense Offender’s Other Other Car Park School Location: Home Private Location Public Location Shared Victim’s Victim’s Street Other:______Home Home Work Adult 2. Other Rape/Sexua Child sexual survivor incest/ Stalking Harassment Child abuse Presenting l Assault child sexual assault Issues: assault (Check as Child Home many as Date rape Drugged Hate crime Physical DV apply) neglect invasion Emotional Domestic Aggravated Violation of Sexual DV Elder abuse DV battery dom. battery OP Attempted Other Homicide DUI/DWI Battery Assault/battery homicide assault Other offense against Other Unknown Burglary Robbery person offense offense
Earned Worker B. CLIENT Income compensation INCOME $______$______ Pension from former job $______SOURCE(S): Unemploym Check as ent many as Insurance$______ TANF apply AND ______$______ Child Support $______indicate Soc Sec MONTHLY Disability amnt. $______ General SSI assistance $______$______ Alimony/other spouse income $______ Retirement Veterans income/Soc. disability pay Security$______$______ Other Source______$______
Page 2 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs Unknown (-1 Private disability No financial unknown; -2 not insurance$______ Veteran’s pension $______resources reported)
D. NONCASH BENEFITS/HEALTH INSURANCE: 1. Non Cash Benefits: Food TANF Stamps/food Transportati Other Source benefit card on (Link Card) Special Other Supplement TANF funded No Non Cash benefits al nutrition services (WIC) Section TANF 8, public Child Care Unknown housing, rent services assistance 2. Health Insurance State Medicai children’s d health health insurance Private health insurance insurance (18 and (Children’s older only) Medicaid) Veteran Medicar ’s e health administratio No health insurance insurance n med services Unknown E. REFERRAL SOURCE: 1. Referred From: Sexual Legal Housing Circuit Public Assault Child Advocacy Center System Program Clerk Health Program Medical Private Hospital Advocacy Clergy Media National DV Hotline Attorney Program Law State’s Educati Medical Relative IL DV Helpline Enforcement Attorney on System Social Other Self Service DCFS Friend Other Local Hotline DV Program Program Other Referrals:______2. Referred To: State’s Housing Other Legal Medical Attorney Program DV Program System Social Circuit Law Private Service DCFS Clerk Enforcement Attorney Program Sexual Public Educati Hospital Assault Clergy Health on System Program
Other Referrals:______
F. No special Unknown Not Reported SPECIAL needs NEEDS (as indicated many as
Page 3 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs apply): Is Has Requires special diet hearing limited impaired English (primary language:______) Require Require Other Special Needs:______s assistance s a in feeding, wheelchair dressing, or toileting Must Has ______have immobility medications administered Is Has visually development impaired- al disability requires assistance
G. SERVICES NEEDED: Check all services needed by client at time of intake. Shelter Emotion Child Medical Advocacy al/Counselin Care g Housing Individu Legal Crisis Intervention al Support Services (child) Financi School Employ Transportation al Advocacy ment (child) Referral Group Legal Parent/Child Support Activity Advocacy (child) Lock Educati Medical Community Advocacy (child) up/Board up on Services Therapy
H. RESIDENC E: Address:
City/Town Township County State Zip Code (Enter UK for Unknown and NR for Not reported) Home Phone (_____)_____-______Work Phone (_____)_____-______Emergency Contact: (____)_____- ______Page 4 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs
Type of Residence (IMMEDIATELY prior to coming to dv shelter/transitional housing program) (shelter clients only)
Emerge Substan Staying/ Place not meant for habitation ncy ce abuse living shelter(oth treat. w/family er dv or facility member homeless)
Transiti Jail/priso Staying/ Other onal n/juvenile living housing- detention w/friend homeless ctr
Perm. Room/a Hotel/m Unknown housing for pt/house otel paid formerly rented for w/o homeless emergency shelter voucher
Psychiat Apt/hou Foster Not Reported ric se owned care hospital/fac home/grou ility p home
Length of stay in previous place (place indicated above) (shelter clients only)
One One 1-3 More One Unknown week or week to months than 3 year or less one month months, up longer to 1 year PREVIOUS SERVICE USE (shelter clients only): In The Last Year…. 1--Have you used another domestic violence shelter in this part of IL? YES NO If yes, about how long ago (approx date): ______2--Have you used another homeless shelter in this part of IL? YES NO If yes, about how long ago (approx date): ______
I. OFFENDE R Name:______Soc.Sec.#:______-______-______County/State:______INFORMA TION: Birth DOC D. Ca E. Age (at victim intake):______Dat #:______se e:______#: _/__ __ _/______Race: African Asian Biracial Hispani Native Other Unknow White American c Amer. n Gender: Fe M Ot m al he al e r e Relations hip to Client:
Page 5 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs Husban Mother’ Girlfrien Female Child/Grandchild d s Boyfriend d Ex- Male Ex- Other Female Relative husband Stranger girlfriend Boyfrie Male Female Female Stranger nd Child/Grandc Acquaintanc hild e Ex- Other Female Unknown boyfriend Male Shares Relative Household Male Male Mother Same Sex Partner Acquaintanc Shares e Household Father Wife Female Friend Male Ex-Wife Father’s Friend Girlfriend No Supervi Not an Unknow Visitatio sed Unsupervised Visitation Visitation: n Issue Visitatio n Allowed n If there are police and/or state’s attorney charges against the offender, document those on the Medical Criminal Justice Information Form.
J. ELIGIBILIT Y DETERMIN ATION/PR OGRAM RESPONS E: Eligible for Services: 1. Based on the circumstances documented above, it is reasonable to conclude that the individual identified herein and accompanying children, if any, is subject to, or at risk of, abuse and is eligible to receive domestic violence services on the basis for the need for protection. Immediate Program Response: a.1) Accepted as client in on-site residence a.2) Accepted as client in emergency shelter a.3) Accepted client as non-residential client a.4) Referred to another program (name)______2. Based on information received at the time of intake, I conclude this individual is not eligible for services. Intake Date:______Worker:______
Page 6 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs I understand that by my signature, I am verifying the above information and requesting service for ____myself; _____myself and family. I also understand that I have a right to appeal and have a fair hearing of any grievance.
Client Signature:______Date:______
Visit medical Not No Unknown Yes facility? Reported Treated For Not No Unknown Yes Injuries? Reported Did not Required Seriousness require hospital Unknown Of Injuries: hospital admission admission Not Location of Photos Taken: No Unknown Yes Reported Photos:______Type of Private Trauma Medical Clinic ER None Other Unknown Facility: Physician Ctr. Evidence Kit Not No Unknown Yes Used? Reported Other Family Problems:______
The Offender Threw (check all that something Beat up your victim apply): at your victim Pushed, grabbed or Choked your victim shoved your victim Slapped Threatened your victim with a knife or gun your victim Kicked, bit or hit your Used a knife or fired a gun victim with a fist Hit or tried to hit your victim with something
ORDERS OF PROTECTION Originally Date Filed:___/___/___ Sought Order: Granted Denied Pending Unknown County:______Date Issued:___/___/______Type of Order: Emergency Interim Plenary Unknown Date Vacated:___/___/___
Forum: Criminal Civil Unknown Original Date Of Expiration:___/_ Comments:______/___ Activity 1 Activity 2
Page 8 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs Violation Violation W/Police Charge EOP to EOP to W/Police Violation W/O Police Charge IOP Charge IOP EOP to Violation EOP to Activity Date: ___/___/___ POP W/O Police POP New Expiration Date:___/___/___ IOP to Charge IOP to POP POP Activity Date: Extension ___/___/___ Extension Modificatio New Expiration Modificatio n Date:___/___/_ n __ Activity 3 Activity 4 Violation Violation W/Police Charge EOP to EOP to W/Police Violation W/O Police Charge IOP Charge IOP EOP to Violation EOP to Activity Date: ___/___/___ POP W/O Police POP New Expiration Date:___/___/___ IOP to Charge IOP to POP POP Activity Date: Extension ___/___/___ Extension Modificatio New Expiration Modificatio n Date:___/___/_ n __
POLICE Date Reported to Patrol Detective Interview Police:___/___/ Interview ___
PROSECUTION State’s Trial Attorney V/Witness Trial Type: Bench Jury Unknown Scheduled Interview Court If results in Prosecutio Appearance continuance, Defense Other ___/___/___ which type? n Court If results in Prosecutio Appearance continuance, Defense Other ___/___/___ which type? n Court If results in Prosecutio Appearance continuance, Defense Other ___/___/___ which type? n Court If results in Prosecutio Appearance continuance, Defense Other ___/___/___ which type? n Court If results in Prosecutio Appearance continuance, Defense Other ___/___/___ which type? n
V/W Not Participate: Yes No Appropriat Unknown e
Arrest Made? No Not Reported Unknown Yes Date of Arrest:___/___/___ Police Charge Date of Charges: ___/___/______Charge Type: Felony Misdemeanor Unknown Police Charge Date of Charges: ___/___/______Charge Type: Felony Misdemeanor Unknown G. PROSECUTION Charges Filed? No Not Reported Unknown Yes Charge Type: Felony Misdemeanor Unknown State’s Attorney Charge: Charge Date:___/___/______ Convicted, Dismissed, Disposition: Acquitted Lesser Victim Didn’t Mistrial Pled Guilty, Original Charge Charge Show Dismissed, Charges Dismissed, Other:______Want Of Stricken On Leave Dropped Fines ____ Prosecution Pled Guilty, Dismissed, Convicted Hung Jury Lesser Unknown Other Reason Charge Conditional Juvenile Not Probation Sentence 1: Discharge Detention Sentenced Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns. Conditional Juvenile Not Sentence 2: Discharge Detention Sentenced Probation Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns. Conditional Juvenile Not Sentence 3: Discharge Detention Sentenced Probation Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns. Charge Type: Felony Misdemeanor Unknown State’s Attorney Charge: Charge Date:___/___/______ Convicted, Dismissed, Disposition: Acquitted Lesser Victim Didn’t Mistrial Pled Guilty, Original Charge Charge Show Dismissed, Charges Dismissed, Other:______Want Of Stricken On Leave Dropped Fines ____ Prosecution Pled Guilty, Dismissed, Convicted Hung Jury Lesser Unknown Other Reason Charge Conditional Juvenile Not Sentence 1: Discharge Detention Sentenced Probation Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Page 10 of 11 ADULT CLIENT INTAKE/ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM Residential Shelter Programs Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns. Conditional Juvenile Not Sentence 2: Discharge Detention Sentenced Probation Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns. Conditional Juvenile Not Sentence 3: Discharge Detention Sentenced Probation Sentence Juvenile Fines Other Restitution Date:___/___/___ Probation Sentenced for: Yrs_____Mo_____ Jail Mandated Prison Supervision Unknown Days____ Couns.
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