1)The Parathyroid Glands Lie on the ______Surface of the Thyroid Gland

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1)The Parathyroid Glands Lie on the ______Surface of the Thyroid Gland

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 1)The parathyroid glands lie on the ______surface of the thyroid gland.

2)The ability of a target tissue to respond to a particular hormone depends on the presence of a specific ______that will bind the hormone on or inside the target cell.

3)Cells of the kidney produce the hormone ______, which stimulates red blood cell production.

4)Releasing and inhibiting hormones travel from the hypothalamus through a vascular ______portal system to the anterior lobe of the pituitary.

5)The ______hormone aldosterone is produced by the adrenal cortex to increase blood volume.

6)The ______consists of four endocrine cell types: A, B, D, and F.

7)Growth hormone is produced by ______cells of the adenohypophysis.

8)The endocrine cells of the pancreas are located within spherical bodies called ______.

9)______produces contraction of the smooth musculature of the male and female reproductive tracts.

10)The diffuse ______system consists of endocrine cells scattered throughout the visceral organs.

11)______fluid helps keep the lungs expanded against the thoracic walls.

12)The ______sinuses drain into the nasal cavity.

13)The ______intercostal muscles are involved in (forced) expiration.

14)The presence of a ______in its medial aspect is unique to the left lobe.

15)The function of type II alveolar cells is to produce ______.

16)The ______cartilages are the posterior anchor of the vocal cords.

17)The ______tonsil, or adenoids, is located on the wall of the nasopharynx.

18)The ______is the portion of the soft palate that prevents food from entering the nasal cavity.

19)Fusion of the alveolar and capillary membranes creates a ______membrane, or air-blood barrier.

20)The ______marks the point where the trachea branches into the two main bronchi.

21)Longitudinal folds of the stomach mucosa are called ______.

22)The external muscle layer of the pharynx consists of three ______muscles composed of voluntary skeletal muscle.

23)"Baby" teeth are more properly called ______teeth. 24)The sigmoid colon is located within the ______region of the abdominal pelvic cavity.

25)The region between your teeth and lips is called the ______.

26)The right and left hepatic ducts join to form the ______duct.

27)The transverse colon bends inferiorly at the ______to become the descending colon.

28)The ______region of the stomach is closest to the esophagus.

29)The root of the tooth is held to the periodontal ligament by a calcified connective tissue called ______.

30)The porta hepatis contains the hepatic arteries, hepatic ducts, and ______.

31)The ______urethral sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle and under voluntary control.

32)The calyces and renal pelvis are all flared branches off the ______, which is a structure that runs to the bladder.

33)The ______, a clinical landmark in the urinary bladder, is bounded by the two ureteric openings and the internal urethral orifice.

34)Most water and solutes are resorbed from the convoluted renal tubules into the ______.

35)The U-shaped ______is located between the proximal and distal convoluted tubules.

36)______are large cells with complex "footlike" processes that wrap around the glomerular capillaries.

37)The ______artery is located between the interlobar and cortical radiate arteries.

38)Voiding of urine, known as ______, involves sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic fibers.

39)Blood pressure is regulated by a specialized structure, known as the ______, that contacts both the afferent arteriole and the terminal end of the nephron loop.

40)The ______layer of the ureters propel urine to the bladder by peristalsis.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 41)Which of the following is the primary sex organ in the male? A)the epididymis B) the prostate C)the penis D) the testis

42)The correct sequence of sperm-transporting tubules that transport spermatozoa to the epididymis is the A)seminiferous tubule to efferent ductule to straight tubule to rete testis. B)seminiferous tubule to straight tubule to rete testis to efferent ductule. C)seminiferous tubule to rete testis to efferent ductule to straight tubule. D)seminiferous tubule to rete testis to straight tubule to efferent ductule.

43)The female homologue of the male scrotum is the A)penile urethra. B) labia majora. C)bulb of the vestibule. D) ovary.

44)The function of the pampiniform plexus of veins is to A)form hydroceles. B)help cool blood. C)help prevent hernias. D)form the outer wall of the spermatic cord.

45)The seminal vesicles A)secrete digestive enzymes when cancerous. B)are glands that secrete most of the volume of the semen. C)store sperm. D)empty into the epididymis.

46)The function of the cremaster muscle is to help A)squeeze semen from the urethra during ejaculation. B)maintain erection in both sexes. C)keep a gonad cool. D)increase intra-abdominal pressure during childbirth.

47)Which of the following anchors the uterus into an anteverted position in the pelvis? A)round ligament B) ovarian ligament C)broad ligament D) suspensory ligament

48)The largest gross region of the uterus is its A)fornix. B) cervix. C) fundus. D) body.

49)The milk-producing cells in the breast are A)simple cuboidal epithelial cells in alveoli. B)endocrine cells. C)columnar epithelial cells in lobules. D)adipose cells (because milk contains 4% fat).

50)Which of the following does not add a secretion to the semen? A)prostate B) corpus cavernosum C)bulbourethral glands D) seminal vesicles

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