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Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Inject ResponseConsolidated Report

Operation Volunteer Placement A VRC Tabletop Exercise

September 24, 2016

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

This report contains the inject responses from the Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise. These responses are unedited and are directly exported from the information typed into the ONX System during the exercise. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation for your organization’s records of exact responses captured during the exercise. www.drc-group.com – [email protected]

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 001

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy (Note: Due to the fact that teams participating in this exercise are from areas of the country with different disaster risks (hurricane, earthquake, tornado, flood, wildfire, etc.) the exercise does not focus on the nature of the disaster that has occurred but focusses on the processes associated with activating, managing and demobilizing a locally based Volunteer Reception Center.)

Day 1 – 10:37AM

The local Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has just contacted the lead agency responsible for managing spontaneous unaffiliated volunteers (disaster volunteers) during a disaster and asked that a Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) be established in response to the disaster that has just taken place in your community.

Part 1 Local OEM is expecting at least 700 individuals will need to be screened and processed through the VRC in the next couple of days.

The local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been fully activated.

Identify the name of the agency responsible for managing disaster volunteers within your community.

(Note: In identifying the agency, list the name of the agency’s primary Point of Contact (POC), the POCs primary and secondary phone numbers and their e- mail address.)

(Example: Agency: Signal Hill Volunteer Center / POC: Susan Jones / Phone Number: Work – 555-555-5555 Mobile – 555-333-3333 / E-Mail Address: [email protected]) Part 2 VOAD During a disaster does the above referenced agency have representation in the Part 3 local EOC? Part 4 Yes If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the agency’s roles and Part 5 responsibilities upon being assigned to the EOC. Part 6 gathering information from other agencies as to their needs for volunteers

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

report to the VRC Manager as to what the agencies needs are. If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why the agency is not represented in Part 7 the EOC. Part 8

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 002

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy Is the agency contacted by OEM the sole agency responsible for activating and managing the VRC? Part 1 (Note: The focus at this point is on the agency(s) that will actually provide staff to activate and manage the VRC not on agencies or organizations to which the VRC will refer disaster volunteers.) Part 2 Yes If the above answer is yes. – Will the agency have the manpower to effectively Part 3 activate and manage a VRC that is expected to process a minimum of 700 disaster volunteers over the next several days? Part 4 No If the answer to the first question is no. – Identify the name of agencies and / or organizations that will provide staff to assist in activating and managing the VRC. Part 5 (Note: In identifying the agency(s) and / or organization(s), list its name and its phone number.)

(Example: Agency: Low Country Senior Corps / Phone Number: 555-888-8888) Part 6 Part 7 Using the phone contact all the agencies listed above. Once contact is made ask the following questions:

Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

 Does your agency fully understand its roles and responsibilities in supporting the opening and managing of the VRC?

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

 Does your agency have the available staff to assist with opening and managing the VRC?  Is your agency’s staff trained in the operation of the VRC?

(Note: If agencies responsible for supporting the activation and management of the VRC are participating as part of the exercise team a phone call to their agency is not necessary. However the above questions will need to be asked and answered.)

Were you able to make contact with all of the agencies listed above? Part 8 No What is the overall readiness level of the agencies contacted in regards to Part 9 supporting the activation and management of the VRC? Part 10 Poor If the above answer is Poor or Fair. – Briefly describe actions that can be Part 11 implemented to improve the readiness level of agencies assigned a role in VRC activation and management. To contact various agencies, Health & Welfare Council, local businesses that Part 12 would be able to provide people to staff a VRC

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 003

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Part 1 Day 1 – 11:43 AM

The agency(s) responsible for opening the VRC has decided to conduct a conference call to establish an operational structure for opening and managing the VRC.

During the call it is decided to develop a prioritized task list known as an Incident Action Plan (IAP) that focuses on INITIAL ACTIVITIES associated with opening the VRC. The focus of the IAP will be to set clear objectives that will need to be accomplished to ensure that the VRC is opened as quickly as possible.

Ensure that all objectives are completed using SMART methodology.

In preparing the IAP list the objectives, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed objective and prepare a timeline for completing each

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016


(Example: Objective: Call the POC for the facility to be used to host the VRC to ensure the facility is available and to make arrangements for its use. / Required Resources: VRC contact list. / Timeline: 30 Minutes.) Objectives/required resources/timeline

1. call POC for facility availability/VRC plan/15 min.

2. call VRC Manager and staff,/VRC contact list/ 30 min.

Part 2 2A. Send message through PIO to media of location and time of VRC

3. Determine set up crew and needs/VRC contact list/1 hour

4. VRC Staff to gather supplies to facility/VRC /2 hours

5. VRC STaff to set up VRC (Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System – Part 3 Planning Cycle. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Incident Command System – Planning Cycle) – OPTIONAL

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 004

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy Has the agency responsible for activation and management of the VRC entered Part 1 into a written agreement with the owner / operator of the facility that has been identified as the VRC host site for the use of their facility? Part 2 No (Note: Access an example of a VRC Facility Usage Agreement.) Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – When was the agreement last reviewed and / or up-dated? Part 4 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why such written agreements are not Part 5 in place.

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Our VOAD is in the process of being started and hasn't identified or contacted Part 6 anyone concerning facility use. Using the phone call the POC for the facility designated as the VRC. Once contact is made ask if the POC fully understands what is involved in using the facility for a VRC. Part 7 Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Identify the name and address of the facility contacted: Part 8 Did the facility POC fully understand what was involved in using the facility as a Part 9 VRC? Part 10

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 005

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 1 – 1:32PM

The agency(s) responsible for opening the VRC has begun the process of Part 1 determining what equipment and consumable supplies will be needed to open and manage the VRC.

Is a VRC Activation Kit available for use in opening the VRC? Part 2 No (Note: Access a listing of potential consumable supplies to incorporate into a VRC Activation Kit.) Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – Identify the location where the kit is stored. Part 4 Part 5 Review the kits inventory list to ensure it contains all the supplies that will be needed to open and manage the VRC. Prepare a list of any additional consumable supplies and / or equipment that will need to be added to the kit.

If such a kit does not exist prepare a list of consumable supplies and / or

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

equipment that will be needed to open and manage the VRC.

(Note: List each item and its quantity)

(Example: Item: FRS Radio - AKA Walkie Talkie / Quantity: 6) Suggested list in Packet... plus

white boards/3

radio /communications with EOC Part 6 ID wrist bands


first aid kit Briefly explain how the additional consumable supplies and / or equipment will be Part 7 obtained to meet the current VRC activation needs. County Central Purchasing Part 8 Wal-mart If the above answer is no. – Conduct a brief group discussion to identify ways in which a VRC Activation Kit can be prepared for future disasters.

Part 9 Potential Funding Sources Target Foundation Access Wal-Mart Foundation Access Walgreens Foundation Access

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 006

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Part 1 Day 1 – 3:19PM

Based on the current need for disaster volunteers and the very high interest by community residents wanting to volunteer, OEM and the agency responsible for opening the VRC have determined that the center will need to be opened by 9:00AM tomorrow.

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Based on the community’s VRC Plan and the need for disaster volunteers how many staff will be needed to open the VRC and manage its first day of operation? Part 2 ideally 15-20, realistically 10 Briefly describe how the agency(s) responsible for opening and managing the Part 3 VRC will mobilize their staff to ensure the VRC opens as planned. 1. call staff, schedule staff, Part 4 2. staff training, briefing

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 007

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 1 – 4:04PM

Part 1 The current plan is to open the VRC at 9:00AM tomorrow. Will efforts be made to engage local media in providing the public with information regarding the VRC? Part 2 Yes If the above answer is yes. – Identify the individual that will serve as the Public Information Officer (PIO) for the VRC.

Part 3 (Note: In identifying the PIO, list the PIOs name, agency and phone numbers.)

(Example: PIO: John Sawyer / Agency: Low Country United Way / Phone Number: Work – 555-999-9999 Mobile – 555-222-2222.) Part 4 VRC Manager or Assistant Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why the media will not be contacted. Part 6 It is essential that local residents fully understand the importance of the VRC and its role in supporting the community’s disaster response and recovery activities. Part 7 Identify and describe the key message(s) the VRC PIO will focus on to ensure the public is aware of the VRC and its function. Part 8 need a wide variety of skills, for volunteer safety each volunteer must be

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

registered, define purpose of vrc to fit the right volunteer with the right job/agency. Will the internet and Social Media networks such as Facebook and Twitter be Part 9 utilized to keep the public informed regarding VRC activates? Part 10 Yes Part 11 If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain how this will be accomplished. Part 12 someone will be assigned to this (Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on Social Media During Disasters and Part 13 Text Messaging During Emergencies. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Social Media During Disasters / Text Messaging During Emergencies) – OPTIONAL

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 008

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 2 – 7:32AM

(Note: When the facility manager for the location that would normally be used to host the VRC was contacted the agency responsible for activating the VRC was informed that the facility was not available due to extensive remodeling that was underway. The Signal Hill Community Center will need to be used instead. This is a facility that the agency responsible for activating the VRC is un-familiar.)

Part 1 The team assigned to set-up the VRC has just arrived at the Signal Hill Community Center.

Upon meeting with the center’s manager the team learns that the Senior Citizens area of the center cannot be used due to daily activities scheduled for local senior citizens.

Is there a process in place which the team assigned to set-up the VRC will utilize to pre-inspect the center prior to utilizing the facility to house the VRC Part 2 Yes (Note: Access an example of a Facility Survey that can be utilized to conduct such an inspection.) Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain the pre-inspection process.

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

VRC manager to Use facility survey form to do a quick but thorough facility Part 4 survey Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why there is not such a process. Flex Meeting Rooms-on lower left of map for Orientation/Registrations

Enter communty Hall on middle lower door, have interview tables to the right.

Part 6 Continuing around room to the right to Data/Agency Coordination

Volunteer ID

Safety Briefing/ Maps Job Training and exit out lower left door of community hall Using the floor plan for the Signal Hill Community Center and your community’s VRC Plan develop a plan for utilization of the available space to support the needs of the VRC. Part 7 (Note: Access an example of a VRC Floor Plan if one is not contained in your community’s VRC Plan.)

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 009

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 2 – 8:12AM

The VRC set-up is complete and all the staff assigned to the first day of VRC operations have arrived at Signal Hill Community Center.

Part 1 Based on your community’s VRC Plan identify and briefly describe each of the VRC positions that will need to be staffed.

(Example: Position: Interviewer / Position Description: Conducts a quick but thorough interview of the prospective volunteers and refers them to a job at an agency appropriate to their abilities and interests.) Part 2 Registration/ Orientation-Welcomes volunteers, explains process, gives application/liability waiver and information

Interviewer -determines skill set and refers to appropriate agency for job placement

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Data/Agency Coordination-manages job board

Volunteer ID maker-makes id for volunteers

Safety briefing/maps/job training-gives safety briefing/ maps and job training to volunteers Determine the number of individuals that will be required to staff each of the above identified positions. Part 3 (Example: 5 Interviewers.) Registration-2


Part 4 Data/Agency -3


Safety Briefing-3 Briefly describe the VRC management structure and how the management team Part 7 interfaces with the local EOC. VRC Manager

Assistant Part 8 Station Staff

The VRC Manager or assistant would communicate with liason in the local EOC via phone or radio

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 010

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Part 1 Day 2 – 8:21AM

To effectively manage the VRC it will be important to have an Incident Action Plan (IAP) which outlines the daily objectives associated with operating the VRC.

Develop a DAILY OPERATIONS IAP. In preparing the IAP list the objectives,

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed objective and prepare a timeline for completing each objective.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this IAP.)

(Example: Objective: Conduct a daily all-hands staff briefing prior to opening the VRC. / Required Resources: All VRC staff members. / Timeline: 30 Minutes.) 1. Daily staff briefing morning/30 min.

2. daily inventory of supplies end of day/20 min.

Part 2 3. debriefing at end of day/30 min.

4. process volunteers in a timely manner

5. review job needs

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 011

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy Prepare a comprehensive list of government agencies / departments and / or community / faith based organizations (VRC supported agencies) with which the agency responsible for managing the VRC has a pre-established relationship to Part 1 refer disaster volunteers to once the VRC is open.

(Example: Salvation Army) CART

Salvation Army

Part 2 Red Cross

VOAD members

Local Fire Companies Part 3 Using the phone, call the POC for two of the above identified VRC supported agencies to determine the type of man-power assistance the agency normally needs during a disaster which can be filled by disaster volunteers referred by the

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016


Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Identify the names of the agencies contacted and list their man-power needs.

(Note: If VRC supported agencies are part of the team participating in the exercise the phone calls will not need to be made. However, the above question needs to be asked and answered by two of the VRC supported agencies that are participating in the exercise.) CART-needs animal shelter workers (5) to clean animal cages-must be able to kneel, not be allergic to animals, comfortable around animals, Part 4 Fire Companies-20 men without bad backs, capable of "mudding out" for a 4 hour stretch.

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 012

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 2 – 9:14AM

As scheduled the VRC opens its doors at 9:00AM. Shortly thereafter individuals wanting to assist their community in responding to the disaster arrive at the VRC Part 1 and are greeted by VRC staff. Briefly describe the process an individual will go through from the time they enter the VRC until they are given a referral to a VRC supported agency.

(Note: Access the Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) Operations video.) Part 2 Orientation- Friendly welcome by volunteer, given information and instructions on process and given application and liability waiver. Fills out forms

Interview-talks with interviewer about skills and experiences

Agency Coordination-is matched with an agency and job

ID- gets id

Waits in waiting until safety briefing

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Safety briefing with 7 to 12 others/ given map as needed and job training

Leaves to go to job

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 013

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy To enhance the knowledge of disaster volunteers being processed through the Part 1 VRC, will disaster volunteers have access to basic information on available assignments? Part 2 Yes If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the type of assignment opportunity Part 3 information that is available to disaster volunteers prior to being referred to a VRC supported agency. skills

time commitment to work

Part 4 physical requirements

number of people needed

basic job descriptions If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why this information will not be Part 5 available. Part 6 (Note: Access to several Just In Time Training videos that can be used to provide disaster volunteers with a better understanding of assignment opportunities are found below.)

Part 7 Just In Time Training Videos General Population Shelter Operations Access Pet Friendly Shelter Operations Access Flood Damaged Home Clean-up Access Filling Sandbags Access Point of Dispensing (POD) Operations Access

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 014

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy Using the personal information for the five disaster volunteers found below, and your understanding of the expected man-power needs of your community’s VRC supported agencies, refer each disaster volunteer to an appropriate agency.

(Note: Access the personal information of five disaster volunteers being Part 1 processed through the VRC. This information was also e-mailed to all registered participants prior to the exercise.)

(Example: Disaster Volunteer: Stu Hightower / Referral: Salvation Army / Assignment: Warehouse.) Shana Williams-CART Shelter

Becky Sherwood-CART Shelter

Part 2 Jane Doe-Salvation Army Canteen

Joseph Doe-Salvation Army Canteen

Harold Knight-Fire Department -Somerset fire station Once the disaster volunteer is referred to a VRC supported agency will the VRC Part 3 keep any records regarding the disaster volunteer? Part 4 Yes If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail the records that will be Part 5 maintained and the reason for keeping such records. Part 6 Application, waiver, time sheet of hours worked If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why records on disaster volunteers Part 7 referred to VRC supported agencies will not be maintained. Part 8

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 016

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Part 1 Day 3 – 8:47AM

Overnight a strong weather system began to move through the region bringing

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

heavy rains that are expected to last throughout today.

Having processed 197 disaster volunteers through the VRC on the first day it will be important for VRC staff to up-date the list of man-power needs for the VRC supported agencies.

Briefly describe how this will be accomplished. The Data Agency Coordinator will consult with the EOC and agencies to get a list Part 2 of personnel needs.

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 017

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 3 – 10:13AM

VRC staff members are continuing to do a good job in processing disaster volunteers through the VRC and referring them to VRC supported agencies

Due to the continuing high number of disaster volunteers being processed through the VRC and the fact that heavy rains continue to inundate the region, Part 1 the floors of the Signal Hill Community Center remain very wet. None of the VRC staff have noticed the condition of the wet floors so no one has posted “Slippery Floor” signage.

Suddenly someone cries out that an elderly woman has slipped on the wet floor and is in severe pain and cannot get up.

Briefly explain the actions that will need to be taken. call 911 while taking care of lady

post signs Part 2 clean floor

get carpets/mats Will the VRC management team and / or other key stakeholders need to be Part 3 notified of this incident? Part 4 Yes

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

Part 5 Will an accident report need to be completed by the VRC management team? Part 6 Yes Part 7 If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail the accident reporting process. Part 8 fill out form and give to VRC manager Part 9 If the above answer is no. – Explain why an accident report will not be prepared. Part 10 Part 11 Identify the agency(s) that will potentially be liable for this accident. Part 12 VOAD/

Operation Volunteer Placement - # 018

Somerset County VOAD - Sharlene McCoy

Day 9 – 3:17PAM

VRC staff members have worked very hard since opening the VRC and have processed 1,137 disaster volunteers through the VRC.

Part 1 The numbers of volunteers arriving at the VRC have declined steadily for the past two days with only 17 new disaster volunteers being processed through the VRC today.

Describe the trigger point at which the decision will be made to demobilize the VRC. needs have been met Part 2 agency requests have dropped off Part 3 The decision has been made to demobilize the VRC and transition the referral of disaster volunteers back to the agency responsible for placement of local volunteers under non-disaster circumstances.

Prepare a DEMOBILIZATION IAP. In preparing the IAP list the objectives, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed objective and prepare a timeline for completing each objective.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in preparing this IAP.)

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com Operation Volunteer Placement – A VRC Tabletop Exercise Inject Responses – September 24 2016

(Example: Objective: Conduct an inspection of the facility used to host the VRC to identify any damage or excessive wear and tear to the facility while it was being used as the VRC. / Required Resources: Facility Inspection Form. / Timeline: 1 Hour.) send to media PIO that VRC is closing the day before

inform agencies of closing the day before

inventory and pack all supplies /2 hours

Part 4 return equipment/2 hours

clean area/3 hours

inspect building with facility POC/1 hour

refer any volunteers arriving to agencies themselves

Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC www.drc-group.com

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