List of Citations Used to Test Search Comprehensiveness

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List of Citations Used to Test Search Comprehensiveness

List of citations used to test search comprehensiveness

30 bio-physical papers: Binkley, D. 2003. Seven decades of stand development in mixed and pure stands of conifers and nitrogen-fixing red alder. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:2274. Bosu, P. P., J. R. Cobbinah, J. D. Nichols, E. E. Nkrumah, and M. R. Wagner. 2006. Survival and growth of mixed plantations of Milicia excelsa and Terminalia superba 9 years after planting in Ghana. Forest Ecology and Management 233:352-357. Bristow, M., J. K. Vanclay, L. Brooks, and M. Hunt. 2006. Growth and species interactions of Eucalyptus pellita in a mixed and monoculture plantation in the humid tropics of north Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 233:285-294. Erskine, P. D., D. Lamb, and M. Bristow. 2006. Tree species diversity and ecosystem function: Can tropical multi-species plantations generate greater productivity? Forest Ecology and Management 233:205-210. Forrester, D. I., J. Bauhus, A. L. Cowie, and J. K. Vanclay. 2006. Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with nitrogen-fixing trees: A review. Forest Ecology and Management 233:211-230. Forrester, D. I., A. Pares, C. O’Hara, P. K. Khanna, and J. Bauhus. 2013. Soil organic carbon is increased in mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus and nitrogen-fixing Acacia. Ecosystems 16:123-132. Forrester, D. I. and R. G. B. Smith. 2012. Faster growth of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus pilularis in mixed-species stands than monocultures. Forest Ecology and Management 286:81-86. Grant, J. C., J. D. Nichols, M.-C. Pelletier, K. Glencross, and R. Bell. 2006. Five year results from a mixed-species spacing trial with six subtropical rainforest tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 233:309-314. He, Y., L. Qin, Z. Li, X. Liang, M. Shao, and L. Tan. 2013. Carbon storage capacity of monoculture and mixed-species plantations in subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management 295:193-198. Jose, S., R. Williams, and D. Zamora. 2006. Belowground ecological interactions in mixed- species forest plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 233:231-239. Kelty, M. J. 2006. The role of species mixtures in plantation forestry. Forest Ecology and Management 233:195-204. Khanna, P. 1998. Nutrient cycling under mixed-species tree systems in southeast Asia. Agroforestry Systems 38:99-120. Khanna, P. K. 1997. Comparison of growth and nutrition of young monocultures and mixed stands of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management 94:105-113. le Maire, G., Y. Nouvellon, M. Christina, F. J. Ponzoni, J. L. M. Gonçalves, J. P. Bouillet, and J. P. Laclau. 2013. Tree and stand light use efficiencies over a full rotation of single- and mixed-species Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 288:31-42. Lemma, B. 2012. Soil chemical properties and nutritional status of trees in pure and mixed- species stands in south Ethiopia. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175:769- 774. Manson, D. G., J. Hanan, M. Hunt, M. Bristow, P. D. Erskine, D. Lamb, and S. Schmidt. 2006. Modelling predicts positive and negative interactions between three Australian tropical tree species in monoculture and binary mixture. Forest Ecology and Management 233:315-323. Manson, D. G., S. Schmidt, M. Bristow, P. D. Erskine, and J. K. Vanclay. 2013. Species-site matching in mixed species plantations of native trees in tropical Australia. Agroforestry Systems 87:233-250. McNamara, S., D. V. Tinh, P. D. Erskine, D. Lamb, D. Yates, and S. Brown. 2006. Rehabilitating degraded forest land in central Vietnam with mixed native species plantings. Forest Ecology and Management 233:358-365. Medhurst, J. L., E. A. Pinkard, C. L. Beadle, and D. Worledge. 2006. Photosynthetic capacity increases in Acacia melanoxylon following form pruning in a two-species plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 233:250-259. Montagnini, F. 2000. Accumulation in above-ground biomass and soil storage of mineral nutrients in pure and mixed plantations in a humid tropical lowland. Forest Ecology and Management 134:257-270. Nichols, J. D., M. Bristow, and J. K. Vanclay. 2006. Mixed-species plantations: Prospects and challenges. Forest Ecology and Management 233:383-390. Petit, B. and F. Montagnini. 2006. Growth in pure and mixed plantations of tree species used in reforesting rural areas of the humid region of Costa Rica, Central America. Forest Ecology and Management 233:338-343. Specht, A. and J. Turner. 2006. Foliar nutrient concentrations in mixed-species plantations of subtropical cabinet timber species and their potential as a management tool. Forest Ecology and Management 233:324-337. Unwin, G. L., S. M. Jennings, and M. A. Hunt. 2006. Light environment and tree development of young Acacia melanoxylon in mixed-species regrowth forest, Tasmania, Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 233:240-249. Vanclay, J., D. Lamb, P. Erskine, and D. Cameron. 2013. Spatially explicit competition in a mixed planting of Araucaria cunninghamii and Flindersia brayleyana. Annals of Forest Science 70:611-619. Wang, Q.-K., S.-L. Wang, and M.-C. Zhong. 2013. Ecosystem carbon storage and soil organic carbon stability in pure and mixed stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei. Plant and Soil 370:295-304. Yamamura, T., L. Schwendenmann, and G. Lear. 2013. Tree species identity has little impact on the structure of soil bacterial communities in a 10-year-old tropical tree plantation. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49:819-828.

5 socio-economic papers: Akpan-Ebe, I. N., S. Ajayi and U.I. Edet 2014. Survey of naturally regenerated economic timber species in tropical rainforest of South-East Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology 7(1):59-68. Ghareghiye, Z. N. and V. Etemed. 2013. Estimating the economic value of stored carbon in growing stocks of mixed and pure forest stands. International Journal of AgriScience 3:432-442. Griess, V. and T. Knoke. 2013. Bioeconomic modeling of mixed Norway spruce—European beech stands: economic consequences of considering ecological effects. European Journal of Forest Research 132:511-522. Hildebrandt, P., P. Kirchlechner, A. Hahn, T. Knoke, and R. Mujica H. 2010. Mixed species plantations in Southern Chile and the risk of timber price fluctuation. European Journal of Forest Research 129:935-946. Piotto, D., D. Craven, F. Montagnini, and F. Alice. 2010. Silvicultural and economic aspects of pure and mixed native tree species plantations on degraded pasturelands in humid Costa Rica. New Forests 39:369-385.

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