Template for Summary Reports in Accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health

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Template for Summary Reports in Accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health

Template for summary reports in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health adopted by the Meeting of the Parties at its second session (Bucharest, 23-25 November 2010)

Part One General aspects

1. Were targets and target dates established in your country in accordance with article 6 of the Protocol?


2. Were they published and, if so, how?

3. Has your country established national or local arrangements for coordination between competent authorities for setting targets? If so please describe, including information on which public authority(ies) took the leadership and coordinating role, which public authorities were involved and how coordination was ensured.

4. Which existing national and international strategies and legislation were taken into account?

5. Was cost-benefit analysis of targets set performed, and if so how?

6. What has been done in your country to ensure public participation in the process of target setting in accordance with article 6, paragraph 2, and how was the outcome of public participation taken into account in the final targets set? 7. Provide information on the process by which this report has been prepared, including information on which public authorities had the main responsibilities, which other stakeholders were involved, etc.

8. Report any particular circumstances that are relevant for understanding the report, e.g., whether there is a federal and/or decentralized decision-making structure, or whether financial constraints are a significant obstacle to implementation (if applicable).

9. Please describe whether and, if so, how emerging issues relevant to water and health (e.g., climate change) were taken into account in the process of target setting.

2 Part Two Common indicators1

I. Quality of the drinking water supplied

A. Context of the data

Please provide general information related to the context of the data provided under sections B and C below:

1. What is the population coverage (in millions or per cent of total national population) of the water supplies reported under this indicator?

2. Do the water supply systems reported here supply the urban population only or both the urban and rural populations?

3. Specify where the samples/measurements are taken (e.g., treatment plant outlet, distribution system or point of consumption).

4. In the reports, the standards for compliance assessment signify the national standards. If national standards for reported parameters deviate from the WHO guideline values, provide information on the values (standards) used for calculation. 2

1 In order to allow an analysis of trends for all Parties under the Protocol, please use wherever possible 2005 — the year of entry into force of the Protocol — as the baseline year. 2 In order to ensure consistency and quality of the data sets resulting from sampling programmes, countries may wish to consider ensuring compliance with appropriate international standards for sampling programmes. Examples of such international standards are the ISO 5667 family of standards, in particular: • 5667-1:2006 Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques; • 5667-3:2003 Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples; • 5667-5:2006 Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped distribution systems; • 5667-11:2009 Guidance on sampling of groundwaters. 3 B. Bacteriological quality

Indicator to be used: WatSan_S2: The percentage of samples that fail to meet the national standard for E. coli and the percentage of samples that fail to meet the national standard for Enterococci.

Baseline value Current value WatSan_S2 (please specify the year) (please specify the year) E. coli Enterococci

C. Chemical quality

Indicator to be used: WatSan_S3. All countries shall monitor and report on the percentage of samples that fail to meet the national standard for chemical water quality with regard to the following: • Fluoride; • Nitrate and nitrite;3 • Arsenic; • Lead; • Iron. Parties shall also identify five additional physico-chemical parameters that are of special concern in their national or local situation (e.g., pesticides).

Baseline value Current value Substance (please specify the year) (please specify the year) Fluoride Nitrate and nitrite Arsenic

Lead Iron Additional physico-chemical4 parameter 1:______Additional physico-chemical parameter 2: ______Additional physico-chemical

3 As defined in the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality. 4 It is recommended to take into account new and emerging pressures such as climate change or agriculture practices. 4 parameter 3: ______Additional physico-chemical parameter 4: ______Additional physico-chemical parameter 5: ______

II. Reduction of the scale of outbreaks and incidence of infectious diseases potentially related to water

In filling out the following table, please specify if the numbers reported are related to all exposure routes or only related to water (in which there is epidemiological or microbiological evidence for water to have facilitated infection).5

Incidence Number of outbreaks Baseline Current value Baseline Current value (specify the year) (specify the year) (specify the year) (specify the year) Cholera Bacillary dysentery (shigellosis) EHECa Viral hepatitis A

Typhoid fever a Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli.

5 If possible, please distinguish between autochthonous and imported cases 5 III. Access to drinking water

Percentage of population with Baseline value Current value access to drinking water (specify the year) (specify the year) Total Urban Rural

Please specify how access to drinking water is defined and calculated in your country.

The WHO/UNICEF6 Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation defines access to water supply in terms of the types of technology and levels of service afforded. Access to water-supply services is defined as the availability of at least 20 litres per person per day from an “improved” source within 1 kilometre of the user’s dwelling. An “improved” source is one that is likely to provide “safe” water, such as a household connection, a borehole, a public standpipe or a protected dug well. If your definition of access to drinking water from which the above percentages are calculated differs from that provided by the JMP, please provide the definition and describe your means of calculation.

IV. Access to sanitation

Percentage of population with Baseline value Current value access to sanitation (specify the year) (specify the year) Total Urban


Please specify how access to sanitation is defined and calculated in your country.

6 United Nations Children’s Fund. 6 V. Effectiveness of management, protection and use of freshwater resources

Water quality

On the basis of national systems of water classification, the percentage of the number of water bodies or the percentage of the volume (preferably) of water7 falling under each defined class (e.g., in classes I, II, III, etc. for non-EU countries; for EU countries, the percentage of surface waters of high, good, moderate, poor and bad ecological status, and the percentage of groundwaters/surface waters of good or poor chemical status).

For non-European Union Countries

Status of surface waters Baseline value Current value Percentage of surface water falling under classa (specify the year) (specify the year) I II III IV V Total number/volume of water bodies classified Total number/volume of water bodies in the country a Rename and modify the number of rows to reflect the national classification system.

Status of groundwaters Baseline value Current value Percentage of groundwaters falling under classa (specify the year) (specify the year) I II III IV V Total number/volume of groundwater bodies classified Total number/volume of groundwater bodies in the country a Rename and modify the number of rows to reflect the national classification system.

7 Please specify. 7 For European Union countries

Ecological status of surface water bodies Baseline value Current value Percentage of surface water classified as: (specify the year) (specify the year) High status Good status Moderate status Poor status Bad status Total number/volume of water bodies classified Total number/volume of water bodies in the country

Chemical status of surface water bodies Baseline value Current value Percentage of surface water bodies classified as (specify the year) (specify the year) Good status Poor status Total number/volume of water bodies classified Total number/volume of water bodies in the country

Status of groundwaters

Baseline value Current value Percentage of groundwaters classified as (specify the (specify the year) year) Good quantitative status Good chemical status Poor quantitative status Poor chemical status Total number/volume of groundwater bodies classified Total number/volume of groundwater bodies in the country

8 Please provide any needed information that will help put into context and aid understanding of the information provided above (e.g., coverage of information provided if not related to all water resources, how the quality of waters affects human health).

Water use

Please provide information on the water exploitation index at the national and river basin levels for each sector (agriculture, industry, domestic), i.e., the mean annual abstraction of freshwater by sector divided by the mean annual total renewable freshwater resource at the country level, expressed in percentage terms.

Baseline value Current value Water exploitation index (specify the year) (specify the year) Agriculture Industrya Domestic useb a Please specify whether the figure includes both water abstraction for manufacturing industry and for energy cooling. b Please specify whether the figure only refers to public water supply systems or also individual supply systems (e.g., wells).

9 Part Three Targets and target dates set and assessment of progress

I. Quality of the drinking water supplied (art. 6, para. 2 (a))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

10 II. Reduction of the scale of outbreaks and incidents of water-related disease (art. 6, para. 2 (b))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

11 III. Access to drinking water (art. 6, para. 2 (c))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

12 IV. Access to sanitation (art. 6, para. 2 (d))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

13 V. Levels of performance of collective systems and other systems for water supply (art. 6, para. 2 (e))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

14 VI. Levels of performance of collective systems and other systems for sanitation (art. 6, para. 2 (e) continued)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

15 VII. Application of recognized good practices to the management of water supply, (art. 6, para. 2 (f))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

16 VIII. Application of recognized good practice to the management of sanitation (art. 6, para. 2 (f) continued)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

17 IX. Occurrence of discharges of untreated wastewater (art. 6, para. 2 (g) (i))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

18 X. Occurrence of discharges of untreated storm water overflows from wastewater collection systems to waters within the scope of the Protocol (art. 6, para. 2 (g) (ii))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

19 XI. Quality of discharges of wastewater from wastewater treatment installations to waters within the scope of the Protocol (art. 6, para. 2 (h))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

20 XII. Disposal or reuse of sewage sludge from collective systems of sanitation or other sanitation installations (art. 6, para. 2 (i), first part)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

21 XIII. Quality of wastewater used for irrigation purposes (art. 6, para. 2 (i), second part)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

22 XIV. Quality of waters which are used as sources for drinking water (art. 6, para. 2 (j), first part)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

23 XV. Quality of waters used for bathing (art. 6, para. 2 (j), second part)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

24 XVI. Quality of waters used for aquaculture or for the production or harvesting of shellfish (art. 6, para. 2 (j), third part)

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

25 XVII. Application of recognized good practice in the management of enclosed waters generally available for bathing (art. 6, para. 2 (k))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

26 XVIII. Identification and remediation of particularly contaminated sites (art. 6, para. 2 (l))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

27 XIX. Effectiveness of systems for the management, development, protection and use of water resources (art. 6, para. 2 (m))

For each target set in this area:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

28 XX. Additional national or local specific targets

In cases where additional targets have been set, for each target:

1. Describe the target, target date and baseline conditions. Please include information on whether the target is national or local, and intermediate targets as relevant. Also include information on the background and justification for the adoption of the target.

2. Describe the actions taken (e.g., legal/regulatory, financial/economic and informational/educational, including management measures) to reach the target, having regard to article 6, paragraph 5, and, if applicable, the difficulties and challenges encountered.

3. Assess the progress achieved towards the target.

4. In the review of progress achieved towards the target, has it appeared that the target and target date need to be revised, e.g., in the light of scientific and technical knowledge? If so, and if the revised target and target date have already been adopted, please describe them.

5. If you have not set a target in this area, please explain why.

29 Part Four Overall evaluation of progress achieved in implementing the Protocol

In this part of the summary report, Parties shall provide an analysis and synthesis of the status of implementation of the Protocol. Such an overall evaluation should not only be based on the issues touched upon in the previous parts, but should also include, as far as possible, a succinct overview of implementation of article 9 on public awareness, education, training, research and development and information; article 10 on public information; article 11 on international cooperation; article 12 on joint and coordinated international action; article 13 on cooperation in relation to transboundary waters; and article 14 on international support for national action. This analysis or synthesis should provide a succinct overview of the status of and the trends and threats with regard to waters within the scope of the Protocol sufficient to inform decision makers, rather than an exhaustive assessment of these issues. It should provide an important basis for planning and decision- making as well as for the revision of the targets set, as needed.

30 Part Five Information on the person submitting the report

The following report is submitted on behalf of ______[name of the Party or the Signatory] in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol on Water and Health.

Name of officer responsible for submitting the national report:


Telephone number:

Name and address of national authority:




Parties are required to submit their summary reports to the joint secretariat, using the present template and in accordance with the adopted guidelines on reporting, by 29 April 2013. Submission of the reports ahead of this deadline is encouraged, as this will facilitate the preparation of analyses and syntheses to be made available to the third session of the Meeting of the Parties. Parties are requested to submit, to the two addresses below, an original signed copy by post and an electronic copy either on a CD-ROM or by e-mail. Electronic copies should be available in word-processing software, and any graphic elements should be provided in separate files. Joint Secretariat to the Protocol on Water and Health

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland E-mail: [email protected]


Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization WHO European Centre for Environment and Health Hermann-Ehlers-Strasse 10 53113 Bonn – Germany E-mail: [email protected]


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