Performance Indicators Appendix

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Performance Indicators Appendix


1 Introduction

1.This report sets out in detail the progress against the Council’s key performance indicators and planned actions, for 2009/2010.

2. It has been prepared to supplement the 2009/10 Council Performance Report that will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 27 July 2010, and should be read alongside this report.

3.The report is structured as follows:

1 Progress against the National Indicator Set 2 Progress against the Council’s planned improvement actions

Key for National Indicator Set section

Trend in performance Performance against target Performance has improved from The 2009/2010 target has been   previous measurement. met. Performance has deteriorated from The 2009/2010 target has not   previous measurement. been met. Progress against target is not yet Performance is unchanged from  ? known, as the relevant data has previous measurement. not yet been published. No 2009/2010 target was set for N/A No trend information is available. N/A this indicator.

Key for planned improvement actions section

 The action has been completed by the deadline  The action is not on target to be completed by the deadline.

2 Creating stronger communities

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

People who believe people from different 74% 74% 71.2% 74.8%  NI 001 backgrounds get on well together in their None set  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) local area (Place Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09) (10/11)

People who feel that they belong to their 61.7% NI 002 First measurement was 08/09 None set Top quartile (08/09) Deleted neighbourhood (Place Survey) (08/09) N/A N/A

People participating in civic activities in 13.5% Lower median quartile NI 003 First measurement was 08/09 None set Deleted the last 12 months (Place Survey) (08/09) N/A N/A (08/09) People who feel they can influence 33% 33% 34.9% 39.7% NI 004 None set Top quartile (08/09)  decisions in their locality (Place Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09)  N/A (10/11) People satisfied with the local area 64% 64% 73.8% Lower median quartile 75.0% NI 005 None set overall (Place Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) (10/11) People participating in regular formal 16.5% 19.7% NI 006 First measurement was 08/09 None set Bottom quartile (08/09)  volunteering (Place Survey) (08/09) N/A N/A (10/11) Third sector organisations rating positively local statutory agencies’ 17.7% Upper median quartile 24.3% NI 007 First measurement was 08/09 None set  influence on their success (Cabinet (08/09) N/A N/A (08/09) (10/11) Office survey) Adults using public libraries (Active 49.8% 49.8% 44.5% 52.9% Upper median quartile 45.0% NI 009 People Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11)

Adults visiting museums and galleries at 50.8% 50.8% 54.0% 53.9% Lower median quartile NI 010 least once in last 12months (Active Deleted   (08/09) People Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)

Adults engaging in arts three times in 35.3% 35.3% 38.0% 38.1% 41.1% NI 011 Bottom quartile (08/09)  last 12 months (Active People Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Migrants’ English language skills and 32% 32% 78% 78% NI 013 None available Deleted knowledge (07/08) (07/08) (08/09) (08/09)  

People who agree that people in the area do not treat one another with 57% 57% 39.3% NI 023 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) Deleted respect and consideration (Place (06/07) (06/07) (08/09)  N/A Survey)

3 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Building resilience to violent extremism 2.5 2.5 3.2 3.0 National Average: 2.3 3.5 NI 035 (score from 1-5) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Protection against terrorist attack (score NI 036 Not previously measured N/A None set None available TBC from 1-5) N/A N/A

People aware of civil protection 19.4% NI 037 arrangements in the local area (Place First measurement was 08/09 None set N/A N/A Top quartile (08/09) Deleted Survey) (08/09)

4 Creating safer communities

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Serious violent crimes per 1,000 0.76 0.41 cml. 0.69 0.67 0.65 NI 015 Median (08/09)  population (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Serious acquisitive crimes per 1,000 31.71 9.53 cml. 17.57 27.74 Lower median quartile 26.79 NI 016  population (07/08) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11)

People who consider anti-social 35% 35% 26.9% 23.9%  NI 017 behaviour a problem in the area (Place None set  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09) (10/11)

Proportion of adult offenders under Predicted: Reduction: probation supervision re-offending within -4.73% -3.89% -7.77% NI 018 15.81% 0.19% Top quartile (08/09)  3 months (gap between predicted and (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) actual) (07/08) (Q2 09/10) Assaults with injury per 1,000 population 11.5 5.78 cml. 10.58 10.8 10.24 NI 020 Bottom quartile (08/09)  (alcohol-related violence) (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) People who agree that the local council and police deal with local concerns 28.7% Upper median quartile 31.6% NI 021 First measurement was 08/09 None set about anti-social behaviour and crime (08/09) N/A N/A (08/09) (10/11) (Place Survey) People who agree that parents take enough responsibility for the behaviour 25.1% 27.9% NI 022 First measurement was 08/09 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) of their children in the area (Place (08/09) N/A N/A (10/11) Survey) People who feel that the local council and police understand local concerns 29.4% 32.3% NI 027 First measurement was 08/09 None set Top quartile (08/09) about anti-social behaviour and crime (08/09) N/A N/A (10/11) (Place Survey) Rate per 1,000 population of serious violent offences that are recorded by the 0.83 0.39 cml. 0.63 None set: NI 028 None set None available police and involve the use of a knife or (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10)  N/A monitor only other sharp instrument Rate per 1,000 population of crimes recorded by the police in which a gun is 0.18 0.03 cml. 0.06 None set: NI 029 None set None available fired, used to cause injury or used as a (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10)  N/A monitor only threat  NI 030 Re-offending rate of prolific and priority Cohort of 43, 27 cml. 106 -18% (199)   None available Ratio 1.13 over offenders with 241 (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) 2 years (10/11) convictions

5 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

(Dec 08) 54% 53% 51.1% 49% 44% NI 032 Repeat incidents of domestic violence None available  08/09 (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Arson incidents (per 10,000 population): 146.5 95.3 86.0 129.4 NI 033 None available Deleted  Primary and secondary fires (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   Arson incidents (per 10,000 population): 22.7 10.7 cml. 13.5 20.1 NI 033a None available Deleted Primary fires (07/08) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   Arson incidents (per 10,000 population): 123.4 62.2 cml. 72.5 109 NI 033b None available Deleted Secondary fires (07/08) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 NI 34 Domestic Violence – Homicide None available (07/08) (07/08) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 1.07 1.08 0.9 NI 038 Drug-related (Class A) offending rate First measurement was 09/10 None available  (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) People who agree that drunk or rowdy 37% 37% 33.9% Lower median quartile 30.8% NI 041 None set behaviour is a problem (Place Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) (10/11) People who agree that drug use or drug 53% 53% 38.8% Lower median quartile 35.5% NI 042 None set dealing is a problem (Place Survey) (06/07) (06/07) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) (10/11) 162 .6 232 (i) Total number of primary fires per cml. 208.0 261.0 NI 49 .9 None available Deleted 100,000 population (Q3 (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) 09/ 10) 0.7 cml. ii) Total Number of fatalities due to 0.0 0.7 0.0 NI 49 (Q3 None available Deleted primary fires per 100,000 population (08/09) 09/ (09/10) (09/10)   10) 5.8 cml. iii) Total number of non-fatal casualties 7.9 10.1 10.0 NI 49 (Q3 None available Deleted per 100,000 population (08/09) 09/ (09/10) (09/10)   10) Offenders under probation supervision 75.0% 75.5 79.8% 80% Upper median quartile NI 143 living in settled/suitable accommodation Deleted   (08/09) at the end of their order or licence (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)

Offenders under probation supervision in 26% 38.0% 30.1% 35% 40%  NI 144 employment at the end of their order or   Bottom quartile (08/09) licence (06/07) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11)

6 Supporting children and young people

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Rate of proven re-offending by young 170 122 161 159 153 NI 019 None available  offenders (per 100 offenders) 07/08 (Q2 09/10) (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) People who agree that parents take enough responsibility for the behaviour 25.1% 27.9% NI 022 First measurement was 08/09 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) of their children in the area (Place (08/09) N/A N/A (10/11) Survey)

Young people within the Youth Justice 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5% National average: NI 043 System receiving a conviction in court   TBC who are sentenced to custody (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) 6.3% (08/09) Ethnic composition of offenders on 3.9% 0.0% 0.0% Youth Justice System disposals: First measurement was 08/09 None available (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) White offenders 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% Mixed offenders First measurement was 08/09 None available (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) NI 044 -4.2% 0.0% 0.0% Asian or Asian British offenders First measurement was 08/09 None available (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% Black or Black British offenders First measurement was 08/09 None available (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% Chinese or other ethnic offenders First measurement was 08/09 None available (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) Young offenders engagement in suitable 82.2% 78.9% 82.1% 90% National average: NI 045 TBC education, employment or training. (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   73.2% (08/09) Young offenders access to suitable 99.8% 99.4% 95% National average: NI 046 100% Deleted accommodation. (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   95.7% (08/09)

Children reporting good relationships 63.8% 63.8% 59.2% NI 050 with their family and friends (TellUs None set  N/A Top quartile (08/09) Deleted Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10)

Effectiveness of child and adolescent 12 12 13 12 13 NI 051 mental health (CAMHS) services (score   Bottom quartile (08/09) 4-16) (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) 59.5% 59.5% 63.1% 63% 63% NI 052a Take up of school lunches (primary) Top quartile (08/09) (Apr-Jul 09) (Apr-Jul 09) (Apr-Dec 09) (09/10)   (10/11) NI 052b Take up of school lunches (secondary) 34.5% 34.2% 22.0% 33%   Lower median quartile 33%

7 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

(07/08) (Apr-Jul 09) (Apr-Dec 09) (09/10) (08/09) (10/11) Infants breastfeeding 6-8 weeks from 27.6% 28.7% 27.9% 27.0% 32.3% NI 053a Bottom quartile (08/09) birth (06/07) (Q1 09/10) (Apr-Feb 10) (09/10)   (10/11) Infants for whom breastfeeding status is 94.8% 100% 100% 90.2% 95.0% NI 053b Top quartile (08/09) recorded (08/09) (Q1 09/10) (Apr-Dec 10) (09/10)   (10/11) Parents’ general experience of services 65 National Average: 61 NI 054 First measurement was 09/10 None set TBC for disabled children (aged 0-19) (09/10) N/A N/A (09/10) 11.0% 11.5% 11.5% 11% 11% NI 055 Obesity in primary schools: Reception Bottom quartile (08/09) (07/08) (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 22.7% 22.7% 21.9% 22.5% 22.3% NI 056 Obesity in primary schools: Year 6 Bottom quartile (08/09)  (08/09) (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Children and young people’s 73.0%) 88.0%) 90.0% 90% National average: 81% 90% NI 057a participation in high-quality PE and sport   (08/09) – 2 hours within school (06/07) (07/08) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10)

Children and young people’s 11% 11% NI 057b participation in high-quality PE and sport First measurement was 09/10 N/A  None available TBC – 3 hours outside school (09/10) (09/10)

Average emotional and behavioural 15.8% 14.5% 12.7% 22.7% NI 058 health of looked after children aged 4-16   Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC (score 40-0) (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) Initial assessments for children’s social 82.2% 75.9% 73.6% 90% Upper median quartile 93% NI 059  care carried out within 7 working days (07/08) (Mar 09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Core assessments for children’s social 85% 81.9% 82.2% 90% Upper median quartile 85% NI 060 care carried out within 35 working days (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Children adopted within 12 months of 75% 75.0% 70.0% 100% 100% NI 061 Median (08/09) decision to place for adoption (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   (10/11) Looked after children with 3 or more 12.4% 7.8% 10.2% 10% Lower median quartile 11.5% NI 062 placements during the year (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Looked after children under 16 with 63% 59.8% 56.0% 75.0% 65.0% NI 063 Bottom quartile (08/09) stable placements of at least 2 years (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   (10/11) Child Protection Plans lasting 2 years or 0 9.5% 9.9% 0% 0% NI 064 Top quartile (08/09) more (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Children becoming subject of Child 20% 18.1% 15.7% 13% 15% NI 065 Protection Plan for a second/subsequent   Bottom quartile (08/09) time during the year (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10) (10/11) NI 066 Looked after children cases reviewed 88. 55.8% 72.2% 95%   Bottom quartile (08/09) 95.0% within required timescales

8 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

7% (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10) (10/11) (08/09) Child Protection Plans reviewed within 100% 97.2% 98% 100% National average: 100% NI 067 required timescales (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   99.1% (08/09) (10/11) Referrals to children’s social care going 74% 95.74% 96% 75.0% National average: 70% NI 068 on to initial assessment (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (Mar 10) (09/10)   63.8% (08/09) (10/11)

Children who have experienced bullying 52.8% 52.8% 30.2% NI 069 once or more in last four weeks (TellUs None set  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) Deleted Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to 197.8 124.6 cml. 203.7 236.8 18.0 NI 070 Bottom quartile (08/09) children and young people per 10,000 (07/08) (Q2 09/10) (Apr-Feb 10) (09/10)   (10/11) population Children who have run away from 11 13 13 12 National average: 12 NI 071 home/care overnight (Q3 08/09) (Q2 09/10) (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   8.0 (Q3 09/10) (10/11) Children achieving 78+ points across the 29% 36% 44% 34.9% Early Years Foundation Stage, with 6+ in 41.2% NI 072 Personal, Social and Emotional (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)    (Acad. Yr 09/10) Development and Communication, 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) Language and Literacy 66.0% 67.7% 68.4% 76.0% Pupils achieving Level 4+ in English and 76.0% NI 073 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)  Maths at Key Stage 2   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 30.9% 35.8% 36.9% 40.6% Pupils achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs or 40.6% NI 075 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)  equivalent (including English and Maths)   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) Schools where fewer than 65% of pupils 6 9 13 3 Lower median quartile 3 NI 076 achieve Level 4+ in English and Maths (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr   (08/09) (Acad. Yr 09/10) at Key Stage 2 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09)

Schools where fewer than 30% of pupils 4 3 3 0 achieve 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE Lower median quartile NI 078 TBC and equivalent including English and (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr   (08/09) Maths 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 61.8% 61.8% 70.3% 68.0% Young people achieving a Level 2 72.8% NI 079 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)  qualification by age 19   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 34.0% 35.9% 37.5% 35.4% Young people achieving a Level 3 40.2% NI 080 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09) qualification by age 19   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09)

9 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Gap between pupils eligible for free 25.5% 21.8% 22.0% school meals at 15 achieving a Level 3 Upper median quartile NI 081 None set TBC qualification at aged 19 and pupils (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  N/A (08/09) ineligible achieving the same 06/07) 07/08) 08/09)

Gap between pupils eligible for free 20.0% 20.0% 23.1% school meals at 15 achieving a Level 2 Upper median quartile NI 082 None set TBC qualification at aged 19 and pupils (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  N/A (08/09) ineligible achieving the same 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 37.5% 45.4% 46.8% 45.4% Pupils achieving two or more A*-C Lower median quartile NI 084 TBC grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr   (08/09) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) Pupils aged 16-18 opting for A Level 155 155 187 NI 085 None set None available TBC Physics, chemistry and maths (07/08) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A Pupils aged 16-18 opting for A Level 34 34 51 NI 085a None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC Physics (07/08) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A Pupils aged 16-18 opting for A Level 49 49 38 NI 085b None Set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC Chemistry (07/08) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A Pupils aged 16-18 opting for A Level 72 72 98 NI 085c None Set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC Maths (07/08) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A Secondary schools with good or 86% 78% 86% 77.8% Upper median quartile NI 086 TBC outstanding standards of behaviour (2006) (2008) (2009) (2009)   (08/09) 10.1% 7.9% 7.6% 7.5% Secondary school pupils who are 6.5% NI 087 persistent absentees (missing 20% of (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)    (Acad. Yr 09/10) school year) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 88.0% 91% 100% 90.0% Schools providing access to full core Upper median quartile 100% NI 088 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr offer of extended services   (08/09) (Acad. Yr 09/10) 07/08) 08/09) 09/10) 09/10) 0 0 0 0. 0 NI 089a Number of schools in special measures (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Top quartile (08/09)   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 18 18 0 Average time for schools under special N/A NI 089b measures to come out measures during (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr None Set Median (08/09)  N/A (Acad. Yr 09/10) previous academic year (months) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 0 0 120 0 0 NI 090 Take up of 14-19 learning diplomas (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr None available   (Acad. Yr 08/09) 07/08 07/08 08/09) 08/09) NI 091 17 year-olds in education, employment 74.0% 74.0% 73.0 None Set  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC or training (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr

10 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

06/07 06/07 07/08 42.3% 42.0% 37.8% 36% Gap between the lowest achieving 20% 35.7% NI 092 in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)    (Acad. Yr 09/10) Profile and the rest 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 88.7% 86.6% 85% 94% Pupils progressing by two levels in 93% NI 093 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr Bottom quartile (08/09)  English between Key Stages 1 and 2   (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 81.18% 81.18% 82% 89.0% Pupils progressing by two levels in Lower median quartile 90% NI 094 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  Maths between Key Stages 1 and 2   (08/09) (Acad. Yr 09/10) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 70.6% 70.6% 60% 50.0% Children in care reaching level 4 in National average: 57.1% NI 099 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  English at Key Stage 2   58.6% (06/07) (Acad. Yr 09/10) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) 52.9% 52.9% 50% 50.0% Children in care reaching level 4 in National average: 66.7% NI 100 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  Maths at Key Stage 2   55.5% (06/07) (Acad. Yr 09/10) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) Children in care achieving 5 A*-C 15.8% 15.8% 0% 33.3% National average: 23.1% NI 101 GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr    9.8% (08/09) (Acad. Yr 09/10) (including English and Maths) 07/08) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09)

Gap between pupils eligible for free -24.4% -24.0% -23.8% school meals achieving Level 4+ in Lower median quartile NI 102a None Set TBC English and Maths at Key Stage 2 and (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  N/A (08/09) pupils ineligible achieving the same 06/07) 07/08) 08/09)

Gap between pupils eligible for free 21.2% 22.6% 21.6% school meals achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs NI 102b None set Top quartile (08/09) TBC (including English and Maths) and pupils (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  N/A ineligible achieving the same 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 9 9 8 9 % % Percentage of final statements of ( ( Special Education Needs (SEN) issued 100% 100% 100% NI 103a within 26 weeks excluding exception 0 0   None available cases as a proportion of all such 8 (Q2 09/10) (09/10) 9 (10/11) statements issued in the year / / 0 1 9 0 ) ) NI 103b Percentage of final statements of SEN 9 9 98.3% 94%   None available 99% issued within 26 weeks as a proportion 3 3 (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) of all such statements issued in the year % %

11 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

(08/09) (08/09)

Gap between pupils with Special 54.1% 54.8% 55% Educational Needs achieving Level 4+ in NI 104 (Acad. Yr None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC English and Maths at Key Stage 2 and (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr  N/A their peers 06/07) 07/08) 08/09)

Gap between pupils with Special 35.0% 38.0% 38.6% 37.2% Educational Needs achieving 5 A*-C NI 105 (Acad. Yr Top quartile (08/09) TBC GCSEs (including English and Maths) (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr   and their peers 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09)

Gap between pupils eligible for free 18% 18% No data school meals at 15 progressing to higher avai Upper median quartile NI 106 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr N/A TBC education aged 18/19 and pupils labl N/A N/A (06/07) ineligible achieving the same 06/07) 06/07) e

Pupils from black and minority ethnic -1.4% -1.4% -4.3% NI 107a groups achieving Level 4+ in English N/A  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC and Maths at Key Stage 2 (White) (07/08) (07/08) (Q2 09/10)

Pupils from black and minority ethnic 18.9% 18.9% 3.1% 6% NI 107g groups achieving Level 4+ in English N/A N/A N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) and Maths at Key Stage 2 (Mixed) (07/08) (07/08) (08/09) (09/10)

Pupils from black and minority ethnic -1.5% -1.5% -0.5% NI 107h groups achieving level 4+ in both English N/A N/A N/A None available TBC and Maths at Key Stage 2 (07/08) (07/08) (08/09) Pupils from black and minority ethnic 0.4 No data No data Upper median quartile NI 108a groups achieving five A*-C GCSEs None set TBC available available N/A N/A (08/09) (including English and Maths) (White) (07/08) Pupils from black and minority ethnic -9.0 No data No data NI 108g groups achieving five A*-C GCSEs None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC available available N/A N/A (including English and Maths) (Mixed) (07/08) Pupils from black and minority ethnic -3.1% +10.7% 11.9% 3.4% Upper median quartile -0.6% NI 108l groups achieving five A*-C GCSEs   (07/08) (including English and Maths) (Asian) (07/08) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) (09/10) Pupils from black and minority ethnic -8.6% No data No data NI 108q groups achieving five A*-C GCSEs None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC available available N/A N/A (including English and Maths) (Black) (12) 92% (12) 92% (12) 100% (13) 100% 100% NI 109 Delivery of Sure Start Children Centres None available (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Year 10 pupils participating in positive 27.5% 54.8% 57.9% NI 110 group activities outside of school in last None set  N/A Bottom quartile (08/09) Deleted four weeks (TellUs Survey) (07/08) (08/09) (09/10)  NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice 2680 2680 2390 2636   Bottom quartile (08/09) 2520 12 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

System aged 10-17 (07/08) (07/08) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11)

Change in rate of teenage conceptions -26% 0.3% -21.4% -40% -47%  NI 112 per 1,000 girls aged 15-17 compared   Bottom quartile (08/09) with 1998 baseline (2006) (2007) (2008) (2008) (2009) Population aged 15-24 screened for 2.3 14.3% 17.1% 25% Upper median quartile 35% NI 113a chlamydia (Q1 08/09) (Dec 09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) 0.18% 0.11% 0.16% 0.13% Pupils permanently excluded from Lower median quartile 0.13% NI 114 (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr school   (08/09) (Acad. Yr 09/10) 06/07) 07/08) 08/09) 08/09) Young people frequently misusing drugs 9.2% 10.2% 12.1% 9.1% Upper median quartile NI 115 Deleted  and/or alcohol (TellUs Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10   (08/09) No data avai Maintain the gap 32.2% 32.2% labl National average: Proportion of children who live in families between NI 116 e None set 21.6% (Acad. Yr  in receipt of out of work benefits (Acad. Yr (Acad. Yr N/A N/A Middlesbrough date 06/07) 07/08) 07/08) and the NE TB C 16-18 year olds not in education, 11.1% 10.5% 9.6% 9.8% 9.5% NI 117 Bottom quartile (08/09)  employment or training (NEET) (Jan 2007) (Dec 2008) (Dec 2009) (2009)   (09/10) Working families receiving childcare 16.1% 17% 17% Lower median quartile 9.5% NI 118 None set element of Working Tax Credit (06/07) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) (10/11) Care leavers aged 19 in suitable 93.8% 95.5% 95.5% 100% Lower median quartile 100% NI 147 accommodation (08/09) (Q1 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Care leavers aged 19 in education, 62.5% 50% 50% 67% Lower median quartile 70% NI 148 employment or training (08/09) (Q1 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Applications for care and supervision NI 200 orders where core assessment did not First measurement is 10/11 N/A N/A None available TBC accompany the application Learners completing a full 425 552 Not yet 530 565 L1 None available  apprenticeship framework (07/08) (08/09) available (09/10) N/A N/A (10/11)

13 Promoting adult health and well-being

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Adults participating in sport and active 20.68% 20.68% 19.7% 22.0% Lower median quartile 23.3% NI 008 recreation 30 minutes/3 days per week    (08/09) (Active People Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Alcohol related hospital admissions per 2427 2588 2973 3019 3,326 NI 039 Bottom quartile (08/09)  100,000 population (06/07) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 212 150 114 260 Change in numbers from the baseline 1211 NI 040 year 2007/08 for Drug users recorded as (Actual 1423) (Actual 1361) (Actual 1325) Top quartile (08/09) (Actual 1417) (07/08)   being in effective treatment (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) People who rated their health and 72.4% NI 119 First measurement was 08/09 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC wellbeing as good (Place Survey) (08/09) N/A N/A Deaths from all causes per 100,000 725.5 725.5 693.93 1366 1276 NI 120 Bottom quartile (08/09) population (2007) (2007) (2008) (2008)   (10/11) Deaths from all causes per 100,000 628.08 628.08 603.49 800 752 NI 120a Bottom quartile (08/09) population (males) (2007) (2007) (2008) (2008)   (10/11) Deaths from all causes per 100,000 837.83 837.83 789.23 545 524 NI 120b Bottom quartile (08/09) population (females) (2007) (2007) (2008) (2008)   (10/11) Deaths from all circulatory diseases at 101.43 109.64 76.32 91.18 Lower median quartile 87.33 NI 121  ages under 75 per 100,000 population (2006) (2007) (2008) (2008)   (08/09) (2009) Deaths from all circulatory diseases at 69.45 75.51 45.43 Lower median quartile NI 121a ages under 75 per 100,000 population None set TBC   N/A (08/09) (females) (2006) (2007) (2008) Deaths from all circulatory diseases at 135.81 146.32 108.99 Lower median quartile NI 121b ages under 75 per 100,000 population None set TBC   N/A (08/09) (males) (2006) (2007) (2008) Deaths from all cancers at ages under 153.53 154.24 139.6 128 126.3 NI 122 Bottom quartile (08/09) 75 per 100,000 population (2006) (2007) (2008) (2008)   (2010) Deaths from all cancers at ages under 124.13 143.89 121.13 NI 122a None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC 75 per 100,000 population (females) (2006) (2007) (2008)  N/A Deaths from all cancers at ages under 187.2 165.99 159.98 NI 122b None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC 75 per 100,000 population (males) (2006) (2007) (2008)  N/A Self-reported 4-week smoking quitters 1450 1213 1356 1100 1300 NI 123 Top quartile (08/09)  per 100,000 population (06/07) (Feb. 10) (Mar. 10) (09/10)   (10/11)

14 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

People with a long-term condition who consider themselves to have enough 75% 75% Data due July 76% Lower median quartile 77% NI 124  support from local services (PCT patient (07/08) (07/08) 2010 (09/10) N/A N/A (08/09) (10/11) survey) People aged 65+ discharged from hospital for intermediate 71.8% 71.8% 79.4% 73% 78% NI 125 Bottom quartile (08/09) care/rehabilitation still living at home (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) after three months Women receiving services provided in the area who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional, for 96.4% 80% 90% NI 126 First measurement 09/10 None available health and social care assessment of (Q2 09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) needs, risks and choices by 12 completed weeks of pregnancy Self reported experience of social care 68.4% 75% NI 127 First measurement 09/10 None set None available users (09/10) N/A N/A (10/11) User reported measure of respect and 90.6% NI 128 First measurement 09/10 None set None available TBC dignity in their treatment (09/10) N/A N/A 20 22.3 22.0% TBC NI 129 Deaths occurring at home (domestic) None set Top quartile (08/09) (2006) (2007) (2008)  N/A (2010) 312.3 / 441.1 / Social Care clients receiving Self 7.2% 8.0% 9.5% NI 130 100,000 100,000 Top quartile (08/09) Directed Support (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) (07/08) (08/09)

Average weekly rate of delayed transfers 5.4 6.5 11.09 15.00 0 NI 131 of care from NHS hospitals per 100,000   Top quartile (08/09) population (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Adult social care assessments 78.9% 81.9% 84.5%) 83% Upper median quartile NI 132 Deleted completed within 28 calendar days (06/07) (07/08) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) Adult social care packages delivered 90.1% 92.0% 90.8% 91% Upper median quartile NI 133 Deleted within four weeks of assessment (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) 99200 94472 78407 105410 NI 134 Emergency bed days (all ages) Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC (06/07) (07/08) (Feb 09/10) (09/10)   Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s service, or 25.4% 28.8% 29.8% 28% 30% NI 135 advice and information as a percentage   Top quartile (08/09) of people receiving community based (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) services NI 136 Adults supported to live independently 3823.08 3879.15 4300 3958   Top quartile (08/09) 4037 through social services per 100,000 (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11)

15 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

population 11.1 11.1 Available Years of life expectancy spent in self- NI 137 None set Bottom quartile (00/01) TBC reported good health after age 65 Census Census Census N/A N/A (00/01) (00/01) (10/11) People aged over 65 satisfied with both 83.3% Median 88.6% NI 138 home and neighbourhood (Place First measurement was 08/09 None set N/A N/A (08/09) Survey) (08/09) (10/11)

People who agree that older people 36.3% 39.3% NI 139 receive the support they need to live First measurement was 08/09 None set N/A N/A Top quartile (08/09) independently at home (Place Survey) (08/09) (10/11)

Vulnerable people moving from 45.92 55.2% 63.74% 59% 65.0% NI 141 supported accommodation in a planned   Bottom quartile (08/09) way to independent living (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Vulnerable people supported to maintain 98.97 98.2% 98.1% 99% Lower median quartile 99.00% NI 142 independent living (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Adult clients with learning disabilities in 69.5% 68.7% 69.4% 70% Median 70.5% NI 145 settled accommodation (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Adult clients with learning disabilities in 7.5% 8.5% 8.9% Upper median quartile NI 146 None set TBC  employment (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) Adults receiving secondary mental 83% 53.8% 85.3% 84.0% Upper median quartile 84% NI 149 health services in settled    (08/09) accommodation (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Adults receiving secondary mental 6.0% 6.0% 5.5% NI 150 None set None available TBC  health services in employment (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) N/A N/A Waiting time for major adaptations to 11.4% 12 weeks 24.3 weeks 23.1 weeks L2 27 weeks None available  accommodation (weeks) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Identified site, Identified site, Meetings with Procurement 15 add. homes L4 Additional extra care housing funding and funding and None available  developers and Design N/A N/A partners partners (10/11) Items of equipment delivered in seven 78.3% 93.9% 94.5% 92.5% 93% BV 56 None available days (05/06) (Q2: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

16 Enhancing the local economy

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

9.4% Annual change in average number of 8.1% 8.1% 4.8% 9.3% NI 047 people killed or seriously injured in road reduction Top quartile (2008) (05-07) (05-07) (06-08)   (10/11) traffic accidents (06-08) Annual change in average number of 25% 25% 3.3% 4.1% Lower median quartile NI 048 children under 16 killed or seriously TBC N/A  (08/09) injured in road traffic accidents (05-07) (05-07) (06-08) (06-08) Reduce gap 67.2% 64.3% 64.5% with NE av. to Reduce gap to NI 151 Overall employment rate (working age) (Oct 06 – (Oct 07 to (Oct 08 to 5.5% (Oct 08-   Bottom quartile (08/09) NE av. to 5% Sept 07) Sept 08) Sept 09) Sep 09, 3 yr. (Oct 09/Sep 10) rolling av.)

20.8% 20.3% 21.3% Reduce gap Reduce gap to Working age people on out of work with NE av. to NI 152 Bottom quartile (08/09) NE av. to 3.4% benefits (Four quarter (Four quarter (Four quarter 3.7% (Aug 08   av. Q1 07) av. Q4 08) av. May 09) to May 09) (Aug 09/May10) 33.5% 33.2% 34.4% 31.0% Working age people on out of work 28.5% NI 153 benefits in the worst performing (Four quarters (Four quarter (Four quarter (Four quarter Bottom quartile (08/09)    (May 10) neighbourhoods May 07) ave. Feb 09) av. May 09) av. May 09) 56 400 362 -106 132 NI 154 Net additional homes provided in year (09/10) (09/10) Bottom quartile (08/09)  (07/08) (Q2 09/10)   (10/11) 47 cml. 800 cml. 110 53 182 121 Lower median quartile 170 NI 155 Affordable homes delivered (gross) (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11)

Number of households living in 6 2 2 20 18 NI 156 temporary accommodation in the final   Top quartile (08/09) quarter of the year (snapshot) (Q4 08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Major planning applications determined 100% 100% 86.00% 86.0% 86.5% NI 157a Top quartile (08/09) within 13 weeks (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Minor planning applications determined 95.9% 90.74% 88.20% 84.5% 85% NI 157b Top quartile (08/09) within eight weeks (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Other planning applications determined 90.86% 93.87% 93.71% 92.5% 93% NI 157c Top quartile (08/09) within eight weeks (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 116 100% 52.9% 60% 55.5% NI 159 Supply of ready to develop housing sites Maximum level (08/09) (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

17 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Level 1 qualifications in literacy 836 896 1315 Lower median quartile NI 161 None set TBC (including ESOL) achieved (06/07) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) Entry Level qualifications in numeracy 288 237 388 Lower median quartile NI 162 None set TBC achieved (06/07) (07/08) (08/09)  N/A (08/09) Working population aged 19+ qualified to 67.8% 66.0 74.5% Lower median quartile 79.0% NI 163  Level 2 or above (2006) (2008) (09/10)  N/A (08/09) (2010) 2009 data Working population aged 19+ qualified to 44.8% 44.8% Lower median quartile NI 164 available in None set TBC Level 3 or above N/A N/A (08/09) (2008) (2008) July 2010 Working population aged 19+ qualified to 20.9% 20.9% NI 165 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) TBC Level 4 or above (2008) (2008) N/A N/A £448.40) Reduce gap Reduce gap to Median earnings of employees in the £412.3 £412.3 NI 166 (09/10) from NE av. to Bottom quartile (08/09) NE av. to £5.00 area (08/09) (08/09)   Gap £1.20 £5.50 (09/10) (10/11) 2009 data Congestion – average journey time per NI 167 First measurement 09/10 available in None set None available TBC mile during the morning peak N/A N/A July 2010 Principal roads where maintenance 4% 1% 1% 1% 1% NI 168 Top quartile (08/09) should be considered (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Non-principal classified roads where 6% 2% 2% 2% 2% NI 169 Top quartile (08/09) maintenance should be considered (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Previously developed land vacant or 0.78% 0.82% Lower median quartile NI 170 N/A None set Deleted derelict for more than five years (2008) (2009)  N/A (08/09) New business registrations per 10,000 31.1 33.3 31.6 32.1 NI 171 N/A Bottom quartile (08/09)  population aged 16 and above (02-07) (2008) (2009)   (2009) Maintain gap Maintain gap to Small businesses showing year-on-year 17.5% 17.5% 16.2% NI 172 to NE average Top quartile (08/09) NE figure at 0% employment growth   (2007) (2007) (2008) 0% (2008) (2009)

Incapacity benefits claimants moving 0.8% 0.8% 0.9% Maintain gap Maintain gap to NI 173 from employment to IB in last four to NE average   Bottom quartile (08/09) NE figure at 0% quarters (2007) (2007) (Sept. 08) 0% (2008) (2009) Employers reporting skills gaps in their 22.0% 22.0% 23% NI 174 None set Bottom quartile (08/09) Deleted current workforce (2007) (2007) (2009)  N/A NI 175 Access to services and facilities by First measurement 09/10 51 61 N/A  None available 61% public transport, walking and cycling % in % (10/11) 30m in 99% in 60 m 30m (09/10) 100% in 60m

18 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

(09/10) People aged 16-74 years with access to Non 87.05% 80.0% 80.0% Lower median quartile NI 176 employment centres by public transport e TBC  N/A (08/09) (and other specified modes) (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) set Local bus passenger journeys 10.386m 10.386m 10,631,722 10,278,000 10,062,000 NI 177 None available  originating in the authority area (07/08) (07/08) (08/09) (08/09)   (10/11)

Bus Services Running on time: 75% 75% 76% 75% NI 178i Percentage of non-frequent services on   None available TBC time (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)

Bus Services Running on time: Excess 1.57 1.57 2.13 NI 178ii waiting time of frequent services None set   None available TBC (number of minutes) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) Satisfaction of businesses with local Not previously 79.8% 85% 83% National Average: 83% NI 182 authority regulation services measured (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   1.78 (08/09) (10/11) Impact of local authority regulatory Not previously 3.03 2.87 3.03 National Average: NI 183 Deleted services on the fair trading environment measured (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   79% (08/09) Food establishments in the area which Not previously 93% 96% 91.1% NI 184 are broadly compliant with food hygiene None available Deleted measured   law (Q2 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) People receiving income based benefits 7% 7% 7% 6.0% Upper median quartile 5% NI 187a living in homes with a low energy    (08/09) efficiency rating (SAP<35) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11)

People receiving income based benefits 40% 40% 36% 41.0% 42%  NI 187b living in homes with a high energy   Top quartile (08/09) efficiency rating (SAP>65) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Achievement in meeting standards for Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 NI 190 First measurement 09/10 None available the control system for animal health (09/10) (09/10) N/A  (10/11) Children traveling to school – mode of 24.1% 24.1% 28.9% 23.3% NI 198a None available TBC transport usually used. 5-10 years (car) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)  

Children traveling to school – mode of 20.6% 20.6% 20.7% None set NI 198b transport usually used. 5-10 years 11-16  N/A None available TBC years (car) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)

Local residents who think Middlesbrough 72 % 72 % 74% 74%  L3 is improving (Biennial Neighbourhood   None available N/A Survey) (2007) (2007) (2009) (2009)

19 Securing environmental sustainability

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

CO² reduction from Local Authority 32775 32775 TBC July -1.5% pa -1.5% NI 185 None available operations (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) N/A N/A (10/11) Per capita reduction in CO² emissions in +1.5% -1% Lower median quartile -2% NI 186 First measurement 09/10 the area (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Level of preparedness for climate Level 0 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 4 NI 188 Top quartile (08/09)  change (Level 0-4) (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Actions to implement flood and coastal 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% NI 189 erosion risk management plans   Top quartile (08/09) undertaken satisfactorily (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) Residual household waste collected per 900kg 794kg 776kg (e) 840kg 790kg NI 191 Bottom quartile (08/09)  household (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Household waste sent for reuse, 15.5% 22.88% 23.24% (e) 24.5% 26%  NI 192 recycling, composting or anaerobic   Bottom quartile (08/09) digestion (07/08) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) 17.35 20.9% 16.90% 10% 10% NI 193 Municipal waste landfilled Top quartile (08/09) (07/08) (Q2 09/10 (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Reduction in Nox and primary PM10 Data available -1.5% NI 194 emissions through local authority’s First measurement 09/10 None set None available July N/A N/A estate and operations. (10/11) Land and highways with litter below an 7% 6.0% 5% 6.0% Lower median quartile 6.0% NI 195a  acceptable level (08/09) (Q3: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (10/11) Land and highways with detritus below 4% 1.0% 1% 6.0% 4.0% NI 195b Top quartile (08/09) an acceptable level (08/09) (Q3: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Land and highways with graffiti below an 2 1.0% 1% 4.0% 4.0% NI 195c Median (08/09)  acceptable level (08/09) (Q3: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Land and highways with fly-posting 0 0% 0% 0% 0% NI 195d Top quartile (08/09) below an acceptable level (08/09) (Q3: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Fly-tipping incidents and enforcements 2 Level 2 1 1 Level 1 NI 196 Top quartile (08/09) (Level 4-1) (08/09) (Q2: 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Local Sites where positive conservation 35% 35% 35% 45% Upper median quartile 45% NI 197 management underway (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   (08/09) (09/10) NI 199 Children and young people satisfied with 41% 41% 46.3% None set  N/A Lower median quartile Deleted

20 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

parks and play areas (TellUs Survey) (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (08/09) Local residents satisfied with parks and 73% 80% L5 First measured 08/09 N/A None available  open spaces (Place Survey) (08/09) N/A N/A (2010)

21 Fit for purpose

Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

Proportion of the Council’s customer 12.3% 12.3% 11.2% 12.3% NI 014 Top quartile (08/09) Deleted contacts that was avoidable (08/09) (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   Fair treatment by local services (Place 45.92 59% Upper median quartile NI 140 N/A N/A Deleted Survey) (08/09) (08/09) N/A  (08/09) Value for money – total net value of ongoing cash-releasing value for money 9,025 16,963 (e) 10.904 18,414 NI 179 gains that have impacted since the start N/A   Top quartile (08/09) of the 2008/09 financial year (cumulative (08/09) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11) total, £000s)

Number of changes in circumstance 1568 which affect customers’ HB/CTB 1372.6 2402.5 2003 NI 180 (Apr-Nov Top quartile (08/09) Deleted entitlement within the year per 1,000 (08/09) (09/10) (09/10)   caseload (09/10)

Days taken to process Housing 11.07 10.19 9.7 13.5 National average: 13.5 NI 181 Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims   and change events (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) 14.2 (Q2 09/10) (10/11) Score against duty to promote race 100% 100% 100% BV 002b 100% (08/09) 100% (09/10) None available equality (Q3 09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 95.1% 84.82% 95.7% 98.0% 96.0% BV 009 Council Tax collected in year None available (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 98.3% 86.44% 99.4% 99.0% 99.0% BV 010 Business Rates collected in year None available (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 52.92% 51.34% 52.23% 53.00% 53.50% BV 011a Top 5% of earners that are women None available (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Top 5% of earners from BME 1.6% 0.78% 0.78% 1.6% 1.60% BV 011b None available communities (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) 3.08% 4.46% 3.3% 4.5% BV 011c Top 5% of earners that are disabled 3.3% (08/09) None available (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Average days sickness absence per 9.3 days 6.91 days 9.6 9.3 BV 012 None available 9.3 days (10/11) employee (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   2.42% 2.92% 1.6% 2.7% BV 016a Employees with a disability 2.6% (08/09) None available (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

22 Past performance Current performance LAA Ref Description Trend On target Comparison(s) Next target Baseline Last Actual Target

2.7% 3.08% 2.91% 3.3% 2.95% BV 017a Employees from BME communities None available (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Council buildings accessible and 61.1% 65.3% 65.03% 65.0% 70% BV 156 None available suitable for disabled people (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Number of days for processing new 20.7 days 18.83 days 18.85 days 26 days 26 days BV 78a None available housing/council tax benefits claims. (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

Number of days for processing 8.7 days 8.78 days 7.97 days 9 days 9 days BV 78b   None available notification of changes of circumstances. (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10) (10/11)

Cases for which the calculation of the 109 points 119 points 153 points 120 points 120 points BV 79a amount of benefit due was correct on the None available (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   basis of information available. (10/11)

Percentage of recoverable KPI Not previously 26.53% 35.84% 32% TBC overpayments for Housing Benefits and None available BP19 measured (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11) Council Tax

Local Proportion of invoices paid within 20 Not previously 88.7% 87.9% None set N/A N/A None available None set Target days. measured (Q3 09/10) 09/10) Racial incidents recorded by the Council 123.0 47.3 BV 174 128.7 None Set None available None set per 100,000 population (08/09) (Q3 09/10) N/A N/A

Racial incidents reported to the Council 100% 65% 100% 100% 100% BV 175 None available resulting in further action (08/09) (Q3 09/10) (09/10) (09/10)   (10/11)

23 Creating Stronger Communities

Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon ENPOWER LOCAL PEOPLE TO HAVE A GREATER VOICE AND INFLUENCE OVER DECISION-MAKING Evaluate the effectiveness of the Middlesbrough Evaluation completed. Working party established. Linked to CF02 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Compact. NI7. Facilitate and support a varied range of 300 local During this period (Q4) we have carried out an additional RG01 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved formal consultation/engagement forums 122 activities bringing the total to 399 for the year. Facilitate 24 town-wide opportunities for During this period () we have carried out an additional 27 RG02 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved involvement in practical projects. activities bringing the total for the year to 71 for the year. The service has carried out 38 activities in Q4, bringing the RG03 Facilitate 64 town-wide events/activities 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved total for the year to 109. The service has carried out 5 new activities in bringing the RG04 Develop 22 new volunteering opportunities locally 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved total to 22 for the year. In consultation with residents and services 14 plans are now in place and monitoring of progress RG05 develop, implement and monitor Neighbourhood 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved continues. Action Plans IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PEOPLE IN DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES WITH SERVICE PROVIDERS BEING MORE RESPONSIVE Seek to spend 90% of Working Neighbourhood Effective monitoring of relevant projects ensured that 92% RG06 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Fund (WNF) expenditure of spend was achieved. ENSURE THAT MIDDLSBROUGH IS A CHOESIVE AND HARMONIOUS COMMUNITY WHERE PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS GET ON WELL TOGETHER An additional 12 activities took place in bringing the total to RG07 Facilitate 24 projects/events/initiatives 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved 56 for the year. Work with partners including Cleveland Police to The Prevent Action Plan was adopted by the Prevent Silver RG08 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved develop a strategy and joint action plan Group in quarter three. SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INCREASINGLY ROBUST, OPTIMISTIC AND EFFECTIVE VOUNTARY SECTOR CF01 Develop a strategy to support the creation of an 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Completed. RG09 environment for a thriving third sector. CF02 Evaluate the effectiveness of the Middlesbrough 01 April 2009 July 2009 Action Achieved Evaluation completed and working party established. Compact.

24 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon PROMOTE REGENERATION THROUGH CULTURE, ARTS AND LEARNING BY MEANS OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES The annual visitor figure was 639,929 which was a 2.45% reduction of 16,052 on the 09-10 target. This was mainly RG10 Provide a programme of library events 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target due to the severe winter weather but also influenced by the closure of Whinney Banks Library and the continuing temporary closure of Abingdon library. Ensure the sustainability of the service by RG11 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved 60% funding leverage achieved. achieving external funding leverage of 60% Attendance: Events = 1330 (Fairtrade Mela & Question of Achieve 230,000 attendances at arts activities, Sport); Theatre = 9190 (9313 previous year); Town Hall = RG12 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved events and programmes 12,314; Arts Development = 4319; Q4 Total = 27,153. Total = 258,481.

25 Creating Safer Communities

Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon DIVERT YOUNG PEOPLE AWAY FROM CRIME AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND REDUCE THE VULNERABILTY OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO PREVENT THEM FROM BECOMING VICTIMS OF CRIME Implement Operation ‘Stay Safe’ which involves the police removing vulnerable young people from Operations have now been recommenced and Youth the streets and taking them to a place of safety services now have a list of dates for Operation Stay Safe CF03 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved where they will be offered advice and support over the next 12 months. There will be 4 Police Officers at from the Children, Families and Learning each Operation Department. During Quarter 4 a total number of 230 deployments were made averaging 19 deployments per week. 12 neighbourhoods were covered during this period and a total number of 1096 young people aged between 8-19 were Provide a targeted mobile service through Street engaged with. From this 1096, 402 referrals were made to Based Teams to engage with a minimum of 500 other services (400 of this number were referred to positive EN02 young people at risk of being involved in crime 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved activities including Safe In Tees Valley's mobile services) and ASB (based on 10 sessions per week x 40 the further 2 referrals were made to YISP / YIP Challenge weeks making average 25 contacts per session). and Support Project. The total number of formal and informal enforcement actions taken in this period was 184, the breakdown of this is as follows - 24 YP's received a letter 2 / 38 YP's received a letter 1 / 122 YP's received an AS13. - During Quarter 4 there were a total number of 11 after school patrols. These patrols took place in 5 different neighbourhoods and a total number of 94 young people Work with police to implement after school police were engaged. Of those engaged 1 referral was then made EN03 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved patrols on key dates during the year. to Education Welfare and 1 Child Protection referral was made. There were a total number of 19 enforcement actions with 5 Young People also being signposted to positive activities. CF04 Introduce one triage worker to support police in 01 April 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved 24 Operations were carried out in Q3 engaging 138 young Middlesbrough Custody suite, in order to ensure people. 62 were issued with referrals for Anti -Social the swift provision of support to young people. behaviour. Operation Stay Safe has been temporarily suspended due to concerns over the interpretation of vulnerability in terms of YCAP. A Multi-agency group

26 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon meeting was held in January

27 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon DIVERT YOUNG PEOPLE AWAY FROM CRIME AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND REDUCE THE VULNERABILTY OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO PREVENT THEM FROM BECOMING VICTIMS OF CRIME A total of 72 sessions (339 Hours) of Community based Reparation activity have been delivered by South Tees YOS in quarter 3, with 32 sessions funded through YCAP, Provide reparation activities and behaviour including 15 Friday evening sessions and 8 Saturday CF05 programmes during leisure time, particularly 01 April 2009 30 Apr 2009 Action Achieved sessions. 113 Young People have participated in these Friday and Saturday evenings. activities, including 110 on statutory orders. Reparation activities included Graffiti Removal, Community Clean up and litter picks, Leaflet distribution and redecoration projects in Youth Centres The Think Family CAF Coordinator is now in post and has begun the mapping of services to ensure a holistic range of services is available through the CAF process to children, young people and families. This is a slow process but to Develop the Common Assessment Framework to date, it appears that agencies are keen to be involved and deliver the ‘Think Family’ approach, which move forward. Quarter 4 saw 14 CAF's discussed at level 3 CF06 01 April 2009 31 Oct 2009 Action Achieved involves working with whole families to address with multi agency support plans being developed. CAF crime and ASB issues. training has been commissioned to commence in the new year and will include links across the framework mentioned as a weakness in the last report. This will be available to all agencies. Discussion has begun with crime and ASB agencies to improve links to CAF. CF07 Deliver a Youth Crime Family Intervention 01 April 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved Two staff now in post and completed training. Referral Programme, which provides support for the whole pathways mapped and links to HCCO team established . family in circumstances where a parent is a high Staff to embed this with weekly time spend with HCCO crime-causing offender. team. Threat of loss of workers now abated , arose because two staff in post are newly qualified probation officers and had been offered permanent contracts back with probation following new allocations of HO monies. Positive partnership working has ensured that these staff remain in post under a secondment supporting a positive outcome enabling innovative integration between Children services and probation. Referrals being taken identified via HCCO team and FIP workers. Work around pregnant women offenders alongside existing work in the team via the protocol has been unexpected positive development. Think Family Conference workshop very positively received with excellent feedback. Training from the Families First

28 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon team has been delivered regionally to Middlesbrough and other FIPs projects and networks have been DIVERT YOUNG PEOPLE AWAY FROM CRIME AND ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR AND REDUCE THE VULNERABILTY OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO PREVENT THEM FROM BECOMING VICTIMS OF CRIME Expand the Families Intervention Project using Since 1st April 2009 the ASB FIP has provided intervention Home Office funding to develop the Child Poverty to 28 families. Of those families the project has worked with Project. there has been a 69% reduction in their involvement in ASB EN09 01 April 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved and a 7%reduction in their criminal offending. The Child Poverty FIP has provided intervention to 27 families; of those families 30% have accessed work, education or training. During 2009, Youth Task force funded Challenge and Support Project has worked with 987 young people who have been involved in ASB, targeting universal and Refer suitable young people to Youth Taskforce preventative engagement. For those young people who Funded Projects offering intensive support i.e. have already entered the criminal justice system or are EN10 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Challenge & Support, Intensive Intervention & subject to an ASBO, the Intensive Intervention Project has Child Poverty. provided intervention to 52 young people. Anti-Social Behaviour has reduced by 87% in the young people involved in the project and criminal offending by 93%. 51% of the young people are back in education or training. REDUCE RE-OFFENDING AND VICTIMISATION Work with the Probation Service through the The IOM scheme has now been fully operational for Safer Middlesbrough Partnership to introduce an approximately 6 months. The multi disciplinary team are Integrated Offender Management (IOM) now working together effectively and we are starting to see programme, to increase focus on High Crime strong performance in relation to reducing offending EN11 Causing Offenders (HCCOs). 01 April 2009 30 Oct 2009 Action Achieved amongst the target group. The scheme is seen as an example of good practice both regionally and nationally and a a result of this has been invited to present at regional and national conferences. The independent evaluation of the project will produce its first report in October 2010. EN12 Support multi-agency processes to prevent 01 April 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved Since appointment work has been undertaken to build and Domestic Violence victimisation and repeat maintain links with contributing agencies to the MARAC and victimisation such as the Domestic Violence efforts have been made to secure investment from Theme Group, Multi-Agency Risk Assessment additional sectors (principally Mental Health and Adult Social Conference (MARAC), and the Domestic Violence Services) Sanctuary Scheme. The MARAC coordinator also attends the Middlesbrough DV forum and has input to the MARAC Steering Group which was formed in November 09. Close links are now established with other statutory risk

29 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon management bodies (principally MAPPA) and further development is anticipated in this area to facilitate effective case management of high risk individuals within Middlesbrough. There continues to be some issues regarding wider attendance at MARAC, largely due to staffing concerns; however these will be addressed via the JCG / PIG. A victimisation steering group is now in situ and a Domestic violence steering group now feeds into this process. Mapping exercises have been undertaken to look at improving the processes related to both repeat victimisation and specifically Domestic Violence. As a result of this papers have gone to SMP JCG and CMT to look at securing long term funding and agreeing a local strategy to further develop processes and support. TOWN CENTRE SAFETY The Cardiff model is in situ with data continuing to be Develop the ‘Cardiff++ Model’ to provide a more collected at A&E and then processed by the PCT/SMP. There accurate picture of alcohol-related violence in the EN13 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved are issues that are being addressed about the quality of town centre, and work with partners on the issues data that is being collected at source but the current data identified. will be able to be utilised at PSG and Commissioning levels. Continue to work with both off and on licensed premises including communicating with both On License Forum held 11th March 2010, Off Licence Forum EN14 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved through regular forums, to reduce alcohol-related held 16th March 2010. crime and anti-social behaviour. The 3 problem profiles have been developed and monitored Use Problem Solving Group 5 to focus on key (shop theft, daytime ASB, Night time economy) and actions issues of crime and ASB as determined by the set against these. The over arching Problem profile is due to EN15 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Problem profile, and ensure prevention, support be refreshed in first quarter. The issues related to alcohol and enforcement processes are used. misuse are being picked up within the new Alcohol Strategy and then via the action plans related to this. EN16 Ensure new CCTV contract is in place by March 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved During Quarter 4, 3 tenders, out of 6 issued, were received 2010. and evaluated under the new Whole Life Contract process. Complete Security (Europe) Ltd, after the evaluation, won the competition and was subsequently issued with the contract. Their tender offered the lowest price of the three and the highest additional value to the Council. Additional staffing, management/supervisory time and participation in the mayor's apprentice scheme were some of the added value offered by the company. The contract commenced 1st

30 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon April 2010 and is being closely monitored and assessed for initial value and the added value which also formed part of the final contract. EN17 01 April 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action on target During 2009 CCTV had 300 signs printed and subsequently Ensure adequate and appropriate CCTV and visited all locations where static and/or mobile cameras Alcohol Free Zone signage is in place to comply were installed. All signs were checked and incorrect/illegal with relevant legislation. signs were immediately replaced. This work was carried out prior to 31st December 2009 achieving target. A total of 1,011 speaker activations have been carried out during the year which have encompassed subjects such as - warning the public of the penalties of littering and correcting their anti-social actions when littering occurs; alerting car Promote a cleaner and safer Middlesbrough, by owners to the possibility of theft of goods from their car conducting 900 Speaker Activations against EN18 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved when left unattended; halting anti-social behaviour and crime, criminal damage, ASB and littering of the activities associated with the night time economy within the town centre. town centre. Combined operations with the Environment Enforcement Team (littering) and the Police (Public Order offences - Anti-social behaviour & criminal damage) are now being carried out. NEIGHBOURHOOD SAFETY Deliver the Neighbourhood Crime and Justice The ASB improvement plan has been delivered within year agenda as per Home Office guidelines, including and has been well received by GONE. Any ongoing actions the introduction of a ‘community crime fighters’ or learning have now been transferred in to the ASB scheme. Perceptions Action Plan 2010-11. A survey of residents’ EN19 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved perception of ASB has been carried out in the Nunthorpe/Marton and North Ormesby areas with a view to using this information to develop targeted responses to local communities perception of ASB and other crime. The target to deliver Operation Cleansweep into every ward by March 2011 is part of a rolling programme. Mini Cleansweeps/Community Action Days are delivered monthly in hotspot areas identified by problem solving groups. The Implement the plan to roll out Operation planned Cleansweep for February did not go ahead, EN20 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Cleansweep across every ward in Middlesbrough. however focused work in being carried out in order to reduce perception levels of ASB across the town. The current area being addressed in North Ormesby, where already a perceptions survey has been carried out, complimented by an Operation Cleansweep 12th-16th April.

31 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon NEIGHBOURHOOD SAFETY During 2009/10 272 ROP walks were carried out, with 12 new volunteers recruited to the scheme who have reported over 720 defects to the contact centre, including fly tipping, Carry out 144 Residents On Patrol inspections and smashed glass, broken street lights, blocked gullies, graffiti, EN21 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved recruit 24 additional volunteers. missed refuse collections, untidy gardens, nuisance vehicles and dog fouling. The scheme will continue into 2010 with more co-ordinated walks with Neighbourhood Management and other key agencies. During 2009/10 the Neighbourhood Safety Team carried out 210 customer satisfaction surveys, the results of which were 98% of residents were satisfied with the service they received and more importantly felt that the support and Raise public awareness of neighbourhood safety feedback they had received made them feel safer. A EN22 by providing regular feedback via satisfaction 01 April 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved quarterly contribution is also made to the Middlesbrough surveys, press releases and resident meetings. News updating residents on local issues, this publication is delivered to every household across the borough. The Neighbourhood Safety Team have also attended 60 community council, providing updates and feedback to the local community.


Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon BE HEALTHY Compliant Menus are in place for September, the deadline Promote healthy eating through schools by has been met for Nutrient Based Standards. The promotion CF08 ensuring that all secondary schools meet the 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved of Healthy Eating continues throughout the section with nutrient based standards for school meals. planned Healthy living events throughout the year 6 schools in receipt of grants actively engaging (added Work with schools in receipt of Well-being Lottery Beverley). Tees Valley Dance’s ‘Classroom Moves’ CF09 funding to promote physical activities and healthy 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved commenced with 4 schools October to March. eating. 866 engaged in physical activities. 113 in healthy eating activities. Complete a mapping exercise for all tier 1 and Achieved, and gaps being addressed through development CF10 tier 2 mental health services available in 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved of an action plan. Middlesbrough. Coordinate and monitor the Well-being Lottery 6 schools in receipt actively engaging (added Beverley). CF11 ‘Community Health Through Sport & Arts’ mental 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Arts Development involved in planning. 473 engaged in health programme at five primary schools. activities beneficial to mental health. Develop and implement a protocol to support CF12 practitioners working with young people who self- 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved harm. Develop the links with Middlesbrough Mind’s This Process continues and they are to attend team CF13 young people’s support groups to improve access 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved managers meeting to mental health support for children in need.

33 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon BE HEALTHY 2x Y5 sessions in relaxation and course of one-to-one sessions in Easterside with difficult pupils. Marton Manor day on positive thinking for Y6 very well received. Staff coaching began at The Avenue, and twilight sessions from Further develop NLP (Neurolinguistic January 2010.Trinity teenage girls’ attendance project – Programming) coaching and intervention CF14 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved pilot course (8 sessions on each of 2 sites) starts January programme for young people and school staff to 19th, facilitated with University of Northumbria Dept of support emotional health and well-being. Psychology for field research into emotional resilience. Meetings arranged with Breckon Hill & St Alphonsus SLTs to discuss interventions. Superlearning Day for St. A planned 29 Jan; twilight coaching CPD in Feb. The MAIN project and Beverley School have together provided training to Families Resource Team (FRT) workers Develop links between the MAIN project and the regarding ASD and Aspergers and ongoing training is Families Resource Team to provide emergency CF15 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved planned from this initial devlopment session. FRT is now service and support for children with ASD and taking referrals for young people with ASD and Aspergers Asperger’s Syndrome. via the service provision forum and are currently working with two young people. Increase the number of young people accessing CF16 support through parent-led services via the direct 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved payment system. Improve the support available to young people CF17 aged 14-25 through the development of a multi- 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved. agency transitions team. STAY SAFE The enquiry and assessment team was established in April 2009. It is continuing to be reconfigured. There are a Reconfigure the enquiry and assessment number of Social Worker vacancies and a Team Manager CF18 processes to improve signposting to universal 01 Apr 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved vacancy still to be filled despite closing dates for advert. services and child protection services. Additional administrative posts are to be requested over and above the original proposal due to the high volume of contacts. A review has been undertaken and 6 locality teams are Increase levels of targeted safeguarding services, CF19 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved going to be created instead of 4 in mirror of the health delivered in a locality. areas in Middlesbrough - timescales OCT 09 to Nov 09

34 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon STAY SAFE Arrangements completed for Middlesbrough Safeguarding of Revise the existing South Tees Local Achieved but later CF20 01 Apr 2009 30 Nov 2009 Children Board to become fully operational from 1st April Safeguarding Children Board arrangements than target date 2010 Roll out ContactPoint, the government’s Local ContactPoint team accredited and trained within DCSF CF21 information sharing index, to all local children’s 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved deadlines to support roll out services agencies. Establish an Emotional Well-being Steering A Steering Group has been established and is operational. CF22 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Group. Projects are now well underway. Identify the technology options for developing an Capita did not resolve technology issues before the end of on-line referral process with schools and other CF23 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Revised target the 2009/10 financial year. Action carried forward in agencies for children considered at risk of going 2010/11 missing from education. ENJOY AND ACHIEVE EYOD plan developed with key stakeholders. All settings Implement the Early Years Outcomes Duty aware of targets and have implemented the programmes to CF24 (EYOD) consistently across all settings and 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved achieve improved EYFSP outcomes. Threshold target for schools. 2010 was exceeded in 2009. ECaT programme extended to 30 settings. Data showing positive impact on children’s speech, language and communication. Continue to roll out National Initiatives, CLLD universal offer impacted on EYFSP results in July 2009 CF25 monitoring and evaluating their impact on pupils’ 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved with threshold target showing a 7.9% increase on 2008 and progress. gap closed by 4.2%. March 2010 data for 15 targeted schools shows a higher percentage of children working at age-related phonic phase than March 09.

35 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon ENJOY AND ACHIEVE Links developing well particularly for settings in the Buddying programme. Practitioners working on peer mentoring within and between settings to develop enabling environments and upskill practitioners in observational assessment to identify key learning and plan next steps. Further develop working links across all early · Working party set up to develop links between Children’s CF26 years settings to deliver cohesive education in 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Centre Leadership and school Headteachers to develop work order to raise standards around SEF and ensure programmes delivered are monitored and evaluated effectively. Training in Observational assessment completed for all settings and being evaluated through EY consultants visit reports in order to target further EY team support. Maximise the effective use of the Supporting School Improvement Partners fully integrated into the CF27 School Success process to identify schools where 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Supporting School Success process. most impact is needed. Maximise the use of National Strategy Every Child a Reader(ECaR), Every Child can Count (ECC), CF28 programmes to ensure impact at school, 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Every Child a Talker (ECaT) and Every Child a Writer classroom and individual levels (ECaW) is being delivered to targeted schools Work is in progress with Performance & Planning Team to Ensure effective pupil tracking is in place to make promote effective use of pupil tracker and related work by CF29 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved sure that the progress trajectory is maintained. data technicians in all primary schools – currently most schools engaged The tracking templates for APP have all been completed Work with individual subject leads in schools to over the winter break. maximise the effective use of the newly They are now available for Reading, Writing, Maths, CF30 established data systems introduced to schools 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Science, ICT and PE. via the Secondary Education Improvement ICT is being piloted in one Secondary School and the Data Partnership and the department’s data team. Technicians are introducing the system where there is an interest. Implement the National Strategies 1:1 Tuition programme for 60 targeted pupils in KS4 National CF31 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Completed. Challenge schools identified through improved pupil progress tracking. Increase the range of learning options available to The Enterprise project is contributing to this action. CF32 young people to reduce the number of pupils 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Function skills training rolled out across providers leaving school with no qualifications.

36 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon ENJOY AND ACHIEVE Restructure services to strengthen the focus on CF33 the educational support needs of looked after 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Virtual Head has been appointed in July 2009. children. Embed data collection arrangements for looked CF34 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Process for termly data collection has been agreed. after children at school outside Middlesbrough. Ensure that the progress of looked after children is tracked and that schools have intervention CF35 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Completed. strategies in place to support those who are falling behind expected progress. Convene a borough wide task group to look at John Catron has established a new Behaviour and CF36 both support and challenge for pupil absence in 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Attendance Partnership. secondary schools. Work with secondary schools to identify and This Area of work is well established. The Schools CF37 target pupils whose attendance pattern puts them 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Partnership conducted a collective review exercise Oct/Nov at risk of becoming persistent absentees. 2009 and action now being implemented. Develop a peer consultation project targeting The Scheme is established and first two phases of research teenage girl persistent absentees to explore and completed with pupils attending The Newlands School. CF38 address their reasons for not attending school, 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Scheme to extend across Trinity Cathlic College – University with Study Support service and Participation of Northumbria to support research element. Manager.

37 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION The Change plan in is place, monitored by YOS Senior Implement changes to the Youth Justice System CF39 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Management Team. Milestones being met as per national outlined in the Criminal Justice Act. monitoring requirements Evaluate pilot project using Neurolinguistic Qualitative findings successful. WMNT now directly Programming with young people identified as contracting with Master Practitioner engaging with young CF40 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved liable to offend, and develop resources to roll out people with ABCs/ ASBOs /NEETS. Funding sources not yet programme. confirmed. Ongoing. 4 new C Card outlets established: Increase the number of C Card outlets across Achieved but later Lifeline CF41 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 Middlesbrough by 4 than target date Students Union Enterprise Team (Football Club) IIP Undertake a comprehensive audit of Lucinda and Achieved but later CF42 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 SRE review due to report May 2010 & Godfrey primary school resource than target date Develop an action plan in response to the CF43 National Support Team's recommendaitons for 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved This action plan has now been developed. the local TPS Collaborative working with the Primary and Secondary Partnerships continues to be productive and further Review the effectiveness of current strategies for refinements of the Fair Access Protocols are underway. CF44 reducing fixed term exclusions with the Education 01 Apr 2009 25 Mar 2010 Action Achieved There have been no permanent exclusions from Primary Improvement Partnerships Schools during the current school year and exclusions from Secondary Schools have reduced. We are continuing to develop and improve on alternative Develop a medium-term strategy to build on and provision where it is appropriate for the vulnerable young CF45 improve existing alternative provision and 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved people at Ashdale. The specific plans are contained within develop other opportuniteis for learning the Core Action Plan (CAT) which is used to monitor the centre's progress out of special measures. Roll out short break support services, under the government’s Aiming High initiative, in CF46 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved Achieved partnership with the PCT, voluntary sector agencies, parents and carers and young people. Develop a programme of research work through Families First to enhance the provision of support CF47 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved services for families with alcohol and substance misuse problems.

38 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION Establish systems to ensure that pre-CAF checklists are completed by adult drug and CF48 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved System completed and in use alcohol treatment services, to identify young people who may need to enter the CAF process. Monitor data from adult drug and alcohol QCAF Coordinator now in post and meetings have been held treatment services and the CAF process to CF49 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved to train staff in Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment services identify gaps in service provision for young people in relation to the CAF. affected by adult misuse. ECONOMIC WELL-BEING Provide taster sessions at colleges, work based learning providers and work placements for Year A detailed work programme of group work and information CF50 12 school pupils to raise aspirations and help 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved delivered within all Middlesbrough secondary schools as them make informed decisions about their options agreed in the 08/09 school partnership agreements. at age 16. Roll out the Common Application Process to All school based PA’s receive training/additional training on identify every learner’s progress in applying for the Common Application process. Plans to implement CF51 post-16 provision and offer additional support for 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Common Application Process discussed with individual those not applying to progress into post-16 schools and were agreed to be incorporated in the 09/10 education. school partnership agreements. Each 14-19 provider in Middlesbrough has a link Personal Increase the capacity of 14-19 providers to Adviser with a partnership agreement. Work with the LSC to support improvement in retention and CF52 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved provide suitable personal development opportunities for all achievement rates and ensure a smooth vulnerable young people who are NEET. Begin discussions transition to services for adults. to renew partnership agreements for 09/10 academic year. Implement a transition support programme to Implement September Guarantee for all young people ensure vulnerable learners have a key worker including the most vulnerable with the intention that every CF53 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved with responsibility for supporting them through young person has a suitable of education, employment or their transition from school to post-16 provision. training. Implement the long term NEET project whose aim is to offer additional support for young people that have been NEET for 180 days plus. Continue to liaise with Job Centre Plus to Facilitate early access to alternative provision for enable long term NEET to access the new deal provision. CF54 long-term and older NEETs and other at risk 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Continue comprehensive follow up of each individual groups of young people vulnerable young person including home visit where necessary to support young people into the world of education, employment or training.

39 Status Code Title Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Icon ECONOMIC WELL-BEING A sub-regional solution for the common application process and prospectus is being discussed. Middlesbrough’s Support the development of the curriculum to CF55 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved prospectus is available at A review of meet the learner entitlement the use of ILPs in school is under way, along with a scoping exercise to look at possible developments involving the vle. Establish a Financial Inclusion Working Group and develop a work programme to look at financial Working group established. Research into Credit Unions CF56 support and money management issues, including 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved and Community Finance has been commissioned by the community banking, access to debt advice and group. credit unions.


Promoting Adult Health and Well being

Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THE GAP IS CLOSED BETWEEN LEVELS OF HEALTH OF MIDDLESBROUGH RESIDENTS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE AS WELL AS THE GAP BWTWEEN PRIORTY NEIGHBOURHODDS AND THE MIDDLESBROUGH AVERAGE There are now 38 mainstream projects and 37 have started up. The outstanding project is an obesogenic study to be undertaken by the main evaluators - University of Durham (Stockton) -for which approval in principle has been given. 29 small scale community grants have been issued at a total cost of £91,000 and 10 more applications are under consideration. The Natures World project has now started up without matched funding on a smaller scale. The Newham Grange Farm project has been Implement the delivery of the Healthy approved with less matched funding in a Towns Programme to help local EN23 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved modified format. Detailed performance reports residents become more active, more are submitted to each Programme Board and often, and to increase healthier eating. the last Board meeting was on 8th March 2010. The HT management team meets every 3 weeks for operational decision making. New performance measures for the Healthy Town programme have been set for 2010/11 based on key projects. The University of Durham are monitoring all projects and will produce an programme wide evaluation report by March 2011. This SLA is under review due to additional projects and the extent of extra evaluation required. EN24 Introduce a two-year programme of free 01 Apr 2009 30 Apr 2009 Action Achieved Uptake to March 2010 is Over 60s Free swimming for under 16s and over 60s. swimming 37,115 and Under 16s Free swimming 72,298. As this is year one this is in effect the baseline figure. It is important to note again that this funding is for one more financial year only and as such consideration should be given to action the Council may wish

41 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note to take when the funding ceases in March 2011

42 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THE GAP IS CLOSED BETWEEN LEVELS OF HEALTH OF MIDDLESBROUGH RESIDENTS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE AS WELL AS THE GAP BWTWEEN PRIORTY NEIGHBOURHODDS AND THE MIDDLESBROUGH AVERAGE Ongoing delivery of 5 hours of swimming Deliver two x ten-week swimming lessons per week, a total of 208 older adults EN25 programmes for people aged over 60 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved have engaged with the programme, although years, targeting 200 people. adherence has not been high. It has been accepted that the target should be reduced and the pilot scheme has now closed with no new clients being accepted. 253 clients joined the scheme with 178 due to complete their year's activity by September 2010. The reduction in the target is to reflect the reality of the capacity of the programme. It is a fixed term temporary funded programme which in reality has been established to measure the Deliver a programme of activities for impact of social marketing in encouraging EN26 500 people at risk of developing Type 2 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target people to take up physical activity. The initial Diabetes. bid suggested delivery to a cohort of 500 at risk people over the duration of the scheme. In reality this has not been realistic given the amount of contact time and 'handholding' that each client needs to get them to a point of independent exercise. The reduction in target has been negotiated with the funding stake holders (Sport England, TeesValley Sport, PCT, Sport and Leisure) and project officers. Introduce an ‘Up to Dance’ programme, The programme continues to deliver 11 weekly targeting 160 people, delivering eight EN27 01 Apr 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved sessions which is an over achievement with new weekly sessions and forming four approximately 200 people attending. self-supported adult dance groups. Deliver the fifth Tees Pride 10k and PCT Completed at Q2 – this event took place in EN28 01 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 Action Achieved Fun Run. September 2009 Entry was 3,074 (10k) and 675 (PCT Fun Run) this 10k remains the largest in the region with Increase the 10k Road Race entries by the greatest number of entries. The service has EN29 10% on 2008/2009 actual, attracting 01 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 Missing target no specific reasons as to why the figure was 3,300 entries. not achieved other than participation represents a lifestyle change for many people which is difficult to effect.

43 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THE GAP IS CLOSED BETWEEN LEVELS OF HEALTH OF MIDDLESBROUGH RESIDENTS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE AS WELL AS THE GAP BWTWEEN PRIORTY NEIGHBOURHODDS AND THE MIDDLESBROUGH AVERAGE Open the Youth Zone facility at The Youth Zone continues to attract between Southlands Leisure Centre, in order to 30 and 40 young people every Friday and EN30 maximise opportunities for increasing 01 Apr 2009 31 May 2009 Action Achieved Saturday night who participate in positive participation in Sport & Leisure activity including sport and physical activity recreation. An Action Plan is in place and being implemented. There has been limited progress since Quarter 2. The next Community Sport Network meeting is scheduled for January 26th Work with County Sport Network to where the draft Action Plan comments will be create an action plan to deliver the considered and decisions made relating to EN31 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved recommendations of the Active Theme groups and their responsibilities. Middlesbrough Strategy. Forum still operational and work undertaken to secure buy in from member organisations. No new sub groups developed. Loss of key personnel from Sport and Leisure Service has slowed progress in this area. Four businesses were accredited to the bronze level of the Workplace Health Award: Assist five businesses to become Middlesbrough Council, Selwood, accredited to the Regional Workplace Middlesbrough Environment City, STEM. A EN32 Health Award and deliver training to 10 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved regional Award Ceremony was held in January health advocates on the Workplace 2010. The fifth business did not wish to Health Award Schemes. progress the award at this time. Training was delivered to all health advocates within these businesses. Training pack was produced for the initiative, and further promotional products/ materials Progress the Smokefree Families were produced. Five training sessions were EN33 Initiative by providing training to 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved undertaken. An awareness-raising event was frontline health professionals. held. Extensive promotion of the project was carried out. Evaluation of the project was conducted.

44 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THE GAP IS CLOSED BETWEEN LEVELS OF HEALTH OF MIDDLESBROUGH RESIDENTS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE AS WELL AS THE GAP BWTWEEN PRIORTY NEIGHBOURHODDS AND THE MIDDLESBROUGH AVERAGE Sport and Leisure were involved in the development of the strategy by nature of previous experience of this area of work in the past. This was a historic legacy from when the Develop an action plan to deliver the section managed grass pitches. Their operation EN34 recommendations of the Playing Pitch 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Missing target and ownership now sits with Street Scene. It is Strategy understood that Craig Holmes of Albert Park will be taking ownership of the PPS and it has been agreed to meet with him to go through it as required. Reduce levels of unemployment amongst alcohol users in treatment by Review of the contract is underway. This action SC16 improving referral and take-up rates of 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Revised target will be carried forward to next year clients from the support the change service Establish a robust Alcohol Early A multi agency Steering Group has been Implementers Steering Group including established with an associated work plan, SC17 representation from the Acute Trust and 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved which defines desired outcomes in line with improved carers profile, in line with nationally approved 'Cardiff Model'. Carers Strategy HELP PROMOTE HEALTH, WELL-BEING, INDEPENDENCE, INCUSION AND CHOICE 115 new cases in the Community with full telecare packages. 145 people had telecare installed at Increase the number of Telecare Middlesbrough Intermediate Care Centre to Packages by 270 by implementing a SC01 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved assist with rehabilitation range of actions in the Telecare Action xx people had telecare installed as part of Plan. Rapid Response Services 507 people had telecare installed via Supporting People Funding Extend the availability of Individual Pilot programme complete. Full implementation SC02 Budgets to all client groups by rolling 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved now underway out Pilot Programme from 1 June 2009. SC03 Promote and increase the number of 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Programme plan containing 20 work-streams people using self-assessment. created. Programme Plan takes amount of Putting People First milestones with the aim of 30% of eligible clients having a PB by April

45 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note 2011

46 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THE GAP IS CLOSED BETWEEN LEVELS OF HEALTH OF MIDDLESBROUGH RESIDENTS AND THE NATIONAL AVERAGE AS WELL AS THE GAP BWTWEEN PRIORTY NEIGHBOURHODDS AND THE MIDDLESBROUGH AVERAGE Reduce the reliance on Residential Care Marton Road project is operational. Completion by increasing the availability of SC04 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved in Autumn 2009. 6 residents in place (capacity Independent Supported Living for for 9) people with disabilities. Project Manager appointed. The pilot program Pilot Local Area Co-ordination (which is on target. Interviews for the Local Area Co- an initiative designed to enhance social ordination officers are taking place at the end SC05 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved inclusion through community of May and will be in post in June/July networking). depending on necessary CRB checks and notice periods Increase the number of young people in transition offered person centred 15 person-centred plans complete. Target SC06 planning or self-directed support from 9 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved complete to 15 through the implementation of the Transitions Team. This includes 7 carers receiving DP in their own Increase use of direct payments by SC07 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved right and 15 service users receiving respite carers care Total 22 people ENSURE THAT WHEN PEOPLE FALL ILL THEY RECEIVE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE Introduce user-led quality assessments for Domicilary Care Services., Enablement and Support Services, Non Domiciliary care assessments complete and SC08 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Older Persons Residential Care so as to gradings agreed baseline and improve the quality of care services delivered A Directory of Services was re-launched in March. The Directory shows voluntary organisation in Middlesbrough by category and Implement a web-based Directory of location. The web based directory has the Services to contribute towards a Achieved but later facility for organisations to be able to complete SC09 Universal Information, Advice and 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 than target date an on line form in order to add their own Advocacy Service, in line with Putting details on to the directory. Work is on going to People First. develop a search facility and further developments and improvements will be made as part of the CAF project.

47 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THAT WHEN PEOPLE FALL ILL THEY RECEIVE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE Implement DCLG World Class Commissioning Standards for Local SC10 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Commissioning Strategy complete Authorities to further align Social Care and PCT Commissioning. Provide a wider choice of carer respite Range of carer respite options expanded in SC11 options and increase take up of respite 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved response to carer choice services. Increase awareness of Carers Support SC12 Services through an awareness raising 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved On going programme in place campaign. Identify hidden carers and provide them 5 projects to identify hidden carers are well with support through a range of projects SC13 01 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 Action Achieved underway and closely monitored. 586 hidden to enable them to continue their caring carers have been identified to date role or employment. Develop an action plan in relation to the Action Plan submitted to NE Dementia SC14 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved National Dementia Strategy Implementation Team as required. Report complete and presented. The report recommended that the current arrangements for Simple Aids to Daily Living are maintained. The RIEP has concluded Stage 1 of its regional Determine the most cost effective analysis and as a result: SC15 mechanism for the delivery of 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Top 20 Simple Aids to be procured on a community equipment to individuals. regional basis Stage 2 review to consider models for a regional approach to equipment delivery is underway Mobile working has been implemented and Implement mobile working for major relevant officers within the SPA have all been RG13 adaptations through the Staying Put 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved trained. The waiting time for adaptations within agency 2009/10 was 12 weeks. Work in partnership with service The delivery of minor adaptations within the RG14 providers to increase the proportion 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved financial year 2009/10 was 98% from 90% to 91% RG15 Produce a prioritised action plan to 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Action plan has been developed drawing on implement the findings of the Disabled these issues highlighted during the process re- Facilities Grant Business Process Re- engineering exercise. Eight priority actions engineering exercise have been identified and timescales put against

48 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note these for implementation. ENSURE THAT WHEN PEOPLE FALL ILL THEY RECEIVE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE Developing training, developing specific information for managers with responsibilities for making safeguarding alerts. This was reviewed as part of the CQC inspection of Safeguarding and Older people’s Services. The Improvement Plan as a result of the inspection outlines a number of actions which will develop this action further: Develop a mechanism to measure how Carry out an audit identifying relevant staff SC18 robust safeguarding procedures are in 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved from the Council and partner agencies that the Independent Sector. require advanced safeguarding training by December 2010 and deliver this training Undertake an audit of agencies and staff groups which identifies appropriate levels of awareness and current levels of awareness by October 2010 Adhere to new Department of Health information requirements by October 2010 Teeswide Safeguarding Board work programme agreed. Local Safeguarding Committee Lead the development of a Tees-wide SC19 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved established chaired by HoS. South Tees Annual Safeguarding Adults Board. Report published. Business Manager appointed

An updated workbook covering all the Put in place a comprehensive training knowledge and procedural information for new programme in identifying adults at risk SC20 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved starters has been produced. Level 2 training and make this available to all partners, offered for practitioners. About to finalise level including independent sector providers 3 with Teesside University/Tees Valley Alliance 10 000 of the Teeswide Safeguarding leaflets and 300 Teeswide Safeguarding posters have been ordered for distribution across the Tees Valley. Raise public awareness of safeguarding A new Easy Read version of the Safeguarding SC21 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved through a media programme. leaflet is in production Safeguarding's presence on the Middlesbrough Council website has been increased by placing the Safeguarding section in a more prominent position on the website

49 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF VULNERABLE PEOPLE As part of the CQC inspection of Safeguarding and Older people’s Services a major review of how we audit plans was undertaken.

Ensure the timeliness and quality of A number of recommendations were made and SC22 Adult Protection Plans via an Audit 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved the CQC improvement plan has a number of Programme. areas for improvement, the following is specific to Adult Protection plans: Introduce a system to regularly audit case practice against published good practice by October 2010 Appropriate level of competence based training is available from local colleges and supplementary support funding from the regional Care Alliances is used to reduce the In order to secure safe medication cost of training. management in care provision, support SC23 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved All requests for training from the Departments the delivery of competency-based own employees receive a positive and prompt training response. 72 Members of staff have received training on medication 42 people from the Tees Valley Alliance have also received training Provide Job Coaching Support within Plans to re-locate Job Coaches in Multi- SC24 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Multi-Disciplinary Teams. Disciplinary teams well advanced. The Council has committed work from its building improvement plan to shore up the AI business plan in the medium term. Plans to grow transport and other business are now under development and incorporated partly by the current corporate review of transport. This Create new product lines and secure is anticipated to reduce the current projected new business at Ayresome Industries in SC25 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved financial pressure by £130k. In addition order to increase the number of disabled Ayresome has been involved in discussions people employed. with potential suppliers of the Council’s Waste Management Service and has been short listed for a national framework contract for the disposal of IT hardware on behalf of government departments in the North East region

50 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF VULNERABLE PEOPLE 3 clients maintained employment for at least 13 weeks which gives a total of 7 in 2009/10. Work with the Employment Service to Main problem has been the Support for Change increase the number of people with service identifying opportunities (rather than a SC26 substance misuse problems supported 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Revised target high client drop-out rate) but they hope this into and maintaining work for at least will improve with the future jobs fund initiative 13 weeks from 12 to 24. This action will be transferred to next year’s Departmental Plan ADDRESS SPECIFIC COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL HOUSING NEEDS External consultation with relevant stakeholders including youth groups commenced in December 2009 following a Prepare and produce final draft of Youth RG16 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved briefing to the Deputy Mayor. Following Homelessness Strategy. consultation, the final draft version of the strategy has been signed off by the working group.

51 Enhancing the Local Economy

Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ESTABLISH AN ENVIRONEMENT THAT ENCOURAGES AND SUPPORTS ECOMONIC VITALITY Commence funding bid and Preliminary bid submitted to ONE. Subsequent RG17 implementation strategy for Linthorpe 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved discussions to determine appropriate approach Road Central to secure preliminary funding ongoing. Due to the economic downturn this project has not progressed as first intended. The economic downturn has led to the Middlehaven Partners (the Council, ONE North East and the Homes & Prepare planning guidance for Greater RG18 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target Community Agency) to review how the site will Middlehaven to facilitate development. be brought forward in the future. This resulted in the original masterplan and associated planning guidance to be put on hold while a formal review of the project was undertaken. Consultation complete in Q2. Report to Complete town centre strategy and RG19 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Executive on 13th October to formally adopt bring forward development sites. the strategy. Completion scheduled for 2010/11 due to re- Develop Business Location Plan to steer RG20 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Missing target prioritisation of activities following recent future physical investment priorities. staffing issues. RG21 Deliver town centre marketing 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Spring, Summer and Christmas campaigns programme. successfully delivered. The Spring campaign included Television and Bus Advertising supplementing events including One Big Night and Middlesbrough Music Live. The Summer period included lunchtime entertainment to attract shoppers and footfall into the town centre complimented by further television advertising and a restaurant promotion. Christmas was the key campaign and included Television advertising and winter festival brochure promoting a series of events from early November through the festive trading period. Planning and delivery of Spring 2010 campaign commenced and planning of the

52 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Summer and Christmas 2010 campaigns also underway. ESTABLISH AN ENVIRONEMENT THAT ENCOURAGES AND SUPPORTS ECOMONIC VITALITY Linthorpe RoadCentral - Consultants report complete March 2009. St. Hilda's - Due to the economic downturn this project has not progressed as first intended. The economic downturn has led to the Complete the consultants’ Middlehaven Partners (the Council, ONE North RG22 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target masterplan/feasibility reports East and the Homes & Community Agency) to review how the site will be brought forward in the future. This resulted in the original masterplan and associated planning guidance to be put on hold while a formal review of the project was undertaken. Audit completed early in 2009/10 using BRE toolkit. This has subsequently been used to help action planning through the night-time tactical plan for Problem-Solving Group 5 and identify best practice projects for implementation in Middlesbrough to fill gaps.

This has led to the piloting of the 'Boro Angels' project which uses volunteers to provide caring street guardians to help and assist visiting the town during the night-time and in need of assistance. It has also led to work looking at Complete audit of town centre safety establishing a night-time safe zone and a RG23 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved and security at night. review of the taxi and hackney carriage arrangements including looking at the feasibility of introducing taxi marshals and improving the current management arrangements.

This work has lead to further analysis and an initial desk assessment of the Middlesbrough Evening Economy against the Purple Flag benchmark framework and agreement by the Town Centre Partnership to establish an evening economy working group to drive forward the work needed to achieve this.

53 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note PROVIDE BUSINESS SUPPORT TO EXISITNG BUSINESSES AND ENCOURAGE MORE BUSINESSES TO SET UP LOCATE AND GROW HERE Assist 360 businesses through a range 398 businesses assisted against a target of RG25 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved of measures 360. Establish and attract 75 new businesses 82 businesses established or attracted against RG26 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved through a range of measures a target of 75. 313 jobs created against a target of 280. A Create/attract 280 new jobs through a RG27 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved further 149 jobs were created through the range of measures Future Jobs Fund. ENSURE LOCAL PEOPLE HAVE APPROPRIATE SKILLS AND CAN ACCESS JOBS AND OPPORTUNITIES Gap currently 1.4 percentage points. However, Reduce the unemployment rate gap Middlesbrough's unemployment numbers have RG28 between Middlesbrough and the Tees 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target started to fall in March 2010 for the first time Valley since the start of the recession. Engage residents, particularly those 1,293 jobseekers engaged against a target of RG29 furthest from the labour market, to 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved 600. move towards employment 537 WNF area residents now into employment through the WNF programme (cumulative Assist local people from priority 09/10) plus an additional 70 non-WNF area RG30 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved neighbourhoods into jobs residents. A further 149 have also been employed through Future Jobs Fund and 7 through other routes (total of 763). CHANGE PEOPLE ATTITUDES BY PROMOTING MIDDLESBROUGH’S SUCCESS

RG31 Deliver Middlesbrough Image Campaign 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Press campaign launched in March 2010.

Programme delivered. key elements included Coordinate range of seasonal activities the attraction of the Big Wheel and snow slide, RG32 that promote the image of 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved a TV advertising campaign and a series of Middlesbrough town centre. events including Christmas lights switch on. CHANGE PEOPLE ATTITUDES BY PROMOTING MIDDLESBROUGH’S SUCCESS The project with Tate Connects is continuing. Develop mima’s international RG33 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved All three international trips relating to Art Fund partnerships International took place. Design week was successfully concluded RG34 Deliver Design Week 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved between 15th - 19th June 2009. To be biennial event, so next awards to be 2011.

54 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note PROMOTE REGENERATION THROUGH CULTURE, ARTS AND LEARNING BY MEANS OF CULTURAL PROJECTS AND FLAGSHIPS THAT ACT OF ECONOMIC DRIVERS 30 events held, 2000 people attended. Plans in Hold a literary festival to promote RG35 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved place to host a second Literary Festival in community engagement June/July 2010. Programme of events has included Develop and deliver a series of high RG36 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved commissions with the Prodigal, Sarruga, quality events Liverpool Lantern Company and Snowslope.

RG37 Achieve 2,000 work opportunities 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Cumulative total: 3256.5

Increase visitors to and users of Tourist Year End Total: 60,766; 36% over 09/10 RG38 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Information Centre services by 2% target. Achieve a contribution of £4.5m to the RG39 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved £4.5m achieved. local economy REJUVENATE THE HOUSING STOCK 100 residential and 6 commercial properties have been bought (2009/10) in St Hilda's and Gresham older housing proposed clearance area. 63 Housing Association properties have Continue the acquisition programme in been bought within this figure and have RG40 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved housing market renewal areas contributed to the massive over achievement of the target. The evidence of the purchases is in the quarter 4 file submitted to Internal Audit for sign off. The completion reports/statements are on the file to view. Preferred scheme prepared for partner Prepare with partners a public realm RG41 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target consultation April-May. Public consultation to improvement scheme in Trinity Crescent follow in May-June.

55 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note ENSURE THAT THE TYPE AND MIX OF NEW HOUSING PROVIDES CHOICE Review meetings have commenced and Review the operation of the Tees Valley working parties have been established to RG42 Sub-Regional Choice Based Letting 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved progress particular tasks; Middlesbrough is Scheme represented with this. Sub-consultants Gillespie's have been Appoint consultants to undertake appointed to review the Hemlington Grange RG43 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved technical studies masterplan. Their work will include a review of technical studies undertaken and required. A full draft has been completed and is out for Seek approval for the Tees Valley Sub- consultation. Action Plan being worked up with RG44 Regional Housing Strategy to 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target a view to the Strategy being submitted to communicate key housing objectives Heads of Housing in May 2010 and Directors of Regeneration in June 2010. IMPROVE AND MAINTAIN EXISTING HOUSING STOCK There is a need to update the raw data for stock condition every five years, in line with Audit Commission requirements. As the survey Update Middlesbrough’s stock condition data is now in year 4 it has been agreed to RG45 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target survey forgo an update this year to provide some corporate savings and to look at options during budget setting for a full stock condition survey next financial year. There have been some issues raised with colleagues in Strategic Finance about the managed fund element of the financial Seek approval to operate a Regional assistance scheme contract. Discussions have RG46 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target Loans Scheme for 2010/11 been ongoing with members of the Association of North East Councils to clarify these issues, with a resolution anticipated this month with a report to Executive due early summer. Quarter Four - Contract awarded to Gus Deliver environmental facelift Robinson. Facelift improvements carried out to RG47 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved improvement scheme to 137 homes 202 commercial and residential properties on Victoria and Crescent Roads.

56 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE ACCESS TO WORK AND IMPORTANT SERVICES Complete the construction of the North Middlesbrough Accessibility Scheme to A66 works completed ahead of schedule by 4 EN35 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved improve access to the Middlehaven months area. Adopt Network Management Plan as Network Management Plan adopted through required by the Traffic Management Act Executive Member for Transport meeting 15th EN36 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved and commence the delivery of the September 2009. Action plan developed and approved action plan. being delivered. Parking Strategy adopted and associated Action Adopt Parking Strategy and commence EN37 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Plan agreed linked to the Town Centre the delivery of the approved action plan. Strategy. Develop a programme to migrate from AECOM completed advance design stage end of the current Urban Traffic Control system March 2010. Procurement plan proposed for to a broader Intelligent Transport EN38 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved common database, communications and use of System for Middlesbrough and the Tees ANPR system. Need to establish UTMC prior to Valley; commence the introduction of any sign implementation. the new car park guidance system. Consulation on Stage 2 report completed. Report amended as a result of comments to Undertake consultant study into include sensitivity tests and updated to EN39 feasibility of new multi storey car parks 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved incorporate latest town centre development for the town. proposals. Report taken to Executive to agree future direction of project in Quarter 4 and beyond. Commence the use of the Transport Asset Management Plan to direct Prudential borrowing bid formulated in January investment priorities, and to develop a 2010 using evidence from VFM data and full EN40 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved business case for prudential borrowing network survey following severe winter to enhance planned highway conditions. £6m prudential bid appproved. maintenance works. IMPROVE ACCESS TO WORK AND IMPORTANT SERVICES Develop an action plan for the Phase 1 HLF bid successful on 22 January EN41 Transporter Bridge Centenary 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved 2010. This has provided £112k of funding to celebrations. develop the phase 2 bid for £2m. AVOID CONGESTION

57 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Adopt a work place travel plan for Achieved but later New draft Travel Plan completed end of April EN42 Middlesbrough Council and commence 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 than target date 2010 the implementation of the action plan. Create a partnership for the delivery of Tender documents have been prepared and are Travel Awareness Campaigns, ready to be issued. A marketing strategy needs EN43 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Missing target associated with the LTP and the Healthy to be developed for the 3 year campaign - the Towns programme. decided project determines the funding stream. IMPROVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT Commence implementation of Middlesbrough’s element of the Connect Tees Valley Bid to improve bus services Full Approval received 26th March 2010. Achieved but later EN44 over a three-year programme, with a 01 Apr 2009 31 Jan 2010 Contractor appointed for Marton Road Scheme, than target date first year focus on Marton Road and Bus work to commence May 2010 Station improvements (subject to DfT funding). Continue the implementation a Real - Final approval of the major bus bid confirmed Time Bus Information System and March 2010. This will allow further real time EN45 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved improved bus waiting facilities (subject installation to take place. Upgrading the system to DfT funding). in Middlesbrough Bus Station will take priority. Completed - Information portal went live 15th Introduce Connect Tees Valley transport July 2009. Liaising with Regeneration to update information portal and ensure Web pages to include Tourism/Regeneration EN46 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Middlesbrough web pages are fit for information. purpose. Final approval of the major bus bid in March 2010. Prepare bids for improvements at Middlesbrough Station and James Cook Phase 1 of the Metro Project has received DfT EN47 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Hospital, as part of the Tees Valley approval Metro Proposals. Develop a Rail Partnership and Rail Partnership linked to Metro project commence work on the “step free” managers role being developed at TVU. Work EN48 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved disabled access at Middlesbrough rail on step free access due to be completed mid station. April. Included as part of Delivering a Sustainable Develop a Park and Ride Strategy with EN49 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Transport System devlopment work as part of the JSU. Tees Valley wide project.

58 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY Development of Strategy outsourced to specialist consultant due to lack of 'in house' staff resources. Atkins appointed in February Develop an Urban Safety Management 2010, with publication of Report currently EN50 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target Strategy. scheduled for May 2010 and consultation with key stakeholders following thereafter. Subject to approval, roll-out of the strategy will be from 2010/11 onwards. EN51 Implement safety initiatives (e.g. traffic 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Casualty data monitored continuously but calming schemes, 20mph residential reported on an annual basis. Recorded zones, education and training etc.) to casualties in 2009 were the lowest on record, reduce the number of people killed or with all three key indicators (KSIs, Child KSIs seriously injured on our roads. and Slights) 'on track' to meet targets set in the Second Middlesbrough Local Transport Plan. • Numerous road safety initiatives either underway or in development. Public consultation on major area-wide traffic calming scheme and 20 mph zone covering nearly 2,000 properties in Linthorpe Road (West) completed - implementation of Phase 1 of the scheme commenced on 6 April 2010. Design of Phase 2 largely complete and consultation underway, with a view to implementation during 2010/11. Consultation on a major Local Safety Scheme in Linthorpe Village has commenced. • Numerous Education, Training and Publicity campaigns and initiatives introduced during Q4, as detailed below: January • An event aimed at older drivers was held on 14 January at the Southlands Centre. The title of the event was 'Driving Safer for Longer' and advice and information including vision tests, effects of prescription medicines, reaction tester, vehicle safety checks, observed drives and much more was available. February • A 'Theatre in Education' tour visited six

59 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note primary schools with a production entitled 'Chicken' - the play includes messages on cycling safety, distractions, peer pressure and, of course, playing chicken. The play was performed to Year 5 & 6 pupils. • A Seatbelt campaign ran throughout the month with particular emphasis on pet seatbelts. Leaflets were distributed to pet shops and vets, and a press launch was held at Stewart Park with examples of restraints modelled by our canine 'volunteers'. Dog walkers at the park were given leaflets and an article appeared in the 'Evening Gazette'. • A Seatbelt Demonstration Model was used to deliver seatbelt wearing messages to Year 6 pupils at primary schools. The model includes a ramp and model car which can be opened up to show the effects on the dummy family inside when the car crashes and they are not wearing a seatbelt. March • Visits to Middlesbrough College and Teesside University focused on the importance of scooter/motorbike riders wearing protective equipment. A dummy was put on display with a full set of protective equipment, leaflets were distributed and advice was given, including information on rider training. • The annual 'Safe Start with Safety Squirrel' campaign was launched this year at Pallister Park Primary School, with bags featuring road safety information and activities distributed to every reception class pupil in the Borough. As this year the bags contained a road safety story book 'The green man and the case of the missing stripes', the Year 3 pupils at Pallister Park Primary were asked to search the playground and look for the missing stripes on the zebra crossing so that Safety Squirrel, the Council's road safety mascot, could cross safely. The 'Evening Gazette' covered the launch. • During 'Every Child Matters Week' the Road Safety Team gave 10 tutorial lessons at

60 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note Middlesbrough College using the 'Crash Investigation' resource, with the students investigating a collision using the information provided and concluding how it was caused. The key messages include inexperience, speed, seatbelts, drink driving and distractions. INCREASE USE OF CYCLING AND WALKING • Modal split for journeys to school monitored on an annual basis through the School Travel Census, carried out in January each year. Percentage of pupils aged 5-15 travelling to school by car fell from 22.6% in 2008 to 22.2% in 2009. • Implementation of Safer Routes to School schemes serving Archibald and Green Lane Primary Schools commenced in February 2010, Introduce a programme of Safer Routes with completion of both schemes scheduled for to School schemes and walking May 2010. Design of scheme serving Lingfield EN52 initiatives to reduce the proportion of 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Primary School still underway, with pupils at participating schools travelling implementation programmed for 2010/11. by car. • Sustainable Travel Officer (Sarah Fay) is currently working with schools across the Borough to increase the proportion of journeys made on foot, using existing School Travel Plans as a starting point. Roll-out of the national STAR travel plan accreditation scheme (promoted by Modeshift) has commenced, with 13 schools 'signed up' by the end of March 2010. Cycle training outsourced to Cycling Solutions Continue to develop cycling in order to increase number of training improvements to encourage increased opportunities and make more effective use of cycling levels, particularly within EN53 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved ‘in house’ staff resources. Cycling Solutions schools, colleges and workplaces, as delivering cycle training to schools across the identified in the Healthy Towns funding Borough: 626 Year 5/6 pupils trained by the bid. end of March 2010.

61 Securing Environmental Sustainability

Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE THE STANDARD OF CLEANLINESS THROUGHOUT THE TOWN NI 195 Survey 3carried out in March Other Highways returned a score of: Litter - 7% Detritus 2% Overall Score for 2009/10 Litter 6% Detritus 3% Dedicated Alley Cat (Compacting) vehicle and Review back alley operations and operatives carrying out cleansing of back alleys introduce improved joint working EN54 01 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 Action Achieved the day following normal refuse collection, arrangements, environmental education removing bulky items of waste and arranging and enforcement initiatives. removal of white goods. Private contractors are carrying out weed spraying three times a year. Crews are reporting alleys that have litter/fly tipping problems between cleanse and details are reported to the BAIT team for enforcement action. Weekly Surveys in Alleys taking place using the NI195 methodology, sheets attached. Before applying the 3rd weedkill an inspection was carried out and it determined that only Review weed prevention and control 50% of the area had a requirement for EN55 arrangements on footpaths and open 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved weedkilling therefore a spot treat was spaces and implement improvements. implemented concentrating on those areas which had "greened" up. DEVELOP A HIGH QUALITY NETWORK OF PUBLIC REALM AND OPEN SPACE AND PARKS TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY - Regular update meetings with designers, steering group and lottery established. Tree Deliver the Stage 2 Stewart Park ‘Parks contract completed and animal pen works EN56 01 Apr 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved for People’ Heritage Lottery Bid. about to commence. Additional improvement works planned with Middlesbrough College and other partners.

62 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note IMPROVE THE STANDARD OF CLEANLINESS THROUGHOUT THE TOWN Play area construction not complete by end of March but will be completed by mid May 2010 Improve local play area provision, due to weather conditions and contractual utilising Play-builder funding, improving delays. Playbuilder programme has been EN57 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target ten existing playgrounds and providing completed to funder’s satisfaction. A play one new playground. shaper event is booked for July 2010 to support Middlesbrough's play partnership and Children's Trust. Stage 2 HLF submission for Farmhouse unsuccessful. Biif Award landfill tax submitted for farmhouse - decision in March . Access to Nature bid submitted. Further funding bid development being researched for projects in Stewart Park - The Central Lodge, Water Vole Breeding Centre and Urban Mammals Centre. Also the Healthy Towns projects Year 2 on target and Year 3 being worked on. The external match funding sourced for the Manage and submit applications for Farmhouse bid from Healthy Towns has been external funding to support future open invested into the Victorian Farm buildings at EN58 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved space developments at Newham Grange Newham Grange Farm. External Landscape Leisure Farm and Stewart Park. Fees Income has been reinvested into service facilities. The result of the stage 2 Access to Nature bid submitted to Natural England for is about to be announced. Section 106 / developer contributions from land sales are being allocated to new projects for year 10/ 11. Roundabout Sponsorship contract to start on the 10th May for three years with guaranteed income for the Council. External Income from good performance in planning has been obtained for tree improvements. Review allotment provision, including EN59 current and future procedures, policies 01 Apr 2009 31 Oct 2009 Action Achieved Allotment Strategy completed and practices. Completed - Keep Britain Tidy has confirmed EN60 Obtain Green Flag award for Fairy Dell. 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved Green Flag application was successful.

63 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE THAT IS RECYCLED OR COMPOSTED Review kerbside recycling collection arrangements and procure new Achieved but later Contract was awarded to Biffa in March 2010 EN61 01 Apr 2009 30 Nov 2009 collection contract to commence in April than target date with start date of 6th April 2010 2010. New Waste Electrical Equipment Recycling Develop re-use schemes for bulky contract to start July 2010 to provide enhanced and/or electrical waste which will EN63 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved recovery/recycling of items collected. Further encourage residents to recycle and re- updates to web pages and Call Centre use more frequently. information undertaken. REDUCE THE EMISSIONS AND ADAPT FOR THE ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Decision made to replace 3 cremators with mercury abatement only due to the Council's VAT exemption position. Contract with Develop specifications for the Facultatieve Technology has been let and a EN64 Crematorium upgrade to meet new 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved deposit made in 2009/2010 that commits the emission standards. work. Building works to commence July 2010 to allow cremator replacement from around November 2010. Prepare an ecological foot-printing BioRegional provided a detailed report on the scheme to support the One Planet Living carbon and ecologiocal footprints of EN65 work programme and allow monitoring 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action Achieved Middlesbrough Council, in February 2010. of progress towards One Planet Living Monitoring mechanisms are being integrated targets. into the One Planet Living Action Plan. A complete draft of the council's action plan for the 10 One Planet Living principles was Establish a new One Planet Living action discussed by the Environmental Sustainability plan, including flagship initiatives, to EN66 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Action Group / One Planet Living Action Group supersede the Council’s Environmental on 31 March. This provides the basis for the Sustainability Strategy. consultation document to be presented to the Executive in July. The proposed framework for integrating One Planet Living into EMS procedures is being Review the Environmental Management tested by the Environmental Sustainability EN67 Systems framework and revise to 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved team. An annual work programme for complement One Planet Living. introducing the new system to other services is being prepared.

64 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note R3EDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS AND ADAPT FOR THE ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE The new Climate Change Community Action Plan is ready for presentation to the Climate Change Partnership at its next meeting in April, Coordinate delivery of Middlesbrough’s for approval. Climate Change Community Action Plan Carbon emissions data for 2007 has been EN68 and deliver a corporate Carbon 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved provided by the Government, and 2008 data is Reduction and Climate Adaptation due in Q3 2010-11. (CRACA) programme. Guidance has been provided to Heads of Service about including measures on carbon reduction in Service Plans. Complete the ‘Tackling Climate Change’ EN70 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved at Q2 Beacon Council programme of activities.

65 Fit for Purpose

Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note GOVERNING THE BUSINESS Complete the delivery of the The Procurement Development plan is a three CS01 SP Procurement action plan and progress 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved year plan All year 1 tasks completed the Procurement development plan. Executive on 8th April 2010 agreed to extend Complete process to consider extending CS03 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved the Contract, pending conclusion of the legal the 10-year contract with Mouchel. documents. The year-end performance indicator process has identified those National Indicators that can be disaggregated effectively to smaller Identify and address additional geographical levels (e.g. Lower Super Output information needs in respect local Areas) and by diversity group. The next step is CS07 SP inequalities in the light of the 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved to collate and analyse this information to Comprehensive Area Assessment identify any unintended differential impacts and framework. how these can be addressed. The Council is participating in a RIEP project on this issue to establish a robust methodology to support planning for diversity in the future Complaints information reviewed annually and Review corporate complaints reported back to the Standards Committee. information to ensure that it is used CS08 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Qtrly meetings are now held with complaints effectively in service design and co-ordinators across the Council to ensure development. services areas understand processes involved. Develop an Intelligence Strategy for the The approach and focus of this action has been Council, coordinating and developing changed to use of data/intelligence for service CS11 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Missing target existing approaches to data, information improvement. This will be centred on the and knowledge management. rollout of Mosaic. Carried over to 2010/2011. Procure, oversee and disseminate the CS12 SP findings of the 2009 Middlesbrough 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Survey completed and findings circulated Neighbourhood Survey. CS15 SP Update elections BCP following 01 Apr 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved Completed in first quarter. European elections 2008/2009 test, and ensure the successfully delivered successful delivery of the 2008

66 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note European Elections. GOVERNING THE BUSINESS Produce and launch new corporate CS18 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Action achieved. identity guidelines. CS20 SP Complete review of the Council website 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Review completed, action plan being strategy and support arrangements and implemented implement action plan. Review corporate and service areas Reviews of plans were completed in September business continuity plans in line with 2009 and a report on the completed review CS22 SP rolling programme and revise 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved was submitted to CMT on 1 October for accordingly to ensure continued endorsement of the approach undertaken. preparedness. MANAGING FINANCES VFM Team now part of managers induction programme and 14 new managers briefed. A special session with 9 Transport and Design managers delivered on 9th January. Session Work with departments to progress the was well received and has highlighted Council’s value for money review additional efficiency savings that can be CS29 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action on target programme, in line with the adopted counted under NI179. VFM Team working with VfM strategy. services on several reviews. Winter VFM newsletter published and work continuing with the REIP and other partners to spread/adopt best practice and further develop benchmarking. Continue to provide a four star Benefit 2009/2010 inspection now complete by CS30 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved service. auditors. Results still to be announced. Signed up to the Prompt Payment Code in Undertake review of processes to ensure September 2009. Easy Procurement proposals CS31 SP prompt payment of invoice within 20 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2009 Action Achieved currently being scoped by Mouchel to improve days. procurement processes from orders to reports Transition has been effectively implemented from April 2008 with minimum disruption. Manage the transition to local housing CS32 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Council has highest percentage of clients allowance. receiving local housing allowance against benchmarked authorities.

67 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note MANAGING RESOURCES People Strategy Reviewed and action plan Review the People Strategy and update CS46 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved implemented. action plan.

Complete implementation of Single CS47 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Achieved Status. As the final phase of Single Status implementation does not complete until 1st CS48 SP Complete a full Equal Pay audit. 01 Apr 2009 30 Sep 2010 Revised target August 2010 the Audit is now planned for after that date. Work with departments to implement the Council’s workforce planning CS50 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Complete strategy to ensure workforce plans are produced. Develop and implement a revised TEAM Middlesbrough competency model and CS58 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Training is now being rolled out for managers appraisal process across the organisation. Work with departments to implement the Council’s learning and development All departments have produced a draft L & D CS61 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved planning strategy to ensure learning plan plans are produced. Continue to work with departments to HR continues to work closely with departments reduce absence from work due to ill to provide support to managers. Health CS66 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved health year-on-year, in line with promotion initiatives continue to support corporate policy. employees to remain healthy and at work Ensure successful implementation of ICT Data Centre and sever consolidation complete. CS72 SP infrastructure and mobile working 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved WAN rolled out to 95% of sites. Mobile working programmes. tranche 3 funding approved and progressing Develop a new ICT Application Completed and now working on approved CS73 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved Management Strategy. development strategy

68 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note MANAGING PERFORMANCE Completed. After extensive consultation Publish the Sustainable Community process, the Deputy Mayor approved the final CS74 SP Strategy for Middlesbrough, setting out 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved SCS in June. The document is now at the the vision for the future of the area. design and print stage, and hard copies will be circulated shortly. Complete the annual review and refresh CS75 SP of the Middlesbrough Local Area 01 Apr 2009 30 Apr 2010 Action Achieved LAA refresh now adopted by the Executive Agreement 2008-2011. Dealt with through various ongoing processes Raise the profile of the Middlesbrough including the scheduled meetings between Partnership and further develop the chairs and lead officers; a benchmarking CS79 SP working relationship between the 01 Apr 2009 31 Mar 2010 Action Achieved exercise currently been undertaken; regular Executive Board and the Partnership items in Middlesbrough News; the website; and Action Groups. production of newsletters Desktop review completed and follow-up actions now identified. Work is ongoing to Review the Joint Single Equality Scheme disaggregate data performance indicators to framework for the Middlesbrough identify target inequalities. A consultation on CS82 SP 01 Apr 2009 30 Dec 2009 Revised target Partnership and the associated the revised format for users is underway with corporate document. the LSP and current partners. A report will be presented to CMT/LSP in due course. Carry over action. Strategic Plan approved by Council in June 2009 and published on the Council’s website. Revise and re-publish the 2008-2011 Associated Service Plans approved by the CS87 SP Strategic Plan and oversee the 01 Apr 2009 30 Jun 2009 Action Achieved relevant Executive Member except Children, development of Service Plans. Families and Learning, which historically is developed later in the year following the review of the Children and Young People’s Plan. Process complete. Following problems with DCLG ready reckoner the second and final Complete the LPSA 2 monitoring process claim for PRG was made to Government in CS88 SP and secure Performance Reward Grant 01 Apr 2009 31 Jul 2009 Action Achieved October 2009 for £1,198,809.50. The total PRG from the Government. claimed was £3,119,188,15 - This was paid to the Council in January 2010. Area Assessment published on ONEPLACE Manage the first Comprehensive Area CS90 SP 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action on target website December 2009. No flags identified for Assessment for Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough.

69 Status Icon Code Title Actual Start Date Due Date Outcome Latest Note MANAGING PERFORMANCE Manage the new Organisational Organisational Assessment published on CS91 SP Assessment of the Council, with the aim 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2009 Action on target ONEPLACE website December 2009. Overall of achieving the maximum score of four. score of 3 Manage the revised Use of Resources Council achieved a score of 3 overall with sub- CS92 SP Assessment, with the aim of maximising 01 Apr 2009 14 Aug 2009 Action Achieved scores of 3 -Managing Finances, 3-Governing the Council’s score. the Business 4- Managing resources This work has now been expanded to cover linked three elements:· Minimum Develop a minimum standard for standard/templates· Revised, integrated impact corporate strategy and policy assessment· Corporate policy database linked CS95 SP development, including a comprehensive 01 Apr 2009 31 Dec 2010 Revised target to the development of the EDRMS. The impact assessment process focused on deadline has slipped slightly, but work is well the principles of sustainability. advanced and will be completed before the end of Q3 2010/2011.

70 71

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