Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda s4
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Okanagan TSA Steering Committee Agenda Tolko Armstrong Mill Boardroom 9:00 – AM – 12:00, June 7, 2007 Chair: Richard Toperczer, MOFR Scribe: Luke Gubbels, Forsite
Attendees: Rob Udy, Brian Robertson, Dave Gill, Jeff Fukumoto, Brian Bedard, Robert Kennett, Rick Smith, Richard Toperczer, Bernie Kaplun, Mike Copperthwaite, Greg Hislop, Jay Meryn, Gord Sluggett, Ken Stowe, Kerry Rouck, Peter Love, Glen Dick
Old Business
Topic Discussion Description Meeting Notes Lead Professional reliance All Standing topic at meetings. I-Team Rick Smith Standing topic. Update on issues that I-team is Kerry brought forward a request for clarification on the process for Peter Love dealing with. CP or an RP submission under FRPA. ACTION: Next meeting the district will have a representative present to go through CP process, specifically what is in the submission. ACTION: Get an e-mail out to the steering committee asking question they would like to see addressed by the district regarding CP approval under FRPA. FSP’s, issues etc. All Licensees to pick topics of concern for an open Discussion around FRPA Bulletin #13 – Transition guidance for discussion Licensees making Cutting Permit and Road Permit applications. Concerns raised by licensees about content and difficulty following guidance. Find that the document is incomplete with respect to Stocking Standards Licensees waiting for legislation fix. District response is that the document is based on legal advice provided and that they have to agree with the recommendations. Advice is to implement their FSP where possible. ACTION: Brian Westgate may be available to respond to specific inquiries. Brian Bedard – Amendments to FSP’s are required to include objectives from Results and Strategies in the LRMP. There is a 1- year window for these amendments from the date of release. Brian is looking for interest in a collaborative approach to reviewing the R&S for input into the FSP’s. This will help with the reviewers task as well and potentially speed up the process. ACTION: Bernie and Rich will solicit interest for a meeting on the subject. Association Update Paul Knowles Standing Topic Not able to attend FN NRFL update Laverne Standing Topic Not able to attend Cormier Who has signed and what is the volume
New Business
Topic Discussio Description Meeting Comments n Lead MoE Enhanced Brian Update on the MoE’s provincial stream crossing The compliance report is not out yet (being reviewed by MOFR); Riparian Reserve Roberstson compliance report Brian will come prepared to present the findings for the Okanagan monitoring project Shuswap at the next steering committee meeting. The project is expected to assess the effectiveness Continued monitoring of the LRMP directed Enhanced Riparian of the allocation of the enhanced riparian reserve Reserves will happen this summer. Monitoring the major budget as per the LRMP direction. licensees for effectiveness of placements of reserves. NRFL’s and Woodlots are not included. Will be looking for Methodology on Site Selection. An e-mail will be distributed asking questions and will include a brief introduction into the project. This is an effectiveness study and not intended as a compliance issue. Purpose is to measure against the intent of the LRMP Results will be out in December. Road Safety John Reporting incidents on FSRs John was not able to attend. Donnelly Looking for reports on incidences on FSR’s. few reports are coming into the district. ACTION: Make this a standing topic at the steering committee meetings. Report on the broad issues that are coming up, not on the actual incidences or near misses. Culture/Climate Richard Joint Industry/Ministry workshop on FRPA Workshop on FRPA implementation to be set up for this fall Working Group and Toperczer implementation. Focus would be on common (October/November) FRPA workshop understandings of I-Team Roles Document, Roles and Responsibilities topics for the I-team, possible topics professional reliance, dealing with perceptions and are: communication, other. 1. Professional Reliance (possible to have Roberta Reader Need to identify an organizing committee and get come and conduct a presentation) input on agenda. 2. Discipline process 3. Discussion on memo from Tim Sheldon Re: Discipline and Professional Reliance. 4. Open Discussion Organizing committee identified: 1. Jay Mervin, Weyerhaeuser 2. Tolko representative 3. Gorman representative (possible) 4. Culture group representative
Culture/Climate Richard Community of Practice Concept and appetite for Interest from the committee on organizing meetings and Working Group and Toperczer one locally. Focus on learning, best practices, workshops that would focus on field reviews to exchange Community of Practice sharing ideas as a TSA. One licensee host each information on: quarter? 1. Best practices 2. Challenges 3. Innovative practices ect….. Schedule set for licencees to host the field tours. 1. Gorman – Fall ‘07 2. FCL – Spring ‘08 3. LP – Fall ‘08 4. BCTS – Spring ‘09 ABCFP discipline Rob Would licencees like to have Paul Knowles give his There is interest from the committee to see the presentation and presentation Kennett ABCFP discipline presentation to the licencees? have staff members attend. ACTION: Rob will set something up with Paul Knowles and send out details to the committee. ACTION: Memo from Tim Sheldon Re: Discipline and Professional Reliance; to be sent out with the minuets New MoFR staff Rich/Rick Kirk Hughes will be replacing John Donnelly (retiring) as Engineering Officer Duncan McTavish has replaced Ken Shaw (retired) as North zone C&E supervisor Kyle Beadman new south zone C&E supervisor Mike Watts new Revenue officer (replaced retired Larry Martin) Darren Halloren new Revenue technician Pierre Rossouw as new Engineering Officer for BCTS Dean Lambert new Practices Forester with BCTS Aerial Photos Glen Dick Update on 1:20,000 imagery Flights are scheduled for this month Ordering details will be provided by Glen. New photo’s from this summer will be delivered by October Access to photos will be available through BMGS at Full retail ($18,000) or can be made available through partnership agreements at roughly 1/3 the price ($6,600). Future meeting JUNE 7 Thursday September 6, 2007 at Vernon District boardroom, 9am Schedule