Pipe based on one collected by Morgan in 1849. Carved by Ernest Smith. 1936 RMSC Collection.

Close-up of pipe bowl. Ernest Smith. 1936. RMSC Collection.

Ernest Smith (1907-1975), Tonawanda Seneca craftsman/artist of the Heron Clan, carved this wooden pipe as part of his work with the Indian Arts Project. He based the design on the stone pipe with human face effigy illustrated in Pl.17 of The 3rd Annual Report to the Regents of the University. Smith began the piece on September 2, 1936 and it took him 23.5 hours to carve the piece. It is made from cherry wood and has a willow pipe stem.

Although Smith is known primarily as an artist, he did carve a few pieces during the 7 years he worked in the Indian Arts program.

[click here to see a picture of a similar pipe collected by LH Morgan.]