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Professor Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department College of Education and Human Development Texas A&M University
Office: 513 Harrington Tower 979-845-2716 (office) 4226 TAMU 979-862-4347 (fax) Texas A&M University [email protected] College Station, TX 77843-4226
Home: P.O. Box 13685 979-421-0038 College Station, TX 77841
Academic Background
Ph.D., Educational Administration, The University of Texas at Austin, Fellow, Cycle XI, Cooperative Superintendency Program (1997) M.Ed., Educational Administration, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX (1991) B.B.A., Business Administration, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX (1979)
Additional Education and Training
National Association of Secondary School Principals, Superintendent Leadership Development Program, Assessor Training (1998) Texas Education Agency, Texas School Improvement Initiative (TSII), Peer Evaluator Training (1995-1998) Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement (TESA), Trainer Certification (1995) DuPont Leadership Development Training (1994) Texas A&M University, Commerce, TX, 6 hours in Educational Administration (1989)
Professional Certificates
Texas Professional Certificate, Superintendent Texas Professional Certificate, Mid-Management Administrator Texas Provisional Teaching Certificate, General Business Composite Texas Provisional Teaching Certificate, Secondary English
Professional Experience
Professor, EAHR Department, Texas A&M University (2006-Present) Associate Dean for Research, P-16 Initiatives, and International Programs, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University (2005-2009) Associate Professor, EAHR Department, Texas A&M University (2003-2006) Assistant Professor, EAHR Department, Texas A&M University (1997-2003) Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Ed. Admin., The University of Texas at Austin (1997) Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction, Columbus ISD, Columbus, Texas (1994-1997) High School Assistant Principal, Columbus ISD, Columbus, Texas (1993-1994) Junior High School Assistant Principal, Dayton ISD, Dayton, Texas (1991-1994) High School English Teacher, Dayton ISD, Dayton, Texas (1989-1991) High School English Teacher, Huffman ISD, Huffman, Texas (1989) Junior High School English Teacher, Dayton ISD, Dayton, Texas (1986-1988) Middle School Reading, English, and Math Teacher, Crosby ISD, Crosby, Texas (1983-1986)
Awards, Fellowships, Scholarships, and National Leadership
Vice President, Division A, American Educational Research Association (2010-2012) Jack A. Culbertson Award (Outstanding Junior Professor of Educational Administration) University Council of Educational Administration (2001) Outstanding New Faculty Award, College of Education Development Council, Texas A&M University (1998- 1999) Cooperative Superintendency Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin (1995-1997) American Association of University Women Scholarship (1991)
Grants and Funded Projects
Cross-national Comparison and Development of Equitable and Effective School Leadership Practices. Organizer and Participant. (Roger Goddard, Runcheng Jin, and Louis Tze-ching Yen, co-chairs). Research roundtable for US-China Conference funded by TAMU. $10,000. (2009). Brazos Valley Early College High School. P.I. $80,000. Planning grant funded by the Texas Education Agency (2009). Math and Science Performance in Large Urban High Schools. Co-P.I. (with Jim Scheurich and Kathryn McKenzie). $125,000. Funded by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation (2008-2010). Bryan ISD Early College High School. Participating Partner. $50,000. Funded by the Texas Education Agency (2006-2008). P-16 Readiness Special Advisor. (P.I.). $30,000. Funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (2006-2010). A Study of Instructionally Effective School Districts. Co-P.I. (with Gary Sykes, Michigan State University, and Charles Thompson, East Carolina University). $600,000. Pilot study funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2004-2006). The School District Role in Improving Achievement and Advancing Equity. Co-P.I. (with Gary Sykes and Charles Thompson). $94,560. Planning grant funded by the Hewlett Foundation (2003-2004). Creating a Successful Professional Development Model for Today’s Urban Educational Leaders. Co-P.I. (with Jean Madsen). $260,000. Funded by the Houston Endowment (2002-2006). Texas Statewide District Leadership Development, Phase II. Co-P.I. (with Joe Johnson, Charles A Dana Center, and Jim Scheurich, UT Austin). $220,000. Funded by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation. (2001-2003). School Leadership Licensure and Performance: Equity Audits, A Research-Based Tool for Equity and Social Justice. Co-P.I. (with Jim Scheurich, Juanita Garcia, and Glenn Nolly, UT Austin) $6,500. Funded by the Ford Foundation. (2001-2002). Collective Efficacy and Academic Improvement in an Urban School District. P.I. $3,955. Funded by the College of Education Research Council (2001). Interdisciplinary Faculty for Qualitative Approaches to Research, Year 2. Co-P.I. (with Carolyn Clark and Patrick Slattery). $11,000. Funded by the TAMU College of Education (2001-2002). Interdisciplinary Faculty for Qualitative Approaches to Research, Year 1. Co-P.I. (with Carolyn Clark and Patrick Slattery). $5,000. Funded by the TAMU College of Education (2000-2001). Texas Statewide District Leadership Development. Co-P.I. (with Joe Johnson and Jim Scheurich). $300,000. Funded by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation (1999-2001) Richardson Mentor Principal Program. Co-P.I. (with David Erlandson). $225,000. Funded by the Sid W. Richardson Foundation (1999-2002) Spencer School Reform Grant. Participating Researcher for Planning Grant. (David Erlandson and Stephanie
2 Knight, P.I.’s) $50,000. Funded by the Spencer Foundation. (1999-2000). Publications
(Underlined names are Texas A&M University doctoral students or graduates)
Journal Articles
( indicates peer reviewed; indicates invited)
27. Scheurich, J. J., Goddard, R. D., Skrla, L., McKenzie, K. B., & Youngs, P. (2010). The most important research on urban school reform in the past decade? Educational Researcher, 39(9), 665-667. 26. Maxwell, G., Scheurich, J. J., & Skrla, L. (2009). Distributed leadership includes staff: One rural custodian as a case. Journal of School Leadership, 19(4). 25. Rorrer, A. K., Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2008). Districts as institutional actors in school reform. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44(3), 307-357. 24. Skrla, L. (2007). Review of Women leading school systems: Uncommon roads to fulfillment. Teachers College Record [on-line] 23. Skrla, L., McKenzie, K.B., & Scheurich, J. J. (2007). Concluding reflections on “Leadership for learning in the context of social justice: An international perspective.” Journal of Educational Administration, 45(6), 782-787. 22. Young, M.D., Mountford, M., & Skrla, L. (2006). Infusing gender and diversity issues into educational leadership programs: Transformational learning and resistance. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(3), 264-277. 21. McKenzie, K. B., Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2006). Preparing instructional leaders for social justice. Journal of School Leadership, 16(2), 158-170. 20. Goddard, R., & Skrla, L. (2006). The influence of school composition on teacher perceptions of collective efficacy. Educational Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 216-235. 19. Rorrer, A. K., & Skrla, L. (2005). Leaders as policy mediators. Theory Into Practice, 44 (1), 53-62. 18. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J.J., Garcia, J., Nolly, G. (2004) Equity audits: A practical leadership tool for developing equitable and excellent schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 40(1), 133-161. 17. Riester, A.F., Pursch, V., & Skrla, L. (2002). Principals for social justice: Leaders of school success for children from low-income homes. Journal of School Leadership, 12(3), 281-304. 16. Scheurich, J.J., & Skrla, L. (2001) Continuing the conversation on equity and accountability. Phi Delta Kappan, 83(4), 322-326. 15. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J.F., & Koschoreck, J. W. (2001). Accountability for equity: Can state policy leverage social justice?. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3), 237-260. 14. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J.J., Johnson, J.F., & Koschoreck, J.W. (2001). Complex and contested constructions of accountability and educational equity. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3), 277- 283. 13. Hoyle, J.R., Ealy, C., Skrla, L., & Hogan, D. (2001). Superintendent performance evaluation and its relationship to district student performance. NCPEA Yearbook 2001. 12. Skrla, L. (2001). Accountability, equity, and complexity. Educational Researcher, 30(4), 15-21. 11. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., & Johnson, J. F. (2001). Toward a new consensus on high academic achievement for all children. Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 227-234. 10. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2001). Displacing deficit thinking in school district leadership. Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 235-259. 9. Skrla, L. (2001). The influence of state accountability on teacher expectations and student performance. UCEA Review, XLII(2), 1-4. 8. Zellner, L., Skrla, L., & Erlandson, D. A. (2001). The art of mentoring principals. Connections: NASSP Journal of Secondary and Higher Education,3, 2-7. [Also online:] 7. Scheurich, J. J., Skrla, L., & Johnson, J. F. (2000). Thinking carefully about equity and accountability. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(4), 293-299. 6. Skrla, L. (2000). Mourning silence: Women superintendents (and a researcher) rethink speaking up and speaking out. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(6), 611-628.
3 5. Ealy, C., Hogan, D., Skrla, L., & Hoyle, J. R. (2000). Superintendent performance evaluation: Its relationship to standards, policy, and quality. NCPEA Yearbook 2000. 4. Skrla, L. (2000). The social construction of gender in the superintendency. Journal of Education Policy, 15(3), 293-316. 3. Skrla, L., Reyes, P., & Scheurich, J. J. (2000). Sexism, silence, and solutions: Women superintendents speak up and speak out. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(1), 44-75. [Abstracted in Spring 2001 Women & Language, 24(1), 52] 2. Erlandson, D. A., Skrla, L., Westbrook, D., Hornback, S., & Mindiz - Melton, A. (1999). Reshaping urban education: A school-community-university collaborative initiative. Journal of School Leadership, 9(6), 552-573. 1. Hoyle, J. R., & Skrla, L. (1999). The politics of superintendent evaluation. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 13(4), 405-419. Books
6. McKenzie, K. B., & Skrla, L. (in press). Using equity audits to create equitable and excellent classrooms: A practical guide for teachers. (Foreword by Christine Sleeter). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 5. Skrla, L., McKenzie, K. B., & Scheurich, J. J. (2009). Using equity audits to create equitable and excellent schools. (Foreword by Judith Richardson; joint publication with the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Staff Development Council). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 4. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J.J. (Eds.). (2003). Educational equity and accountability: Paradigms, policies, and politics. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. 3. Young, M.D., & Skrla, L. (Eds.). (2003). Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership. Albany: State University of New York Press. 2. Scheurich, J.J., & Skrla, L. (2003). Leadership for equity and excellence: Creating high achievement classrooms, schools, and districts. (Foreword by Carl Glickman). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 1. Skrla, L., Erlandson, D. A., Reed, E., & Wilson, A. (2001). The emerging principalship. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Reports and Policy Papers
5. Thompson, C., Sykes, G., & Skrla, L. (2008). Coherent, instructionally focused district leadership: Toward a theoretical account. Report for the Education Policy Center at Michigan State University. 4. Skrla, L., McKenzie, K.B., Scheurich, J.J., & Dickerson, K. (2008). Accountability and hometown values support success in an urban Texas district. Research report for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. 3. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., & Johnson, J. F. (2000). Equity-driven, achievement-focused school districts: A report on systemic school success in four Texas school districts serving diverse populations ( Research report for the Sid W. Richardson Foundation. 2. Reece, J., Skrla, L., Conoley, J. C., & Stevens, J. (1999). Texas teacher salaries: Regional comparisons of career earnings and other professions. Report prepared for the House Committee on Public Education, 76th Texas Legislature. 1. Skrla, L., Conoley, J. C., Stevens, J., & Reece, J. (1999). Improving the recruitment and retention of high quality teachers for Texas public schools. Report prepared for the House Committee on Public Education, 76th Texas Legislature.
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Articles
19. Skrla, L. McKenzie, K. B., & Scheurich, J. J. (in press). Becoming an equity oriented change agent. In A. M. Blankstein & P. D. Houston (Eds.), Leadership for social justice and democracy in our schools [reprint from Using equity audits to create equitable and excellent schools]. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 18. Skrla, L., McKenzie, K. B., & Scheurich, J. J. (2007). Supporting excellent teaching, equity, and accountability. In C. Sleeter (Ed.), Facing accountability in education: Equity and democracy at risk. New York: Teachers College Press. 17. Skrla, L. (2007). Transcription. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. 16. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Garcia, J., & Nolly, G. (2005/2009). Equity audits. In C.
4 Marshall & M. Oliva (Eds.), Leadership for social justice: Making it happen. New York: Allyn & Bacon. [Revised reprint from Educational Administration Quarterly] 15. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2003). Conclusion: Keeping equity in the foreground. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 275- 283). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. 14. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J. F., & Koschoreck, J. W. (2003). Complex and contested constructions of accountability and educational equity. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 99-106). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. [reprinted from the International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3)]. 13. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J. F., & Koschoreck, J. W. (2003). Accountability for equity: Can state policy leverage social justice? In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 51-78). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. [reprinted from the International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3)]. 12. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2003). Displacing deficit thinking in school district leadership. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp.109-132). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. [reprinted from Educational and Urban Society, 33(3)]. 11. Scheurich, J. J., & Skrla, L. (2003). Continuing the conversation on equity and accountability. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 39-49). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. [reprinted from Phi Delta Kappan,83(4)]. 10. Scheurich, J. J., Skrla, L., & Johnson, J. F. (2003). Thinking carefully about accountability and equity. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 13-27). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. [reprinted from Phi Delta Kappan, 82(4)]. 9. Skrla, L. & Scheurich, J. J. (2003). Introduction. In L. Skrla & J. J. Scheurich (Eds.), Educational equity and accountability: Policies, paradigms, and politics (pp. 1-10). New York: RoutledgeFalmer. 8. Skrla, L. (2003). Normalized femininity: Reconsidering research on women in the superintendency. In M.D. Young & L. Skrla (Eds.), Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership (pp. 247-263). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 7. Young, M.D., & Skrla, L. (2003). Research on women and administration: A response to Julie Laible’s loving epistemology. In M.D. Young & L. Skrla (Eds.), Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership (pp. 201-210). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 6. Skrla, L. (2003). Mourning silence: Women superintendents (and a researcher) rethink speaking up and speaking out. In M.D. Young & L. Skrla (Eds.), Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership (pp. 103-128). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. [reprinted from International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(6).] 5. Skrla, L., & Young, M.D. (2003). Introduction: Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership. In M.D. Young & L. Skrla (Eds.), Reconsidering feminist research in educational leadership (pp. 1-6). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 4. Skrla, L. (2003). Productive campus leadership responses to accountability: Principals as policy mediators. In W. Hoy & C. Miskel (Eds.), Theory and research in educational administration (pp. 27- 50). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 3. Skrla, L., Scott, J., & Benestante, J.J. (2001). Dangerous intersection: A meta-ethnographic study of gender, power, and politics in the public school superintendency. In C. C. Brunner & L. Bjork (Eds.), Advances in research and theories of school management and educational policy: The new superintendency (pp. 115-131). Stamford, CT: JAI Press. 2. Skrla, L., & Benestante, J.J. (1998). On being terminally female: Denial of sexism in educational administration is no protection against its effects. In C. Funk, A. Pankake, & M. Reese (Eds.), Women as school executives: Realizing the vision (pp. 57-61). Commerce, TX: Texas A&M University Press. 1. Skrla, L. (1995). Dealing with informal power structures: Effective strategies for female administrators. In B. Irby & G. Brown (Eds.), Women as school executives: Voices and visions (pp.118-120). Huntsville, TX: Sam Houston State University Press.
Newspapers and Newsletters
6. Skrla, L. (2001, September 2). The glass ceiling: Women superintendents still rare in Texas schools. Waco Herald-Tribune, p. 13A. 5. Skrla, L. (2001, August 20). Teachers hit glass ceiling. Dallas Morning News, p. 11A. 4. Skrla, L. (2001, August 12). Help wanted: Women need not apply. Houston Chronicle, pp. 1C, 4C.
5 3. Skrla, L. (2000). Review of Troubling women: Feminism, leadership and educational change by Jill Blackmore TCWSE News, X(1) 4. 2. Scheurich, J., & Skrla, L. (1998, November 13). School accountability system works. Austin American-Statesman, p. A15. 1. Clore, P., & Skrla, L (1994-1997). CISD notes (weekly column). Colorado County Citizen.
Published Responses to My Scholarship
13. Vellos, R. E., &Klerian, C. (2010). Brief reviews for June 2010. Education Review [On-line. Available:]. 12. Carr, P. (2007, May 31). Review of Facing accountability in education: Democracy and equity at risk. Teachers College Record. [On-line. Available:]. 11. Bellwoar H. (2005). Orienting, disorienting, and reorienting: Multiple perspectives on poststructuralist feminist pedagogies. NWSA Journal, 17(3), 189-194. 10. Levin, B. (2004, Oct. 24). Review of Educational equity and accountability: Paradigms, policies, and politics. Educational Review [On-line. Available:]. 9. King, N. (2004, July 19). Review of Educational equity and accountability: Paradigms, policies, and politics. Teachers College Record [On-line. Available:]. 8. Bias against female supes. (2002, June). School Administrator. 7. Valencia, R.R., Valenzuela, A., Sloan, K., & Foley, D.E. (2001). Let’s treat the cause, not the symptoms: Equity and accountability in Texas revisited. Phi Delta Kappan, 83(4). 6. Haney, W. (2001). Response to Skrla et al. The illusion of educational equity in Texas: A commentary on “accountability for equity.” International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3), 267-275. 5. Klein, S. (2001). Response to Skrla et al.: Is there a connection between educational equity and accountability? International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(3), 261-266. 4. Anderson, G.L. (2001). Promoting educational equity in a period of growing social inequity: The silent contradictions of the Texas reform discourse. Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 321-332 3. Parker, L. (2001). Statewide assessment triggers urban school reform: But how high the stakes for urban minorities? Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 313-320 2. Sclafani, S. (2001). Using an aligned system to make real progress for Texas students. Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 305-312. 1. Trueba, H. (2001). Polar positions on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS): Pragmatism and the politics of neglect. Education and Urban Society, 33(3), 333-344.
Work in Progress
5. Goddard, R. D., Scheurich, J. J., Youngs, P., Skrla, L., McKenzie, K., & Miller, R. (n. d.). The school leadership essential supports study. Grant proposal under review by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences ($2.3 million). 3. Scheurich, J. J., Skrla, L., McKenzie, K., Johnson, J. F., Huggins, K., & Peters, A. (n. d.). Special issue on highly diverse, highly successful schools and districts approved and under development for JESPAR. 4. Chiu, C., Warner, L. S., Simmons, J., Jackson, K., Lopez, R., & Skrla, L. (n. d.). Chapter on women in educational leadership invited and under review for the AERA Handbook on equity and diversity. 2. Mountford, M., Young, M. D., & Skrla, L. (n. d.). Examining the outcomes of equalizing critical theory in educational leadership programming. Manuscript under revision for Journal of Research on Leadership Education. 1. Skrla, L., & Goddard, R. (n. d.). The roles of collective efficacy beliefs, leadership and accountability in creating equitable school contexts. Manuscript under revision for American Journal of Education.
Editorial Work
Editor, Educational Administration Quarterly (2009-present) Section Editor, AERA Handbook of research on education policy. (2006-2009) Associate Editor, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (2004-2006)
6 Co-Editor for Book Reviews (with Linda Tillman and Maricela Oliva), International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (2000-2004) Guest Co-Editor (with Jim Scheurich and Joe Johnson), Education and Urban Society (2001) International Advisory Panel Member, Cambridge Journal of Education (2007-present) Editorial Board Member, Educational Administration Quarterly (2004-2008) Editorial Board Member, Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (2002-present) Reviewer, International Journal of Leadership in Education (2007) Reviewer, Educational Administration Quarterly (2004-2007) Reviewer, Teachers College Record (2004) Reviewer, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2003) Reviewer, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (1997-2004) Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal (1999, 2003) Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting proposals, Division A (Administration), Division D (Research Methodology), and Division G (Social Context of Education) (1999-2004) Reviewer, University Council for Educational Administration annual convention proposals (2000-2004) Reviewer, State University of New York Press (2000, 2005) Reviewer, Corwin Press (1998) Reviewer, Sage Publications (2003)
(Underlined names are Texas A&M University doctoral students)
Skrla, L., & McKenzie, K. B. (2011, January). Equity audits for classroom teachers. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2011 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu. Skrla, L., & McKenzie, K. B. (2010, January). Math and science academic success in four large, diverse urban high schools .Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu. Horsford, S., Barnett, B., Jean Marie, G., McKenzie, K., & Skrla, L. (2009, November). Supporting student learning in shifting educational contexts: Innovative perspectives on educational leadership in an era of change. Session presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA. McKenzie, K., Skrla, L., Scheurich, J.J., & Rice, D. (2009, November). Math and science academic success in four large, diverse, urban high schools. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA. Skrla, L. (2009, January). Math and science in urban high schools: What are the best ones doing? Session presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu. Skrla, L. (2009, January). Accountability and hometown values support success in an urban school district. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu. Maxwell, G., Dantley, M., Page, S., Sanchez, S., & Skrla, L. (2008, November). Cutting edge approaches to research on educational leadership. Session presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL. Sharpe, E., Skrla, L., Murtadha, K., Emihovich, C., Hayes, D., Carpenter, B., Diem, S., & Goodnow, L. (2008, November). UCEA special session on P-20 education. Session presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL. Fede, H., Murphy, J., Young, M., Mawhinney, H., Tucker, P., & Skrla, L. (2008, November). Updating the ELLC standards. Session presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL. Black, W. R., Karanxha, Z., Skrla, L., & McKenzie, K. B. (2008, November). Equity audits: A powerful teaching tool in leadership preparation programs. Session presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL. Scheurich, J.J., Reyes, P., Skrla, L., McKenzie, K.B., Fuller, E., Alexander, C., Phillips, J., & Dickerson, K. (2007, November). Urban district reform research: A comparison of two urban district multi-year reform efforts. Session presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Washington, DC.
7 Skrla, L. (2007, April). AERA Handbook on educational policy roundtables. Session presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Sykes, G., Opfer, V.D., Skrla, L.., McKenzie, K.B., Scheurich, J.J., Dickerson, K. & Thompson, C. (2007, April). Instructionally effective school districts. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Rorrer, A. K., Skrla, L., Riester-Wood, A ., Thomas, A., Scheurich, J.J., Mawhinney, H., Maxcy, B., Hausman, C., & May, C. (2006, November). District efforts to improve student learning in an increasingly strong accountability environment. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX. Ford, B., Skrla, L., Theoharis, G., Hernandez, F., McCray, C., Beachum, F., & Evans, A. (2006, November). Leaders’ identity matters. Session presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX. Rorrer, A. K., Buendia, S., Marshall, C., Brunner, C. C., Skrla, L., Young. M. D., Mountford, M., & Simmons, J.. (2006, November). Intensifying our conversation and our engagement: The influence of gender and race in educational leadership. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX. Tillman, L., Bloom, C ., Skrla, L., Scheurich, J.J., Davis, J.E. (2006, April). Mentoring junior faculty for grant writing opportunities. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Mountford, M., Young, M., & Skrla, L. (2006, April). Examining the outcomes of equalizing critical theory in educational leadership programming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. O’Day, J., Dantley, M., Ogawa, R., Skrla, L., Bowers, A. (2006, April). Division A fireside chat on researching accountability. Session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Sykes, G., Thompson, C., Skrla, L., Opfer, D., Dickerson, K ., McKenzie, K., & Scheurich, J.J. (2006, April) Coherent, instructionally-focused district leadership. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Rorrer, A., Honig, M., Aleman, E., & Skrla, L. (2005, November). The complex and necessary role of district leadership in reform. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Nashville, TN. Shoho, A., Lugg, C., Capper, C., Theoharis, G., Hoff, D., Yoder, N. Young, M., Mountford, M., & Skrla, L. (2005, November). Dare educational leaders build a new social order? Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Nashville, TN. Young, M., Mountford, M., & Skrla, L. (2005, November). Case studies in transformational leadership about gender in educational leadership. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Nashville, TN. Young, M.D., Mountford, M., Skrla, L., & Steele, V. (2005). Infusing gender and diversity into educational leadership programs: Transformational learning and resistance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec. Skrla, L., McKenzie, K., Scheurich, J. J., Opfer, V. D., & Thompson, C. L. (2004, November). A tri-state study of instructionally effective school districts. Paper session presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO. Rorrer, A. K., Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2004, November). School districts’ roles as institutional actors in improving achievement and advancing equity. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO. Young, M. D., Mountford, M., & Skrla, L. (2004, November). Teaching about women's experiences in and perspectives on educational leadership: Student learning and resistance. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO. Scheurich, J. J., Skrla, L., Young, M. D., Lopez, G., Lyman, L., Larson, C., Capper, C., Frattura, E., Harris, S., Cambron-McCabe, N., Marshall, C. & Gerstil-Pepin, C. (November, 2004). Social justice books for your courses: An interactive roundtable session. Roundtable session presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO. Rorrer, A. K., Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (2004, April). The school district role in improving achievement and advancing equity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Scheurich, J.,J., Skrla, L., Garcia, J., McKenzie, K., Garza, E., & Nolly, G. (2003, November). School district-
8 university collaboration for preparing current school leaders to achieve both equity and excellence: A conversation between school leaders and university faculty. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR. Rorrer, A., & Skrla, L. (2003, November). Leaders as policy mediators: Mediating for what end? Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR. Skrla, L., & Goddard, R. (2002, November). Accountability, equity, and collective efficacy in an urban school district: A mixed methods study. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA. Goddard, R., & Skrla, L. (2002, November). The influence of school composition on teacher perceptions of collective efficacy. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., Garcia, J., Nolly, G., Garza, C., Riester, A., Pursch, V., & McKenzie, K. (2002, November). Increasing equity in schooling. Symposium presented at the 2002 annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA. Skrla, L. , & Scheurich, J.J. (2002, August). Educational equity profiles: Practical leadership tools for equitable and excellent schools. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Burlington, VT. Skrla, L., Young, M.D., Marshall, C., Grogan, M., Capper, C., Dillard, C., Benham, M., Mendez-Morse, S., & Scott, J. (2002, April). Re-examining feminist research in educational leadership: A conversation. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., Sleeter, C., Moll, L., Garcia Wagstaff, J., Nolly, G., McKenzie, K., Marx, S., Pursch, V., & Riester, A.F. (2002, April). Refocusing educational leadership for equitable schooling: Four research studies. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Skrla, L., Pursch, V., Riester, A., Rorrer, A., & Garcia Wagstaff, J. (2001, November). Leadership for the success of low-income students. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Cincinnati, OH. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J.J. (2001, August). Thinking carefully about accountability and educational equity. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council for Professors of Educational Administration, Houston, TX. Scheurich, J.J., & Skrla, L. (2001, August). Equity-driven, achievement-focused school districts: Research on systemic success with diverse student populations. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council for Professors of Educational Administration, Houston, TX. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J.J., Johnson, J.F., & Koschoreck, J. W. (2001, April). Accountability, leadership, and educational equity: Creating district-wide academic success for all children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., Johnson, J.F., Reyes, P., & Rorrer, A. (2001, April). State accountability systems and the equity debate. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. Knight, S., Garcia, R., Zellner, L., Durbin, B ., Smith, R., Skrla, L., Padron, Y., Roberts, K., & Sinclair, R. (2001, April). Closing performance gaps: The interaction of reform and the achievement of all students. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. Stronge, J., Hoyle, J., Skrla, L., Johnson, B., Davis, S., Hensley, P., & Tucker, P. (2001, April). The politics of teacher and administrator evaluation. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., & Johnson, J.F. (2001, February). Creating district-wide high academic performance in high poverty school districts: The roles of superintendents and school boards. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Association of School Administrators, Orlando, FL. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., & Johnson, J.F. ( 2001, February). Harnessing the juggernaut: How exemplary superintendents use state accountability systems. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Association of School Administrators, Orlando, FL. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J. F., Koschoreck, J. W. (2000, October). Leadership, accountability, and
9 social justice: Creating district-wide academic success for children of color and low SES children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., Johnson, J.F., & Tillman, L. (2000, October). Are state accountability systems increasing or decreasing equity: Balancing opposing perspectives and research results. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM. Young, M. D., Reyes, P., Palmer, J. D., Cordeiro, P. A., Tillman, L. C., & Skrla, L. (2000, October). Supporting students of color in educational administration programs. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM. Anderson, G. L., Taylor, C., Avelar-LaSalle, R., Skrla, L., Herr, K., Saavedra, E., McDougall, C., Dunbar, C., & Koschoreck, J. W. (2000, October). School reform for ‘other people’s children’. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Trueba, H. T., Parker, L., Hood, S., Anderson, G., Johnson, J., & Koschoreck, J. (2000, April). Accountability for equity: Can state policy leverage social justice?. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans LA. Young, M. D., Lincoln, Y. S., Lomotey, K., Cordiero, P., Scribner, J. D., Reyes, P., Skrla, L., & Hughes, R. (2000, April). Race in educational administration programs: An interactive symposium. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. St. Pierre, E., Scheurich, J. J., Skrla, L., Pillow, W. McCoy, K., Oliva, M., Broughton, M., Koschoreck, J., Tilley, L., Sheppard, P., & Campbell, P. (2000, January). A workshop on poststructural subjectivity and transformation. Symposium presented at the Qualitative Interest Group 2000 conference, University of Georgia, Athens. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Malen, B., Tillman, L., Koschoreck, J., & Hogan, D. (1999, October). Accountability for student success in high poverty, high performing school districts. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Minneapolis, MN. Scheurich, J., Rinehart, J., Donmoyer, R., Lindle, J. C., Skrla, L., Murtadha-Watts, K., & Koschoreck, J. (1999, October). Equity and excellence in Kentucky and Texas: A longitudinal look at two successful state accountability systems. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Minneapolis, MN. Ealy, C., Hogan, D., Skrla, L., & Hoyle, J. (1999, August). Superintendent performance evaluation: Its relationship to standards, policy, and quality. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Jackson Hole, WY. Slattery, P., Skrla, L., & Koschoreck, J. (1999, June). Knowledge (re)embodied: Three performances That disrupt normalizations in educational policies and practices. Performance session presented at Reclaiming Voice II: Ethnographic Inquiry and Qualitative Research in a Postmodern Age, University of California, Irvine. Skrla, L. (1999, April). Femininity/masculinity: Hegemonic normalizations in the public school superintendency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. Scheurich, J. J., Leithwood, K., Glickman, C., Brunner, C., Skrla, L., & Johnson, J. (1999, April) An interactive symposium on “What is the nature of research needed to create district-wide academic success for low SES children?”. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. Skrla, L., Anderson, G., & Davenport, P. (1998, October). Accountability for the success of all students in every school: What researchers in educational administration can learn from the leaders of a district- wide transformation. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO. Scheurich, J. J., Duke, D., Pounder, D., Donmoyer, R., Skrla, L., & Smith, L. (1998, October). The self-told stories of four administrators who have transformed low performing schools: With responses by three educational administration researchers. Symposium presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO. Skrla, L. (1998, April). The social construction of gender in the superintendency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Skrla, L. (1998, April). Women superintendents in politically problematic work situations: The role of gender in structuring conflict. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Scheurich, J. J., Glickman, C., Bliss, J., Donmoyer, R., Skrla, L., Nolly, G., Smith, L., & Garza, E. (1998,
10 April). Educational leadership for school success for literally all children: A researcher dialogue with educational leaders who have led such schools. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Skrla, L., Peace, R., & Retana, N. (1997, February). Schools that work for all children: Embracing diversity. Session presented at the annual convention of the National Association of Elementary Principals, San Antonio, TX.
Skrla, L., & McKenzie, K. B. (2010, June). How equity conscious is your school board? Presentations at the Texas Association of School Boards Summer Leadership Institutes, San Antonio and Ft. Worth, TX. McKenzie, K. B., & Skrla, L. (2020, June). Using equity audits to crease equitable and excellent schools. Presentation at the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals Summer Conference, Austin, TX. Richardson, C., Skrla, L., & Pearson, B. (2008, October). Purpose and structure of an early college high school and their partnership with higher education. Session presented at the Fall Summit of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals, Houston, TX. Scheurich, J.J., & Skrla, L. (2003, January). Equity audits. Paper presented at the winter meeting of the Texas Professors of Educational Administration, Austin, TX. Skrla, L. (2002, June). Equity audits for equitable schooling. Paper presented at the Texas Association of School Boards Summer Leadership Institute, San Antonio, TX. Scheurich, J.J., & Skrla, L. (2001, June). Everyday equity and excellence: The beliefs, values, and actions of boards in districts that moved from low academic performance to high academic performance for diverse students. Presentation at the Texas Association of School Boards Summer Leadership Institute, San Antonio, TX. Scheurich, J.J., Skrla, L., Kujawa, N., Donaldson, M.B., & Estes, N. (2001, June). Steps to achieve and maintain exemplary status in 2003: A report from high-performing school districts in Texas. Training session at the Texas Association of School Administrators Summer Conference on Education, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J. F., & Welsh, C. (2001, January). Creating districtwide high academic performance: Roles of superintendents and boards. Presentation at the Administrators’ Midwinter Conference on Education, Austin, TX. Skrla, L. (2000, October). Qualitative research overview. Presentation at the Fourth Annual Conference on School-University Partnerships, Austin, TX. Scheurich, J. J., Johnson, J. F., & Skrla, L. (2000, September). Equity-driven, achievement-focused school districts. Press conference at the annual convention of the Texas Association of School Boards and Texas Association of School Administrators, Houston, TX. Skrla, L., & Hogan, D. (1999, June). Avoiding black ice on the climb up: Gendered perceptions of women school administrators. Presentation at the annual conference of the Texas Council of Women School Executives, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., Spady, W., Paz, S., Anderson, G., & Veselka, J. (1998, November). Ethical leadership and TAAS. Panel discussion presented at the A&M/TASA Administrative Leadership Institute, College Station, TX. Skrla, L., & Erlandson, D. A. (1998, June). What superintendents want from principals: A conversation about developing campus leadership. Session presented at the UT/TASA/TEA 50th Annual Summer Conference on Education, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., & Scheurich, J. J. (1998, June). Connecting the power: Meeting the mentorship challenge. Session presented at the annual summer conference of the Texas Council of Women School Executives, Austin, TX. Hogan, D. Barnett, J., & Skrla, L. (1998, June). Connecting our stories: Women school leaders talk about barriers and success. Video research project presented at the annual conference of the Texas Council of Women School Executives, Austin, TX. Skrla, L. (1997, July). The social construction of gender in the superintendency. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Texas Council of Women School Executives, Austin, TX. Clore, P., Potter, P., & Skrla, L. (1997, June). Team leadership in Columbus ISD. Training session presented at the Texas Association of School Boards Summer Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX. Skrla, L., Clore, P., Etheridge, T., Jordan, B., & Ross, J. (1996, September). Beyond site based: True team leadership for school districts. Training session presented at the joint annual convention of the Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards, Houston, TX.
11 Ellis, D., Skrla, L., & Guevara, R. (1996, September). Renegotiating relationships in schools. Training session presented at the joint annual convention of the Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards, Houston, TX. Ellis, D., Skrla, L., & Guevara, R. (1996, June). Renegotiating relationships in schools. Session presented at the TASA/UT/TEA Summer Workshop for Educational Leaders, Austin, TX. Skrla, L. (1996, July). Productive use of instructional time: Block scheduling. Training session presented for the Texas Education Agency Texas School Improvement Initiative (TSII), San Antonio, TX. Skrla, L., Knigge, J., & Johnson, B. (1996, January). Responsive schools: Meeting the educational and social needs of children and their families. Session presented at the TEA Midwinter Conference for Educators, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., & Clore, P. (1995, July). Focusing on student success in an adversarial environment. Session presented at the annual summer conference of the Texas Council of Women School Executives, Austin, TX. Ross, J., Clore, P., & Skrla, L. (1995, January). Reducing conflict in the budget battle. Session presented at the TEA Midwinter Conference for Educators, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., King, L., Story, J., & Cates, J. (1994, July). Implementing change through high school restructuring. Session presented at the TASA/UT/TEA Summer Workshop for Educational Leaders, Austin, TX. Skrla, L., Deloney, R., & Davenport, P. (1994, February). Middle school language arts blocking. Session presented at the annual conference of the Texas Middle School Association, Houston, TX.
Armstrong, R., Capraro, M. M., Capraro, R., Hughes, J., Thompson, B., & Skrla, L. (2003, January). Publication panel. Session presented at the College of Education and Human Development Educational Research Exchange, College Station, TX. Skrla, L. (2001, April). Making sense of qualitative data: Using Folio Views 4.2 software to code and thematize data. Session presented at the Qualitative Inquiry Colloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Skrla, L., & Hogan, D. (1999, April). Scarlett O’Hara syndrome: Myths that women school administrators believe about themselves. Session presented at the Women in Educational Leadership: Developing Potential Conference, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX. Skrla, L. (1998, February). Planning for world class schools. Session presented at the Annual Foundations of Educational Administration Association Institute, The University of Texas at Austin. Skrla, L. (1997, April). What we can learn from women in positions of power. Session presented at the Sam Houston State University/Region VI ESC/Delta Kappa Gamma Women in Leadership Conference, Huntsville, TX. Skrla, L., Story, J., Cates, J., & Amour, M. (1994, March). High school block scheduling. Session presented at the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals Area Conference, Victoria, TX. Skrla, L., Deloney, R., & Davenport, P. (1993, October). Raising TAAS reading scores. Session presented at the Houston Area Middle School Association Fall Conference, Houston, TX.
National and State Professional Societies and Activities
Vice President, Division A, American Educational Research Association (2010-2012) ELLC National Standards Review Committee (2008-2009) UCEA Davis Award Selection Committee (2008) AERA Division A Section Chair, 2007 Annual Convention Dissertation of the Year Committee, AERA Division A (2006) Jackson Scholar Mentor, UCEA (2004-2007) Clark Seminar Evaluation Committee, UCEA (2005-2007) Planning Committee Member, Division L Representative, and Faculty Member, UCEA/AERA Division A and L David L. Clark Graduate Student Seminar (2003-2004) Executive Council Nominating Committee Member, University Council for Educational Administration (2003) Selection Committee Member, Culbertson Award, University Council for Educational Administration (2003) Faculty Member, UCEA/AERA Division A David Clark Graduate Student Seminar (2002)
12 Annual Conference Planning Committee Member, Public Education Network, Washington, DC (2001, 2002) Annual Convention Co-Chair (with Darleen Opfer), University Council for Education Administration, Cincinnati, OH (2001) Plenum Session Representative (PSR), University Council for Educational Administration (1999-2004) Advisory Board Member, American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group on the Superintendency (1998-2000) State Officer, Texas Council of Women School Executives (Historian, 1999-2000; Secretary, 2000-2001; Vice President, 2001) Region VI Representative, State Board, Texas Council of Women School Executives (1997-1999) Region III Representative, State Board, Texas Council of Women School Executives, (1996-1997)
External Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure
Georgia State University North Carolina State University Texas State University Syracuse University University of Tennessee University of Virginia, Curry School of Education
University/College/Department Committees
TAMU, P-16 Readiness Special Advisor to the Provost (2007-2010) TAMU, International Program Enhancement and Coordination Committee, CEHD representative (2006-2009) TAMU, Study Abroad Program Policy Committee (SAPPC), chair (2007-2009), CEHD representative (2006- 2009) TAMU, University Research Council, CEHD representative (2006-2009) TAMU, Institutional Review Board (IRB), vice-chair, (2006-2010), member (2005-2010) TAMU, University Distinguished Lectures Committee, College of Education representative (1999-2001) TAMU, International Research Travel Assistance Grants committee (1999-2000) TAMU, Women’s Faculty Network Steering Committee, College of Education representative (1998-1999) College of Education and Human Development, Educational Psychology Department, department head search committee (chair, 2007-2008) College of Education and Human Development, Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC), chair (2004-2005), at-large representative (2003-2005) College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, department head search committee (1998-1999) College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, faculty search committee (1997-1998) College of Education, Women’s Faculty Network scholarship committee (1997-1999; chair, 1998-1999) College of Education, Elementary/Middle Collaborative advisory council (1999-2001) Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, clinical faculty reappointment review committee (2004-2005, 2003-2004) Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, department head search committee (2003-2004, 2002-2003) Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, faculty search committees for K-12 positions and adult ed positions (1999-2000; 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2003-2004; ;2005- 2006) Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, research curriculum committee (2000-2003) Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, faculty rewards committee (2000- 2003) Department of Educational Administration, K-12 master’s and mid-management program review committee (1997-1998)
Administrative Duties
Associate Dean for Research, P-16 Initiatives, and International Programs, College of Education and Human Development (2005-2009)
13 Public School Administration Program Chair, EAHR Department (2004-2005) Interim Assistant Department Head, EAHR Department (2003-2004) Co-director (with Carolyn Clark and Patrick Slattery) of the Interdisciplinary Faculty for Qualitative Approaches to Research (2000-2002)
Sponsorship of Student Organization
Co-sponsor (with Stan Carpenter) of the Society for Educational Administration Students (SEAS) (1998-2000)
Student Recruitment and Mentoring
Co-coordinator (with Jean Madsen) for Houston Independent School District doctoral cohort (2002-2007) Co-coordinator (with David Erlandson) for Austin Independent School District doctoral cohort (1998-2001)
Professional Field Service Activities
Discussant, District leadership and reform. Paper session at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Washington, DC (2007) Discussant, Bringing reform to scale. Paper session at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (2007) Discussant, Closing the achievement gap. Paper session at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec (2005) Discussant, Leadership and decision making. Paper session at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR (2003) Discussant, Governance, institutions, and the role of leadership in multiple cultural contexts. Paper session at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA (2002) Discussant, Valued added assessment. Administrative Leadership Institute, TAMU (2001) Participant, Texas Education Agency/Achieve, Inc. state policy review focus group (2001) Discussant, Research on Women in Education SIG Conference, San Antonio, TX (2000) Discussant, Democracy and school decision making. Paper session at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM (2000) Discussant, Gender and culture perspectives in measurement. Division D paper presentation session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (2000) Discussant, Principal performance and educational accountability: Where does the buck stop? Divisions A & L paper presentation session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (2000) Grant project participant, Advancing Diversity in Teacher Education, TAMU Department of Curriculum and Instruction (1999-2000) Advisor for policy paper prepared by Dr. Carl Glickman for the Governor’s Legislative Council, State of Georgia (1999) Invited testimony, Senate Education Committee, 76th Texas Legislature (1999) Peer evaluator, Texas School Improvement Initiative (TSII), (1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99) Assessor, Cooperative Superintendency Program Assessment Center, Dept. of Ed. Admin., The University of Texas at Austin (Cycle XII 1997, Cycle XIII 1999, Cycle XIV, 2001) Assessor, Executive Leadership Program Assessment Center, Dept. of Ed. Admin., The University of Texas at Austin (1998) Assessor, Doctoral Student Assessment Center, Dept. of Ed. Leadership and Counseling, Sam Houston State University (1997, 1998, 1999) Community representative, campus site-based committee, Bonham Elementary, Bryan ISD (1998-1999) Field reviewer, Texas Association of School Boards Leadership Team Services, Board/Superintendent Team of Eight Self-Assessment Instrument (1997) Field reviewer, Texas Association of School Boards Policy Service, Policy Update on Senate Bill 1 Curriculum and Instruction Changes (1996)
14 Grant evaluator, Texas Education Agency MSTAR Project (2009-2010) Keynote address, Illinois Women Administrators Biennial Conference on Equity (2009) Featured speaker, University of Washington Leadership Development Series (2009) Visiting scholar address, Texas Women’s University (2007) Professional development consultant, Austin ISD, McCallum vertical team (2007) Featured speaker, UFT Teacher Center Urban Educator Forum, New York City Public Schools (2007) Visiting scholar address, University of Central Florida (2007) Professional development consultant, East Central (San Antonio) ISD (2005) External reviewer, National Institute on Leadership, Disability, and Students Placed at Risk, University of Vermont (2004, 2005) External reviewer, Southwestern Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) Summer Leadership Institute (2004) Grant evaluator, Austin ISD-University of Texas Leadership Development Project, funded by US Department of Education (2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005) External reviewer, University of Washington/Stanford University leadership framework project, funded by the Wallace Foundation (2002) External reviewer, North Central Regional Education Lab achievement gap bibliography project (2002) Policy consultant, North Carolina Education Research Council, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2002) Methodology consultant, Learning First Alliance, Washington, DC (2001-2002) Professional development consultant, East Texas GEAR UP Project, Jasper, TX (2001) Program evaluator, Polk County Alternative Educational School (with master’s student Deborah Vborny), Livingston Independent School District (1998) Professional development consultant, Escondido (CA) Union School District (1998) Teaching
Courses Taught
EDAD 604 Elementary Principalship EDAD 605 Secondary Principalship EDAD 608 Site Based Decision Making EDAD 609 Public School Laws EDAD 616 Administration of Staff Personnel EDAD 623 Advanced Qualitative Methods EDAD 624 Administration of Special Populations and Special Programs EDAD 637 Administration of Educational Change EDAD 639 Foundations of Educational Administration EDAD 652 Education Politics and Policy EDAD 653 Nature and Problems of Administrative Behavior EDAD 684 Internship EDAD 685 Directed Studies EDAD 690a Theory of EDAD Research, Research Design EDAD 690n Naturalistic Inquiry EDAD 691 Research EDAD 692 Research EHRD 651 Models of Epistemology and Inquiry
Seminars, Outside Lecturing, and Teaching
Guest lecturer, TAMU HLKN department (2009) Guest lecturer, University of Michigan (2008) Guest lecturer, TAMU Educational Psychology department (2007, 2008) Invited speaker, San Diego State University (2006) Guest lecturer, University of Southern Illinois (2005) Professional development speaker, North East (San Antonio) ISD (2005, 2006) Guest lecturer, East Carolina University (2004)
15 Guest lecturer, University of Michigan (2004) Invited speaker, International Network of Principals’ Centers Conversation, College Station, TX (2003) Invited speaker, North Central Regional Education Laboratory, Chicago, IL (2002) Professional development speaker, Aldine Independent School District principals (2002) Professional development speaker, Austin Independent School District elementary principals (2002) Instructor, Advanced Qualitative Research, Dept. of Ed. Admin., The University of Texas at Austin (Summer 2001) Invited speaker, Texas A&M System Partnership in Education Conference, Austin, TX (2000) Guest lecturer, Ethics in Educational Administration class, Dept. of Ed. Admin., The University of Texas at Austin (2000) Guest lecturer, EHRD Epistemology class, TAMU (Spring 2000, Fall 2000) Guest lecturer, Introduction to Systems of Human Inquiry class, Dept. of Ed. Admin, The University of Texas at Austin (Summer 2004, Fall 1998, Fall 1997, Spring 1997) Invited speaker, College of Education Development Council (1998) Seminar speaker, TAMU Women’s Studies Brown Bag series (1998) Invited speaker, College of Education Fall Faculty Breakfast (1998) Staff development speaker, Brenham Junior High School, Brenham ISD (1998) Invited speaker, Career Awareness Program, Career/Technology Dept., Brenham ISD (1998) Staff development speaker, Southwood Valley Elementary, College Station ISD (1998) Staff development speaker, District Quality Improvement Council, McKinney ISD (1998) Training session speaker, Principalship Institute II, TAMU Principals’ Center (1998) Guest speaker, Professional Development School (PDS) Intern Development Session, Texas A&M (1997)
Doctoral Committees Chaired
Lewis, Lezley. A qualitative study of implementation phenomena in an elementary, two-way bilingual immersion program. (Ph.D., August 2000; J.D., Texas Tech University, 2004). Current position: Director, Bilingual Education, Lewisville ISD. Hogan-Lopez, Dawn. Principals as change agents: Campus leadership in Texas public school districts achieving district-wide success serving children of color and children of poverty. (Ph.D., May 2001). Recipient of the Mance Park Fellowship from the TAMU Department of Educational Administration and the Forrest E. Conner Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Student in Educational Administration from the American Association of School Administrators (AASA). Current position: Principal, Ladue, MO. Pursch, Victoria. Attributes, experiences, values, and practices perceived by effective campus administrators that promote successful literacy development of economically disadvantaged students (Ph.D., May 2001). Recipient of the T.M. Stinnett Fellowship, TAMU EAHR Department. Current position: Assistant Superintendent, New Braunfels Independent School District. Riester-Wood, Antoinette. Characteristics identified by principals that promote successful intervention with special education, economically disadvantaged students in the Region 20 Education Service Center, Texas. (Ph.D., May 2001). Recipient of the T.M. Stinnett Fellowship, TAMU EAHR Department. Current position: Educational Consultant. Maxwell, Gerri. Transcending invisibility through the power of story: The life history of Mr. John, a rural school custodian, as told by his granddaughter. (Ph.D., December 2004). Selected for participation in the 2004 UCEA/AERA Division A/Division L David L. Clark Graduate Student Seminar. Current position: Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Kingsville. Duncan, Lucilla. Case studies of low socioeconomic Hispanic American graduates in the Austin Independent School District: Why they did not drop out (Ed.D., December 2006). Recipient of EAHR Department Record of Study of the Year Award, 2007. Current position: Principal, Austin ISD. . Bludau, JoAnn. (Co-chair with Luana Zellner). Teacher perceptions of service learning (Ed.D., December 2006). Recipient of the 2009 CEHD Outstanding Alumni Award. Current position: Superintendent, Hallettsville ISD. Brown, Jennifer. High school students’ perceptions of and attitudes toward globalization: A comparative analysis of International Baccalaureate students in Distrito Federal, Mexico, and Texas, U.S.A (Ph.D., December 2006). Current position: Director, TAMU Mexico City Center. Page, Sue. Examining the personal costs negotiated by African American female executive educational leaders in
16 urban contexts (Ed.D., December 2007). Recipient of EAHR Department Record of Study of the Year Award, 2008. Current position: Area Superintendent, Alief ISD. Osagie, Andree. (Co-chair with Homer Tolson). The effect of school racial composition on the academic achievement of African American students (Ph.D., December 2007). Current position: Assistant Principal, Alief ISD. Berry, Sharon. Principals of critical spirituality: African American elementary females in urban schools. (Ed.D., May 2008). Current position: Executive Principal, Houston ISD. Whitt, Ken. Understanding superintendents’ self-efficacy: Influences on instructional leadership (Ph.D., December 2009). Recipient of the AASA Finis Engleman Educational Administration Scholarship. Current positions: Adjunct Faculty Member, TAMU. Assessment Director, Falls Education Co-op. Benedict, Rebecca. High school teachers’ perceptions of students of color in their classrooms (dissertation in progress). Current position: Director of Secondary Instruction, Stafford MSD. Coston, Lisa. Women crossing the divide: Perceptions regarding accessing the high school principalship (dissertation in progress). Current position: Principal, Pfleugerville ISD. Noble, Erica. (Co-chair with Elizabeth Foster, TLAC). A white female novice teacher’s perceptions of the role of mentoring in acculturation to a diverse campus (dissertation in progress). Current position: Educational Consultant, North Carolina. Rose, Shirley. An autoethnographic study: An African American woman’s perception of her journey to the principalship (dissertation in progress). Current position: Principal, Fort Bend ISD. Whitbeck, Christie. Professional learning communities and their effect on student achievement in comprehensive 5A high schools (dissertation in progress). Current position: Principal, Katy ISD. Lawson, Kim. The impact of central office leaders on campus principals (dissertation in progress). Current position: Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, Katy ISD. Rios, Carlos. Current position: Executive Director of Compliance and Accountability, United ISD. Garcia, Toni. Current position: Deputy Superintendent, Instruction, Round Rock ISD. Pogue, Gina. Current position: Dean of Students, Houston ISD. Snell, Steve. Current position: Principal, Brazosport ISD.
Master’s Committees Chaired
Welch, Rhonda Ross. (M.Ed., May 1999) Sterling, Kenyatta. (M.Ed., August 1999) Slaydon, Grady. (M.S., December 1999) Whitley, Brenna. (M.S., December 1999) Fellows, Ed. (M.Ed., August 2000) McDaniel, Greg. (M.Ed., May 2002) Upshaw, Hedith. (M.Ed., August 2002) Barnett, Jacque. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2003) Klassen, Jamie. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2003) Brietzke, Renee. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Hottle, Cathy. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Schlather, Sherri. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Swisher, Michelle. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Weaver, Janice. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Dixon, Nkrumah. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2004) Ermis Keefer, Robin. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2004) Ford, Kristiana. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2004) Scott, Holly. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2004) Elliot Boggan, Alison. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2004) Peck, Alana. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2005) Muzny, Lisa. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2006). EDAD. Eubanks, Cathy. (Co-chair with Luana Zellner). M.Ed., May 2007). EDAD. Israel, Stephanie. (M.Ed., December 2010). EDAD.
Doctoral Committee Memberships
17 Goldberg, Jackie. EDAD. (Ph.D., May 2000) Saxenian, Carol. EDAD. (Ph.D., May 2000) Pitre, Maria. EDAD. (Ph.D., August 2000) Hughes, Robin. EDAD. (Ph.D., August 2001) Kurtz, Terri Barber. EPSY. (Ph.D., August 2001) Jones, Cornel. EDAD. (Ed.D., December 2001) Lambert, Lorraine. EDAD. (Ph.D., May 2002) McAndrew, Sara. University of Texas at Austin, Department of Ed. Admin. (Ph.D., May 2002) McArthur, Francis. TLAC. (Ph.D., August 2002) Thompson, Lisa. EDAD. (Ph.D., August 2002) Leffel, Anita. EHRD. (Ph.D., August 2002) Lilly-Guerra, Ana. EDAD. (Ph.D., December 2002) Sharp, Amy. EPSY. (Ph.D., December 2002) Maedgen, Norma. EHRD. (Ph.D., May 2003) Ealy, Clark. EDAD (Ph.D., May 2003) Garner, Kim. TLAC (Ph.D., December 2003) Trujilo-Ball, Laura. University of Texas at Austin, Department of Ed. Admin. (Ph.D., December, 2003) Barrios, Vivian. EDAD (Ph.D., August 2004) LeRoy, Kathryn. EDAD (Ph.D., August 2004) O’Neil, Kevin. EPSY (Ph.D., August 2004) Turner, Clara. TLAC (Ph.D., August 2004) Ceyanes, Jason. EDAD. (Ph.D., December 2004) Blanson, Archie. TLAC. (Ph.D., May 2005) Albert-Green, DeEadra. TLAC. (Ph.D., August 2005) Grigsby, Bettye. TLAC. (Ph.D., August 2005) McCorkle, Laura. EPSY. (Ph.D., August 2005) Vasquez, Cherrye. TLAC. (Ph.D., December 2005) Dethloff, Carl. EDAD. (Ph.D., December 2005) Saavedra, Cinthya. EPSY. (Ph.D., May 2006) Inman, Rex. EDAD. (Ph.D., December 2006) Williams, Twyla. EDAD. (Ed.D., December 2006) Landeck, Edie. TLAC. (Ph.D., December 2006) Sheffield, Mariagrazia. EPSY. (Ph.D., May 2007) Byrns, Glenda. EPSY. (Ph.D., May 2007) Graham, Joe. EDAD. (Ph.D., May 2007) Ganslen, Sharon. EHRD. (Ph.D., May 2007) Cash, Debbie. EPSY. (Ph.D., August 2007) Sullivan. Earnestyne. TLAC. (Ph.D., August 2007) Attaway, Kathy. EDAD. (Ph.D., December 2007) George, Catherine. EPSY. (Ph.D., December 2008) Harvey, Kim. EPSY. (Ph.D., December 2008) Reyna, Sylvia. EDAD. (Ed.D., December 2008) Cole, Mona Villar. EPSY. (Ph.D., May 2009) Knaben, Ase. EHRD. (Ph.D., May 2010) Williams, Jennifer. EDAD. (Ph.D., May 2010) Stockwell, Robert. EDAD. (Ed.D., May 2010) Huggins, Kristin. EDAD. (Ph.D., August 2010). Coy, Anita, EDAD. DeLeon, Dan, EDAD. Demas, Ellen, EPSY. Gregg, Karee, EDAD. Johnson, Paula. EDAD. Lara, Alma. EDAD. Locke, Leslie, EDAD. Melville, Sharlu. EDAD. Monroe, Tanya. (Texas Tech University) Morris, Pamela. EDAD. Sayavedra-Sustaita, Diana. EDAD.
18 Shannon, Kari Leigh. (TAMU-I) Smith, Mark. EDAD. Thornhill, Barbara. EDAD. Thorson, Andy. EDAD. Truitt, David. EDAD. Wellmann, Courtney. EDAD. West, Keith, EDAD. Wilson, Cynthia. EDAD. Woods, Melanie. TLAC.
Master’s Committee Memberships
Ashcraft, Sandra. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 1999) Bardenhagen, Becky. EPSY. (M.S., May 1999) Beardsley, Carolyn. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 1999) Griggs, Kari. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 1999) Harry, Colleen. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 1999) Koppers, Kathy. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 1999) Gambrell, Cynthia. EPSY. (M.S., May 2000) Gregory, Jennifer. MATH. (M.S., August 2000) Homeyer, Shelia. EPSY. (M.S., December 2000) Rice, John. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2000) Harding, Sylvia. EPSY. (M.S., August 2001) McPherson, Kelly. TLAC (M.Ed., August 2001) Vincent, Rodney. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2001) Deming, Tom. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2002) Hogue, Jennifer. EPSY. (M.S., May 2003) Jordan, Cindy. EDAD. (M.Ed., May 2003) Gisenslag, Missy. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2003) Jones, Brad. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2003) Hemmer, Lynn. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Patterson, Cheryl. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Ryan, Dawn. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Schneider, Annella. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Tiemann, Randy. EDAD. (M.Ed., December 2003) Zibelin, Mary Jane. EDAD. (M.Ed., August 2005) Smith, Odessa. (M.Ed., December 2010) Haines, Tiffany (M.Ed., December 2010) Kersten, Margo (M.Ed., December 2010) Valdez, Andy. (M.Ed., May 2011)