Questions Compiled by Chris Ross

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Questions Compiled by Chris Ross

Questions Compiled by Chris Ross

1. Who would own the MLPAC and be ultimately responsible for it all. The CVB or The County?

2. How long is the funding commitment? For how many years is the county promising to back the project? How much is the county on the hook for if the project fails? What options are there to recover something (taking ownership of the facility, that sort of thing) if it fails/continues to need county support? What are the details of the project and when/how can the public access them, considering they want public money?

3. What is the management plan? Who is responsible for running the facility? Hiring?

4. How can they approve what they don't know the costs of?

5. When is this vote and when will the numbers that will be voted on be available for public review and comment?

6. If it's such a great deal, why aren't they posting pdf spreadsheets all over to make their point? Who makes a multimillion-dollar deal without knowing what the EXACT contract numbers are?? If the deal is so good, where is the risk?

7. That's their attorney's timeline? Lots of good delegation of authority there...where is the follow up? Benchmarks? The ever beloved "performance metrics"!? Has anyone done any of this?

8. Of this estimated amount, how much is planned for salaried or hourly pay and for how many positions? What is the nature of the positions? (full time, part time and/or seasonal) Benefits?

9. What happens if they do not make enough to pay the mortgage?

10. Can the bank foreclose on this property and take possession if the loan defaults?

11. Is this possible if you open the venue in April or May? When does the mortgage payment first come due?

12. “…Innkeepers tax collections would need to rise by 20% between 2018 and 2019.” This number appears to be very aggressive? What is it based on?

13. What are the other uses allowed/intended for this money? (Innkeepers Tax)

12. I would like to see a more accurate rendering of the proposed building as I know what we have seen in the BCD have only been approximations. I would like to look at buildings already completed from the architect's portfolio as well as the track record of meeting completion dates and cost estimates by the construction contractor. 13. I would like to know what is being done for the Community Care Center to shelter the patients from late night traffic noise.

14. The CVC is in a contract for 95% of its revenue until the end of 2018 with the CVB. When is the first bond (loan) payment going to be due? Will the CVC break contract? At what cost?

15. The CVC receives quarterly payments from the Innkeepers Tax. Those funds are currently being spent entirely. What cuts are going to be made in the CVC and CVB budgets to accommodate the bond payment? Will staffing be cut? Advertising? What will be eviscerated from these budgets to free up funds for loan payments? Will the CVC and the CVB be able to continue their only function (promoting tourism) will such a huge cut in their budgets?

16. Is the fire department large enough and does it have appropriate equipment to serve a facility of this size? Has the Nashville Fire Chief been consulted and included in the planning of this facility? Has the Brown County Emergency Management official been consulted and included in the planning of this facility?

17. Can the town handle the additional sewage demands of Maple Leaf and Big Woods with the existing plant in Nashville? Does that plant have any capacity for additional projects after those two are in place?

18. What good is an open meeting for citizens to have effective e input if it is held after the commissioners and council have already voted? We were told by the Commissioners that they would have a citizen’s meeting a month ago – yet they never held one. Why not?

19. Where is the factual documentation that the site chosen was the only one possible? What other sites were investigated? Where is the documentation as to the results of this? Were the owners of the Old Opry and Bill Monroe’s consulted about the possibility of merging the project with them? Where are the reports on these discussions and, if made, why were they not made public?

20. Have the Commissioners and the County Council met with the loan generators independently? With the architect and the builders? If not, why not?

21. I left the Commissioners meeting unconvinced that we the taxpayers had any guarantee or would have any protection from future financial obligations to the MLPAC. When will we receive this guarantee? Or will we?

22. Maple Leaf will be owned by the county and managed by government appointees and elected officials. What expertise do these individuals have regarding owning and managing a MUSIC venue?

23. Why is the government competing with the private sector? What attempts have been made to market this project to private developers? 24. The 12.5 million dollar loan will not obligate taxpayers in the event the venue is not as successful as planned. Will there be a stipulation in the agreement signed by county officials that states that future elected leaders will NEVER be able to take over the payments for the loan regardless of the circumstances?

25. Little Nashville Opry was given a 10-year tax abatement (with no time requirement) from the county and the owner identified that they would start construction in 2018. a. Is this still a valid project and offer? b. Why not add a requirement that construction must start in 2018 to retain the tax abatement?

26. If Maple Leaf results in adverse effects for the Playhouse, Bill Monroe Music Park, Mike’s Dance and Music Barn, and Little Red Barn should these owners receive compensation from the county government?

27. The project timeline that was not shared with the public identifies that the Commissioners would vote to pass a resolution requesting Council approval at their meeting November 15. The Council voted to pass a resolution on November 20 to enter into an installment purchase contract. Why wasn’t this contract available for at least a 30-day public review before it is approved by the Council?

28. Why weren’t there any public meetings held by the commissioners or council to ask citizens for their input and feedback regarding the type of investment, (music venue vs. other options), size, scope, cost, and location?

29. Why wasn’t the county Redevelopment Commission (RDC) involved in coordinating the vetting of this project through all government offices on behalf of county citizens?

30. Councilman Keith Baker and commissioner Diana Biddle were early advocates of this project. How did they arrive at their decision to support this project without the benefit of soliciting input and feedback from citizens at public meetings?

31. Who maintains all the documents, contracts, agreements, plans, etc. associated with this project?

32. If this project is “too good to fail”, then why not market it to private developers? This will free up the excess innkeeper’s revenue for other desired projects in the county.

33. Has the proposal for this county-owned music venue been reviewed by an objective and independent consultant to confirm that the venue, location, and operating model would appear to be reasonable for a county with our demographics, location, and relative proximity to cities with competing venues? 34. The ownership and oversight of a music venue is typically not considered a government function or core competency. What risks have been identified regarding elected leader responsibilities?

35. Given that county, taxpayers ARE NOT at risk for the loan, has any consideration been given to situations that may arise where future elected leaders may decide to take over payments and management of the venue?

36. The Innkeepers Tax statute requires the county council to review and approve the CVC/CVB budget. How detailed is this budget? Does the process include a review of audited financial statements and the completed IRS form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax?

37. Do elected leaders have a documented policy that identifies how profits will be distributed? What government office will maintain this policy?

38. What are the details regarding management of the venue and financial oversight by elected leaders – such as the auditor, treasurer, county council?

39. What is the management plan? Who is responsible for running the facility? Hiring?

40. What are the other responsibilities of the elected leaders regarding oversight of the venue?

41. Will the county comprehensive plan be updated to identify community support for future developments that might emerge as a result of Maple Leaf?

42. Brown County is limited by two-lane roads. Has a traffic study been completed to help to identify dates and times where there may be significant traffic back-ups?

43. When the Indiana Department of Transportation concluded that the Hawthorne Drive option was not acceptable, were they also informed that the Big Woods/Hard Truth Hills development would be adding additional traffic congestion in this area?

44. Will events be scheduled to recognize the impact on traffic from competing events such as an IU sporting event, fall foliage, Hard Truth Hills, semi-state cross country event, etc.?

45. If more hotels and restaurants and bars are anticipated, where will these be located?

46. Given the likelihood of more hotels, bars, restaurants, will the town’s noise ordinance need to be rescinded to accommodate more tourists and longer hours?

47. Given the approximate $145K per acre selling price for the acquisition of the land, what impact will this have on assessed values of other commercial properties in Nashville and the County? What is the expected increase in property tax revenue? When can this revenue be expected? 48. Since the zoning hearing, what additional features have been made to the venue? For instance, is there now an outside gathering space that can contribute to more outside noise?

49. Who certifies that the acoustic and sound design will meet industry standards?

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