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Green Local Schools Board of Education Agenda
4070 Gallia Pike Franklin Furnace, Ohio 45629
October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 pm Green High School Library
Mr. Thom Davis, President Mr. David Knapp, Vice President Mr. Jerry Bentley, Member Mrs. Sandy Cherry, Student Achievement Liaison Mrs. Sandi Poe, Member
Mr. Ron Lindsey, Superintendent Mr. John Walsh, Treasurer
Meeting Dates January 11, 2010 July 26, 2010 February 15, 2010 August 16, 2010 March 15, 2010 September 20, 2010 April 5, 2010 October 18, 2010 May 17, 2010 November 15, 2010 June 28, 2010 December 20, 2010
The mission of Green Local Schools is to ensure the highest quality education by helping each and every student to realize his or her fullest potential and become a productive and responsible citizen through innovative and diversified academic programs, which will be provided in a caring environment conducive to learning and in concert with our community. Board of Education October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. Green High School Library
Notice of this meeting was given in accordance with the provisions of Policy BD of the Green Local Board of Education, which were adopted in accordance with Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Procedures Act.
Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley ____Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Pledge of Allegiance
IV. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC-- Limited to 5 minutes per topic
1. Bank Reconciliation for September, 2010 2. Fund Balances as of September 30, 2010 3. Listing of Bills Paid in September, 2010 4. Budget Summary as of September 30, 2010 5. Revenue Summary as of September 30, 2010
It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the treasurer’s business reports.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
B. MINUTES It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the minutes from the following agenda with the corrections to Sandy Cherry not being present on September 20 and being present on October 7.
Regular Meeting – September 20, 2010 Special Meeting – October 7, 2010
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
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1. Update of 5 Year Forecast
2. It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education approve the current five year forecast and assumptions as presented.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
3. It is recommended that the Green Local Board of Education adopt the treasurer evaluation instrument as selected from the samples.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
1. Mrs. Armstrong, Elementary 2. Mr. Emnett, High School 3. Mr. Lindsey, District
1. It is recommended that the Board of Education recognize Dennis Cade as a volunteer junior high football coach.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
2. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Karen Sanders as a substitute cafeteria worker.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
3. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Kristina Darnell as a substitute aide and secretary.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
Page 3 of 8 Board of Education October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. Green High School Library
4. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ Stacie Hankins as the junior varsity girl’s basketball coach.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
5. It is recommended that the Board of Education employ substitute teachers as recommended by the County Superintendent.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
No Action
1. It is recommended that the Board of Education continue to contract with Child Nutrition Services as consultants for the Green Local Schools Food Service Program.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
2. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Personal Aide Service Agreement between the South Central Educational Service Center and the Green Local Schools.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
1. It is recommended that the Board of Education adopt KMB – Relations with Booster Clubs and waive readings two and three.
File: KMB
The Board recognizes that the endeavors and objectives of booster organizations can be a valuable means of stimulating interest and endorsement of the aims and achievements of the District.
Booster-proposed plans, projects or activities must be evaluated and promoted in light of their stated contribution to the curricular as well as the extracurricular programs of the District. Careful consideration must be given to the total value of all students, rather than to specific
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elements such as teams and band participants. Care must be taken to avoid compromising or diluting the responsibility and authority of the Board.
Annually, booster organizations must submit to the Superintendent/designee their tentative goals and objectives along with their fund-raising plans for the next school year for review by the Board. Should the goals and objectives or fund-raising plans change during the school year, the Superintendent/designee is to be advised before any final revisions are made.
Booster organizations must abide by all District policies and rules as well as the following list.
1. Booster organizations should not use the school’s tax ID number.
2. Booster organizations should not accept checks made out to the school and vice versa.
3. District administrators or board members officials should not have a leadership roles in booster organizations.
4. Fund-raising activities should not occur on school premises or during school hours unless permission has been given by the Superintendent/designee.
5. Documentation on ownership of property and fund-raising activities is required.
6. The use of the District name and emblems must be authorized.
7. Minutes from the organizational mailing listing officers.
8. Booster organizations must submit their bylaws to the Superintendent for review and approval as well as quarterly reports on income, expenses and balance sheets.
Booster organization must have permission from the Board prior to any construction of facilities. The organization must provide the Board, in writing, that funds are available to complete the project.
Acceptance of donated equipment or materials may depend upon the compliance with, or experience related to, the Board’s policy of standardizing materials and equipment.
[Adoption date: December 11, 2006]
LEGAL REFS.: ORC 3313.20; 3313.47
CROSS REFS.: IGDG, Student Activities Funds Management KG, Community Use of School Facilities (Equal Access) KGB, Public Conduct on District Property KK, Visitors to the Schools KMA, Relations with Parent Organizations
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Page 5 of 8 Board of Education October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. Green High School Library
2. It is recommended that the Board of Education review EFH – Food Allergies.
File: EFH
The purpose of this policy is to establish a safe environment for students with food allergies and support parents regarding food allergy management. In accordance with State law, it is the policy of the Board to provide all students, through necessary accommodations where required, the opportunity to participate fully in all school programs and activities.
The Boards takes food allergies seriously and understands that food allergies can be life threatening. Recognizing that the risk of accidental exposure to foods can be reduced in the school setting, the District administration is committed to minimizing risks and providing a safe educational environment for food-allergic students. Students with dietary needs that qualify as disabilities under State and Federal law are provided reasonable accommodation.
Substitutions to regular school meals provided by the District are made for students who are unable to eat regular school meals due to a qualifying dietary need when that need is certified in writing by the student's physician. Substitute meals are provided in the most integrated setting appropriate to the special needs of the student.
The nature of the student's qualifying need, the reason this need prevents the student from eating regular school meals (including foods to be omitted from the student's diet), the specific diet prescription along with the needed substitution must be specifically stated in the physician's statement. The District, in compliance with USDA Child Nutrition Division guidelines, provides substitute meals to food-allergic students based on the physician's signed statement.
The administration consults with parents, school nurses and other school employees, school volunteers, students and community members to gather information for the development and implementation of a food allergy plan. The plan includes, but is not limited to, school-wide training programs regarding food allergy education, staff development regarding food allergy identification and management, allergy emergency drills, strategies for the identification of students with life-threatening food allergies and management skills including avoidance measures, designation of typical symptoms and dosing instructions for medications.
[Adoption date:]
LEGAL REFS.: Child Nutrition Act of 1966; 42 USC 1771 et seq. Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008; 42 USC 12101 et seq. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC 794 ORC 3313.719; 3313.81; 3313.812; 3313.813; 3314.03; 3326.11 OAC 3301-91-01 through 3301-91-08
Page 6 of 8 Board of Education October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. Green High School Library
3. It is recommended that the Board of Education accept an anonymous donation of $1,260.00 for technology to be used in the hearing impaired classes.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
4. It is recommended that the Board of Education declare it impractical to transport pupils by school conveyance and agree to pay the parents/guardians in lieu of providing such services an amount which shall not exceed the state average cost to transport all pupils in the state of Ohio the preceding school year.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
5. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following requirements associated with the 21st Century Grant - Bobcat Boost program:
A. Program calendar E. Bus drivers B. Employment of staff F. Site Coordinator C. Payment of personnel G. Site Associate D. Purchase of services, supplies, etc. H. Treasurer’s Office
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
6. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the OSBA Service Agreement for Ohio Policy Service Updates at a cost of $500.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
1. OSBA Legislative Liaison
2. OSBA Student Achievement Liaison
VIII. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC-- Limited to 5 minutes per topic
Page 7 of 8 Board of Education October 18, 2010 Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. Green High School Library
It is recommended that the Board of Education accept the donation of $20,000 from Haverhill Sun Coke Company.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
It is recommended that the Board of Education adjourn.
Motion: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe _____
Vote: Thom Davis ____ Jerry Bentley _____ Sandy Cherry ____ David Knapp ____ Sandi Poe_____
Time: ______Next Meeting: Monday, November 15, 2010 -- 5:00 pm
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