Kingsteignton Parish Council s2

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Kingsteignton Parish Council s2


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 19 October, 2016 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7.00 pm

Present: Chairman: Councillor D Rollason Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, S Marshall, C Meathrel, M Stevenson, B Thorne, G Wickham Ex Officio: Councillor: R Peart Member of the Public: Mrs E Wickham Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons Finance Officer: Mr J Stacey

Part 1

F67/16 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council

There were no apologies.

F68/16 To receive any Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

F69/16 Minutes

The Chairman signed the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September, 2016 which had been agreed at the Full Council meeting

F70/16 Presentation of half-year figures April-September by Mr John Stacey – Finance Officer

Councillors received a copy of the Kingsteignton Town Council Financial Status Report dated as at 10/10/2016. Mr John Stacey explained everything about the report and answered any questions which arose.

Cllr B Austen said that the report was the best one that Councillors had ever received and thanked Mr Stacey.

Cllr G Wickham asked for details of what expenditure came under the heading of Business & Tourism Promotion.

After Minute: Mr J Stacey advised that the following comes under the above heading:- Money towards the Christmas Carol Services, Town Crier, Ram Fair and Poppy Day Wreath.

F71/16 Bills Paid and for Payment – September 2016

1 The committee was passed a copy of the bills paid and for payment for September, 2016 and the content was noted.

Cllr G Wickham queried the name of Churches Together in Kingsteignton.

After Minute: Churches Together is a national organisation and Christians Together in Kingsteignton is the local organisation.

F72/16 Consultation on Council Tax Referendum Principles

It was Resolved that a reply is to be sent to confirm that Kingsteignton Town Council endorses the views that DALC have proposed.

Action required by: Town Clerk, Mrs C Lakin

F73/16 To discuss support to the Swimming Pool and Sporting Facilities in Kingsteignton

It was Resolved that after discussion that all sporting facilities/organisations should be invited to attend a Kingsteignton Sports Forum to be held here at the Community Hall in the new year 2017, and for £20,000 to be ear-marked as a fund for support. Investigations to be made to establish whether there is a Teignbridge District Council Officer responsible for Sports and Recreation and if so for that person to be invited to the Forum for an informal discussion.

Action required by: Town Clerk, Mrs C Lakin

F74/16 To discuss purchase of additional Defibrillator/s following presentation in September from Heartbeat

Mr J Stacey, Finance Officer advised that sufficient funding is available.

It was Resolved that funding is made available for purchasing three further Defibrillators for possibly siting in a phone box at Higher Sandygate, possibly the Swimming Pool and possibly Rydon School, (which we can hopefully work with the School to obtain).

F75/16 To discuss and approve an additional quote from Teign Valley Building Co Ltd., to plaster board and skim the store conversion to additional toilets at a cost of £1500 as per the quote which Councillors received prior to the meeting.

After discussion as to why this wasn’t included within the original quote, it was advised that an accurate full specification must be given to the contractor when an invitation to quote is sent out to companies in the future and that this was an oversight on our behalf.

It was Resolved that the quote be accepted on this occasion as the work is due to commence on Monday 24 October, 2016. Councillor R Bovey voted against.

F76/16 Correspondence

2 There was no correspondence.

The meeting closed at 8.09 p.m.

Signed: …………………………………………………… Dated: ………………………….


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