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Bottom of Form s9


APWH CH. 1 Quiz

1 By scholarly convention, prehistory refers to the period

Abefore the emergence of cities. )

Bbefore modern humans were born. )

Cbefore the invention of writing. )

Dbefore Homo sapiens appeared. )

ENone of these are correct. )

2 Human beings and large apes are significantly different in

Agenetic makeup. )

Bbody chemistry. )

level of intelligence. C )

Dthe structure of the brain. )

ENone of these are correct. )

3 The famous Lucy was

Aa female ape. )

Ban Australopithecus. )

Ca Homo erectus. )

Dan archeologist. )

Enone of these. )

4 The family of hominids includes all of the following species except apes and monkeys.

A ) BAustralopithecus and Homo erectus. )

CHomo sapiens and Homo erectus. )

DNeandertal and Homo sapiens. )

Emodern humans. )

5 A major difference between Homo erectus and Australopithecus was the ability to

Awalk upright on two legs. )

Bdomesticate animals. )

Ccommunicate through language. )

Dmake stone tools. )

EAll of these are correct. ) 6 Homo sapiens were better hunters than Australopithecus and Homo erectus because they

Aorganized larger hunting bands than their ancestors did. )

Bwere smaller in body size but swifter in action. )

Chad larger brains and higher intelligence. )

Dhad more animals to hunt. )

EAll of these are correct. )

7 The most significant defining characteristic of the Paleolithic era was that

Ahuman beings used stone and bone tools in their cultivation of crops. )

Bpeoples relied on hunting and gathering for subsistence. )

Cmen and women engaged in the same economic activities. ) Dpeople domesticated animals. )

ENone of these are correct. )

8 What is the significance of the Natufian, Jomon, and Chinook cultures?

AThey show that some Paleolithic cultures settled permanently. )

BThey show that some Paleolithic peoples lived in much larger groups. )

CThey show that some Paleolithic cultures had specialization of labor. )

DThey show that some Paleolithic cultures had hierarchies of authority. )

EAll of these are correct. )

9 Neandertal peoples developed a capacity for emotion and feelings, which can be seen from their

Aelaborate burials. ) Bcave paintings. )

Cancestor worship. )

DVenus figurines. )

EAll of these are correct. )

1 0 Early humans showed their creativity by

ACreating complex languages. )

BInventing the bow and arrow. )

CUsing barbed harpoons. )

DLearning to fish in deep water. )

EAll of these are correct. ) 1 1 The prominent sexual features of Venus figurines at early human sites indicate that the Homo sapiens

Aworshipped the goddess of love forty thousand years ago. )

Bhad a deep interest in love-making activities. )

Cwere strongly concerned with fertility and the generation of new life. )

Dused sympathetic magic to succeed in hunting. )

EAll of these are correct. )

1 2 What was a likely purpose of an early human cave painting?

Ato warn competing groups of people of their presence )

Bto practice telepathy )

Cto draw portraits of each other ) Dto exercise sympathetic magic )

Enone of these )

1 3 The term "Neolithic era" originally meant one thing, but today has come to refer to

Athe early stages of agricultural society. )

Bthe agricultural transition. )

Cthe era in which the peoples began to use polished stone tools. )

Dthe era in which people began to live permanently in villages. )

Eall of these. )

1 4 By about 5000 B.C.E., agriculture had displaced hunting and gathering societies in several regions of the world, primarily because

Acultivation required much less work than hunting and gathering. ) Bcultivation provided a relatively stable and regular supply of food. )

Chuman beings had mastered agricultural knowledge and technique. )

Dagriculture led to a more varied diet. )

ENone of these are correct. )

1 5 All of the following social changes were brought about by agriculture except

Apopulation growth. )

Bthe emergence of villages and towns. )

Cthe invention of writing. )

Dthe specialization of labor. )

Ethe emergence of social classes. ) 1 6 The site of Jericho was one of the earliest known

Aagricultural sites. )

Btowns. )

Ccities. )

Dvillages. )

Etemples. )

1 7 Three Neolithic industries that illustrate the greatest potential of specialized labor include

Astone tool making, leather, and jewelry. )

Bwood carving, beads, and baskets. )

Cpottery, metallurgy, and textiles. )

furs, fish, and grain. D )

Enone of these. )

1 8 Çatal Hüyük is an archaeological site in Anatolia from Neolithic times in which one can readily see evidence of

Aspecialization of labor. )

Biron production. )

Clong-distance trade. )

Dwriting. )

Eall of these. )

1 9 The belief that Neolithic religious thought clearly reflected the natural world of early agricultural society is based on observation of

Areligious texts. )

representations of gods and goddesses. B )

Ccave paintings. )

Dfossils. )

Epriests' burial sites. )

2 0 Cities first emerged from agricultural villages and towns in

Athe valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. )

BEgypt. )

CChina. )

DIndia. )

ESouth America. )

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