Homework Instructions Please Read Carefully

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Homework Instructions Please Read Carefully

Institute 2015 Accelerating Learning in Reading Homework Packet

Homework Instructions – Please Read Carefully

1. This homework packet includes seven (7) homework assignments. Some assignments will require several hours while others can be completed quickly. It is suggested that you read the complete homework packet before beginning the assignments.

2. We expect ALL participants to complete ALL the homework assignments so that during Institute you are familiar with the material and can participate in discussions. If you are enrolled for academic credit, your homework will count for 15% of your final grade. Completion of homework is also a requirement to become a Certified Resource Specialist.

3. Written assignments should be word-processed using a 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, and double-spacing. Your last name should appear as the “header” in the upper right corner of every page of the written assignment. Limit written assignment length to the number of pages indicated, i.e., be concise in what you write.

4. Assignments are DUE the first day of Institute when you arrive at the classroom. After you have completed all of your assignments print two copies of your completed homework assignments, one to turn in on Sunday when you arrive at class and the other to use as a reference during Institute. Staple or paperclip all of your assignments into one packet so that pages won’t get lost. Please include a signed copy of the contract with your homework. Be sure to keep a copy of your homework packet for reference during Institute.

5. You are encouraged to submit your homework either as a pdf or a Word document attached to an email to either Dianne or Steve. Those submitting their homework via email by May 21st at 5:00 PM will be registered for a drawing to win a valuable prize!

6. If you do not have all assignments completed by the due date, please email a written plan of action for completion to [email protected] by the due date. An instructor will review your plan and discuss it with you during the week.

7. If you have questions about homework requirements, please contact Steve if you are taking Institute as a workshop participant or Dianne if you are taking Institute for graduate credit.

Workshop Participant Questions: Graduate Credit Participant Questions: Steve Schmidt Dianne Barber [email protected] [email protected]

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 1 of 15 (828) 262-2262 (828) 262-2384

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 2 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Grade Contract & Institute Responsibilities

Pre-Institute Homework  Assignment 1: Reading and You  Assignment 2: Professional Learning Communities  Assignment 3: Assessing Reading Assessment  Assignment 4: How Skilled is Your School?  Assignment 5: Why Reading Matters  Assignment 6: Identify Practicum Needs  Assignment 7: Part 1: Practicum Contract  Optional: Help us with Thursday Evening Entertainment  Print two copies (one to turn in, one for your reference during Institute) of all homework assignments with name in header of all pages

During Institute  Turn in written homework on Sunday afternoon in the classroom  Attend all Institute 2015 sessions on time  Participate in Institute 2015 large groups, small groups, and work sessions  Complete your Practicum plan and turn it in on Thursday during Institute  Complete all evaluation forms

Post-Institute Homework  Complete the Practicum Project  Send ABSPD Assignment 7, Part 2: Practicum Verification * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  I am completing all of the above requirements for academic credit, a grade of “A” for outstanding work, and certification as a Certified Resource Specialist after completing 3 institutes and completing at least two Practicum and/or Trainings.

 I am completing all the above requirements for workshop participation and certification as a Certified Resource Specialist after completion of 3 institutes and completing at least two Practicum and/or Trainings.

______Signature Date

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Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 4 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 1: Reading and You The focus of Institute 2015 is enhancing reading instruction in literacy, basic skills, and college and career readiness programs throughout North Carolina. This assignment asks you to reflect on some questions relating to your personal experiences in reading, reading instruction, and some global questions about reading and society.

Write two ½ page responses to questions 1 and 2. Then choose two other questions from numbers 3 to 11 and write ½ page for each response.

1. If you could have a dinner date with any author living or dead, who would you choose to dine with and why?

2. Tell about a book you have used successfully with students over the years. How have you used the book? Why has it been so successful? What do students learn from it?

3. What are your earliest memories of being read to or reading? What emotions does that create in you as you remember this experience?

4. Did you ever struggle with reading? How has this helped or hurt your effectiveness as a reading teacher?

5. What frustrates you the most as you work with struggling readers in your program? What resources would you like to have to better help these students?

6. As the world becomes more technology driven and media saturated, are the needs for strong reading skills more or less important? Why?

7. Describe a time you read something you absolutely loved. What made this such an enjoyable experience?

8. Describe a time you read something you hated. What made this such a miserable experience?

9. Describe what life would be like for someone who struggles to read.

10. What would an ideal program to help struggling readers look like?

11. React to the article, An Urban Myth That Should Be True, which can be found by holding down control and clicking on the following link: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/07/an-urban-myth-that-should-be-

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 5 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading true/259329/ or clicking on An Urban Myth That Should Be True on the ABSPD Institute homework page.

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 6 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 2: Professional Learning Communities

An increasing number of successful adult basic education programs use professional learning communities (PLC). In this assignment, you will be asked to research and then report your findings about PLCs.

Creating a PLC in your program could be a possible activity that you may do for your practicum.

1. Read the four sections listed below from the Professional Learning Communities article. It can be found by clicking on the Professional Learning Communities 1 link on the ABSPD Institute homework page.

For each section listed below, complete a one paragraph summary:

Introduction What is a PLC? Elements that Define a PLC What Supports are Necessary to Develop and Sustain a PLC?

2. Read the brief article Professional Learning Communities in Adult Education Programs. It can be found by holding down control and clicking on this link http://www- tcall.tamu.edu/newsletr/spring13/spring13d.htm or by clicking on the Professional Learning Communities 2 link on the ABSPD Institute homework page.

Write a paragraph describing the two features you liked the most about the PLC described in the article.

3. Write one half to one page describing how a PLC might look like in your program or if your program has a PLC, describe how it looks.

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 7 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 3: Assessing Reading Assessment

This assignment has some reflection questions to do based on your programs’ reading assessments and a short article to read.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What assessments does your program currently give students in reading?

2. Is your reading assessment data used for class placement? How?

3. Is your reading assessment data used for diagnosis of students’ strengths and learning needs? How?

4. How do the reading assessments given to students tie into instruction?

5. Does your program give any of the evidence-based reading assessments (such as the Quick Adult Reading Inventory or the Word Meaning Test)? How is this information used?

6. Read the section Part Two: Doing your Best on Standardized Tests on pages 6 to 11 in the Adventures in Assessment reading link on the ABSPD website in the homework section.

Does your program provide the information about how to do your best on standardized tests to your students on a formal or informal basis? How? If not, how could you create ways to share this information with your students?

7. Talk to at least three other instructors in your program. What do they consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of the reading assessment process in your program? What changes would they make in the reading assessment process if they could? Why?


Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 8 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 4: How Skilled is Your School?

This assignment has a reading to complete, a reflection activity to do, a paper to write, and a presentation to prepare. Making Skills Everyone’s Business In 2014, the Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) created a report after a review of the performance of state adult education programs and a study of research and best practices in adult education. They created a report Making Skills Everyone’s Business that highlights best practices in adult education.

1. Download and read the paper Making Skills Everyone’s Business (6 pages) from the ABSPD website: http://abspd.appstate.edu/institutes/institute-2015-accelerating-learning-reading

2. Write a 2 to 3 page paper in which you reflect on how your school is doing on four of the seven best practices mentioned in the article. Talk with your program’s leadership and your co-workers as you reflect on how your program is doing. The seven areas are:

1. Create joint ownership of solutions

2. Expand opportunities for adults to improve foundation skills

3. Make career pathways available and accessible in every community

4. Ensure all students have access to highly effective teachers, leaders, and programs

5. Align federal policies and programs to integrate services for adults

6. Increase the return on investment in skills training for business, industry, and labor

7. Commit to closing the equity gap for vulnerable sub-populations

3. Prepare a five minute presentation where you will highlight the practice you feel your program is doing the best at as well as the one area you would most like to see your program improve. You will give this presentation during Institute.

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 9 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 5: Why Reading Matters

In this assignment, you will watch a video and write a reflection paper about it.

1. Watch the 58 minute video Why Reading Matters. It can be found by holding down the control key and clicking the link here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6_vVn8o654 or by following the why reading matters link on the institute homework page.

2. Write a one page paper responding to this question: After watching this video, how would you answer the question, why does reading matter?

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 10 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 6: Identify Practicum Needs

During Institute 2015, you will work with a small group of 3-4 participants to plan a practicum to offer instructional support within your home program.

1. Discuss with your colleagues, instructors, students, and director the needs of your program concerning reading instruction.

2. Type a one page summary of what you learned about the needs of your program relating to reading instruction.

3. Based on the needs of your program and the research you read, begin to think about where you want to focus your practicum project. You may want to meet with your director to discuss the focus of your practicum.

4. Do not plan your practicum before arriving for Institute. You will be given planning time during Institute and you are expected to work with a team to plan your practicum around information you learn at Institute and the research you read as part of this homework packet. Note: Completion of at least two practicum projects over a two year period are required to become a Certified Resource Specialist. The practicum project replaces the former training requirement.

5. You will be asked to discuss and list your instructional support needs on a card during class on Sunday afternoon. This information will be used to identify others with similar needs to form teams to work together during the week.

Instructional Support can be delivered in many different forms: workshops, classroom observation and feedback, curriculum design, planning lessons, aligning standards with curriculum, etc.

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 11 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Assignment 7: Professional Development Contract and Verification Form

In Assignment # 6 you identified program needs by consulting with your director and/or colleagues. To complete Part 1 of this assignment: Complete the Practicum Contract on the following page.

Part 1: Practicum Contract (Due on Sunday at the beginning of Institute).

You and your director will need to sign and date the contract. You will be given time at Institute to work on your practicum with colleagues who plan to do a practicum on the same or similar topic. Please be prepared to turn in the signed copy with your homework on Sunday afternoon in the classroom.

Part 2: Practicum Verification Form (Due after you complete your training).

Your completed Practicum Verification Form is due on or before April 4, 2016. This verification material is part of the certification requirement to become a Certified Resource Specialist as well as a course requirement for CI 5545.

Your Practicum Verification Package should include the following:

1. Title of Practicum 2. Description/Abstract of Practicum 3. Goals and Objectives 4. Benefits to Program 5. Signed Practicum Verification form

Upon completion of your practicum, submit the complete Practicum Verification Package to Becky Morris via:

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 828-262-6086

US Mail: Becky Morris Adult Basic Skills Professional Development Project Appalachian State University ASU Box 32169 Boone, NC 28608-2169

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Institute 2015 Participant ______

Requirements for Director: The director agrees to . support the participant in planning and conducting a practicum project to offer instructional support for their adult educators at their home campus, . participate in the selection of a practicum project focus, . sign the Practicum Contract, and . verify completion of the practicum project by signing the Practicum Verification form.

Requirements for Institute Participant: The participant agrees to . consult with his/her director and/or colleagues to identify needs in their program, . plan a practicum project using research, methods, strategies, and techniques learned during Institute, . complete a Practicum Action Plan during Institute, . complete the Practicum Project between June 8, 2015 and April 4, 2016, and submit the Practicum Verification form upon project completion.

My signature below indicates my support and agreement to the above requirements.

______Signature of Director Date

______Signature of Institute 2015 Participant(s) Date

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 13 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Part 2: Practicum Verification Form Due after you complete your Practicum

Title of Practicum:

Brief Description of Practicum:

Practicum Goals & Objectives:

Impact on (Benefits to) Local Program:

The signatures below indicate that the signed participant has completed the Practicum requirements for Institute 2015.

______Signature of Director Date

______Signature of Institute 2015 Participant Date

Submit your complete Practicum Verification Package to Becky Morris via email, fax, or US mail:

Email: [email protected] Fax: 828-262-6086

US Mail: Ms. Becky Morris, Administrative Support Specialist Adult Basic Skills Professional Development Project Appalachian State University, ASU Box 32169, Boone, NC 28608-2169

Institute 2015 Homework Packet Page 14 of 15 Institute 2015: Accelerating Learning in Reading Optional: Thursday Evening Entertainment

Do you sing, dance, play an instrument, tell jokes, read poetry, or have another skill/talent you would like to share with the group? We invite you to showcase your talents Thursday evening! If you would like to participate, complete the information below and email it to [email protected] with your homework assignments.

We will allow approximately 3 minutes for each “act.”

We will provide a CD player and sound system. You bring your instrument, music, and/or other props.


Briefly describe your “act”:

Additional Comments:

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