Room: Campus Life Seminar Room 1

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Room: Campus Life Seminar Room 1

Sports Council Minutes

Date: 06/02/17 Time: 17:00 – 19:00 Room: Campus Life Seminar Room 1

Agenda item Action Person responsible 1. Welcome N/A Chair 2. In Attendance N/A Chair Neil Alexander (Chair), Eilidh Westwood (EW), Robbie Stewart (RS), Ryan Young (RY), Hannah Herron (HH), Clara Kolb (CK) Fiona McHardy (FM), Clara Kolb (CK), Kellie-Rose Clyde (KR) Lauren Ramage (LR), Gordon McTweed (GMT), Andrew Walker (AW) 3. Apologies N/A Clerk None 4. Approval of Previous Minutes N/A Chair Approved 5. Matters to Discuss:

Sports Strategy 2017-2020 LR

LR presented and outlined each individual element of the proposed Sports Strategy that has been collated for the next three years.

The 5 key aims of said strategy was shared with the council:

1) To increase participation by providing a range of opportunities, support, and resources to allow for an inclusive and sociable sporting community. 2) To maintain a high level of performance in competitions and events. 3) To improve our club infrastructure in order to enhance their ability to grow and develop. 4) To support clubs by providing necessary resources so they are accessible, affordable, and have the opportunity to progress. 5) To focus on developing each of our sports clubs individually. LR also presented and discussed the infrastructure aims relating to the new strategy and explained the changes that are to facilitate the smooth implementation of the strategy.

The first of these is to abandon the current accreditation scheme for SA Sports Clubs and implement with a new more suitable scheme that is part of the strategy.


** Accreditation scheme has been removed **

In line with Sports Strategy LR also proposes changes to the current funding model for Sports Clubs and Sports membership.

Reasons cited for this are:

The time consuming nature of the current funding distribution model and how this takes up lots of staff time and sports council time narrowing opportunities to focus on other tasks.

The change will return more power to clubs.

RS cited that this change could affect smaller clubs with less membership.

RS suggested a 1st/2nd system for assigning sports club membership. GMT stated this is possible but could be difficult to administer.

GMT discussed the proposed changes and cited that a change was needed to ensure that the focus sports side of the Sports Strategy was implementable.

Several membership ideas were discussed so LR stated that ideas would be compiled and council could vote on the new LR/AW membership model at the next meeting.

Council will vote on the amended Sports Strategy 2017-2020 at ALL the next Council Meeting.

Sports Ball Update: EW/RY Early Bird Tickets sold out in less than one hour. Bagpiper has been booked event and will receive free ticket. Each Sports Council Member is to source 2 raffle prizes each of ALL suitable quality.

CK sourcing Ceilidh band budget £450 ~ Linn Park Band

HH – Photo booth too expensive so if there is left over funds will source close to the night.

Sourced photographer will ensure backdrop is available cost £150.

NA to meet with Bamboo to book as after party venue for the SportsBall 2017. Enquire to similar set up and promotions as previous years.

LR to invite VIP guests.

Fundraiser: RS All set for Take me Out on Wednesday 1st of March.

RS raised concerns over lack of team input when organising these events throughout the year. Should be assigned to more than one person.

T2 Sports Funding Distribution: AW AW presented council with proposed funding distribution for T2.

Council voted on this distribution.


7. Any other competent business

Transport Funding: AW

AW presented council with information regarding SA transport funds and that they were diminished. A request to use £1000 from left over membership pot was made. Council voted on this action. VOTE TO APPROVE TRANSPORT ALLOCATION FROM MEMBERSHIP FUNDS: YES=9, NO=0, A=1. 8. Date of next meeting & deadline for agenda Clerk booked Clerk room Next meeting set, 14th of March, 1700-1900, NH208

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