What Can Sociology Contribute to the Account of Major Depressive Disorder in Contemporary

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What Can Sociology Contribute to the Account of Major Depressive Disorder in Contemporary

What can sociology contribute to the care. In 2002 the health burden and account of Major Depressive projected impact of mental illness, Disorder in contemporary particularly that of MDD, compelled Australia? the Australian Government to launch beyondblue: the national depression initiative. The primary goal of beyondblue is to raise awareness of MDD and reduce the associated stigma and discrimination attached to the disorder. It is clear that MDD is a significant issue in contemporary Australia. Social factors contributing to its cause now need to be explored.

Stressful life events

Unfortunately many Australians, including children, experience stressful life events such as sexual abuse and domestic violence. Watts and Markham (2005) indicate that there is a general consensus among psychologists that stressful life events Watts and Marham (2005) can trigger MDD. Several studies have stipulated that Major Depressive reported that adolescents with a history Disorder (MDD) is a mental illness of physical abuse, sexual abuse or that drastically impairs an individual's neglect are two to five times more ability to participate in everyday life. likely to become depressed (Lumley People suffering from depression often and Harkness, 2007, p.640-641). In feel worthless, confused, suicidal and 2003 Gibb, Butler and Beck completed experience difficulty concentrating. a study using a sample of psychiatric There is significant evidence that the patients. They reported that patients onset of MDD is strongly influenced with a history of emotional abuse by social factors. This essay explores during childhood were more likely to sociological factors such as stressful show depressive symptoms and life events, work, poverty and injustice diagnoses. Domestic violence is that have been linked to MDD. common in Australian society. The Australian Bureau of Statistic figures Analysis by the Australian report that one in three women will Institute of Health and Welfare found experience domestic violence at some that of all diseases and conditions, point in their lives (ABC News, 2009). mental illness was the most debilitating In 2009 the Rudd Government disorder in Australia (Butterworth, announced a new $41.5 million 2008, p.17). MDD is the most strategy to address the issue of common of all mental health illnesses domestic violence in Australia. and one in five Australians will According to Guggisberg (2007, p. 2- experience it at some stage of their 3), Stark and Filtcraft completed a lives (beyondblue, 2007). At any one study of 4,500 woman who were point in time over one million admitted to hospital due to domestic Australian's are experiencing MDD violence. They noted that in addition and less than 40 percent will receive

1 to their more obvious physical injuries, workers feeling disgruntled and stuck many woman displayed psychological in average, uninspiring nine to five problems. This observation is further jobs looking for an escape. A recent supported by an Australian survey study by Melbourne University found conducted in 2004 by Taft et al which that one in six cases of depression found that female victims of domestic among working Victorians were abuse were thirteen times more likely caused by workplace stress (The Age, to report depression. The above 2008). However, it is not only workers evidence indicates that stressful life who are vulnerable to MDD, the events, which are unfortunately unemployed are also at risk. Nguyen common in many Australia et al (2007, p. 2) state that Tiggemann communities, contribute significantly and Winefield explored the effect of towards the onset of MDD. unemployment on mood using a sample of 761 Australian school Work leavers in 1984. They found that all of the unemployed students reported Work is a prominent aspect of higher levels of depression than their Australian life with only 5% of the employed peers. Mackinnon et al population unemployed in 2005 (2004) created a National Depression (Bessant & Watts, 2007, p. 303). Index for Australia to measure the Australians work long hours and are depression status of the Australian recognised as having a strong work population. Taken from the ethic. Many Australians describe aforementioned study, the figure below themselves as school teachers, farmers, shows a correlation between scientists, accountants or carpenters, unemployment and depression. each occupation conveying a unique Australians who do not have satisfying image. This transcends the tasks that careers are at risk of MDD because they perform, how much they are paid work is a fundamental part of or who they associate with. It goes as Australian life and identity. far to define their identity and build their self esteem. Given this, we can begin to understand the important link between work and MDD. According to Furman and Bender (2003) this relationship is evident in the theory of Karl Marx who was mainly concerned with the effects of economic structures on mankind's social relationships. In 1844 Marx theorised the division of labour, a process in which work changed from being a creative expression of oneself to an activity that made him/her feel isolated from themselves. Marx believed that work become merely an object, a means to an end standing in opposition to the workers' best interests leaving them feeling alienated. This mentality is apparent in contemporary Australia with a significant proportion of Poverty

2 Using the 50 percent of median Bessant & Watts (2007, p. 266- income measure, Saunders and 267) describe how the white invasion Davidson (2007) indicate that in 2004, of Australia beginning in 1788 had a 1.9 million people, or 9.9% of all devastating impact on Aboriginal Australians, were living below the people. There was a drastic reduction poverty line. Poor Australians are in the Aboriginal population. By 1805 more likely to face threatening, only 50 percent of the 1788 population humiliating and entrapping life events in New South Wales remained alive. that threaten their identity and There is sufficient evidence to indicate relationships, leaving them feeling that many Aboriginal people were shot deprived of control of their lives. For or poisoned after showing signs of example parents suffering financial resistance. The white settlers forcibly difficulty find it more challenging to removed the Aborigines from their afford housing and provide for their land leading to a spiritual and cultural children. Since the 1930s researchers dispossession. Aborigines were forced have documented a link between to assimilate into white culture and poverty and mental illness. Goldberg children were removed from their (2005, p. E1) claims that an American families and placed into white families study following 34,000 patients from and institutions. These horrendous 1994 to 2000 found a strong past injustices have been key correlation between mental illness and contributors to MDD in indigenous poverty. The study reported that 4% of communities. A national study found the population of the richest that Indigenous people suffer mental communities were hospitalised at least health problems such as MDD at a twice due to mental illness, compared higher rate than non-Indigenous people to 13% of the poorest communities. (Gray & Saggers, 2005, p. 115). This evidence is supported by the Sherwood (2005, p. 28-29), an figure below taken from the National Aboriginal Indigenous Research Depression Index for Australia Officer, claims that Aboriginal people (Mackinnon et al, 2004, 52-56). The constantly live and deal silently with figure indicates that those with lower their injurious past. Sherwood herself incomes score higher on the National experienced an episode of poor Depression Index. It is apparent that management in the hospital system that poverty is a leading contributor to contributed to her becoming deeply mental illnesses such as MDD. depressed. She witnessed hospital staff treating Aboriginal patients in a derogatory and patronising manner. Sherwood was told to give up her Aboriginality after staff claimed it was not apparent. Sherwood states that the medical team worked in a framework from 100 years ago and that such injustice is a common occurrence in the lives of Aboriginal people. Of course injustice is not exclusive to Indigenous Australians. In 2009 the ABC broadcast a documentary named Code of Silence on its Four Corners program. The show detailed the Injustice alleged rape of a woman by several

3 Cronulla Sharks Rugby League players Theoretical Analysis. XXX(3), in 2002. Initially the girl's allegations 123-136. were dismissed by police. This sense  Goldberg, C. (2005, March 8). of injustice led to the woman becoming Mental illness and poverty: extremely depressed and suicidal over Does one cause the other?. The the next seven years. Given the above, Boston Globe p. E1. it is evident that both past and present  Gray, D. & Saggers, S. (2005). injustices significantly influence the Indigenous health: The onset of MDD. perpetuation of inequality. Oxford University Press. Considering research, statistics,  Guggisberg, M. (2006). The personal experience and history it is interconnectedness and causes evident that sociological factors such of female suicidal ideation with as stressful life events, work, poverty domestic violence. 5(1), 1-6. and injustice contribute directly Retrieved May 1, 2009, from towards the onset of MDD. Because Health & Society database. these factors are man made products of  Lumley, M., & Harkness, K. Australian society there is potential for (2007). Cognitive Therapy and Governments and other bodies to Research, 31(5), 639-657. intervene and reduce the occurrence of  Mackinnon, A., Jorm, A., & MDD in Australians. Hickie, B. (2004). A National Depressive Index for Australia. Bibliography 181(7), 52-56.  Saunders, P., & Davidson, P.  ABC News (2009), Rudd gets (2007). Rising poverty is bad tough on domestic violence. for our health. 187(9), 530-531. Retrieved May 17, 2009, from  The Age (2007), Job stress http://www.abc.net.au/news/sto major cause of workers' ries/2009/04/29/2555784.htm. depression. Retrieved May 15,  Bessant, J., & Watts, R. (2007). 2009, from Sociology Australia. Singapore: http://www.theage.com.au/nati KHL Printing Co. onal/job-stress-major-cause-of-  Beyondblue (2007), Response workers-depression-20080601- by beyondblue CEO Leonie 2kjw.html. Young to Media Watch's report  Watts, S., & Markham, R., on rural suicide statistics. (2005) Journal of Instructional Retrieved May 14, 2009, from Psychology, 32(3), 266-270. http://www.beyondblue.org.au/i ndex.aspx? link_id=105.898&oid=903.  Butterworth, P. (2008). Seminar: Fair Welfare: Are we investing enough in people or systems?. Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University.  Furman, R., & Bender, K. (2003). The Social Problem of Depression: A Multi-


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