Syringa General Hospital Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes s1

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Syringa General Hospital Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes s1



The meeting of the Syringa Hospital & Clinics Board of Trustees was called to order at 12:30pm by Al Bolden; Chairman. It was noted that a quorum was present and that due notice had been sent. Other members in attendance were:

BOARD MEMBERS HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES Al Bolden Joe Cladouhos Twila Hornbeck Betty Watson Richard Tucker Yvonne Hoiland Paula Calcaterra Dina Cervantes Steve Didier Darla Whitley Lauren Wilson CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Katy Eimers Danny Griffis, MD Dana Greig Michelle Schaeffer GUESTS Bill Spencer Lorie Palmer Barbara Essen

Twila made a motion to amend the agenda to include Board elections after accepting the two Board resignations. Steve Didier seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


Minutes of the August 22, 2016 Syringa Hospital & Clinics Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes were submitted for approval.

Twila noted that Steve requested a breakdown of purchased services that wasn’t included in the Board packet. Also, Michelle was going to follow up with HealthStream for inconsistencies on reporting. Items added to next month’s Board agenda.

Paula asked about the status of the Board communication box. Joe asked for clarification on what information the Board was seeking. Katy was asked to hang communication boxes in several locations within the hospital and clinic.

Al inquired on the status of the patient letters that were to be sent out. Yvonne answered that data is still being collected.

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ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to approve the August 22, 2016 Syringa Hospital & Clinics Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes as corrected. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


1) 340B program 2) IHA Convention preparation 3) Clinic phones 4) Transparency costs 5) Staff update from CNO 6) Irwin Drug status 7) Breakdown of purchased services

Paula offered to collect data on senior demographics in preparation for the strategic action planning meeting on Oct. 18th.


Twila preferred to receive more relevant information in the CNO report. Joe reported on nursing highlights.

Twila asked about the switch in blood bank services. Dr. Griffis said all the surrounding hospitals use Inland NW Blood Bank and utilize Regional Path Lab. Inland NW Blood Bank can also match the services provided by the American Red Cross.

Paula asked if the six month orientation period for new RN grads is something that is normally done because the cost is high. Lauren said the orientation is critical to learn all aspects. Paula asked if there was a requirement for the nurse to stay a length of time or to pay back money if they don’t stay. Katy answered, no.

Paula asked if there was any intention to extend Hospice services for palliative care. Dr. Griffis said that unfortunately there is no reimbursement for that service and the current margins are thin, so it may not be financially feasible at this time. Steve asked how palliative care fits in with population health management. Dr. Griffis explained.

Twila questioned if the monthly finances were reviewed on a regular basis for budget compliance. Betty said a monthly report is sent to the managers.

Paula inquired on the status of the application for the level four trauma designation. Eric is attending a meeting on that today. Twila asked what the benefit will be for SHC to have that desgination. Bill stated patients will receive better care because of the process and its system wide.

Dick asked about the schedule for bid openings.

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Dr. Griffis reported the following credentialing files were reviewed and approved at the Medical Executive Committee (MEC) meeting held on September 14th. The MEC is recommending Board approval for the following providers; Danny Griffis, MD- reappointment to Active Medical Staff, Tom Overly, CRNA- reappointment to Active Allied Health Staff and for Direct Radiology- appointment to Affiliate Consulting staff.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to approve the credentialing files as presented and recommended by the SHC Medical Executive Committee. Steve Didier seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


Weapons Policy- Paula had an additional revision. Al asked if the Grangeville Police could do a presentation for staff on recognizing a potential threat. Lauren said that has been suggested.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to approve the Weapons Policy as revised, and to add the same wording on the ER entrance door as Gritman Hospital has. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

Disciplinary Policy- Katy discussed changes per the hospitals attorney. The Board didn’t receive the latest version of the policy to review and approve, so it will be brought back to the October meeting for approval.

North St. one-way traffic request- Joe referred to the traffic survey and pictures provided by the Chief of Police. He said it will be brought back to the City Council next spring for consideration after the clinic remodel is completed.

Review SAP schedule- The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 18th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Paula asked for feedback on the 50 foot goals. Joe said beyond Oct. 18th, the facilitator will prepare a final draft in November, and community meetings will start in January.

Board Bylaws- Twila reviewed suggested changes. Discussion was held on the Idaho statutes for appointed Board members.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to accept the amended changes to the Bylaws as presented and reviewed. Steve Didier seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


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Board resignations- Al reported resignations from Craig Spencer and Judy Scribner were submitted.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to accept the resignations as submitted. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to fill the Board vacancies. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

Election of Vice Chair- Dick Tucker nominated Steve Didier. Steve accepted the nomination. Paula Calcaterra nominated Twila Hornbeck. Twila accepted the nomination. Al called for a vote. Steve Didier received two votes. Twila Hornbeck received two votes. Al asked each nominee why they wanted to serve as Vice Chair. Al appointed Steve Didier as Vice Chair. Steve will replace Al on the Finance Committee.


Oct. 5 - Ethics Committee (12:00pm - 1:30pm in the Soltman Center) Oct. 18 - Strategic Action Planning (10:00am - 2:00pm in the Soltman Center) Oct. 20 - Interview Board candidates (1:00pm-4:00pm in the Soltman Center) Oct. 25 – Planning Committee (11:00am-12:00pm in the Soltman Center) Oct. 25 – Board meeting (12:30pm in the Soltman Center) Nov. 7 - Special Board meeting to review bids and award phase II contract (2:00pm in the Soltman Center)


Ethics- Twila reported from the Sept. 7th meeting.


ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to pay project costs in the amount of $20, 584.20 from the general fund. Steve Didier seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


ACTION: Steve Didier made a motion to approve all reports as presented. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to request 1) detailed nursing

Page 4 of 6 BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETING MINUTES September 27, 2016 report from the CNO 2) a financial breakdown of purchased services 3) HealthStream report. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.


Unfinished Business:  Approval of Disciplinary Policy  Communication box update  Irwin Drug update  Clinic phone system  Purchased Services report  Level 4 Trauma designation report  Marketing visits to employers  Staffing report

New Business:  IHA Board meeting report  IHA Conference report  SAP discussion following 10/18/16 meeting  Status of Board vacancies  KH visit report


Joe reported on a patient complaint regarding the clinics phone system. Discussion was held on the cost for a new phone system. Michelle said the clinic is doing a “call study” to collect data on all the issues. Darla has been investigating options but is doing it strategically and not reactionary. She gave an example quote for basic upgrades and to do a total change out of the system. Joe suggested adding this into the strategic action plan.

Transparency costs- Yvonne said she hasn’t implemented this yet but is hoping to do so in January 2017.

Marketing Committee to make visits to employers- The Board requested an oral status report at the October Board meeting.

340B program- Paula asked if there was a QI report set up with Cardinal Health as required for a 340B pharmacy. Lauren will follow up.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to go into Executive Session 74- 2016 (f) at 3:18pm to discuss pending litigation. Paula Calcaterra

Page 5 of 6 BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETING MINUTES September 27, 2016 seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

ACTION: Twila Hornbeck made a motion to go out of Executive Session at 4:15pm. Paula Calcaterra seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

Steve Didier made a motion to have Joe Wright draw up a promissory note and agreement papers for Irwin Drug. Dick Tucker seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

Joe presented a plan by a party who would like to buy the steak house lot. Discussion followed, most thinking they didn’t want to sell it, and for Joe Cladouhos to propose a long term lease for the lot.

Dick Tucker made a motion to have Joe Cladouhos propose a long term lease for the lot (formerly Ernie’s Steak House). Steve Didier seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried.

There being no further business, the regular meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm. The next Syringa Hospital & Clinics Board of Trustees meeting will be held Tuesday October 25, 2016 at 12:30pm at the Soltman Center.

______Twila Hornbeck; Syringa Hospital & Clinics Board of Trustee Secretary / Treasurer

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