Verse 20 . . . Good Soil Word Is Sown and Heard

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Verse 20 . . . Good Soil Word Is Sown and Heard

Verse 20 . . . Good Soil Word is sown and heard  Intentional gospel-sharing (words & action)

 The heart represented by the good soil is the only one of the four that is Sermon Notes . . . “The Parable of the Soils” truly saved . . . the Word is received Series: Parables Pastor  Salvation’s proof is fruit. Chris Text: Mark 4:1-20 March 22, 2015 HONEST / GOOD Heart arable . . . an earthly story with an underlying spiritual or moral  Hear the Word (and understands, Matt. 13.23) P teaching which is not always apparent immediately.  Accept the Word (holds fast, Lk. 8.15) Used primarily by Jesus to . . .  Bears fruit of the Word (30, 60, 100-fold INCREDIBLE yield!)  Give light to the searching heart and darkness to the unrepentant o Reveal knowledge for the purpose of salvation Life TRANSFORMATION is the key . . . the goal . . . the evidence of a o Conceal knowledge for the purpose of judgment good heart! Tragic outcome for 1st three soils. Mark 4:1-9 Word is sown and heard . . . then what? The sower went out to sow . . . Matthew 7.24, 26 . . . ACT on the Word 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be Four Soils Results compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. 26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a (v.4) Path/Road Seeds land on hard ground; cannot penetrate foolish man who built his house on the sand. Seeds eaten by birds / trampled underfoot

John 8.31-32 . . . CONTINUE in the Word 31Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My (v.5) Rocky soil Deceptive soil; looks good on surface word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth Thin layer of soil over rocky deposit (limestone bedrock) will make you free.” Seed sprouts quickly; no depth of root Scorched by sun and whithers James 1.22, 25 . . . DOERS of the Word 22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude (v.7) Thorny soil Weeds/thorns cut the seed off from nourishment & themselves. 25 But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and sunlight abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does. (v.8) Good soil Soft, receptive soil full of good nutrients and ample sunlight (30, 60, 100-fold INCREDIBLE yield! 7.5 avg. yield) NOT . . . the cleverness of the Sower (no info given on style, technique, personality) NOT . . . any special, synthetic addition to the Seed (to be acceptable to men) What does this mean?

Scatter Seed:  Fruit of your life o At work, At play, At home, At church Mark 4:14-20 fellowship, and take their place with enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. (William MacDonald, Believers Bible Commentary)

The Sower: Servant of God (Every believer) The Seed: Word of God (the gospel) Beware the False Conversion  1 Cor. 3 Each man’s work will be tested by fire The Soil: Heart of Man  Jn. 15 Non-fruit bearing branches are cut off and thrown away Verse 15 . . . Path/Road Word is sown and heard  Matt. 7 You will be known by your fruit “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown . Word immediately snatched away by Satan into the fire.” . Refusal to receive the Gospel Verses 18-19 . . . Thorns Word is sown and heard

HARD Heart  Begins well; other distractions prove too much for real  Sinner is unmoved and untroubled by the message; a determined “NO” growth  Lose interest in spiritual things Romans 2:4-5 4 Do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? 5 But because of your CROWDED Heart stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day (v.19) “but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes ______unfruitful.

Examples: Rich Young Ruler, Judas, Verses 16-17 . . . Rocks Word is sown and heard Demas (abandons the Lord for this present age)

. Received with joy (emotional response) 1 John 2:15-17 15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, . Quickly falls away; No real commitment (no depth of root) the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of SHALLOW Heart the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 The world is passing away, and also its (v.16) “only temporary . . . when affliction or persecution arises because of lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever. the word, immediately they fall away.” 1. Lust of the Flesh (sinful cravings of the heart/mind) 2. Lust of the Eyes (window to the soul) “Shallow earth yields a shallow profession.” (William MacDonald) 3. Pride of Life (a ‘blinding’ attempt to elevate self over God or others) “Seeks to ungod God” Thomas Watson  Deceptive heart; looks good on the surface  When times get tough, the cost is too great and they ABANDON  Gen. 3 Eve is tempted by Satan Christ o When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. Hebrews 6:4-8 “Apostasy” People who hear the gospel, making a profession of being Christians,  Matt. 4 Jesus is tempted by Satan (bread, temple, worldly fame) become identified with the Christian church, AND then abandon their profession of faith, decisively repudiate Christ, desert the Christian ______What must I do?

Romans 12.2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Hebrews 12.1-2 “let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, Sermon Notes . . . “The Parable of the Soils” . Word immediately s______a______by Series: Parables Pastor Satan Chris . R______to receive the Gospel Text: Mark 4:1-20 March 22, 2015 H Heart  Sinner is u______and u______by the message Parable . . . an earthly story with an underlying spiritual or moral Sermon Notes . . . “The Parable of the Soils” teaching which is not always apparent immediately. Series: Parables Pastor Chris Used primarily by Jesus to . . . Text: Mark 4:1-20 March 22,  Give light to the s______heart and darkness to the 2015 u______o Reveal knowledge for the purpose of s______o Conceal knowledge for the purpose of j______Parable . . . an earthly story with an underlying spiritual or moral teaching which is not always apparent immediately.

Mark 4:1-9 The sower went out to sow . . . Used primarily by Jesus to . . .  Give light to the s______heart and darkness to the Four Soils Results u______(v.4) Path/Road Seeds land on h______g______; cannot o Reveal knowledge for the purpose of s______penetrate Seeds e______by birds / t______o Conceal knowledge for the purpose of j______underfoot

(v.5) R______soil D______soil; looks good on surface Mark 4:1-9 The sower went out to sow . . .  Thin layer of soil over rocky deposit Seed sprouts q______; no depth of root Four Soils Results (v.4) Path/Road Seeds land on h______g______; cannot (v.7) T______soil Weeds/thorns cut the seed off from nourishment & penetrate sunlight Seeds e______by birds / t______underfoot (v.8) G______soil Soft, receptive soil full of good nutrients and ample sunlight (v.5) R______soil D______soil; looks good on surface (30, 60, 100-fold INCREDIBLE yield! 7.5 avg. yield)  Thin layer of soil over rocky deposit Seed sprouts q______; no depth of root

Mark 4:14-20 (v.7) T______soil Weeds/thorns cut the seed off from nourishment & sunlight The Sower: S______of God The Seed: W_____ of God (v.8) G______soil Soft, receptive soil full of good nutrients and ample sunlight The Soil: H______of Man (30, 60, 100-fold INCREDIBLE yield! 7.5 avg. yield)

Verse 15 . . . Path/Road Word is sown and heard Mark 4:14-20 3. Pride of L______(a ‘blinding’ attempt to elevate self)

The Sower: S______of God The Seed: W_____ of God Verse 20 . . . Good Soil Word is sown and heard The Soil: H______of Man  The heart represented by the good soil is the only one of the four that is truly s______. . . the Word is received. Salvation’s proof is f______. Verse 15 . . . Path/Road Word is sown and heard H / G Heart . Word immediately s______a______by Satan  H______the Word (and understands, Matt. 13.23) . R______to receive the Gospel  A______the Word (holds fast, Lk. 8.15)

H Heart  Bears f______of the Word  Sinner is u______and u______by the message Verses 16-17 . . . Rocks Word is sown and heard Word is sown and heard . . . then what? . Received with j_____ (emotional response) . Quickly falls away; No real c______(no Matthew 7.24, 26 . . . A______on the Word depth of root) John 8.31-32 . . . C______in the Word S Heart James 1.22, 25 . . . D______of the Word Verses 16-17 . . . Rocks Word is sown and heard  D______heart; looks good on the surface  When times get tough, the cost is too great and they ABANDON . Received with j_____ (emotional response) Christ . Quickly falls away; No real c______(no depth of root) Beware the False Conversion  1 Cor. 3 Each man’s work will be tested by fire S Heart Jn. 15 Non-fruit bearing branches are cut off and thrown away   D______heart; looks good on the surface  Matt. 7 You will be known by your fruit  When times get tough, the cost is too great and they ABANDON Christ

Verses 18-19 . . . Thorns Word is sown and heard Beware the False Conversion Begins well; other d______prove too much   1 Cor. 3 Each man’s work will be tested by fire for real growth  Jn. 15 Non-fruit bearing branches are cut off and thrown away  Lose interest in s______things  Matt. 7 You will be known by your fruit C Heart Verses 18-19 . . . Thorns Word is sown and heard 1 John 2:15-17  Begins well; other d______prove too much 1. Lust of the F______(sinful cravings of the heart/mind) for real growth 2. Lust of the E______(window to the soul)  Lose interest in s______things C Heart

1 John 2:15-17 1. Lust of the F______(sinful cravings of the heart/mind) 2. Lust of the E______(window to the soul) 3. Pride of L______(a ‘blinding’ attempt to elevate self)

Verse 20 . . . Good Soil Word is sown and heard  The heart represented by the good soil is the only one of the four that is truly s______. . . the Word is received. Salvation’s proof is f______.

H / G Heart

 H______the Word (and understands, Matt. 13.23)

 A______the Word (holds fast, Lk. 8.15)

 Bears f______of the Word

Word is sown and heard . . . then what? Matthew 7.24, 26 . . . A______on the Word John 8.31-32 . . . C______in the Word James 1.22, 25 . . . D______of the Word

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