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First United Methodist Church s1


First United Methodist Church 116 S. Franklin St. St. Louis, MI 48880 Return Service Requested


MORNING WORSHIP SCHEDULE 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Time 10:30 a.m. Coffee Hour (In between services) 11:00 a.m. New Beginnings Worship Time Children go to Sunday School during New Beginnings Worship Hour PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Pastor’s e-mail address: [email protected] SECRETARY’S OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Friday- Closed WEB ADDRESS: E-mail ADDRESS: [email protected] Facebook ADDRESS:

Ann Weems wrote a book called Kneeling in Bethlehem. It is one of my all time favorites to use as a devotional for Advent and Christmas. She has a poem that really speaks to me and I want to share just a part of it with you. It’s from This Year Will Be Different. “This year we intend to follow the Star instead of the crowd. But, of course, we always do intend the best. (And sometimes best intentions get the best of us!) This year, when we find ourselves off the path again (and we invariably will!), let’s not add yet another stress to our Advent days, that of “trying to do Christmas correctly”! Instead let’s approach the birth of our Lord with joyful abandon!” And this year- Let’s do what Mary did and rejoice in God, Let’s do what Joseph did and listen to our dreams, Let’s do what the Wise Men did and go to worship, Let’s do what the shepherds did and praise and glorify God for all we’ve seen and heard! As for the Advent frantic pace, we don’t have time for that. We’ll be too busy singing! This year will be different!

That is my prayer for us this Christmas. We can get so caught up with the demands of Christmas that we don’t get to experience it. We slip into the world’s vision of Christmas. We forget that others may not even know what Christmas is all about. For some it is just a holiday that they may get an extra day off of work or perhaps they have the opportunity to work on Christmas to earn some extra income. Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t embrace the world’s version of Christmas and embrace a Christmas centered on a hope that doesn’t disappoint us. John 3:16 tells us that God loved us so much that he sent his son for us. He came that we might be forgiven and have hope of eternal life. If we believe that Jesus is God’s son, and unwrap the Christ of Christmas, then we have that hope! Christmas is a wonderful season and one of the best opportunities to share our faith with others. We can share the light of Christ and allow others to see Christ in us. It is a time we can lavishly love and serve others expecting nothing in return. This year our Leadership Team decided to do an every door direct mailing to invite everyone in the St. Louis zip code to our Christmas events. Personal invitations are the best but this is another way to get the word out. I want you to think about what friends and neighbors you have that you might be able to invite to come and experience the joy of Christmas this year. Christmas is one of the best times for people to visit a church. We are going to have an open house at the church this year instead of at the parsonage. We need friendly faces here to greet guests, refreshments that tantalize their taste buds, and a willingness to show the hospitality and welcoming of a Christian community of faith. There will be crafts, singing, and something for all ages. We are also offering a Blue Christmas service for those who struggle at Christmas. Our Christmas Eve services will be at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. this year. Our morning service will be led by our praise band and the 7 p.m. service will be a traditional candlelight service. The story of Jesus Christ will be shared in a variety of ways this Christmas. There are opportunities to bless those who are in need this year as well. The youth are doing a mitten and scarf tree for area schools. We will have a Salvation Army tree, and will once again help the family we adopted last year at Christmas. Our special Christmas offering will go in our emergency fund here at the church to help with heating, medicine, or other larger needs as they arise. Who will you share new life with this Christmas? May you also experience the peace and hope of Christ as you share Christ this season. Merry Christmas! December Birthdays

If your birthday was missed during the year, contact the office so it can be added-please. Birthday pictures are always welcome for display on the screen during announcements. (past or present)

Sunday School Teacher/ Assistant(s) Schedule If you would like to help out with Sunday School, please contact the church office. We are always looking for new people to help us out!! Thank you. *Remember, there is no Sunday School the first Sunday of the month. We want the children to be involved with Communion Sunday.

Sunday Teacher Assistant Assistant December 10 Karen Galloway Pam Amiels December 17 Nicki Crandall Sally Monroe Leah Chvojka December 24 Deb Brune Jeri Shook December 31 Deb Brune Volunteer??? Dylan Crandall January 7 Deb Brune Pam Amiels January 14 Nicki Crandall Sally Monroe January 28 Karen Galloway Jeri Shook Leah Chvojka

FROM THE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The final month of the year is upon us and this means we will have our Annual Christmas Party on December 6th at 12:00 p.m. This is hosted by Carrie Knause Circle serving the meal and Dorcas Circle in charge of the program, which is the Barbershoppers singing for us. Instead of a gift exchange, we can give a donation to one of three local charities. Baskets will be available. We will have a “Cookie Walk” on December 17th, between the church services. The goodies will be $4.00 a pound. Help is needed and a sign-up sheet will be at the Christmas Party.

Merry Christmas, Gladys

December 17th will be our Christmas Cookie - Candy Walk, at 10:30 a.m. during Fellowship time in between the two services, in Fellowship Hall. So, ladies of the UMW, we need you to make some delicious cookies & candies that the congregation can’t resist. This will be our last money making project for the year. As always, any money we make goes to our mission projects this year, or to begin 2017.


Michigan Conference Update

NEW EXISTING WMC & DAC DISTRICTS CHURCHE MULTI DISTRIC S PT T CHARGE S 1 Grand Traverse, Marquette 54 14 2 Heartland, Grand Traverse, Saginaw Bay 76 15 3 Blue Water, Heartland, Saginaw Bay 88 15 4 Heartland, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo 91 11 5 Ann Arbor, Crossroads, Heartland, Lansing 89 16 6 Blue Water, Crossroads 98 17 7 Albion, Kalamazoo 105 20 8 Albion, Ann Arbor, Lansing 99 16 9 Ann Arbor, Blue Water, Crossroads, Detroit 79 3 Renaissance Youth are not just the future of the church. They are the church today. We can learn from them, encourage them, teach them, and uphold them in prayer. And aren’t these the things we do with and for our adult members as well? In three of the gospels, Jesus says, “Let the children come to me…,” but Mark actually says that he was indignant when the disciples spoke sternly to those bringing the children. Mark says, “But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mark 10:14, NRSV). I think sometimes, we need to take this idea more seriously. Luke is the only gospel writer who gives us a glimpse into Jesus as a child. Jesus himself was a leader as a 12-year old in the temple. “After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers” (Luke 2:46-47, NRSV). Keep in mind: a 12-year old male is also known today as “a Middle School boy.” Our youth are doing some great things now! When we started the youth group we had 5 youth that were attending. Every youth group meeting that number has increased! Currently we have around 12 youth who regularly attend youth group and they have been coming for the “extra stuff” too. Youth are attending community meals and offering to help clean up. Some youth helped decorate the church for Christmas this past Sunday. A youth volunteered to help finish the painting of the youth group room; have you stopped in to see how great it looks? The Middle School and High School students in our churches are a gift to us! May we join them in ministry and heed Jesus’ command to include them. While we do hope our youth are around to lead the church in the future, let us not overlook them today. The youth are the church, with the rest of us. The youth will be leading crafts for the kids at the Church open house on December 10. Our youth will be helping the community schools by doing a mitten, hats and scarves collection during the month of December. There will be a mitten tree in the youth group room for you to drop off hats, mittens and scarves if you would like to donate. Our youth will also be selecting 2 children from the Angel Tree to buy for this year.

The youth will be leading crafts for the kids at the Church open house on December 10th. Our youth will be helping the community schools by doing a mitten, hats and scarves collection during the month of December. There will be a mitten tree in the youth group room for you to drop off hats, mittens and scarves if you would like to donate. Our youth will also be selecting 2 children from the Angel Tree to buy for this year.

More Youth Group Information on following page… PLEASANT VALLEY CHRISTMAS SERVICE DECEMBER *Events Not At Church PM- ACTVITIES IN CAPITAL LETTERS F.H. = Fellowship Hall SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 10:00 TOPS (a.m.) *9:00 Wheeler 7:00 ADULT Christmas Bazaar EUCHRE NIGHT

3 Communion 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sunday 6:30 BOY SCOUTS 7:00 Prayer Care 12:00 CARRIE 12:00 IRVIN HALL 7:00 LEADERSHIP 9:30 Art Class KNAUSE & DORCAS RENTAL MEETING 6:00 CUB CIRCLE CHRISTMAS 12:15 YOUTH SCOUTS PARTY GROUP 7:00 PRAISE 7:00 KINGDOM BAND SEEKERS REHEARSE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F.H. 8:00 UMM 6:30 BOY SCOUTS 7:00 Prayer Care 7:00 KINGDOM 4:30 SOUP *11:00 American *7:00 PLEASANT Breakfast 9:30 Art Class SEEKERS SUPPER Legion Aux. Cookie VALLEY WORSHIP 2:00 COMMUNITY 6:00 CUB Walk SERVICE OPEN HOUSE SCOUTS 7:00 PRAISE BAND REHEARSE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 NEWSLETTER 6:30 BOY SCOUTS 7:00 Prayer Care 7:00 KINGDOM DEADLINE 7:00 BLUE 9:30 Art Class SEEKERS 10:30 UMW Cookie CHRISTMAS 6:00 CUB Walk SERVICE SCOUTS 12:15 YOUTH 7:00 PRAISE GROUP BAND REHEARSE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Christmas Eve Christmas Day 7:00 Prayer Care 12:30 FOLD 11:00 Family Office Closed 9:30 Art Class NEWSLETTER Christmas Eve 6:00 CUB 7:00 KINGDOM Service SCOUTS SEEKERS 7:00 TRADITIONAL 7:00 PRAISE CHRISTMAS EVE BAND SERVICE REHEARSE

31 NOTES: NEW YEARS EVE AA Meetings Monday - Friday Prayer Care meets 12:00 – 1:00pm: at 7a.m. at the Bakers Dozen Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays 8:00-9:00pm

Worship Assistants CHECK THE SCHEDULE AND SEE IF YOUR NAME IS ON IT! If for some reason you can’t usher, greet, or do west door greeter the week you are scheduled, Please call someone on the list and trade days. Also please let the church office know of any changes so the names are right in the bulletin. Thanks so much for your help! Date Ushers Phone East Door Phone West Door Phone Connector Phone Greeter Greeter 9:30 Service Traditional Worship Hour December 3 Larry & 681-2446 Julie 681-2995 John 681-2295 Deb Brune 295-5149 Communion Arlene Salters Shimunek Shimunek Sunday December 10 Fred & Kay 763-8331 Mary 681-2738 JoAnn Jones 289-6890 Gladys 681-2254 Clark Reichard Poindexter December 17 Dan & Mary 681-5243 Amber 989-280- David 989-412-3617 Nancy 681-2338 Doepker MacLaren 7329 MacLaren Hodges December 24 Rich & Cheryl 989-235-1402 Heather 989-576- Matt Reinke 989-272-4282 Carol 681-3352 (7:00 p.m.) Sabatovich Small 1445 Tennant December 31 Stan & Lynn 681-5829 Joyce 388-6447 Lynn Benn 388-6447 Marge 436-1073 McMann Benn Clapp 11:00 Service New Beginnings Worship Hour December 3 Larry & 681-2446 Pam 681-5338 Ken Weber 681-8112 Communion Arlene Salters Amiels Connectors from the 1st Sunday service will connect December 10 Fred & Kay 763-8331 Karen 681-3046 Rich 763-0389 before the 1st service Clark Galloway Sabatovich and during coffee hour. December 17 David Davis & 989-225-1295 Becky 989-285- Bob Shook 480-255-4792 Thank you. Bonnie & Zelmer 0600 Richardson 681-3973 December 24 Greg & Karen 989-317-6135 Bonnie 681-3973 Phil Raske 681-3875 Jerry 681-5030 (11:00 a.m.) Harger Richardso Lewis n December 31 Lou Irvin & Jo 463-5522 & Nicki 285-5959 Jeff Crandall 810-334-8400 Ward 681-3995 Crandall Worship Assistants CHECK THE SCHEDULE AND SEE IF YOUR NAME IS ON IT! If for some reason you can’t usher, greet, or do west door greeter the week you are scheduled, Please call someone on the list and trade days. Also please let the church office know of any changes so the names are right in the bulletin. Thanks so much for your help! Date Ushers Phone East Door Phone West Door Phone Connector Phone Greeter Greeter 9:30 Service Traditional Worship Hour January 7 Larry & 681-2446 Connie 681-5224 Jim Clarke 681-5224 Nicki 285-5959 Communion Arlene Salters Clarke Crandall Sunday January 14 Carol Tennant 681-3352 Jane 681-3405 Ron Tennant 681-3405 Jerry Lewis 681-5030 & Karen & 681-3046 Tennant Galloway January 21 Fred & Kay 763-8331 Sally 875-3467 John Monroe 875-3467 Judy 681-5552 Clark Monroe Sparling January 28 Phil & 681-3875 Peggy 681-2823 Dean Clark 463-1413 Phyllis 463-1413 Marilouise Mikek Clark Raske 11:00 Service New Beginnings Worship Hour January 7 Larry & 681-2446 Jeff 810-334- Craig Tubbs 681-5344 Communion Arlene Salters Crandall 8400 Sunday January 14 Bob Shook & 480-255-4792 Jeri Shook 285-8163 Ken Weber 681-8112 Connectors from the 1st Becky Zelmer & service will connect 285-0600 before the 1st service January 21 Fred & Kay 763-8331 Bonnie 681-3973 David Davis 989-225-1295 and during coffee hour. Clark Richardso n Thank you. January 28 Linda Johnson 989-560-0602 Leah 989-285- Dylan 989-285-5959 & Jo Ward & Chvojka 5959 Crandall 681-3995

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