Present M T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, C Brown, J Clark, a Knowles, a Swinden, E Wright

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Present M T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, C Brown, J Clark, a Knowles, a Swinden, E Wright

Minutes of a meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th June 2013 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road, Wimblington at 7.00pm

Present M T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, C Brown, J Clark, A Knowles, A Swinden, E Wright, R Wright (Clerk), P Hart, M Moulton, F Bellard.

Apologies for Absence E Gowler, P Crawford, P Jolley

Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare Any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting. M T Davis & G Bellard FYR13/0332/F G Dhillon 9 March Road

760/13 Wimblington Surgery Dr Simon Hambling reported that Doddington Medical Centre had been given a month’s notice to vacate the surgery at Governors Close, Wimblington by Mrs Goswami. The property has been occupied since 2008 without a Formal lease and a new that was drawn up was unacceptable. Also the property is a domestic dwelling and as such does not conform to Current Fire Regulations and the fabric of the building is poor. It would cost too much to bring it up to NHS acceptable Levels. Three years ago plans to move to North Witch ford Lodge were drawn up and in August 2012 a planning application was Submitted, but objections by residents and the Highways department have prevented its approval. Dr Hambling was certain that the application would succeed but it suggested would take time and if they were to lose the Governors Close surgery temporary accommodation would be required in the very near future. A purpose built port-a-cabin could be the option but a suitable site would be required. Two possible sites suggested were Parkfield or the car park adjoining the hall. The Councillors felt that the car Park would be most suitable site as it had connections for water, electricity, sewerage and a phone line. Concerns were raised about parking. The Chairman had spoken to Alison Callaby of FDC who did not see a problem with the surgery being sited on the car park. The Council fully supported the proposals for a surgery on the car park should termination of the lease be given on 28th June. Dr Hambling was thanked for his report and was assured that the Council would do all they could to maintain a Surgery in the village.

761/13 Confirmation of minutes – RESOLVED – that the minutes of meeting held on 14th May 2013 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.

762/13 Police representative report – Pcso Martin Bogunovic reported upon the crimes for May - Manea Road theft of purse from vehicle, theft of items from remote area and theft from shed Doddington Road. It was also reported that a speed watch had been undertaken on the 7rth May and eight vehicles were stopped. On 12th June – New Horizons bus will be at Eaton Estate between 11am – 1pm. A meeting a Cambridgeshire HQ to discuss the way forward with speed watch will take place.

763/13 Matters Arising a) CATS – Further to minute 751/13(b) the Clerk reported that CATS had removed the shed from the car park but wooden frames had been left on site. The Clerk would contact CATs requesting that the items be removed within seven days or else the Council will dispose of them. b) Rubbish – Further to minute 754/13(c) – The Council agreed to monitor the problem of rubbish around the parish. c) Flag Pole – Further to minute 758/13(f) FDC confirmed that planning approval would not be required. The Clerk presented a leaflet about flag poles. It was agreed that up to £250 would be allocated for a pole. Cllr Knowles reported that he had a pole surplus to his requirements and would gladly give it to the Council. It was agreed that the Clerk would look at the pole and report back.

764/13 Income Expenditure a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment British Gas Gas at hall 869.16 173.83 1042.99 Anglian Water Water – hall & playing field 75.61 Fenland D C Hall rates 120.00 British Gas Hall maintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00 e.on Electricity pavilion 22.16 1.11 23.27 R Wright Clerks salary 612.21 Mrs M Moulton Booking Clerk 80.47 R Barker Caretaker 123.80 Cambs CC Clerks pension 229.33 Green Wood Tree Surgery Tree work churchyard 250.00 50.00 300.00 M A Wright Work at cemetery & hall 70.00 T Hampson Grass cutting 1020.00 204.00 1224.00 b) The Clerk presented a schedule showing income of £10,798.32 & expenditure of £9,609.49. The Clerk was asked to obtain up to date accounts for Parkfield. c) Risk Management & health & Safety – the Chairman reported that checks on the allotments, cemetery, and hall were being undertaken.

765/13 Planning Observations on the following applications FYR13/0332/F G Dhillon 9 March Road – new access – no objections but concerns were raised that the work had already been completed and the application was received after the Consultation date. The Chairman reported that Mr W J Scott had contacted her and stated that he had no objections to FYR130276/F.

766/13 Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport a) Street lights – Cllr Brown reported that the column in the War memorial Playing Field was leaning. The Clerk would investigate. The Chairman reported that Cambs C C had responded to the complaint from Mr Dickerson at Meadow Way South but they had no way of re-instating the removed column. b) Footpaths and highway issues. Reports of over grown vegetation issues on the Bridge Lane to Eaton Estate footpath had been received and would be passed onto Cambs C C. Cllr Clark reported that the speed sign at the top of Bridge Lane was covered, damage to the road surface at 11 Bridge Lane, vegetation at the bus stop at the junction with March Road and the rubbish and overgrown vegetation at 5 Bridge Lane. It was noted that a soil mound had been placed at the end of Bridge Lane. c) Unauthorised signs – when signs are a problem highways staff will take action – The Clerk referred to the Highways policy on signs: - Signs fixed to tree or structure that interfere with the safe movement of road users will be removed without notice. Signs on their own post will be removed within one month of complaint Signs fixed to vans or other vehicles - seek assistance of police. It was felt that signs advertising local events were acceptable provided that they did not interfere with public safety. The selling of cars on the verge near Mill Hill roundabout and the Jools Holland concert signs would be reported to highways

767/13 Recreation Ground a) WMPF – J Clarke had nothing to report b) Parkfield – The Clerk had spoken to P Jolley and there were no issues at Parkfield.

768/13 New Cemetery/Churchyard a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that he was looking into the levelling of the sunken plots. b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard – No report from Cllr P Crawford had been received. The work to the oak tree had been undertaken and it was agreed that Green Wood Tree Surgery would be asked to provide the maps for the tree survey.

769/13 Parish hall a) General matters – It was agreed that the grey tables could be used for the Fun Day as it was a Parish Council lead activity. b) Other matters - Cllr Davis had no matters to report.

770/13 Correspondence & Other matters Cllr Wright reported that the oil scheme was still operating successfully. Cllr Clark mentioned that a sponsor for coconuts for the Fun day was required.

771/13 Date of Next Meeting 9th July 2013 The meeting was closed at 20.10 PUBLIC TIME P Hart mentioned that a tree over hanging the footpath at Norfolk Street opposite the Anchor was causing a problem. The Clerk would refer the matter to Cambs C C

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