Minutes of the AICC Public Health Group
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PRESENT: Jane Russell, Active Change Co-ordinator, ACVO - CHAIR Joanne Adamson, Public health co-ordinator Aberdeen City CHP Magdalena Bereza, equality Development Officer, Grampian Police Mike Cordiner, Station Manager, Prevention & Protection FRS Irene Fraser, Smoke Free Homes & Cars Co-ordinator, Aberdeen city CHP Maureen Heddle, Aberdeen Foyer Kevin Leslie, Youth and Tobacco advisor - NHSG Graeme Paton, Principle Trading Standards Officer - ACC Derek Petrie, NHSG Tobacco Control Co-ordinator - NHSG
APOLOGIES: Christine Cook, Aberdeen City Council Housing Dept Maria Nika, Smoking Cessation Advisor, RCH Averil Ferries, Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator - ACC Lisa Duthie, Health Team Manager, Aberdeen Foyer Linda Smith, Public Health Lead, Aberdeen City CHP
In attendance: Mag Campbell, Health Improvement Officer, Neighbourhoods George Sangster, Safer Communities national Representative, Grampian Police Angela Smith, NHS Grampian Tobacco & Training Co-ordinator - Item 5 Anna Britain, Public Health Team Administrator (Minute)
Jane welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
Were noted.
The Minute was noted and approved.
Communities Fund – No one had any information on this and Jane felt there was a need to connect to this regarding tobacco work. JR
Page 1 NO. ITEM ACTION LTA Engagement & Showcase Event
The feedback received had been very positive other than the room being too small. Following discussion it was agreed that consideration be given to holding this on an annual basis if it was felt that there was a need and it would be useful.
Survey Monkey
Kevin said that it had been agreed that this would be undertaken around 6 months following the event and this would still be the case. The results should KL be available for the December meeting.
Angela Smith attended the meeting to discuss the Tobacco Training Plan for 2013 – 2015 which she tabled. This had been put in place to encourage training for professionals within the NHS and other agencies. Derek pointed out that the e.learning was only available to NHS staff for the moment but were hoping to make this available wider.
Magdalena said that she had completed the ‘Raising the Issue of Smoking’ training with The Foyer and felt, the first section (the e-questionaire) was too long but she was yet to attend the face to face session, though overall she felt it was very good. Angela said that for the Health Scotland survey, it could be tailored to specific needs and anything not relevant could be removed. Angela ALL suggested making comments at the end as the survey which goes back to Health Scotland.
Jane drew attention to the good feedback response on the Welfare Reform survey which was 10 to 15 minutes long.
An electronic copy will be circulated and Angela asked that people disseminate this within their teams and encourage them to complete. She said she would be happy to go to teams to undertake the training.
It was agreed that Angela and Joanne meet up to discuss the template prior to JA/AS circulation.
Jane suggested that in an effort to encourage more awareness of the LTA and the good work being undertaken towards reducing smoking, any related articles ALL/ASB be highlighted in as many appropriate publications as possible. To enable this to be arranged could anyone with a relevant article forward this to Anna.
Derek said that the Press & Journal were very sympathetic with promoting the ‘Ban Smoking campaign’ on the ARI site.
Joanne drew attention to the proposed LTA banner which will be open as a competition with one of the city schools that work is currently being undertaken in. Jane advised that RGU had offered as a prize to take the winning class or pupil around Grays School of Art.
The feedback from Irene and Mag had been circulated and all that had attended were in agreement that it had been very useful and interesting. One of the issues which had been raised was the use of electronic cigarettes which delivers nicotine in massive amounts much more than regular cigarettes.
These are not regulated at the moment and Kevin advised that the NHS do not offer these as form of reducing smoking. There is growing evidence of an increase in chest infection. Kevin went on to say that the NHS standpoint on electronic cigarettes is that they can only used were regular cigarettes are smoked. Jane confirmed that RGU had banned them on their premises.
Graeme pointed out that although not regulated by the medical body they are regulated under general product use and as such there are various options that trading standards can be involved. Another concern is that they are not regulated by age constriction. It was felt that the Scottish Government should be regulating these. George indicated that nationally ‘Choices for Life’ will be looking into this.
It was felt that it was important to have a guidance document on the use of electronic cigarettes in place and it was agreed that Derek and Joanne would DP/JA/GP meet up and discuss this running it past Graeme prior to circulation.
Jane pointed out the importance of keeping the Action Plan updated and said that she would like to meet up with each individual member to discuss progress and explore ways of supporting each other’s remits and exchange of appropriate data. This will also give an opportunity to look at any barriers being faced and consider what support can be given.
Derek and Joanne will be looking at terms of measuring impact on the population and looking at what indicators could be used. Derek pointed out that all three CHPs had significant differences.
Derek explained that Health Boards statistics had been produced as a book and said that Aberdeen CHP was doing quite well although smoking in pregnancy and the quit smoking figures were below average and this was being looked into. Joanne pointed out that the statistics were against the Scottish average and the British average would be lower.
Derek drew attention to the Tobacco Control Alliance and said he would encourage someone from the LTA attend on a regular basis. This meets quarterly and is a forum for sharing good practice.
Jane asked that if anyone was interested in attending the next Tobacco Control Alliance to let Anna know and arrangements will be made. Any costs would be ALL/ASB covered by the LTA.
Graeme said that he would source what is going on in other areas and feed back to the LTA as Trading Standards usual are aware of what is going on in their GP area.
Page 3 NO. ITEM ACTION In closing the discussion Jane said the hope is to move to a ‘Logic Model’ Action Plan and she would be make contact with everyone soon and an updated Action ALL Plan will be disseminated before the December meting.
Fresher Futures Project - Maureen gave an update on this ‘Fresher Future’ project at Aberdeen Foyer. She advised that they were engaging with 12 other agencies. Raising the Issue courses were continuing and 11 courses had been run with 69 people trained. Targets were being giving and these were being followed up. They had found that they were reaching further than had been anticipated and would be building on that. Maureen went on to say that, to increase engagement, they had developed a Bronze, Silver and Gold system which gives a sense of achievement.
Smoke free Homes & cars Project – Irene gave a brief outline of the project for the benefit of attendees that were not familiar with the project. Irene explained that the training could be tailored to suit and any group that wished to undertake this training should contact her.
Mike raised the issue of safe disposal and asked if this could be included in the IF/MC training and Irene will link up with Mike regarding this.
Derek drew attention to the tobacco budget being reviewed in October and the importance of identifying the plans for usage of the allocation to the City prior to this.
Jane asked that any ideas for tobacco projects that could be supported by ALL/JA funding to be sent to Joanne as soon as possible.
Kevin said that pilot work was being done in Bucksburn, Harlaw and St Machar schools and were looking at statistics within these areas to build a picture around tobacco usage.
Graeme pointed out that Trading Standards have volunteers at Bucksburn and St Machar as kids have been caught selling cigarettes outside the school. He said it would be useful to have the statistics across the city.
Mike said that cigarettes were the cause of fires with the highest fatalities. He IF/KL/JA/ suggested making packs available to the Fire Service on Smoking Cessation, Cash MC in your Pocket and Smoke free Homes & Cars.
Derek asked if Mike was aware of the Refresh Programme lead by Dr Steve Turner at ARI which was a smoke monitoring programme and suggested Mike contact him.
George felt that there was massively under reporting in the statistics available and said it would be good to get more accurate reporting. He would be happy to MB/GS share the statistics he had to the LTA.
Graeme felt that Trading Standards had statistics that could be shared with the GP police on illegal cigarettes and would look into this.
Page 4 NO. ITEM ACTION It was felt that illegal cigarettes had an even larger health risk than regulated cigarettes and communication should go out to communities especially the vulnerable and ethnic minorities.
Following discussion Jane asked that all LTA members be encouraged to share ALL information with each other.
Membership was discussed and it was agreed that the following should be invited and encouraged to take up membership. Children’s Services Education Universities/college Mental Heath Young Scott Licensing Board ALL Any further suggestions to be emailed to Anna.
Jane advised that Dorothy Askew would be taking up membership representing Housing.
George Sangster advised that, as he was not a member of the LTA, any relevant information he received would be passed onto Andy Verreydt to pass to the LTA.
12. A.O.C.B.
There was no further business.
13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting is changed to 17th December at 9.30 am in CHP Meeting Room at Summerfield House.
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