Notes of the Meeting of the Councils of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead and the R

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Notes of the Meeting of the Councils of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead and the R

Beausejour Brokenhead Fire Committee June 10, 2009 7:00 p.m. Beausejour Brokenhead Fire Hall

The following represent “notes” from a meeting of the Council of the Town of Beausejour and the Council of the Rural Municipality Joint Fire Committee. Commitments made at this meeting are outlined only for the purpose of providing direction for the reasons of research or follow-up. It is recognized that any formal follow-up requires the formal approval of the Council of the Town of Beausejour and the Council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead as approved through a resolution passed by the majority of the members of both Councils.

Present: Councilor Melvin Rattai, Chair Councilor Ed Dubray, Town of Beausejour Councilor Teresa Gmiterek, Town of Beausejour

Staff: Ms. Christine Hutlet, CAO, RM of Brokenhead Mr. James Fenske, CA), Town of Beausejour Fire Chief Jamie Kines Deputy Fire Chief Bob Rittwage Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Keefe Captain Dean Mineault Lieutenant Chad Schick Lieutenant Derek Holigroski

Regrets: Councilor Doug Thomasson, R. M. of Brokenhead

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

1. Minutes

MOVED Councilor Dubray SECONDED Councilor Gmiterek

THAT the minutes of the March 11, 2009 meeting of the Fire Committee be accepted as circulated. CARRIED

2. Fire Chiefs Departmental Report

Chief Kines submitted a written report, attached, of Departmental activities since the last meeting.

The Chief highlighted the following:  There have been 29 Calls since the last meeting for a total of 40 to-date, which is 5 less than for the same period in 2008 most probably due to the weather.  The current rooster of the Department stands at 27, with 14 trained firefighters, 3 firefighters that are semi active, 3 radio operators, 5 trainees, and 2 probationary firefighters and 1 firefighter off on medical leave due to a non-work related accident.  The Chief indicated that the Quad has proven extremely successful in fighting grass fires.  The Department has been active in the area of Public Education in terms of working with children and providing to Sunrise School Division training in the use of Fire Extinguishers. It was also noted that the Department has been requested to provide additional training sessions for Sunrise School Division.

1 MOVED Councilor Dubray SECONDED Councilor Gmiterek

THAT the Fire Chiefs Departmental Report be accepted as presented. CARRIED

3. Items arising from the Minutes

a) Beausejour Hotel

CAO Hutlet reported that the information provided to the Committee had been turned over to the Brokenhead River Planning District Development Officer to investigate and at this time there was nothing to report.

4. Biodiesel Plant(s)

a) Eastman Bio-Fuels

The Chief indicated that a full scale exercise is still scheduled to take place although the actual timing of this event has still to be determined. It was also indicated that the proponent for Eastman Bio-fuels has some concerns regarding the cost of the foam, and therefore, may be approaching the Rural Municipality regarding this issue..

b) Brokenhead River Bio-Fuels

The CAO for the RM indicated that there is an issue with the registration of the Agreement because the property title has not transferred. The Chief indicated that they still require additional information from Brokenhead River Bio-fuels before a formal response plan can be developed.

c) Pumper Retro-fit

The Chief indicated that the retro-fit to the Pumper has been complete. CAO Hutlet requested that the Town bill the Municipality in order to permit the Municipality of recovery these costs.


1. CAO Fenske is to have a bill forwarded to the Rural Municipality for the cost for the Retro-fit, which is to be shared by both projects.

5. Tanker Status – Repair Update

Fire Chief Kines provide a detailed report, attached, comparing the cost for the replacement of the Tanker with comparative costs for the replacement of the tank plus other items for the current Tanker. Although the cost of a retro-fit was significant less the Chief pointed out that the actual estimate would be closer to $47,000.00 and this does not include other mechanical issue, which would have to be addressed in the near future.

The secondary critical issue was also the fact that the Unit would be out-of-service for a significant period of time and the back-up services for this vehicle are simply not suitable either by size or time to the scene.

It was also noted that the Fire Water Tanker, although required to meet Provincial requirements did not need to have NFPA Certificantion.;

MOVED Councilor Gmiterek SECONDED Councilor Dubray

THAT the Beausejour-Brokenhead Fire Committee recommends to the Council of the Town of Beausejour and the Council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead that the Fire Department be directed to prepare the necessary documentation for the preparation of a Tender or a Request for Proposals for the purchase of a Fire Water Tanker to meet the requirements of the Beausejour-Brokenhead Fire Department. CARRIED

2 Considering the current full-time employment status of the Fire Chief it was pointed out the Deputy Chief Rittwage would be the member of the Officer Corp responsible for the preparation of the Tender or Request for Proposal documentation.


1. CAO Hutlet and Fenske will take the recommendation of the Fire Committee to their next Council Meeting for a formal approval. 2. Upon receiving the formal approval the Department will prepare the necessary documentation with the actual submissions to be received by the CAO of the Town of Beausejour.

6. Fire Department Budget

The Committee was provided with a copy of the 2009-2010 Budget and advised that the budget had been approved as submitted.

7. Lockbox Program

Captain Dean Mineault indicated he is responsible for the implementation of the proposed program and the biggest issue is finding someone who can administer the program as the administrative work and follow-up requires someone available during normal (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm) working hours.

The critical issue is the administration of the program, working with the installer, handling cash and key changes.


1. The Department will continue its attempts to find someone available and capable to administer the initiative.

8. Fire Fighting Personnel

a) Additional Benefits

This was a discussion regarding the Town’s RRSP Program, which is available to individuals hired on a contract basis. Because the Town’s share of this program is based on “benefits” it may not be to the advantage to the members of the Fire Department. The program would be developed on an individual basis, and therefore, any individual within the Fire Department interested in the program should deal with the Administration individually. We can explain the process and then the individual can decide if there is a benefit.

b) Loss of Regular Employment Wages

The report from the Administration, attached, pointed out that within other departments, in a similar situation, the issue of compensation for lost wages did not seem to be an issue. Additionally, the report from the Fire Chief, also attached, was reviewed. It was pointed out by the Chief that during the past year there has only been one situation where this may have occurred

One of the critical issue of this situation is the rules of precedence, as established through a written policy, would have to be developed in order to ensure the implementation of the policy is consistently applied equitably in all situations and with all members of the Department.

The Chief asked whether or not the Committee, Town and Rural Municipality would be willing to give consideration to the Department’s request for “lost wage/benefit compensation” if the department undertook a “test” for the remainder of the 2009 year. This “test” would demonstrate the impact of the proposal on the municipal budget plus provide a test for the pre-established procedures.

3 ACTION 1. The Chief is to provide to the Town and Rural Municipal Administrators a plan, including of the regulations which might form part of a possible future policy statement, for discussion and consideration. 2. If the CAOs feel there is enough information to provide a real “test” of such a policy they will forward the information to both Council’s for consideration. The CAOs will contact the Fire Chief if they have questions or if questions arise from the discussions within Council.

c) Recognition

The Fire Chief asked if it was possible to develop some type of recognition program for Fire Fighters. For example Fire Fighters who receive their Level 1 Certification or Fire Fighters that have served the Community over a period of time. It was suggested that the Committee and the members of Council would support such an idea although there would need to be some type of criteria in order to ensure fairness across the corporation and within the Fire Department.

It was also suggested the Department would have to track this information and provide the detail to the Administration for presentation to Council. Additionally, the Administration would need the information in time to prepare the necessary items for such a recognition program.

ACTION: 1. The Department is to put some of their thoughts in writing and the CAOs will pursue the implementation with the members of Council once this information is provided by the Department.

9. New Fire Hall - Planning

The report, attached, prepared by the Administration was reviewed. It was pointed out that this report was prepared because the intent is not to construct a replacement Fire Hall but rather to create a new facility that would house the Town of Beausejour and the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead Fire Suppression and Fire Prevention Service for the next 30-years. With this in mind the development process must go beyond simply looking at “what is” to “what might be”.

A fair question raised was whether or not a new Fire Hall was “written in stone”. Members of the Fire Department Officer Core were advised that at this time both Councils are committed and understand the requirement for a new facility. Will this facility be a capital priority with two new Councils after the October 2010 election is a total unknown. The issue is to put in place a process in order to sustain this capital project into the future.

The consensus of the meeting was to implement the process as soon as possible in order to ensure that capital project remains within the needs of both municipalities.

MOVED Councilor Gmiterek SECONDED Councilor Dubray

That the Beausejour-Brokenhead Fire Committee recommends to the Council of the Town of Beausejour and the Council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead that the process for developing the design criteria for a new Fire Hall be a follows:

Phase 1 Leading the Implementation Process Phase 2 Determine what we are building . Fire Services Today – In the future . Community Size . Population . Population Demographics . Population Trends . Urban . Settlement Centres . Rural Area

4 Phase 3 Site Selection . Number of Location(s) . Site Selection Criteria . Area . Service Provision Issues Phase 4 Building Requirements . Vehicles . Training . Housing . Office . Equipment Phase 5 Engineering/Architectural Services . Conceptual Design . Construction Estimate Phase 6 Tender Preparation and Evaluation . Engineered Drawings Phase 7 Construction

AND FURTHER THAT the CAOs be directed to prepare the Terms of Reference for the “New Fire Hall Sub-committee” for the approval of both Councils.

AND FURTHER THAT the membership on the “New Fire Hall Sub-committee be as follows:

 Two (2) members from the Fire Department Officer Corp . Two (2) members from the Fire Department Membership . One (1) member from the LUD of Garson/Tyndall . One (1) member appointed by the Council of the Town of Beausejour . One (1) member appointed by the Council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead . Recording Secretary – CAO, Town of Beausejour CARRIED ACTION

1. Upon approval the CAOs will bring the Terms of Reference directly to both Councils in order to permit the 1st meeting of the Sub-committee to commence in September 2009.

10. Steve’s Sport Bar

The Fire Chief made note that the Town had purchased Steve’s Sport Bar with the intent of demolishing the building in order to use the space for Off-street Parking. In a report, attached, the Department requested that the Fire Department be permitted to use this space during August and September of training purposes. There are few opportunities for such training and this building would provide an ideal opportunity to provide training to the members of the Fire Department.

Although it was felt that the only problem this would create was a delay in the demolishing of the building the request of the Department would be brought to the attention of the Town Council for discussion and consideration.


1. CAO Fenske will bring this request to the attention of Town Council at their next meeting June 30, 2009.

Next Meeting Wednesday September 23, 2009 7:00 pm Beausejour-Brokenhead Fire Hall

Agenda to be set by the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead


5 ______Recorded by James Fenske


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