Natural Disaster Display August 2010
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Natural Disaster Display – August 2010
Readings Selected and Compiled by Alison Farnham (Research Center)
Albeverio, S., Jentsch, H. Extreme events in nature and GB5014 .E98 2006 Kantz (eds.) society
Alexander, David Confronting catastrophe : new GB5014 .A46 2000 perspectives on natural disasters
Apsell, Paula S. (Director) Hurricane! [videorecording] QC945 .H863 2004 DVD
Bankoff, Greg Cultures of disaster : society and GB5011.76 .B36 2003 natural hazard in the Philippines
Bawden, Garth, & Martin Environmental disaster and the GN741 .E58 2000 Reycraft, Richard (Editors) archaeology of human response
Beemer, Rod The deadliest woman in the West : GB5010 .B44 2006 mother nature on the prairies and plains
Bell, F. G. (Frederic Geological hazards : their GB5014 .B45 1999 Gladstone) assessment, avoidance and mitigation
Benson, Charlotte. Understanding the economic and HC79.D45 B46 2004 financial impacts of natural disasters
Birkmann, Jörn (Editor) Measuring vulnerability to natural GB5014 .M4 2006 hazards : towards disaster resilient societies
Bosher, Lee Social and institutional elements HV555.I4 B67 2007 of disaster vulnerability Bryant, Edward Natural hazards GB5014 .B79 2005
Casey, George (Director) Forces of nature [videorecording] QE521.2 .F67 2004 DVD
Cross, June (Producer) The old man and the storm HV636 2005.L8 O53 2009 [videorecording] DVD
Cutter, Susan (Editor) American hazardscapes : the GB5010 .A43 2001 regionalization of hazards and disasters
Dilley, Maxx Natural disaster hotspots : a GB5014 .D55 2005 global risk analysis
Dosi, Cesare Environmental values, valuation HD79.E5 D66 2001 methods, and natural disaster damage assessment
Downing, Thomas, Climate, change and risk QC981.8.C5 C5114 1999 Olsthoorn, Alexander, & Tol, Richard S.J. (Editors)
Engelbert, Phillis Dangerous planet : the science of GB5019 .E54 2001 (3 natural disasters Volumes)
Fradkin, Philip L. Wildest Alaska : journeys of great F912.L57 F73 2001 peril in Lituya Bay
Fredston, Jill A. Snowstruck : in the grip of QC929.A8 .F743 2005 avalanches
Fry, Katherine Constructing the heartland : PN4888.T4 F78 2003 television news and natural disaster
Godschalk, David R. [et. al.] Natural hazard mitigation : KF3750 .N38 1999 recasting disaster policy and planning
Grattan, John (Editor) Living under the shadow : cultural CC77.N36 L585 2007 impacts of volcanic eruptions
HDNet World Report HDNet World report. When things F379.N557 W44 2006 DVD (Producer) don't go as planned [videorecording].
Keys, David. Catastrophe : an investigation QC981.8.C5 K45 2000 into the origins of the modern world
Kusky, Timothy M. Geological hazards : a sourcebook QE501.3 .K795 2003
Lardé y Larín, Jorge El Salvador : inundaciones e GB5011.22 .L37 2000 incendios, erupciones y terremotos
Majumdar, S.K. [et al.] Natural and technological GB5005.N365 1992 (Editors) disasters : causes, effects, and preventive measures
Marq De Villiers The end : natural disasters, GB5014 .D48 2008 manmade catastrophes, and the future of human survival
McGuire, Bill, [et. al.] World atlas of natural hazards G3201.C1 2004 .W67
McGuire, Bill Surviving Armageddon : solutions GB5014 .M3966 2005 for a threatened planet
McGuire, Bill A guide to the end of the world : GB5018 .M34 2003 everything you never wanted to know
McQuaid, John Path of destruction : the HV636 2005 .L8 M37 2006 devastation of New Orleans and the coming age of superstorms
Mitchell, James K. (Editor) Crucibles of hazard : mega-cities HV553 .C78 1999 and disasters in transition
Moral, Roger del Environmental disasters, natural QH545.N3 M67 2007 recovery and human responses
Murck, Barbara W., Brian J. Dangerous Earth : an introduction GB5014.M87 1997 Skinner, Brian J., & Porter, to geologic hazards Stephen C.
National Geographic Society Nature's fury [videorecording] GB5005 .N38 2000 DVD
National Geographic and Forces of nature [videorecording] QE521.2 .F67 2004 DVD Graphic Films Corp
Nott, Jonathan Extreme events : a physical GB5014 .N68 2006 reconstruction and risk assessment
Nova production by Thomas Hunt for the supertwister QC955 .H86 2004 DVD Lucas Productions, Inc [videorecording]
Nuhfer, Edward, Proctor, The Citizens' guide to geologic GB5014.C58 1993 Richard, & Moser, Paul hazards : a guide to (Editors) understanding geologic hazards, including asbestos, radon, swelling soils, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence, floods, and coastal hazards
Oliver-Smith, Anthony & The angry earth : disaster in HV553 .A585 1999 Hoffman, Susanna (Editors) anthropological perspective
Pan American Health Natural disasters: protecting the RA645.9 .N38 2000 Organization public's health.
Pan American Health Natural disaster mitigation in HV553 .N368 2001 Organization drinking water and sewarage systems : guidelines for vulnerability analysis Parchman, Frank Echoes of fury : the 1980 eruption QE523.S23 P37 2005 of Mount St. Helens and the lives it changed forever
Pelling, Mark Natural disasters and HD75 .N396 2003 development in a globalizing world
Pelling, Mark The vulnerability of cities : natural HT243.D44 P45 2003 disasters and social resilience
Pfeffer, Susan Beth Life as we knew it PZ7.P44855 Lif 2006
Pioneer TV for History How the Earth was made. The QE28.3 .H693 2009 DVD (Producer) complete season one (Four discs at Reserve [videorecording] desk)
Platt, Rutherford H. Disasters and democracy : the HV555.U6 P53 1999 politics of extreme natural events
Reice, Seth Robert The silver lining : the benefits of QH545.N3 R45 2001 natural disasters
Robinson, Andrew Earth shock : hurricanes, GB5014 .R635 2002 volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other forces of nature
Sinha, D. K. (Dilip Kumar) Natural disaster reduction : South GB5011.81.S64 S56 2007 East Asian realities, risk perception and global strategies
Smil, Vaclav. Global catastrophes and trends : GB5014 .S58 2008 the next 50 years
Smith, Martin The storm [videorecording] HV636 2005.U6 S76 2005 DVD
Smith, Keith, 1938- Environmental hazards : assessing GB5014 .S6 2000 risk and reducing disaster Steinberg, Theodore Acts of God : the unnatural history GB5007 .S74 2000 of natural disaster in America
Torrence, Robin & Grattan, Natural disasters and cultural CC77.N36 .N38 2002 John (Editors) change
United Nations Department Disasters: acts of nature, acts of GB5014 .D571 1995 of Humanitarian Affairs man?
United Nations Assessing coastal vulnerability: GB451.2 .A87 2006 Environment Programme developing a global index for measuring risk.
WGBH/Boston Nova scienceNOW. 2009, episode Q111 .N688 2009 DVD 8 [videorecording]
Wisner, Ben At risk : natural hazards, people's GB5014 .A82 2004 vulnerability, and disasters