<p> Natural Disaster Display – August 2010</p><p>Readings Selected and Compiled by Alison Farnham (Research Center)</p><p>Albeverio, S., Jentsch, H. Extreme events in nature and GB5014 .E98 2006 Kantz (eds.) society</p><p>Alexander, David Confronting catastrophe : new GB5014 .A46 2000 perspectives on natural disasters</p><p>Apsell, Paula S. (Director) Hurricane! [videorecording] QC945 .H863 2004 DVD</p><p>Bankoff, Greg Cultures of disaster : society and GB5011.76 .B36 2003 natural hazard in the Philippines</p><p>Bawden, Garth, & Martin Environmental disaster and the GN741 .E58 2000 Reycraft, Richard (Editors) archaeology of human response</p><p>Beemer, Rod The deadliest woman in the West : GB5010 .B44 2006 mother nature on the prairies and plains</p><p>Bell, F. G. (Frederic Geological hazards : their GB5014 .B45 1999 Gladstone) assessment, avoidance and mitigation</p><p>Benson, Charlotte. Understanding the economic and HC79.D45 B46 2004 financial impacts of natural disasters</p><p>Birkmann, Jörn (Editor) Measuring vulnerability to natural GB5014 .M4 2006 hazards : towards disaster resilient societies</p><p>Bosher, Lee Social and institutional elements HV555.I4 B67 2007 of disaster vulnerability Bryant, Edward Natural hazards GB5014 .B79 2005</p><p>Casey, George (Director) Forces of nature [videorecording] QE521.2 .F67 2004 DVD</p><p>Cross, June (Producer) The old man and the storm HV636 2005.L8 O53 2009 [videorecording] DVD</p><p>Cutter, Susan (Editor) American hazardscapes : the GB5010 .A43 2001 regionalization of hazards and disasters</p><p>Dilley, Maxx Natural disaster hotspots : a GB5014 .D55 2005 global risk analysis</p><p>Dosi, Cesare Environmental values, valuation HD79.E5 D66 2001 methods, and natural disaster damage assessment</p><p>Downing, Thomas, Climate, change and risk QC981.8.C5 C5114 1999 Olsthoorn, Alexander, & Tol, Richard S.J. (Editors)</p><p>Engelbert, Phillis Dangerous planet : the science of GB5019 .E54 2001 (3 natural disasters Volumes)</p><p>Fradkin, Philip L. Wildest Alaska : journeys of great F912.L57 F73 2001 peril in Lituya Bay</p><p>Fredston, Jill A. Snowstruck : in the grip of QC929.A8 .F743 2005 avalanches</p><p>Fry, Katherine Constructing the heartland : PN4888.T4 F78 2003 television news and natural disaster</p><p>Godschalk, David R. [et. al.] Natural hazard mitigation : KF3750 .N38 1999 recasting disaster policy and planning</p><p>Grattan, John (Editor) Living under the shadow : cultural CC77.N36 L585 2007 impacts of volcanic eruptions</p><p>HDNet World Report HDNet World report. When things F379.N557 W44 2006 DVD (Producer) don't go as planned [videorecording].</p><p>Keys, David. Catastrophe : an investigation QC981.8.C5 K45 2000 into the origins of the modern world</p><p>Kusky, Timothy M. Geological hazards : a sourcebook QE501.3 .K795 2003</p><p>Lardé y Larín, Jorge El Salvador : inundaciones e GB5011.22 .L37 2000 incendios, erupciones y terremotos</p><p>Majumdar, S.K. [et al.] Natural and technological GB5005.N365 1992 (Editors) disasters : causes, effects, and preventive measures</p><p>Marq De Villiers The end : natural disasters, GB5014 .D48 2008 manmade catastrophes, and the future of human survival</p><p>McGuire, Bill, [et. al.] World atlas of natural hazards G3201.C1 2004 .W67</p><p>McGuire, Bill Surviving Armageddon : solutions GB5014 .M3966 2005 for a threatened planet</p><p>McGuire, Bill A guide to the end of the world : GB5018 .M34 2003 everything you never wanted to know</p><p>McQuaid, John Path of destruction : the HV636 2005 .L8 M37 2006 devastation of New Orleans and the coming age of superstorms</p><p>Mitchell, James K. (Editor) Crucibles of hazard : mega-cities HV553 .C78 1999 and disasters in transition</p><p>Moral, Roger del Environmental disasters, natural QH545.N3 M67 2007 recovery and human responses</p><p>Murck, Barbara W., Brian J. Dangerous Earth : an introduction GB5014.M87 1997 Skinner, Brian J., & Porter, to geologic hazards Stephen C.</p><p>National Geographic Society Nature's fury [videorecording] GB5005 .N38 2000 DVD</p><p>National Geographic and Forces of nature [videorecording] QE521.2 .F67 2004 DVD Graphic Films Corp</p><p>Nott, Jonathan Extreme events : a physical GB5014 .N68 2006 reconstruction and risk assessment</p><p>Nova production by Thomas Hunt for the supertwister QC955 .H86 2004 DVD Lucas Productions, Inc [videorecording]</p><p>Nuhfer, Edward, Proctor, The Citizens' guide to geologic GB5014.C58 1993 Richard, & Moser, Paul hazards : a guide to (Editors) understanding geologic hazards, including asbestos, radon, swelling soils, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence, floods, and coastal hazards</p><p>Oliver-Smith, Anthony & The angry earth : disaster in HV553 .A585 1999 Hoffman, Susanna (Editors) anthropological perspective</p><p>Pan American Health Natural disasters: protecting the RA645.9 .N38 2000 Organization public's health.</p><p>Pan American Health Natural disaster mitigation in HV553 .N368 2001 Organization drinking water and sewarage systems : guidelines for vulnerability analysis Parchman, Frank Echoes of fury : the 1980 eruption QE523.S23 P37 2005 of Mount St. Helens and the lives it changed forever</p><p>Pelling, Mark Natural disasters and HD75 .N396 2003 development in a globalizing world</p><p>Pelling, Mark The vulnerability of cities : natural HT243.D44 P45 2003 disasters and social resilience</p><p>Pfeffer, Susan Beth Life as we knew it PZ7.P44855 Lif 2006</p><p>Pioneer TV for History How the Earth was made. The QE28.3 .H693 2009 DVD (Producer) complete season one (Four discs at Reserve [videorecording] desk)</p><p>Platt, Rutherford H. Disasters and democracy : the HV555.U6 P53 1999 politics of extreme natural events</p><p>Reice, Seth Robert The silver lining : the benefits of QH545.N3 R45 2001 natural disasters</p><p>Robinson, Andrew Earth shock : hurricanes, GB5014 .R635 2002 volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other forces of nature</p><p>Sinha, D. K. (Dilip Kumar) Natural disaster reduction : South GB5011.81.S64 S56 2007 East Asian realities, risk perception and global strategies</p><p>Smil, Vaclav. Global catastrophes and trends : GB5014 .S58 2008 the next 50 years</p><p>Smith, Martin The storm [videorecording] HV636 2005.U6 S76 2005 DVD</p><p>Smith, Keith, 1938- Environmental hazards : assessing GB5014 .S6 2000 risk and reducing disaster Steinberg, Theodore Acts of God : the unnatural history GB5007 .S74 2000 of natural disaster in America</p><p>Torrence, Robin & Grattan, Natural disasters and cultural CC77.N36 .N38 2002 John (Editors) change</p><p>United Nations Department Disasters: acts of nature, acts of GB5014 .D571 1995 of Humanitarian Affairs man?</p><p>United Nations Assessing coastal vulnerability: GB451.2 .A87 2006 Environment Programme developing a global index for measuring risk.</p><p>WGBH/Boston Nova scienceNOW. 2009, episode Q111 .N688 2009 DVD 8 [videorecording]</p><p>Wisner, Ben At risk : natural hazards, people's GB5014 .A82 2004 vulnerability, and disasters</p>
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