Kontráné Hegybíró Edit (2013). Dörnyei Zoltán: the Psychology of Second Language Acquisition
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ELTE - School of English and American Studies Kontra Edit Department of English Applied Linguistics
Kontra, E.H., & Csizér, K. (2013 in press). An investigation into the relationship of foreign language learning motivation and sign language use among Deaf and hard of hearing Hungarians. IRAL, 51(1), 1-22.
Kontráné Hegybíró Edit (2013). Dörnyei Zoltán: The psychology of second language acquisition. [Az idegennyelv-elsajátítás pszichológiája]. Book review. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 19(1-2), 93-96.
Kontra, E.H. (2013). Language learning against the odds: retrospective accounts by four Deaf adults. In E. Domagala-Zysk (Ed.) Teaching languages to deaf and hard of hearing users – state of the art and future challenges (pp. 93-111). Lublin: KUL University Press.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., Dóczi-Vámos, G., & Kálmos, B. (2012). Diszlexiával angolul: Gyakorlati útmutató nyelvtanároknak [English in dyslexia: A practical guide for language teachers]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
Csizér, K., & Kontra, E.H. (2012). ELF, ESP, ENL and their effect on students’ aims and beliefs: A structural equation model. System, 40(2012), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.system.2012.01.002.
Csizér, K., & Kontra, E. (2011). Nyelvtanulási célok, képzetek és az angol nyelv: Feltáró faktorelemzés szaknyelvet tanuló egyetemisták körében [Language learning aims, beliefs and the English language: An exploratory factor analysis among university learners of ESP]. Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány, 11(1-2), 19-38.
Kontra, E.H., & Csizér, K. (2011). “They can achieve their aims without native skills in the field of work or studies”: Hungarian students’ views on English as a lingua franca. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 1(1), 135-152.
Kontra, E.H., & Csizér, K. (2011). Hungarian ESP learners’ awareness of English as a lingua franca: An overview. In K. Baloghné Bérczes, K. Földes, & R. Mészárosné Kóris (Eds.), HUSSE-Linx. Proceedings of the HUSSE 10 Conference (pp. 73-81). Piliscsaba: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Csizér, K. (2011). Az angol mint lingua franca a szaknyelvet tanuló egyetemisták gondolkodásában [English as a lingua franca: The language learning dispositions of university students of ESP]. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 18(2-3), 9-23.
Kontra, E.H., & Bartha, Cs. (2010). Foreign language education in Hungary: Concerns and controversies. Sociolinguistica 24, 61-84.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2010). Nyelvtanulás két kézzel: A jelnyelv szerepe a siketek idegennyelv-tanulásában.[Language learning with two hands: The role of sign language in Deaf language learning]. Budapest: Eötvös Kiadó.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. & Kormos, J. (2010). Tanítási módszerek és technikák a diszlexiások idegennyelv-oktatásában [Methods and techniques in teaching foreign
1 languages to dyslexic learners]. In K. Csizér & J. Kormos (Eds.), Idegennyelv- elsajátítás és részképesség zavarok (pp. 163-184). Budapest: Eötvös Kiadó.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2009). A siketek joga az angol nyelvhez [Deaf people's right to access English]. In T. Frank & K. Károly (Eds.), Anglisztika és amerikanisztika. Magyar kutatások az ezredfordulón (pp. 395-404). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., Csizér, K., & Sáfár, A. (2009). Idegen nyelvek tanulása siketek és nagyothallók körében [Foreign language learning among the Deaf and hard-of- hearing]. Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 59(1), 72-83.
Csizér, K., Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Sáfár, A. (2008). A siket és nagyothalló felnőttek idegennyelv-tanulási motivációja [The language learning motivation of Deaf and hard-of-hearing adults]. Magyar Pedagógia, 108(4), 341-357.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., Csizér K., & Sáfár, A. (2008). Magyarországi siketek és nagyothallók a jelnyelvről: Egy kérdőíves kutatás eredményei [Hungarian Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons about sign language: Results of a survey]. Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány, 8(1-2), 5-22.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (2008). Módszerek és ajánlások a diszlexiás nyelvtanulók eredményes tanításához [Methods and recommendations for the successful teaching of dyslexic language learners]. Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 58(4), 23- 39.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2008). A jelnyelv szerepe a siketek idegennyelv-tanulásában [The role of sign language in the foreign language education of the Deaf]. In T. Gecső & Cs. Sárdi (Eds.), Jel és jelentés (pp. 177-184). Székesfehérvár: Kodolányi János Főiskola; Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó.
Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (Eds.). (2008). Language learners with special needs: An international perspective. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Bajkó, Á., & Kontra, E. H. (2008). Deaf EFL learners outside the school system. In J. Kormos & E. H. Kontra (Eds.), Language learners with special needs: An international perspective (pp. 158-188). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Kontra, E. H. (2007). Four questions on the culture of ELT and TTELT. Iskolakultúra Online 1, 29-35. Available from: http://www.vega2000.eu/iskolakultura/ index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=18&Itemid=78
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (2007). Nyelvtanárok a diszlexiáról [Language teachers about dyslexia]. Új Pedagógiai Szemle, 57(9), 82-91.
Kontra, E. H., & Kormos, J. (2007). An introduction to language testing for teachers of English. Budapest: Okker Kiadó.
Kontra, E. H. (2007). Uninformed eclecticism or how 'weak' can CLT get? In T. Fritz (Ed.), Trends, traditions and developments in teacher education (pp. 73-84). Wien: Edition Volkshochschule.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2006). Topics in the methodology of teaching EFL. Budapest: Okker Kiadó.
Kontra, E. H., & Kormos, J. (2006). Strategy use and the construct of C-tests. In R.Grotjahn (Ed.), Der C-test: Theorie, Empirie, Anwendungen (pp. 121-138). Frankfurt/M: Lang.
2 Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (Eds.). (2004). A nyelvtanuló: Sikerek, módszerek, stratégiák [The language learner: Successes, methods, strategies]. Budapest: Okker Kiadó.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2004). Gimnazista nyelvtanulók tanulási stratégiái [Language learning strategies of highschool students]. In E. Kontráné Hegybíró & J. Kormos (Eds.), A nyelvtanuló: Sikerek, módszerek, stratégiák. Budapest: Okker Kiadó.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (2003). Angol szakos bölcsészek nyelvtudásának mérése szükségleteik alapján [Assessing the proficiency of English language majors in the light of their needs]. Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány, 3 (2), 41-60.
Kontra, E. H. (2003). Training teachers to mark compositions. novELTy, 10 (3), 5-24.
Kontra, E. H. (2003). Introducing pragmatic awareness at low levels. In K. Bardovi-Harlig & R. Mahan-Taylor (Eds.), Teaching pragmatics. Washington D.C.: US Department of State, Office of English Language Programs. Available from: http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteaching.
N. Kollár, K., Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Lukács, K. (2003). Koncepció és felelősség a tanárképzésben [Concept and responsibility in teacher education]. Alkalmazott Pszichológia, 5 (2), 65-78.
Kormos, J., Kontra, E. H., & Csölle, A.(2002). Language wants of English majors in a non-native context. System, 30, 517-542.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2002). Szövetségest keres a nyelvtanár [The language teacher in need of allies]. Nyelvi Mérce, 2(1-2), 98-100.
Csölle A., Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (2001). Mire használja az egyetemista nyelvtanuló az idegen nyelvet? [What do language majors at universities use the foreign language for?]. Nyelvi Mérce, 1(1-2), 66-71.
Barratt, L., & Kontra, E. H. (2000). Native English speaking teachers in cultures other than their own. TESOL Journal, 9(3), 19-23.
Kontra, E. H. (2000). Learning strategy awareness in teacher education. The Teacher Trainers’ SIG Newsletter, 2, 26-30.
Kontra, E. H. (2000). Obstacles to student and teacher mobility in the European Union. In R. Fowkes, (Ed.), Teaching strategies in higher education: Effective teaching, effective learning. Proceedings of the third regional workshop March 1999. Budapest: Civic Education Project.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (1998). Miért bukik meg a nyelvvizsgázó? [Why do they fail the language exam?]. Nyelvvizsgafórum, 1(2), 15-19.
Kontra, E. H. (1997). Reflections on the purpose of methodology training. ELT Journal, 51(3), 242-248.
Holló, D., Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Timár, E. (1996). A krétától a videóig: Módszertani kézikönyv [From the chalkboard to the video screen. A methodology handbook]. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó.
Kontra, E. H. (1995). The plausible reality of learner centredness. IATEFL Hungary Newsletter, 7, 13-16.
3 Conference Presentations and Workshops
Kontra, E.H. (2013, April). EFL teachers in ELF: a need for change. Paper presented at the NYESZE Conference for Language Teachers, IBS, Budapest.
Kontra, E.H. (2013, March). Siket fiatalok megnyilvánulásai az anyanyelvről [Deaf young people’s views on the mother tongue]. Paper presented at Language – Society – Culture: Intercultural and Multicultural Perspectives. The 23rd Annual Congress of Hungarian Applied Linguists. ELTE Budapest.
Kontra, E.H. (2013, January). Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about language learning. Paper presented at the 11th HUSSE Conference at Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest.
Kontra, E.H., & Kálmos, B. (2012, October). So you think English in dyslexia is not for you? Think again! Paper presented at “Inspired” The pleasure of learning and teaching. IATEFL-Hungary’s 22nd Annual Conference. Eger.
Kontra, E.H. (2012, May). Fremdsprachenunterricht für hörbehinderte Schüler, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Workshop. Aktion Österreich-Ungarn & ELTE Budapest.
Kontráné Hegybíró E., & Csizér, K. (2011, November). Ez az angol nem az az angol [This English is not that English]. Paper presented at the SEAS 125 Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2011, November). Angolul a siketeknek is tudni kell! [The Deaf need to know English as well]. Plenary paper presented at the SEAS 125 Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2011, November). A biztos jelnyelvi alap mint a siketek eredményes idegennyelv-tanulásának feltétele [A solid Sign Language base as the prerequisite for successful foreign language learning by the Deaf]. Paper presented at Aspects of Linguistic Mediation: Signed and Spoken Language Communication, Translation and Interpretation. A One-Day Scientific Conference in Honour of the Day of Hungarian Science 2011. University of Miskolc, Miskolc.
Csizér, K., & Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2011, October). A lingua franca angol mint az interkulturális kommunikáció eszköze [Lingua Franca English as a means of intercultural communication]. Paper presented at The Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication Conference of Kodolányi J. College and the Department of Applied Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Csizér, K. (2011, October). ELF inside the gates. Learners begin to challenge native speaker norms. Paper presented at "Empower⁄ED": Shaping Learning Communities, IATEFL Hungary’s 21st Annual Conference, Budapest.
Kontra, E.H. (2011, March). Foreign language classes for Deaf adults: a multilingual approach. Paper presented at the Multilingualism in Europe Conference, Budapest.
Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Csizér, K. (2011 January). Hungarian ESP students’ awareness of English as a lingua franca. Paper presented at the HUSSE 10 Conference, Piliscsaba.
Kontra E. H. (2009, November) A megújulás szükségessége a diszlexiás nyelvtanulók oktatásában. [The need for a renewal of how we teach dyslexic language learners]. Paper presented at Crisis and Renewal: Renewal in Economy – Renewal in Foreign
4 Language Teaching. Scientific Conference Series in Honour of the Day of Hungarian Science 2009. Budapest Business School, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H., & Csizér, K. (2009, June). The foreign language motivation of Deaf and hard-of-hearing learners. Paper presented at the Language Policy and Language Learning: New Paradigms and New Challenges Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
Kontra, E. H. (2009, April). Mit tesztelünk, hogyan tesztelünk? Elvi és gyakorlati problémák a nyelvtudás mérésében [What do we test and how do we test it? Theoretical and practical problems in testing language proficiency]. Paper presented at A mérés aspektusai az idegennyelv-oktatásban. Konferencia nyelvtanárok számára [Aspects of Assessment in Foreign Language Teaching. A Conference for Language Teachers], Budapest.
Kontra, E. H., & Sáfár, A. (2008, November). Nyelv és kommunikáció a magyarországi siketek körében: egy országos felmérés bemutatása [Language and communication among the Deaf in Hungary: a national survey]. Paper presented at The Applied Linguistic Aspects of Communication Conference of the Kodolányi J. College and the Department of Applied Linguistics of Eötvös University, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H., Sáfár, A., & Merics, B. (2008, September). Nyelvtanulás kétkézzel [Language learning with two hands]. Workshop presented at the Láthatatlan kultúra [Invisible Culture] Conference of the Hungarian National Organisation of the Deaf and Hard-of Hearing, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H., & Bajkó, Á. (2008, August). Deaf EFL learners outside the school system. Paper presented at AILA, the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany.
Kontra, E. H. (2008, April). Who should teach the dyslexic language learner? Paper presented at Achieving Results in Adult Language Teaching: NYESZE-Hueber-Oxford- IBS Conference for Language Teachers, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (2007, November). Deaf people's right to access English. Paper presented at The State of English in Hungary Conference of Eötvös Loránd University School of English and American Studies, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (2007, October). The role of sign language in the foreign language education of the Deaf. Paper presented at the Sign and Meaning Conference of Eötvös Loránd University and Kodolányi College, Budapest.
Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (2007, October). Foreign language teachers and dyslexia: Implications of a national survey. Paper presented at the 7th National Conference of Pedagogy, Budapest.
Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (2006, May). Strategy use and the construct of c-tests. Poster presented at The Third Annual Conference of EALTA, Krakow, Poland.
Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (2006, October). Teachers' perspective of foreign language instruction to dyslexic learners. Paper presented at the 6th National Conference of Pedagogy, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (2005, April). Motivating adult learners. Paper presented at Teaching Adults – Prospects and Challenges, NYESZE-Macmillan-IBS Conference for Language Teachers, Budapest.
5 Kontra, E. H. (2002, December). Uninformed eclecticism or how weak can CLT get? Plenary talk presented at the Conference on Teacher Education and Development, Vienna, Austria.
Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (2002, March). Needs analysis for English majors in Hungary. Paper presented at the 36th TESOL Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Kontra, E. H. (2001, May). Why don’t we speak foreign languages? Paper presented at Language Learning - a European Perspective, the 3rd International Conference of the Association of Language Schools and the International Business School, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (2000, November). Challenging a ‘recipe approach’ in TEFL: implications for trainer training. Paper presented at the IATEFL Teacher Trainers’ SIG/University of Leeds School of Education Conference, Leeds, UK.
Kontra, E. H. (2000, March). Language learning strategies in teacher education. Selected paper presented at the Teacher Training SIG of the 34th International IATEFL Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Kontra, E. H. (2000, September). Possibilities for a renewed cooperation between disciplinary and methodological training. Paper presented at the Teacher Training and Science Conference of the Teacher Training College of Eötvös University, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (1999, April). The coursebook quandary. Plenary talk presented at the 2nd Headway Conference of Oxford University Press, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (1999, January). The culture of ELT and TTELT: Whose culture is it anyway? Paper presented at the 4th HUSSE Conference, Budapest.
Kontra, E. H. (1997, March). Language and culture in advanced classes. Paper presented at the 31st Annual TESOL Convention, Orlando, FL., USA.
Kontra, E. H. (1996, November). Training models. Paper presented at the Salzburg Seminar. Salzburg, Austria.
Kontra, E. H., & Petzold, R. (1996, March). Teacher development through cooperative teaching. Paper presented at the 30th Annual TESOL Convention, Chicago, IL., USA.
Barratt, L., Donnelly, R., & Kontra, E. H. (1994). American instructors overseas: What’s valued and what isn’t. Paper presented at the 28th Annual TESOL Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA.