State Report Outline
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State Report Outline
Each item will have a different due date. I will keep you posted in the Weekly What’s Up and your assignment pads.
The following are the criteria for the final state project. We will be sharing these projects by hosting a state fair (exact date to be announced). Any omission of any of these requirements will result in a lower overall grade for the project. Any additional things “above and beyond” the requirements will enhance your grade.
Please encourage your child to research his/ her state on a continuous basis. This is a big project and needs to be spaced out over time. We will use some class time, library time, and some computer time to help gather information. I will also be after school for anyone who needs help, access to a computer or other resources, or extra time.
1. State Map- draw historic sites, 5 natural resources, 5 major cities, and STATE capital on the computer generated map you will be provided. Make a key for your map with a picture for each word. Label the key and color the map and key. Make sure the map is colorful and neat. All maps have a title! Date due: ______
2. A time line: create a small timeline of important events in your states history. Make sure it is neat, organized, and colorful. Be sure to have a title on your timeline. Date due: ______
3. Illustrations of the following: (I would like them hand drawn to the best of your ability, be sure to include the name and state of what your picture shows)(ie.. New York’s State Flower, Rose)Any other pictures beyond the following six will be extra credit. (state animal, state drink, state fish, ect..)COLOR! Be NEAT! Flower Bird Flag Tree Motto Seal Date Due ______
4. State Poem: Take the information you have learned about your state and compose the highlights into a poem,. It does NOT have to rhyme, but it can. Minimum- 20 lines
5. Flip Book- You will create a small book in the shape of your state that will contain any important information about your state. You will have a cover with the state name and a picture. Each page will have a sentence/fact about your ate and a picture depicting your fact. You need at least 10 facts and pictures. It should be NEAT and COLORED! This will be shared and displayed at the state fair. Date due ______
6. ABC Chart: Brainstorm a list of as many things related to your state as possible that begin with each letter of the alphabet. A good way to get started is by looking through the index of a book about the state. Read captions, headlines, and italicized information.
Then use your list to pick one item for each letter that describes an interesting aspect of your state and write an alliterative phrase about it on the chart provided. For example, Next to the letter “Aa” you could write “Astonishing Aspens”. Do that for every letter of the alphabet. Then draw and color a picture to go along with each concept.
7. Written Report (minimum of two pages typed) Be sure to include the state history, land/ weather, Industry (agricultural products grown and manufactured goods, ect.), points of interest (parks, attractions, physical features), and any interesting facts about your state (see flip book). Date due ______
8. Bibliography- List all of the books, materials, ect… that you used as sources of information.
9. Presentation- You will receive a large banner- sized poster board to create a State Banner for the “booth” you will occupy at the state fair. The rest of the booth is up to you. Ideas: wear something to represent your state, share food from your state, add props/items that represent or are from your state, create a “back drop” (free standing) poster with pictures ect… The options are endless. Remember you will be sitting behind your booth, so don’t make anything too tall or that will be in your way. These are just ideas, not required!! Date Due ______