Good evening everyone, this is Tuck, nz6t, your net control for the Sunday ARRL & ARES net. You are reminded that this is a directed net. Please do not transmit unless called by net control. You of course may break at any time with emergency or priority traffic. Our primary purpose for this net is to provide information to ARES and club affiliates, and to offer amateur radio as a communications resource to emergency and disaster agencies. I would like to pause for just a moment, and welcome everyone listening. I hope you find this net to be both enjoyable and informative, and will join us each week at this time. Once again, this is Tuck, nz6t for the Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

We will start with our Section Emergency Coordinator report. Dave (KC6YSO)

On to our DEC=s starting with the:

Central District W6WYN (Al) Eastern District AC6RZ (Dick) Northern District: K7DCG (Dennis) Southern District: K6FQ (Kent)

Thank you, and now to ARRL Staff reports: Do we have the

Bulletin Manager K6PD (Steve) Official Observer Coordinator Technical Coordinator: K6FQ (Kent Public Information Coordinator: N6QEK (Steve) Sect. Traffic Manager KC6NXZ (Tom)

Do we have a liaison for the NTS at this time? Thanks, please stand by.. Do we have any traffic for the National Traffic System at this time? Thanks for standing by. (If George stands by as liaison, let him go ahead and give Red Cross Training)

We will now check in with our section liaison reps. Do we have a rep for the

American Legion WA6UTQ (Larry) Animal Rescue KC6NXZ (Tom) CDF/VIP Liaison/Special Olympics WA6BCC (Kazuo) CARE AC6RZ (Dick) EMS Coordinator KF6AHT (Ralph) El Cajon Elks Club WA6YWC (Frank) MARA KE6IQQ (Blackie) RACES Rep WA6DNT (Bruce) ARES/REACT Coord. N6IIM (Skip) Red Cross Training Coord. KO6BU (George) Salvation Army Rep N6RPF (Paul) Skywarn Coordinator: WA0RTO (Fred) Do we have any late checkins of District reps or any other program coordinators?

Are there any general or club announcements not to include for sale or wanted items?

All Amateur Radio operators are encouraged to join and participate in ARES district and section level activities. Field participation prepares members to assist local and regional government and disaster relief agencies when required. The only purpose for ARES is to train and respond when called by an authorized agency to provide emergency radio communications. ARES is not a club, and there is no fees involved with membership. Are there any amateur radio operators desiring membership in ARES at this time. Call signs please.

(Time permitting) Do we have any items for sale, want or trade at this time. Items must be ham radio related. Call signs please.

We invite you to join the following district nets at 7:30. The Central district meets on 147.480 simplex, and the Eastern District meets on 147.420, the El Cajon club repeater. The Southern District will meet on the Coronado repeater on Thursday nite, 7pm, on 147.18, plus offset, and a 110.9 pl. The Northern District meets at 8:30 each Sunday morning on 146.730. That has a minus offset with a 107.2 pl.

We would like to thank SANDRA, the trustee W6SS, and the many regular users of this repeater for allowing ARES to conduct its section net each week at this time. I also want to say a special thanks to the many operators who give freely of their time, expertise, and equipment to advance the art of Amateur Radio thru public service. Remember, helping others, always worthwhile. All stations, please remember to tune into your districts nets. Until next week, this is Tuck, NZ6T, net control station securing the Sunday Nite ARES net. 73.