WESTWOOD FARM JUNIOR SCHOOL Fullbrook Crescent, Tilehurst Reading, RG31 6RY Tel: 0118 9425182 Number on roll: 229

The Governors, Staff and Pupils are looking to appoint A NEW HEADTEACHER From September 2007 Salary range: L13 – L19

WE CAN OFFER YOU:-  Motivated, committed staff  Polite, well-behaved children  Supportive parents and governors  Excellent Hearing Impaired Unit  Well-resourced ICT facilities  Brand new library/teaching room  Commitment to CPD & improving standards

WE ARE LOOKING FOR:-  Energy and enthusiasm  A leader with the ability to articulate a shared vision for the future  Excellent communication skills  Excellent rapport with children  Someone to inspire and motivate staff and children to high standards of achievement  Commitment to work with parents and the wider community  Good sense of humour THE CHILDREN WOULD LIKE YOU TO BE:-  Fun!  Strict but fair, kind & caring  Someone who joins in with their activities  There to support them

See us on our school website! www.wfj.westberks.org

Information packs available online at the school website or from [email protected] Tel: 01635 519290 Visits arranged through the school direct. Closing date: 19th February 2007 WEST BERKSHIRE