Create a Lesson Plan to teach Rules for EACH Location (3 separate Lesson Plans): (See Attachment in Brainshark for Rules Lesson Plan SAMPLE)

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 1: Hallway

Rules: (paste from Expectation/Rules Positive Example: Non-example: Chart all rules under this location) EXAMPLE: Keep hands to Hands by side, in pockets, or Touching the walls or bulletin yourself behind back boards Walking on the blue or Pushing and shoving to be Line up in an orderly fashion yellow lines when traveling first in line. and walk in straight lines with the class. Walking quickly and quietly Playing tag with your friend in Walk directly to our destination. to where you need to go. the hallway

Keep hands and feet and other Keeping your hands behind Hitting the person in front of objects to yourself. your back while walking in you in line. line.

Stay silent in line so you do not Not talking in the hallway. Speaking loudly in the disturb others. hallway while transitioning.

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

Books: Kevin Knows the Rules by Carla Golembe Websites: https//

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

Teachers will review with their classes what the rules are pertaining to behavior in line. The class will work with the teacher to brainstorm a procedure for how they will walk in line (i.e. hands behind their backs, lining up in alphabetical order etc.)

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates) 1. 8/30/2016 2. 9/6/2016 3. 9/13/2016 4. 9/20/2016 Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan? Classroom teachers Rules Lesson Plan

Location 2: Classroom

Rules: (paste from Expectation/Rules Positive Example: Non-example: Chart) EXAMPLE: Keep hands to Hands by side, in pockets, or Touching the walls or yourself behind back bulletin boards Taking turns sharing ideas. Arguing about who is correct Students listen to others when during classroom sharing ideas. discussions. Students take responsibility for Taking on the responsibility Not completing a task that their share of the work. of competing a task during was assigned as a group group work. assignment. Speaking politely and Calling out and not waiting Raise your hand to speak. respectfully to your teachers your turn to speak. and peers. Always keep your hands, feet, Maintaining self control in Hitting another student. and other objects to yourself. class and in other areas of the school.

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

Books: We Follow the Rules by, Robin Stern, Rules and Laws, Ann-Marie Kissel, My Safe Community, by Colleen Hord. Website:,

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate): Students will create classroom and safety rules through cause and effect posters. For example: When students are working in a classroom, what are the rules needed to create a safe, orderly environment. The lesson will be taught in the classroom. The students will then create their classroom rules.

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates) 1. 9/7/2016 2. 9/14/2016 3. 9/21/2016 4. 9/28/2016 Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan? Classroom teacher Rules Lesson Plan

Location 3: Cafeteria

Rules: (paste from Expectation/Rules Positive Example: Non-example: Chart) EXAMPLE: Keep hands to Hands by side, in pockets, or Touching the walls or yourself behind back bulletin boards Use appropriate table Waiting until you are finished Talking with food in your manners. chewing to talk. food.

Show kindness toward others. Including all students in Excluding or being unkind to conversations. others. Stay seated, use an inside Raising your hand to ask if Leaving your seat without voice and raise your hand if you can us the restroom. permission. you need assistance. Speak politely to others. Saying please when asking for Asking for something in a something. rude way.

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.): Books: The Goops by Gellett Burgess. Everyday Manners by Emily Post Websites: heep://

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate): The teacher reads one of the books on manners. The teacher writes scenarios for the students and they have to respond to how they would act in that situation. The students can then role play.

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates) 1. 9/1/2016 2. 9/8/2016 3. 9/15/2016 4. 9/22/2016 Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan? Classroom teachers.