Peer Leadership Application For The 2009-2010 School Year
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December 13, 2017
Dear Applicant:
Thank you for applying to become a Peer Leader! Peer Leaders’ influence with our younger students is enormous. We are looking for students who will be a junior or senior in the fall of 2015 and who have strong interpersonal skills, sound judgment, organizational skills, ability to empathize with others, and those who have a genuine LOVE for people.
We have enclosed in our application packet a list of our Peer Leadership rules, eligibility standards, and two spaces for your parents and you to sign. Being invited to be a Peer Leader is a high honor that is earned by a very small number of students. Current Peer Leaders, as well as all faculty and staff, have input into the ultimate selection.
Applications have two components: an electronic application and a signature page with parent consent. Applications must be submitted electronically to Mrs. Behlert and a hard copy of the signature page (printed from the online application) must also be submitted to Mrs. Behlert no later than 3:10 pm on Monday, May 11, 2015. No late applications or signature pages will be accepted. Mrs. Behlert will confirm receipt of your application via email. If you do not receive confirmation from Mrs. Behlert, it means that she did not receive your application, so we encourage you to submit your application well in advance of the deadline. To find the application, please go to to find our high school web page and select “Guidance”. The link to the application is in the column on the left-hand side of the Guidance webpage.
Your application will be evaluated and an interview will be conducted during the school day at the end of May. The interview panel will consist of one faculty member, a Peer Leadership Advisor, and a current Peer Leader. You will be notified of your appointment time by Tuesday, May 26th and receive a pass for your interview during homeroom on the day of your interview. Final selections will be made by faculty who participated in the interviews as part of a larger faculty selection committee; input by current peer leaders will also be considered. If you have not been contacted for an interview by Tuesday, May 26th please see one of the Peer Leadership Advisors: Ms. El-Turky, Mrs. Reeder, or Mr. Olszewski.
Application responses:
Please write a comprehensive essay for each of the two following prompts. You will be evaluated on the completeness of your answers—examples and details are important. Please make certain that your responses reflect how you feel and that they are written with academic integrity and acceptable writing standards. Each response should not be longer than two pages, double-spaced using Times Roman 12 or a similar font. It is understood that this application reflects work that is solely your own. Remember that these prompts need to be completed and submitted via email to Mrs. Behlert.
Prompt One: Please explain why you are applying to be a Peer Leader. What characteristics of your personality would be assets to the students you may work with or to the program itself? Address your motivating factors for your application, for example, past experiences in Peer Leadership, life experiences, and personal issues. Another example that you might wish to address are ideas that you have that would enhance the program or the lives of our 8th and 9th graders. Be creative and provide evidence of thought and depth.
Prompt Two: Please outline the specific steps you would take to assist the following fictitious freshman. Why would you choose to help in the way you have outlined? Who are your resources? How would you utilize them and why?
o A freshman has recently moved to New Hope-Solebury from California. Issues that he has discussed with you are as follows: . Poor academic background and performance in middle school; feels overwhelmed . Few friends in California; shy personality . Anger about moving here; family turmoil 1 . And the student has one mental health concern of your choice
NOTE: This page must be signed by both the student & parent and submitted to Mrs. Behlert by May 11, 2015 by 3:10pm. Failure to submit this form will result in removal from consideration for the 2015-2016 peer leadership cycle. Note: You MAY NOT submit an electronic signature.
It is essential that all leaders arrive on time to their group meetings and are fully prepared. If it has been reported or observed that lateness and/or unpreparedness is a problem, a private meeting of the affected leader(s) with the advisors will occur. This situation is grounds for permanent dismissal.
Any of the following behaviors may result in a verbal warning, a written warning, and/or permanent removal from Peer Leadership at the discretion of the Peer Leadership advisors and the high school principal. The only exception will be evidence of a unique or unusual circumstance.
Missing a second weekly lunch meeting-unless given prior approval. A failing grade during any marking period in any class. Any violation of the academic integrity guidelines, including plagiarism, cheating, and misrepresentation of work. Instigating or escalating a fight, violating the school’s drug and alcohol policy, or defacing school property. Demonstrating disrespectful behavior towards a teacher or a staff member. Violation of school policies and procedures that result in an administrative detention or suspension. Distributing written material or controversial advice without securing the prior approval of the advisors. Formally being charged with a violation of the law. Evidence of the use of extremely poor judgment resulting in negative effects for a student(s), a Peer Leadership group, other Peer Leaders, or the reputation of the program itself.
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I understand that if I am selected to be a Peer Leader, I will be expected to act in a positive and responsible manner as a role model for younger students.
I understand that all applicants will be given a thorough review of their application, essays, and interview. Final selection decisions will be made at a faculty-only meeting, with prior input from Peer Leaders. Each applicant will receive a letter at the end of the school year indicating his/her application status. I understand that the faculty committee will only be able to accept a limited number of new peer leaders for the coming school year.
If selected, I understand that I must participate in fall and spring training and attend lunchtime meetings when scheduled during the year. I also realize that I will miss class time for Peer Leadership meetings and must make up the work in a timely and responsible fashion; if I am unable to maintain this commitment, I will be required to step down as a Peer Leader.
I agree to be prepared for all groups and to communicate with my co-leader(s) and advisors prior to an absence on a Peer Leadership day.
I have received, read, and understand the above Peer Leadership rules and agree to be a positive role model.
Name of Student (Please Print): ______
Signature of Student: ______Date: ______
I have read and fully understand the Peer Leadership rules for the 2015-2016 school year. I have read this application carefully and feel that the responses are appropriate. I support my child’s candidacy for a possible Peer Leadership position.
Name of Parent (Please Print): ______
Signature of Parent:______Date: ______
3 Eligibility Requirements:
(1) During the 2015-2016 school year you may not have been assigned to out-of-school suspension AND
(2) During the 2015-2016 school year you may not have been assigned nor served more than a total of one (1) detention including before school, after school, and Saturday detention AND
(3) You may not have earned a grade below 65 for any quarter in any class during the 2015-2016 school year AND
(4) You may not have been guilty of violating academic integrity. Representing the work or words of others without proper citation and attribution is an unacceptable academic practice AND
(5) You need to have the willingness and time to help others by learning to lead a small group of younger students effectively and cooperatively. This is an important commitment of time and heart!
Peer Leadership is a unique opportunity to learn active listening skills, to work closely with others, and to be introduced to group dynamics, peer counseling skills, and strategies. Peer Leaders will miss class in order to meet with our younger students. All class work must be made up and communication with teachers is essential. Since leaders will miss class, regular and on-time attendance at school must be a high priority! Peer Leadership requires you to work hard but the rewards are huge!
Kindest regards,
The Peer Leadership Advisors
Hebat El-Turky (School Counselor A-L) Doug Olszewski (School Social Worker) Sarah Reeder (School Counselor, M-Z)