University of Kent at Canterbury s1

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University of Kent at Canterbury s1


UKC Programme Specification

Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she passes the programme. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found [either by following the links provided or in the programme handbook]. The accuracy of the information contained in this specification is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

MEng Computer Systems Engineering MEng Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng(Hons) Computer Systems Engineering BEng(Hons) Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry Certificate in Computer Systems Engineering Diploma in Computer Systems Engineering BEng Computer Systems Engineering

1. Awarding Institution/Body University of Kent 2. Teaching Institution University of Kent 3. Teaching Site Canterbury campus 4. Programme accredited by: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 5. Final Award BEng(Hons), Certificate, Diploma, BEng, MEng 6. Programmes and H618: BEng(Hons) Computer Systems 7. UCAS codes Engineering H615: BEng(Hons) Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry H6XX: MEng Computer Systems Engineering H6XX: MEng Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry 9. Relevant QAA subject benchmarking Engineering group/s 10. Date of production/revision July 2009/V9 11. Applicable cohort/s 2009 entry onwards

12. Educational Aims of the Programme The programme aims to: 1. Educate students to become engineers who are well equipped for professional careers in development, research and production in industry and universities, and who are well adapted to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing subject. 2. Produce Computer Systems engineers with specialist skills in hardware and software engineering, prepared for the complexities of modern computer system design. 3. Enable students to satisfy the professional requirements of the IET.

1 4. Provide proper academic guidance and welfare support for all students. 5. Create an atmosphere of co-operation and partnership between staff and students, and offer the students an environment where they can develop their potential. The Year in Industry programme additionally aims to:  Give an opportunity to gain experience as an engineer working in a professional environment.  To develop employment-related skills, including an understanding of how you relate to the structure and function in an organisation, via a year in industry.

The MEng programme additionally aims to:  Produce high calibre professional engineers with advanced knowledge of modern embedded electronic systems.  Enable students to fully satisfy all of the educational requirements for Membership of the IET and Chartered Engineer status.

13. Programme Outcomes The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas. The programme outcomes have references to the subject benchmarking statement for (E) Engineering. For more information on the skills provided by individual modules and on the specific learning outcomes associated with the Certificate and Diploma awards, see the module mapping. Teaching/learning and assessment methods and strategies used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated Knowledge and Understanding A. Knowledge and understanding of: 1. Mathematical principles relevant to Teaching/learning computer systems engineering (B2). Lectures; tutorial lectures; demonstrator-led 2. Scientific principles and methodology examples classes; tutor-led small group relevant to computer systems supervisions; project work throughout all three engineering (B1). years; laboratory experiments and computer- 3. Advanced concepts of Embedded based assignments. The 2nd year project gives Systems, Signals and Image hands-on experience of hardware and software Processing, Control, Computer design, and project management. Communications and Operating Systems. Assessment 4. The value of intellectual property and Written unseen examinations; assessed contractual issues (B23). coursework in the form of examples class 5. Business and management techniques assignments, laboratory write-ups, assessed which may be used to achieve project work, tests, assignments and essays. engineering objectives (B15). 6. The need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct in computer systems engineering (B18). 7. Current manufacturing practice with particular emphasis on product safety and EMC standards and directives (B8).

2 8. Characteristics of materials, equipment, processes and products (B19). 9. Appropriate codes of practice, industry standards and quality issues (B24, B25). 10. Contexts in which engineering knowledge can be applied (B21). Outcomes specific to Year in Industry programme: 11. Aspects of the core subject areas from the perspective of a commercial or industrial organisation. Outcomes specific to the MEng programme: 12. A comprehensive understanding of embedded electronic systems and an awareness of developing technologies in this field. 13. A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of mathematical and computer models for analysis of embedded systems. 14. An extensive knowledge and understanding of business, management and professional practice concepts, their limitations, and how they may be applied. 15. Wide knowledge and understanding of design processes relevant to embedded electronic systems. 16. Extensive knowledge of characteristics of materials, equipment, processes and products. Skills and Other Attributes B. Intellectual skills: 1. Analysis and solution of hardware and Teaching/learning software engineering problems using Lectures; demonstrator-led examples classes; appropriate mathematical methods. tutor-led small group supervisions; self-directed 2. Ability to apply and integrate learning through project work; laboratory knowledge and understanding of other experiments and computer-based assignments. engineering disciplines to support study of computer systems engineering (B3). Assessment 3. Use of engineering principles and the Written unseen examinations; assessed ability to apply them to analyse key coursework in the form of examples class computer systems engineering assignments, laboratory write-ups, tests, assessed processes (B4). project work, and computer-based assignments.

3 4. Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques (B5). 5. Ability to apply and understand a systems approach to computer systems engineering problems (B7). 6. Ability to investigate and define a problem and identify constraints including cost drivers, economic, environmental, health and safety and risk assessment issues (B8, B10). 7. Ability to use creativity to establish innovative, aesthetic solutions whilst understanding customer and user needs, ensuring fitness for purpose of all aspects of the problem including production, operation, maintenance and disposal (B9, B11, B12). 8. Ability to demonstrate the economic and environmental context of the engineering solution (B14, B16, B17). Outcomes specific to Year in Industry programme: 9. Apply some of the intellectual skills specified for the programme from the perspective of a commercial or industrial organisation. Outcomes specific to the MEng programme: 10. Ability to use fundamental knowledge to explore new and emerging technologies. 11. Ability to understand the limitations of mathematical and computer based problem solving and assess the impact in particular cases. 12. Ability to extract data pertinent to an unfamiliar problem and apply it in the solution. 13. Ability to evaluate commercial risks through some understanding of the basis of such risks. 14. Ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of commercial and industrial constraints.

C. Subject-specific skills:

4 1. Use of mathematical techniques to Teaching/learning analyse and solve hardware and Lectures; tutorial lectures; project work; examples software problems. classes; laboratory experiments and computer- 2. Ability to work in an engineering based assignments. Project work in all three years laboratory environment and to use a gives students experience of a wide range of wide range of electronic equipment, practical design, manufacturing and testing skills. workshop equipment and CAD tools for the practical realisation of electronic circuits (B20). 3. Ability to work with technical uncertainty (B26). 4. Ability to apply quantitative methods and computer software relevant to computer systems engineering in order to solve engineering problems (B6). 5. Ability to implement software solutions Assessment using a range of structural and object Written unseen examinations; assessed oriented languages. coursework in the form of laboratory write-ups, 6. Ability to design hardware or software assessed project work, project reports, project systems to fulfil a product presentations, assignments and essays. specification and devise tests to appraise performance. 7. Awareness of the nature of intellectual property and contractual issues and an understanding of appropriate codes of practice and industry standards (B23, B24). 8. Ability to use technical literature and other information sources and apply it to a design (B22). 9. Ability to apply management techniques to the planning, resource allocation and execution of a design project and evaluate outcomes (B13). 10. Ability to prepare technical reports and presentations.

5 Outcomes specific to Year in Industry programme: 11. Apply some of the subject-specific skills specified for the programme from the perspective of a commercial or industrial organisation. Outcomes specific to the MEng programme: 12. An ability to apply business, management and professional issues to engineering projects. 13. Ability to apply knowledge of design processes in unfamiliar situations and to generate innovative designs to fulfil new needs. D. Transferable skills: 1. Ability to generate, analyse, present Teaching/learning and interpret data. Transferable skills pervade all modules and are 2. Use of Information and developed and demonstrated through lectures, Communications Technology. supervisions, laboratories and assignments; in 3. Personal and interpersonal skills, work particular, transferable skills are nurtured through as a member of a team. project work. 4. Communicate effectively (in writing, verbally and through drawings). Assessment 5. Learn effectively for the purpose of Skills 1-4 and 6 are assessed through continuing professional development. presentations, written laboratory reports and 6. Ability for critical thinking, reasoning project reports. The other skills are not formally and reflection. assessed. 7. Ability to manage time and resources within an individual project and a group project. For more information For more information on the skills provided by individual modules and on the specific learning outcomes associated with the Certificate, Diploma and non-honours degree awards, see the module mapping.

6 13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

The BEng programme is studied over three years full-time with an additional industrial placement year for the Year in Industry variant. The MEng programme is studied over four years full-time with an additional placement year for the Year in Industry variant. Study on the programme is divided into a number of blocks called modules. All modules have a credit value of 15 credits, apart from the final year project which is equivalent to 45 credits. Each 15-credit module represents approximately 150 hours of student learning, endeavour and assessment.

The BEng programme is divided into three stages for the 3 year programme and fours stages for the Year in Industry variant. The MEng programme is divided into four stages for the 4 year programme, and five stages for the Year in Industry variant. Each stage is comprised of 120 credits and students must achieve specified requirements before being permitted to proceed to the next stage. Each stage represents an academic year of study. Thus, each year of study involves approximately 1200 hours of learning time. Each module is designated at one of four ascending levels, Certificate (C), Intermediate (I), Honours (H) or Masters (M).

To be eligible for the award of an honours degree students on the three year programme must normally have to obtain 360 credits, at least 210 of which must be Level I or above, and at least 90 of which must be level H or above. To be eligible for the award of an honours degree on the Year in Industry variant, students normally have to obtain 480 credits, at least 330 of which must be Level I or above, and at least 90 of which must be level H or above. A degree without honours will be awarded where students achieve 300 credits with at least 150 credits at level I or above including at least 60 credits at level H or above. Students may not progress to the non- honours degree programme; the non-honours degree programme will be awarded as a fallback award only. For the MEng, students must gain credit for all Stage 4 modules, in addition to the requirements specified for the corresponding BEng (3 year or Year in Industry) honours degree programmes.

For the purposes of Honours classification, the weightings of the stages are: H618 Year 2 40%, Year 3 60% H615 Year 2 36%, Industrial Placement 10%, Year 4 54% MEng: Year 2 20%, Year 3 30%, Year 4 50% MEng (with Year in Industry): Year 2 18%, Industrial Placement 5%, Year 4 27%, Year 5 50%

At its discretion the University allows for narrow failure in a small proportion of modules to be compensated by good performance in other modules or, in cases of documented illness or other mitigating circumstances, condoned. Compensation and condonment of modules is limited to 15 credits per stage in line with IET accreditation requirements. Failure in certain modules, however, may not be compensated and/or condoned, as indicated by the symbol * below. Usually, no modules at any stage of the programme can be trailed. The programme detailed below is subject to change. Please check stage handbooks for details of pre-requisites and co- requisites for modules.

Students successfully completing Stage 1 of the programme and meeting credit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 2 will be eligible for the award of the Certificate in Computer Systems Engineering. Students successfully completing Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the programme and meeting credit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 3 will be eligible for the award of the Diploma in Computer Systems

7 Engineering. . Students completing Stage 3, with an overall mark of 55% can transfer to/remain on the MEng programme. Students on the MEng programme failing to meet this requirement can be awarded the BEng degree if they have met the outcomes necessary for that programme.

Code Title Level Credits Term/s Stage 1 Required Modules CO324 Computer Systems C 15 2 EL305 Introduction to Electronics C 15 1 EL315 Digital Technologies C 15 1 EL318 Engineering Mathematics C 15 1 EL311 Project Skills C 15 1 & 2 EL319 Engineering Analysis C 15 2 CO320 Introduction to Object Oriented C 15 1 Programming CO520 Further Object-Oriented Programming I 15 2 Stage 2 Required Modules EL568 Digital Implementation I 15 1 EL569 Digital Signal Processing I 15 1 EL560 Microcomputer Engineering I 15 1 & 2 EL561 Image Analysis and Applications I 15 1 & 2 EL562 Computer Interfacing I 15 1 & 2 EL565 Instrumentation Electronics I 15 1 & 2 CO527 Operating Systems and Architectures I 15 2 EL655 Digital Communications H 15 1 & 2 Industrial Placement Stage For those students on the Year in Industry programme, the industrial placement will be undertaken between their second and final years. EL790* Year in Industry I 120 1, 2 & 3 Stage 3 Required Modules EL600* Project H 45 1 & 2 EL667 Embedded Computer Systems H 15 1 & 2 EL671 Product Development H 15 1 & 2 EL673 Digital Systems Design H 15 1 & 2 EL676 Digital Control and Robotics H 15 1 & 2 Optional Modules CO633 Computer Networks and Communications H 15 1 CO634 Computer Security & Cryptography H 15 2 CO643 Computing Law and Professional H 15 2 Responsibility Stage 4 Required Modules EL700 Systems group project M 60 1 & 2 EL874 Computer and Reconfigurable M 15 1 Architectures EL829 Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems M 15 2 CB934 Business Strategy M 15 2

8 Optional Modules EL843 Fundamentals of Image Analysis and M 15 1 Biometrics EL871 DSP and Digital TV M 15 1 EL822 Communication Networks M 15 1 CO831 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing M 15 2

14. Support for Students and Their Learning  Induction programme for new students consisting of: tour of the Department; talks about the course; introduction to the Library and computing facilities; meeting with personal tutors to discuss the arrangements, timetable and answer any questions; reception for staff and students to meet socially. . Course Handbook with details of all the courses, modules, lecture syllabi, and comprehensive study information. . Health and Safety booklet given at the beginning of each academic year. . Library skills package given at the beginning of each academic year. Also, various free courses are given on usage of Library resources, including Internet based catalogue system of the large collection of books and journals, usage of networked CD-ROMs, and access to the Internet. The annual Electronics Library fund is about £60,000, i.e. about £180 per student. . Student: staff ratio of 17.22. . Learning resources include computing and multimedia facilities, lecture and seminar rooms and experimental laboratories all within the Electronics building and on the campus. Many of these rooms contain audio-visual equipment and computer projectors. . Academic support includes personal tutor system and departmental administration. Each student has a personal tutor who has responsibility for his/her pastoral care. Students have compulsory meetings with their tutors at least once a term. Tutors make time throughout the term for students who need advise, either personal or academic. . Central support services includes: confidential Counselling Service, Medical Centre, college Sick Bays, Faculty Concessions Committee, Hardship Fund, Careers Advisory Service, Disability Officer, and Educational Support Services. The latter offer various evening courses on study, revision and examination techniques, time management, remedial Mathematics, etc. . University and Electronics web pages with comprehensive information regarding all aspects of studies at Kent. Also various newsgroups.  Electronics Intranet with full module information, timetables, lecture notes etc.  Support for Students on Placement Support for the placement year commences early in Stage 2 with a briefing from the academic supervisor as to what students should expect during their placement year including the application process, the University support provided during the placement year and the range of work students are likely to undertake. Students are then supplied with details of placement opportunities as they become available. Students applying are given assistance and advice on the preparation of their CV, their application letters, and interview techniques.

Prospective employers attend a Student Placement briefing session so that they understand what to expect and what is required in terms of safety, induction and supervision. They also have the opportunity to meet the academic and administrative support staff who will be involved.

9 When students start their placement year they are given a Placement Year Handbook which includes:

 Induction Checklist  Contact details form  Health and Safety Checklist (which must be signed by the employer)  Final Report guidelines  Year in Industry Performance Evaluation form (completed by student and employer)

In addition the employer receives a letter explaining the 3-way relationship between the student, the employer and the University.

During the placement year the student is kept up to date with course developments via email. Each student is visited twice by the academic and administrative support staff who meet with the student and his/her line manager to discuss any problems, progress to date and any action points for the future. Notes of these meetings are produced and agreed by all parties. The first visit takes place approximately 8 weeks after the start date and the second visit occurs towards the end of the placement. The aim of the first visit is to check that induction and safety briefings have taken place, to ensure the student is keeping a satisfactory log and to iron out any initial difficulties. The aim of the second meeting is to ensure that the student is preparing the final report and that matters such as commercial confidentiality have been addressed. It is also an opportunity for the employer to comment on the preparedness of the student for his/her placement year and in light of this to suggest improvements on the material covered during Stage 1 and 2 of the degree program.

15. Entry Profile Entry Route For fuller information, please refer to the University prospectus. You must be able to satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University and of the Department of Electronics in one of the following ways:

School/College Leavers who have reached 17 years on admission  A levels and AS levels:  Normally a minimum of 300 points (21 units) including B grades in A/AS level Mathematics and one other science subject (such as Physics, Electronics or Computing).

 For the MEng, normally a minimum of 320 points is required.

 BTEC National  320 points (DDM) BTEC National in an appropriate Certificates/Diplomas: subject with a minimum of seven Merits including a Merit in Maths III or Maths for HE.

 Higher National Diploma in an appropriate subject.

10  VCE A level (previously  300 points (21 units) including BB in a Vocational A AGNVQ): level in Engineering (Double award 12 units including Further Maths for Engineering).

 For the MEng, normally a minimum of 320 points is required.

 Access/Foundation  A satisfactory pass in an approved Foundation or Access Programmes: programme.

 International  33 points in the Diploma including Maths HL 5 and Baccalaureate Physics SL5.

 For the MEng, normally a minimum of 35 points is required.

Mature applicants  Mature students are considered on an individual basis. Without the traditional qualifications listed here, we ask you for proof of any recent study you have done or of your ability to complete a degree programme successfully.

Direct Entry to Stage 2  Entry to the second year of the degree programme is available to suitably qualified candidates. Typical requirements are that the candidate has satisfactorily completed either the first year of an appropriate degree level course or an appropriate HND course at another institution or holds an appropriate overseas diploma which is equivalent to a BTEC HND. A BTEC HND with at least 6 Merits including Maths is required.

What does this programme have to offer?  An excellent grounding in the principles and technologies of digital systems design, embedded computer systems and digital communications  The opportunity to study subjects relevant to modern computer systems such as Computer Architecture, Object Oriented Design, Computer Networks and Software Engineering  The development of a broad range of skills that are highly sought after by employers and which open up a wide range of careers to graduates within the computer and electronics industries.  For the MEng, completion of all academic requirements for professional institution membership/Chartered Engineer status. Personal Profile  An interest in the technology and applications of computer hardware and software.  A desire to become an engineer working in the computer industry.  Enthusiasm to apply computers to real world problems, willingness to work with computers and use computer aided design (CAD) tools.  A desire to develop programming skills in procedural and object oriented languages.

16. Methods for evaluating and enhancing the quality and standards of teaching and learning Mechanisms for review and evaluation of teaching, learning, assessment, the curriculum

11 and outcome standards  Continuous monitoring of student progress and attendance  Student evaluations: lecture, project and laboratory feedback forms; staff-student meetings; student representations at Board of Studies, discussions with tutors  Module team meetings and annual module reports  Course Executives and Board of Studies reviews of teaching  Three-stage vetting process of examination questions: module team, Quality Assurance Committee, external examiners  Departmental annual monitoring reports  External examiners' reports . Periodic programme review . External accreditation . Annual staff appraisal . Peer observation . QAA subject review Committees with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating quality and standards  Departmental Quality Assurance Committee  Module teams  Course Executives  Board of Studies  Board of Examiners  Department Learning and Teaching Committee  Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee  Board of Learning and Teaching

Mechanisms for gaining student feedback on the quality of teaching and their learning experience  Student evaluations: lecture, project and laboratory feedback forms  General Meeting of Electronics Staff and Students  Student representation on Board of Studies and Learning and Teaching Committee  Discussions with tutors  Monitoring of Year Newsgroups (each year and each course has an Internet discussion newsgroup) Staff development priorities include:  Minimum expected qualification for appointment  PGCHE requirements for new members of staff  Membership of the Higher Education Academy  Staff appraisal scheme  Staff development courses  Professional body requirements  Committee and module team responsibilities  Research seminars  Conferences

17. Indicators of quality and standards  Teaching Quality Assessment by HEFCE, March 1997: grading of 21 out of a maximum 24 points:

12  Curriculum Design Content and Organisation = 4  Teaching Learning and Assessment = 3  Student Support and Guidance = 4  Student Progression and Achievement = 4  Learning Resources = 3  Quality Management and Enhancement = 3  The programme is accredited by the IET.  85% of the Department’s research activity was assessed to be of international standard in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.  The Department ranked first among all electronic and electrical engineering departments in the UK in the 2005 and 2006 National Student Surveys.

The following reference points were used in creating these specifications:  QAA benchmarking statements for Engineering  Accreditation requirements of the IET  Departmental Learning and Teaching Strategy  The University Plan and Learning and Teaching Strategy  Staff research

13 Curriculum Map for Electronic and Communications Engineering Awards Explanation. This map provides a design aid to help academic staff identify where the programme outcomes are being developed and assessed within the course. The map shows only the main measurable learning outcomes. There are many more outcomes in the module specifications.

Codes A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1

Introduction to EL305 x

E Electronics G Engineering EL318 x A

T Mathematics

S Engineering EL319 x x Analysis Project Skills EL311 x x x Digital EL315 x Technologies Introduction to OO CO320 Programming Further OO CO520 Programming Computer Systems CO324 x 2

Digital EL568 x x x x

E Implementation G Microcomputer EL560 x x A

T Engineering

S Computer EL562 x x x x x Interfacing Digital Signal EL569 x x x Processing Electronic EL565 x x x Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Image Analysis & EL561 x x x Applications Digital EL655 x x x x Communications Operating Systems CO527 x x x & Architectures 3

Project EL600 x x x x x x x E Embedded EL667 x x G

A Computer Systems

T Product EL671 x x x x x x S Development Digital Systems EL673 x x x x Design Digital Control & EL676 x x x Robotics 4

Systems Group EL700 x x x x x x

E Project G DSP and Digital TV EL871 o o o o o o o A

T Communication EL822 o o o o o S Networks Computer and EL874 x x x x x Reconfigurable Architectures Embedded Real- EL829 x x x x x Time Operating Systems Business CB934 x x x x x x Strategy

14 Codes B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 10 11 12 13 14 1

Introduction to EL305 x x x

E Electronics G Engineering EL318 x x A

T Mathematics

S Engineering EL319 x x x Analysis Project Skills EL311 x x x Digital Technologies EL315 x x x Introduction to OO CO320 x Programming Further Object CO520 x Oriented Programming Computer Systems CO324 x 2

Digital EL568 x x x x

E Implementation G Microcomputer EL560 x A

T Engineering

S Computer EL562 x x x x x x x Interfacing Digital Signal EL569 x x x x Processing Electronic EL565 x x x Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Image Analysis & EL561 x x x Applications Digital EL655 x x x x Communications Operating Systems CO527 x x & Architectures 3

Project EL600 x x x x x x x E Embedded Computer EL667 x x x x G

A Systems

T Product EL671 x x x x x x S Development Digital Systems EL673 x x x x Design Digital Control & EL676 x x x x Robotics 4

Systems Group EL700 x x x x x x x x x x

E Project G DSP and Digital TV EL871 o o o o A

T Communication EL822 o o o o S Networks Computer and EL874 x x x x Reconfigurable Architectures Embedded Real- EL875 x x x x Time Operating Systems Business CB934 x x x Strategy

15 Codes C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 1

Introduction to EL305 x x x x

E Electronics G Engineering EL318 x A

T Mathematics

S Engineering EL319 x Analysis Project Skills EL311 x x x x x Digital EL315 x x x Technologies Introduction to CO320 x x OO Programming Further Object CO520 x x x Oriented Programming Computer CO324 Systems 2

Digital EL568 x x x x x

E Implementation G Microcomputer EL560 x x x x x A

T Engineering

S Computer EL562 x x x x x x Interfacing Digital Signal EL569 x x x x Processing Electronic EL565 x x x x Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Image Analysis & EL561 x x x Applications Digital EL655 x x Communications Operating CO527 x Systems & Architectures 3

Project EL600 x x x x x x x x

E Embedded EL667 x x x x x G Computer A

T Systems

S Product EL671 x x x Development Digital Systems EL673 x x x x Design Digital Control & EL676 x x x x Robotics 4

Systems Group EL700 x x x x x x x x x x

E Project G DSP and Digital EL871 o o A


S Communication EL822 o Networks Computer and EL874 x x Reconfigurable Architectures Embedded Real- EL875 x x Time Operating Systems Business CB934 x x x Strategy

16 Codes D1 D2 D3 D4 D5- D71 1

Introduction to EL305 x x x

E Electronics G Engineering EL318 x A

T Mathematics

S Engineering EL319 x Analysis Project Skills EL311 x x x Digital EL315 x Technologies Introduction to OO CO320 x Programming Further Object CO520 Oriented Programming Computer Systems CO324 2

Digital EL568 x

E Implementation G Microcomputer EL560 x A

T Engineering

S Computer EL562 x x x x Interfacing Digital Signal EL569 x Processing Electronic EL565 x x Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Image Analysis & EL561 x Applications Digital EL655 Communications Operating Systems CO527 x & Architectures 3

Project EL600 x x x x E Embedded EL667 x G

A Computer Systems

T Product EL671 x S Development Digital Systems EL673 Design Digital Control & EL676 x Robotics 4

Systems Group EL700 x x x x

E Project G DSP and Digital EL871 o o A


S Communication EL822 o o Networks Computer and EL874 x x Reconfigurable Architectures Embedded Real- EL875 x x Time Operating Systems Business Strategy CB934 x

1 Shading represents skills D5-D7 that pervade all modules.


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