Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited s3

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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited s3





No: GC-18(A) / 2015-16/1 dtd. at Berhampur the 1st October'2015.

PRICE-Rs 525/-(Including 5% VAT)

Signature of the tenderer with seal 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS

TITLE Page No.

Schedule – I NIT 3

Schedule – II Details of the Firm 5

Schedule – III Terms & Conditions of the Agreement 6-12

Schedule – IV Format of Agreement 13

Schedule – V Letter of authorization for attending bid opening 14

Schedule – VI Declaration 15

Schedule – VII List of documents to be submitted along with Qualifying bid 16

Schedule- VIII Sample format for Bank Guarantee 17


Schedule – VIII Rates for Transportation of Telecom Stores (FINANCIAL BID) 18-21


No: GC-18(A) / 2015-16 / 1 Dated at Berhampur the ------


Sealed tenders (Packing PVC Tape /Sealing Wax) are invited by the General Manager, Telecom District, BERHAMPUR for Transportation of Telecom stores of BERHAMPUR SSA from the experienced contractors as per the details available in the Tender Documents.

TENDER SCHEDULE Period of issue of Receipt of Bid Opening of Price of Bid Estimated Cost Amount of Bid Documents Bid Document EMD s On all working Rs 525/- Up to 13:30 16:00 Hrs of day up to 16:00 including Hrs of Dt. Dt. Rs.8,00,000.00 Rs.20,000.00 Hrs of VAT 5% 16.10.2015 16.10.2015 -15.10.2015

(A) ELIGIBILITY OF BIDDER. The tenderer should submit the following documents for fulfilling the condition of eligibility of the tenderer. (Self attested copy) 1. Valid Service Tax Registration Certificate if the annual turnover of the bidder is more than Rs.8,00,000/-.If not, an undertaking to that effect must be submitted. 2. Experience in transportation of all types of Telecom stores including sophisticated equipments or similar type of goods and stores in the BSNL/MTNL/Central Government Government/Central PSU with proof of billed amount of minimum 1.0 Lakh ( Rupees One Lakh only) issued by not below the rank of TDM / Dy General Manager or any equivalent rank in the respective organisation in last 3 Three) consecutive financial years 3. The Cost of tender documents / bid security will be accepted in the form of DD of any scheduled Nationalised bank in favour of the A.O. (cash), BSNL, O/o.GMTD BERHAMPUR . 4. Valid VATCC with VAT Registration Certificate.(Attested) 5. PAN Card/Latest ITCC(Attested) 6. Upto date road tax clearance certificate of trucks / Lorries. 7. Up to date & valid Road permit of both Andhra & Odisha of Trucks & Lorries. 8. Bank Solvency Certificate of Rs. 1.0 Lakh (One lakh) only from any scheduled Bank/Nationalized Bank (issued after date of Publication of NIT). 9. Valid Registration certificate of the contractor/Firm/company.(Attested) Signature of the tenderer with seal 3 10. R C Books of the Trucks / Lorries. 11. Documents regarding ownership of minimum 1 truck of 10MT capacity & one truck of 4 MT capacity in the name of of the bidder / firm. 12. Valid driving license of the drivers. (B) Bid documents can be obtained from SDE(Plg), 3rd Floor, Tel. bhawan,O/o GMTD BERHAMPUR on written application along with DD of Rs. 525.00 (Rupees Five hundred & Twenty five only). Document may also be downloaded from our web site . If document is downloaded from web site, the cost of document must be enclosed inside the technical bid in the shape of separate Bank Draft. Each and every page of the tender document and all other documents attached will be signed by the tenderer. Tender documents will be dropped in the tender box kept in the chamber of AGM (Plg), Room no. 310,3rd Floor, Tel. bhawan,Berhampur.. The General Manager, Telecom District, Berhampur reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

AGM (Plg), O/o.GMTD Berhampur..

Signature of the tenderer with seal 4 Schedule- II

Details of the Firm

1. Full name of the firm/Individual: ……………..……………..………….. (In capital letter)

2. Address of the Firm/ : ...... ……………………………..…

3. Telephone No./Mobile No : Office…..…….… Res …….……Mob……………….

4. Is the firm a Proprietor or : ...…………………………………… Partnership?

5. Name of Proprietor or Partners : …………………………………………

6. Has the firm been black listed by ...... ………………………………….. any organization, if so, attach the details of.

7. Income tax account number / ...... ……………………………….. PAN card number

8. Service Tax Account Number (If available) ------

9. Valid road permit of the vehicles ( both Andhra & Odisha)------

10. Valid Insurance of the trucks & lorries.------

11. R C Books of the trucks & Lorries ------

12. Valid VAT registration & clearance certificate------

I /We hereby certify that the above mentioned particulars are true and correct.

Date: - Signature of Tenderer

Place: - (For and on behalf Name of firm with seal)

Signature of the tenderer with seal 5



1.1 SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work will be the TRANSPORTATION OF TELECOM STORES within Orissa State in general in inter-states in particular in case of exigency. However major of the works will be around BERHAMPUR Telecom SSA & from Bhubaneswar to Berhampur or to any parts of the SSA. The approximate cost of work is estimated to be of Rs.8 Lakhs ± 25%. However the GMTD, Berhampur reserves the right to vary the quantity exceeding up to 100% in case of exigency. 1.2 Only eligible Individual firms/parties who is/are capable of completing this type of work in scheduled period as per target fixed by the BSNL, Office of.GMTD Berhampur, should apply for this work. The documents as per Para (3) of this schedule must be enclosed with the tender document: 1.3 The word General Manger Telecom District, Berhampur, specified here after refers to General Manager Telecom District Berhampur and includes any officer authorized by him on his behalf. 1.4 The “Contractor” specified hereafter refers to the party with whom this contract of execution of work has been entered after acceptance of his tender by the Sr.General Manager Telecom District Berhampur 1.5 All terms and conditions mentioned here in the tender notice and in the schedule issued with the tender notice are binding on the tender. 1.6 The tender is for award of work to parties or contractors. The GMTD Berhampur reserves the right to award the work to more than one contractor i.e. L1 &L2 bidders or L1, L2&L3 bidders in the ratio as decided by him. 1.7 The General Manager Telecom District Berhampur reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or in whole without assigning any reason. The General Manager Telecom District Berhampur also reserves the right to award the work to other contractors. The. General Manager Telecom District Berhampur reserves the right to terminate the same at any time giving one month’s notice in writing without assigning any reason thereof. 1.8 The contract is normally valid for one year and the rates approved shall be valid during the currency of the contract. The contract can however be extended further by a maximum of 01(One) year at the discretion of General Manager Telecom District Berhampur in the same terms & conditions and at the approved rates. 1.9 Work should be completed within maximum of 48 Hrs from the issue of W/O or as per the instruction. The General Manger Telecom District Berhampur will have the right to cancel the contract and forfeit the security deposit with further liability to black list the contractor in case the bidder fails to comply the provisions of agreement. 1.10 The contractor will use vehicle/trucks etc. in carrying on the jobs in satisfaction to the Company. The rates should be quoted for Transportation of stores by shortest road distance per Km. in different type/sizes of vehicles (2MT / 4 MT / 10MT trucks) including fuel & loading and unloading charges at both ends. 1.11 Any lapse in the fulfillment on contract along with the various terms and conditions shall result in forfeiture of the Security Deposit and EMD. 1.12 Contractor having capability of undertaking such a job only should apply. 1.13 The decision of the.GMTD , Berhampur will be final and binding. Signature of the tenderer with seal 6 2. PREPARATION OF BID AND SUBMISSION: i) Tender should be submitted in prescribed form only and it should be signed by: a) Sole proprietor in case of proprietorship firm. b) Authorized signatory/partner in case of partnership firms. c) Authorized signatory in case of others. ii) The tender form should be filled legibly & in English. iii) Each page of the tender document should be signed by the tenderer(s) . iv) Conditional or incomplete, unsealed tender will be rejected. v) No erasing or over writing will be permitted. If any corrections are to be made the entry should be clearly scored out by a single line and encircled and fresh entry should be made. All such corrections should be authenticated with full signature of the person signing the tender. Any tenderer who does not comply with this requirement will be treated as invalid. vi) The rates should be quoted including all Taxes, freight, Levies, surcharges etc. but excluding Service Tax. Words like “taxes as applicable” etc. should not be indicated. Any tender not meeting this rate requirement will be treated as invalid. The rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words. In case of any discrepancy, the rate in words will prevail. vii) The rates offered by the tenderer should be valid for acceptance for three months from the date of opening of the tender. viii) METHOD OF PREPARATION OF BID:- (a) BID for the zone should be submitted in three properly sealed (wax seal or adhesive tape) envelopes placed inside a main cover superscripted each as " TRANSPORTATION OF TELECOM STORES IN BERHAMPUR SSA ". . These three envelopes should contain the following:- Inside sealed Marked on Contents inside of Envelope Envelope the Cover Number. I “ Bid 1) EMD (Bid Security) as per NIT Security” 2) Cost of Bid Document as per NIT (if downloaded from web site) II “ Qualifying Containing all documents as per clause 13 of or Technical section-III and complete technical bid document Bid” except the EMD and cost of bid document. III “ Financial Rates duly quoted by the tenderer in the Bid” format.

(b) On all these envelopes the name of the firm and whether “Bid Security” OR “Qualifying or Technical bid” OR “Financial bid” must be clearly mentioned and should be properly sealed (with sealing wax/Cello tape). These three envelopes are to be placed inside an outer envelope or main cover and properly sealed (with sealing wax/Cello tape) and superscripted as mentioned earlier. The tenders or bids, which are not submitted in above, mentioned manner will be summarily rejected. ix) The tenderer will be bound by all terms, conditions and specifications as per the tender documents. Any tender with conditions other than those specified in the tender document will be summarily rejected. No any modification by the contractor in any of the condition will be permitted after the tender is opened. Signature of the tenderer with seal 7 Envelop meant for 'Technical bid' shall contain all documents specified in clause 3 of Schedule III whereas the envelop meant for 'Financial bid' shall contain the quotation of rates only . Note: Mixing the contents of the envelopes in any manner will result in rejection of tender. Therefore, tenderer must take adequate precautions not to interchange/mix up the technical bid and financial bid documents by mistake. x) This Packing PVC tape / Sealing wax envelop should be dropped in tender box up to 13:30 hrs on date 16.10.2015 and in case of postal tender should be dispatched so as to reach this office not later than 13:30 hrs on date 16.10.2015. Postal delay will not be accepted and no extension of time will be granted for such cases. Tenders not having Packing PVC tape / Sealing wax will be summarily rejected.


(All the supporting documents are to be self-attested by the tenderer)

1. Valid Service Tax Registration Certificate if the annual turnover of the bidder is more than Rs.8,00,000/-.If not, an undertaking to that effect must be submitted. 2. Experience in transportation of all types of Telecom stores including sophisticated equipments or similar type of goods and stores in the BSNL/MTNL/Central Government Government/Central PSU with proof of billed amount of minimum 1.0 Lakh ( Rupees One Lakh only) issued by not below the rank of TDM / Dy General Manager or any equivalent rank in the respective organisation in last 3 Three) consecutive financial years 3. The Cost of tender documents / bid security will be accepted in the form of DD of any scheduled Nationalised bank in favour of the A.O. (cash), BSNL, O/o.GMTD BERHAMPUR . 4. Valid VATCC with VAT Registration Certificate.(Attested) 5. PAN Card/Latest ITCC(Attested) 6. Upto date road tax clearance certificate of trucks / Lorries. 7. Up to date & valid Road permit of both Andhra & Odisha of Trucks & Lorries. 8. Bank Solvency Certificate of Rs. 1.0 Lakh (One lakh) only from any scheduled Bank/Nationalized Bank (issued after date of Publication of NIT). 9. Valid Registration certificate of the contractor/Firm/company.(Attested) 10. R C Books of the Trucks / Lorries. 11. Documents regarding ownership of minimum 1 truck of 10MT capacity & one truck of 4 MT capacity in the name of of the bidder / firm. 12. Valid driving license of the drivers.

4. BID SECURITY: EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) 4.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, a bid security (EMD) for an amount of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only). No interest shall be paid by the BERHAMPUR SSA on the bid security for any period, what so ever. 4.2 The bid security is required to protect the BERHAMPUR SSA against the risk of bidders conduct, which would warrant the security's forfeiture, pursuant to para 4.7. 4.3 Bid Security shall be paid in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/BC issued by any scheduled nationalized bank, drawn in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL O/o GMTD BERHAMPUR, payable at BERHAMPUR.

Signature of the tenderer with seal 8 4.4 A bid not secured in accordance with para 4.1 and para 4.3, shall be rejected by the BERHAMPUR SSA as non responsive. 4.5 The bid security of the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded as promptly as possible soon after finalization of the tender , but not later than 30 days after the expiry of the period of bid validity prescribed by the BSNL. 4.6 The successful bidder's bid security will compulsorily be converted to part Performance security deposit in accordance with clause 7, Schedule III. 4.7 The bid security shall be forfeited:- 4.7.1 If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified in the bid document. 4.7.2 If the bidder makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender before acceptance of the tender, which are not acceptable to the GMTD,Berhampur. 4.7.3 In case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the agreement in accordance with clause 8, Schedule III.


Technical bid is primarily meant to scrutinize the eligibility conditions and the capabilities of the tenderer to be able to accomplish the job. Only those tenderers whose technical bids are found meeting all eligibility conditions shall be valid bidders and they will be short-listed by the Tender Evaluation Committee for opening of their financial bids .The proposed date/time/venue will be intimated to the bidders in due course.


(i) The Financial bid is monetary offer of bidders for carrying out the work of TRANSPORTATION OF TELECOM STORES IN BERHAMPUR SSA. The Financial bid of those tenderers who do not qualify under Technical bid will not be opened . (ii) All bidders have to quote rates for all items indicated in financial bid. Rates quoted if otherwise, tender will be summarily rejected.

7. Performance Security/ Security Deposit 7.1 The successful tenderers are required to deposit an amount of Rs.80,000(Rupees Eighty Thousand only ) (10% of the estimated cost ) in shape of Demand Draft from any scheduled Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash) BSNL, O/o. G.M.T.D., Berhampur, payable at Berhampur within 10 days from the date of acceptance of tender & before signing the agreement. 7.2 The Performance Security can also be submitted in the form of Bank guarantee valid for a period of minimum 18 months from the date of execution of agreement. ) in favour of A.O. (Cash,) O/o the GMTD, BSNL Berhampur issued & payable on any scheduled Bank at Berhampur. 7.3 Performance Security shall be released after 6 (six) months from the date of expiry of contract period on production of “no dues certificate” from the SDO/SDE in charge of the work under countersignature of DE concerned. 7.4 If the contractor fails or neglects any of his obligations under the contract it shall be lawful for BSNL, to forfeit either whole or any part of performance security furnished by the bidder as compensation for any loss resulting from such failure. In this case the decision of GMTD, BSNL Berhampur will be final and binding on the contractor. 7.4 No interest will be paid to the contractor on the performance security deposit. Signature of the tenderer with seal 9 8. Signing of Agreement : Successful tenderer will have to execute an agreement on judicial stamp paper of Rs. 20.00 (which is to be borne by the contractor) with the General Manger Telecom District Berhampur or his representative regarding binding of terms and condition as mentioned in the tender after depositing the performance security as per the tender conditions

9. Payment terms:- (i) Payment will be made through account Payee Cheque drawn on Union Bank Berhampur. The contractor is to intimate his bank account number and branch details for issuing cheques. BSNL will not bear any collection charges, if required. (ii) Income Tax & other statutory Taxes revised from time to time will be deducted from each bill amount. (iii) The bills should be submitted in duplicate alongwith copy of the work order and required certificate from the field officers on the body of the bill within one month of completeion of work for effecting payment. The certificate should clearly indicate : (a) The distance covered for transportation (b) Type of vehicle used for transportation (c) Whether the truck was fully or partially loaded (d) The bill should contain all documents related to issue & receipt of the stores at both stations duly signed by the receiving / issuing officer / staff. (e) NOTE:- Engagement of any vehicle other than the type of vehicle specified in the tender may lead to non-payment of bills for transportation and will be entirely at the risk of the contractor and at discretion of the District Authority. (f) In case of loss of store material during transportation, the charges to the extent of store cost will be recovered from the tenderer. (g) If telecom store material is not transported within the stipulated period, alternate transportation will be arranged by the BSNL from the open market and excess charges will be recovered from the tenderer. . 10. SUBLETTING ASSIGNMENT: The contractor shall not assign, subcontract or sublet the whole or any part of the work covered by the contract. Incase it is proved that the tenderer has engaged subcontractors the tender awarded in his favour would be treated as null and void and SD will be forfeited.

11. TERMINATION:- (a) In case the contractors are found not observing the terms and conditions as mentioned above, a notice will be issued to the contractor and upon not receiving satisfactory reply within seven days from the issue of the notice, GMTD, Berhampur reserves the right to terminate the contract. (b) Termination for unsatisfactory performance: In case the contractor’s performance is not satisfactory, the GMTD has got the right to engage another contractor. While doing so, if the expenditure incurred is more than the quoted value, the extra cost will be recovered from the approved contractor.

12. WARRANTY CLAUSE : The tenderer will be completely responsible for proper transportation of material during loading, transportation transit & unloading. In case any material is reported damaged during transit due to mishandling etc., it will be borne solely by the tenderer and the cost of material to the Signature of the tenderer with seal 10 extent of loss / or complete as decided by GMTD Berhampur , will be recovered from the tenderer Such warranty will exist up to delivery of material at B end officer ( ultimate consignee ) and the B end will be instructed to give certificate of receipt of material in good condition immediately after receipt of material . The decision of GMTD Berhampur will be final in this matter and tenderer will have no right to challenge the same. .13 . Penalty:- In case of break down during transportation, vehicles have to be replaced by another similar one immediately within 3(Three) hours. In case of non-availability of suitable vehicle a penalty of Rs. 2000.00 per day may be imposed as per decision of the GMTD, Berhampur

14. ARBITRATION: a)In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connection there with except as to matter the decision of which is specifically provided under this agreement, the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of the General Manager, Telecom District, BSNL, Berhampur or in case his designation is changed or his office is abolished then in such case to the sole arbitration of the Officer for the time being entrusted whether in addition to the functions of the General Manager, Telecom District, BSNL, Berhampur or by whatever designation such officers may be called (hereinafter referred to as the said officer) and if the General Manager, Telecom District, BSNL, Berhampur or the said officer is unable or unwilling to act as such the sole arbitration or some other person appointed by the General Manager, Telecom District, BSNL, Berhampur or the said officer. The agreement to appoint an arbitrator will be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. There will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator is Government Servant or that he has to deal with the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his duties as Government Servant he has expressed views on all or any of the matter under dispute. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of such arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, being transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reasons whatsoever such General Manager, Telecom District, BSNL, Berhampur or the said officer shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with terms of the agreement and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed from the stage at which it was left out by his predecessors. b. The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of parties enlarge the time for making and publishing the award. Subject to aforesaid Arbitration and Conciliation Act; 1996 and the Rules made there under, any modification thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. c. The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be the Office of the General Manager, Telecom District, Berhampur or such other places as the arbitrator may decide.

15. MISCELLANEOUS: 1. Contractor will be fully responsible for any damage caused while transporting the telecom stores or any other incident like theft etc. 2. Contractor should engage labours as per the labour law & will be responsible as per the labour laws for the labour employed by him for any damage (temporary or permanent)

Signature of the tenderer with seal 11 caused to the labour while carrying out the work. The responsibility for payment of compensation to labour will be fully of the contractor. 3. If any accident takes place due to lack of supervision or motor vehicle accident, Injury to human being or death due to handling of stores etc. will be the responsibility of the contractor. 3. The contractor should get his vehicle properly insured for different types of Damages / Thefts / Loss etc during transit, till material is delivered to the B end consignee. 5. The GMTD Berhampur will be free to allocate work of transportation to one or more bidders on basis of requirement of work and the ratio of work to be shared will be decided by him, for which no objection will be raised by L1 bidder. 6. The GMTD Berhampur will be free to accept /reject one /all bids during the process of tender finalization without assigning reasons thereof. 7. The entire work can be distributed among more than 01(one) contractor , if so desired by the GMTD,Berhampur who is the competent authority to decide and ratio of the work will be decided by him. 8. The Contractor may also be required to carry the stores between the places as and when determined by the Department at the rate agreed upon. 9. The contractor may also be required to carry the stores between sub-divisions of Berhampur SSA as and when determined and the claim is to be made as per the distance available in Annexure-I. 10. The direct truck load to Parlakhemundi is to be carried out via Andhra Pradesh Route & for which the bidder have to quote the rate separately ( as per the provisions made in the price schedule). I/We do hereby agree to abide by above mentioned terms and conditions in case my/our tender is accepted.

Date: Signature of tenderer Place: (For and on behalf of firm with seal)

Schedule – IV


Signature of the tenderer with seal 12 This agreement made on this ...... day of...... (Year) between M/s ...... , here in after called 'The Contractor’ (Which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context, include its successors, heir, executors, administrative representative and assignee) of the one part & the BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED here in after referred to as the BSNL, of other part.

Where as the contractor has offered to enter into contract with the said BSNL for the execution of work of Transportation and handling of telecom stores on the terms and conditions herein contained and the rates approved by the BSNL BERHAMPUR (copy of Rates annexed) have been duly accepted and where as the contractor agreed to deposit the necessary security deposit in accordance with the provisions of the tender document and whereas no interest will be claimed on the security deposits.

Now these presents witness and it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties to these presents as follows. 1) The contractor shall, during the period of this contract that is to say from...... to ...... or upto completion of the total cost of allotted work whichever is earlier or until this contract: shall be determined by such notice as is hereinafter mentioned, safely carryout, by means of labourers employed at his own expenses and by means of tools, implements and equipment etc. to be supplied by him to his labour at his own expenses for the transporaation Telecom. Goods and other associated works as described in tender document, as per the requirement of the GMTD BERHAMPUR or any other persons authorized by the GMTD BERHAMPUR . It is understood by the contractor that the quantity of work mentioned on the schedule is likely to change as per actual requirements as demanded by exigencies of service. 2) The NIT (notice Inviting tender), Bid documents (Qualifying and Financial), letter of intent, approved rates, annexed hereto and such other additional particulars, instructions, work orders as may be found requisite to be given during execution of the work shall be deemed and taken to be an integral part of the contract and shall also be deemed to be included in the expression "The Agreement" or "The Contract” wherever herein used. 3) The contractor shall also supply the requisite number of workmen with means & materials as well as tools, appliances, machines, implements, vehicles for transportation, cartage etc. required for the proper execution of work within the time prescribed in the work orders. 4) The contractor hereby declares that nobody connected with or in the employment of the BSNL BERHAMPUR/DTS is not/shall not ever be admitted as partner in the contract. 5) The contractor shall abide by the terms and conditions, rules, guidelines, safety precautions etc. stipulated in the tender document .

In witness whereof the parties present have here into set their respective hands and seals the ...... day of...... (Year).

Signed sealed & Delivered by Signed sealed & Delivered by the Contractor in the presence of and on behalf of GMTD,Berhampur Witness: Witness:

Schedule – V

Signature of the tenderer with seal 13 LETTER OF AUTHORISATION FOR ATTENDING BID OPENING

No GC-18(A) / 2015-16 / 1 Dated at BERHAMPUR the ------

Subject: Authorization for attending bid opening on ______(date) in the tender of ______

The following persons are hereby authorized to attend the bid opening for the tender mentioned above on behalf of...... (Bidder) in order of preference given below.

Order of Preference Name Specimen Signatures



Alternate Representative

Signatures of bidder Or Officer authorized to sign the bid Documents on behalf of the bidder.

No. 1 Maximum of two representatives will be permitted to attend bid opening. In cases where it is restricted to one, first preference will be allowed. Alternate representative will be permitted when regular representatives are not able to attend.

2. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened may be refused in case authorization as prescribed above is not recovered.

Signature of the tenderer with seal 14 Schedule – VI


I...... S/o...... r/o ...... hereby certify that none of my relative(s) as defined below is/are employed in BSNL unit. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit without any prior intimation to me.

Note: The near relatives for this purpose are defined as: 1. Members of a Hindu Undivided family, 2. They are husband and wife, 3. The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & son’s wife (daughter-in-law), daughter(s) & daughter’s husband (son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother-in-law).

Station: Name of the contractor (Capacity in which signing)


Signature of the tenderer with seal 15 Schedule – VII


The tenderer will have to submit the following documents/deposits with the Bid. Any bid not accompanying the below mentioned documents / deposits will be liable to be rejected; 1. Bid Security in accordance with the tender document. 2. Tender document(s), in original, duly filled in and signed by tenderer or his authorized representative along with date & seal on each page. All corrections and overwriting must be initialed with date by the tenderer or his authorized representative. 3. Attested Xerox Copy of Latest Income Tax Return filed copy/PAN copy. 4. Bid Form, duly filled in the tender document. 5. Details of firm duly filled in the tender document with attested copy of Registration certificate of the contractor/Firm/company. 6. Original "Power of Attorney" in case person other than the tenderer has signed the tender documents. 7. Partnership deed document, incase of partnership firms. 8. NOC from other partners, in case of partnership firm. 9. Authority letter to sign the tender if Limited Company 10. Attested Xerox Copy of VATCC with VAT registration certificate. 11. Attested Xerox Copy of Experience Certificate as per NIT. 12. Upto date ITCC / PAN 13. Attested Xerox Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate with proof of up-to-date payment or an undertaking. 14. Upto date road tax clearance certificate of trucks / Lorries. 15. Up to date & valid Road permit of both Andhra & Odisha of Trucks & Lorries. 16. Bank Solvency Certificate of Rs. 1.0 Lakh (One lakh) only from any scheduled Bank/Nationalized Bank (issued after date of Publication of NIT). 17. R C Books of the Trucks / Lorries. 18. Documents regarding ownership of minimum 1 truck of 10MT capacity & one truck of 4 MT capacity in the name of of the bidder / firm. 19. Valid driving license of the drivers 20. Cost of tender paper if downloaded.

All the documents are to be self attested by the bidder.

Signature of the tenderer with seal 16 SCHEDULE VIII


We...... Of...... having our registered office at...... are bound unto BSNL, Berhampur in the sum of ------…….for which payment will truly to be made of the said Department ,the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. 1. We (Name of the Bank) ...... do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the BSNL stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the BSNL by reason of breach by the said contractor(s) of any of terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the contractor (s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee where the decision of the BSNL in these counts shall be final and binding on the bank. However, out liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs……………(Rupees…………………………………) 2. We undertake to pay to the BSNL any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding before any court or tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The Payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 3. We (name of the Bank) ...... further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the BSNL under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the GMTD , BSNL Berhampur certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing or before ………… (Date), we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 4. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the contractor(s) / supplier(s). 5. We (Name of the Bank) ...... lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the BSNL in writing.

This guarantee will remain in force up to and including (date)…………..and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

Dated the ...... For …………………. (The name of the Bank)



No: GC-18(A) / 2015-16/1 Dated at BERHAMPUR the ------2015.




Signature of the tenderer with seal


(I) Transportation:-

(A) Truck with 10MT capacity Distance of Place from Loading Scheduled rate per km. Rate quoted as % of Standard rate schedule point Above At Par Below (a)Local trips(00-20 km.) Rs. 1500/- per truck load (b)Beyond 20 km.(Except for Rs. 35.00 Parlakhemundi)

(c) Beyond 20 km.(Direct truck Rs. 45.00 load to Parlakhemundi

(B) Mini Truck (4 MT) / partially loaded truck (10MT ) capacity Distance of Place from Loading Scheduled rate per km. Rate quoted as % of Standard rate schedule point Above At Par Below (a)Local trips(00-20 km.) Rs. 1200/-

(b)Beyond 20 km.(Except for Rs. 30.00 Parlakhemundi)

(c) Beyond 20 km.(Direct truck Rs. 40.00 load to Parlakhemundi

( C) Small trucks with 2MT capacity Distance of Place from Loading Scheduled rate per km. Rate quoted as % of Standard rate schedule point Above At Par Below (a)Local trips(00-20 km.) Rs. 800/-

(b)Beyond 20 km.(Except for Rs. 25/- Parlakhemundi)

(c) Beyond 20 km.(Direct truck Rs. 35/- load to Parlakhemundi

Calculation(Example):- (a) The calculation of rate for all types of trucks upto 20 km. will be as per the scheduled price (00- 20km.s) . (b) For distance beyond 20km.s , the calculation will be (the rate per km. x distance in Km.s ). (II) Handling charges;- Signature of the tenderer with seal 19 (A) Truck with 10MT capacity Loading / Unloading Sl. No. Particulars Scheduled Rate quoted as % of standard rate schedule rate Above At par Below 1. Loading Rs. 1500/- 2. Unloading Rs. 1500/-

(B) Mini truck (4 MT) / Partially loaded 10MT truck Loading / Unloading Sl. No. Particulars Scheduled Rate quoted as % of standard rate schedule rate Above At par Below 1. Loading Rs. 1000/- 2. Unloading Rs. 1000/-

(C) Small truck with 2 MT capacity Loading / Unloading Sl. No. Particulars Scheduled Rate quoted as % of standard rate schedule rate Above At par Below 1. Loading Rs. 500/- 2. Unloading Rs. 500/-

NOTE:- (i) Rate must be quoted in figures & words. (ii) The tender will be finalized taking into account of the rate quoted per km. (iii) Transportation done by any means other than the vehicles prescribed above will not be considered strictly.

Signature of the tenderer with seal 20 ANNEXURE I


Distance Particulars from Sub-Div. to Sub-Div. in Berhampur Telecom. District Aska Bhanjanagar Chatrapur Digapahandi Parlakhemundi Aska 0 45 65 35 170 Bhanjanagar 45 0 110 80 215 Chatrapur 65 110 0 50 190 Digapahandi 35 80 50 0 140 Parlakhemundi 170 215 190 140 0

Signature of the tenderer with seal 21

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