Round 8 Toronto (Rein Otsason, Sunanthan Sivakumar, Meghan Torchia)

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Round 8 Toronto (Rein Otsason, Sunanthan Sivakumar, Meghan Torchia)

Ottawa Hybrid 2015 Round 8 – Toronto (Rein Otsason, Sunanthan Sivakumar, Meghan Torchia)

1. This monarch confiscated some castles from Bishop Roger of Salisbury, and he appointed earldoms to the twins Robert of Leicester and Waleran de Beaumont. This king surrendered much of the North to David I of Scotland, and Pope Eugene III refused to anoint this man's (*) son as his successor. This king’s supporters won the Rout of Winchester, which allowed this king to be freed in a prisoner exchange for Robert of Gloucester. The son of Adela and the father of Eustace, this monarch was captured at the Battle of Lincoln, and he was succeeded by the Angevin dynasty after negotiating peace with the future Henry II. For 10 points, identify this 12th-century king of England who ruled through the Anarchy and fought with his cousin Matilda. ANSWER: Stephen (of Blois)

2. One character in this movie claims to have had laser eye surgery since first meeting the protagonists, while another character accidentally kills his partner while having a seizure. Early on in this film, a famous rapper admits he’s gay on a talk show, and during a basketball game, characters argue whether or not margaritas are (*) gay because they are so sweet. During another scene in this film, Aaron is forced to rectally transport a container of ricin strips after being confronted by a Siberian tiger. Dave sings the Katy Perry song “Firework” in this film in order to make a man cry about always wanting his father’s approval. First scheduled for release on Christmas 2014, for 10 points, name this Seth Rogen movie about journalists trying to assassinate Kim Jong-Un. ANSWER: The Interview

3. According to these people, a statement is made of a name-bearer and a signifier, which can be neither true nor false, and a "sayable" or lekton which connects them and which actually can be true or false. One of these people compared moral character with a cylinder rolling down a hill, (*) which is propelled by an external force but which moves according to its shape. These people believed all things were particular and that universals were "figments of the mind," and they claimed that to be truly free, one must become a sage and attain virtue in the form of “right reason." These people claimed that life was animated by divine breath, or "pneuma," and they rivalled the Epicureans. For 10 points, name these philosophers including Marcus Aurelius and Zeno of Citium, who tried to always be free from passions. ANSWER: Stoics

4. Position and school required. The first Heisman winner with this job won in 2002 and was the school’s first winner since Marcus Allen. That athlete, who did this job, has twice suffered torn ACLs right after signing contract extensions, including after a $118 million deal in 2006. The only true freshman starter in this job for a season opener is (*) Matt Barkley. In March 2015, the Bills acquired a player from the Vikings who had once done this job; that man was drafted in spite of never starting a college game at this position and school. One alumnus from this school and position infamously ran into Brandon Moore against New England in the Butt Fumble. For 10 points, name this position played by such Trojans as Matt Cassel, Matt Leinart, Carson Palmer and Mark Sanchez. ANSWER: University of Southern California Trojans Quarterbacks (or QBs)

5. One member of this profession employs the housekeeper Mrs. Clinton, and another member of this profession wished to have a daughter called Grissel. One of these people gets ripped off when trying to sell the horse Blackberry to Ephraim Jenkinson. One person with this job sends his adopted daughter to Howard Grove (*) to keep her away from Madame Duval, and another person accepts this job for fifteen pounds a year after getting his fortune stolen. That character argues about marriage with Mr. Wilmot and later marries off his daughter Sophia to Sir William, after getting his house burned down by the evil Squire Thornhill. Evelina's guardian Arthur Villars and the naive Dr. Charles Primrose hold this occupation. For 10 points, name this profession of the title character in an Oliver Goldsmith novel set in Wakefield. ANSWER: (Anglican) priest [or vicar, reverend, minister; accept all other synonyms] 6. After listening to a hypnotic tape, this man puts on chapstick and wears his towel like a woman in one episode, and in an earlier episode, this man discovers that his online girlfriend is just his ex. (*) This man’s job requires him to work with a “WENUS” and an “ANUS,” and when he tries to dump his girlfriend by saying he’s moving to Yemen, she sees him to the airport and he actually gets on a plane to Yemen. The son of an erotic novelist mother and a transgender drag star, this man asks rhetorical questions like, “Could I be more sorry?” For 10 points, name this Matthew Perry character who lives with Joey and marries Monica on Friends. ANSWER: Chandler (Muriel) Bing

7. Steven Flagg rapped about this event, and Gwen Carr finished her shift at work after it occurred. Supervised by Kizzy Adoni, this event took place outside Bay Beauty Supply and involved the heavily-tattooed Justin Damico. A fight was broken up just before this event took place, according to Ramsey Orta, (*) whose footage of this event showed a man in cargo shorts and a grey t-shirt saying, "It stops today," when confronted about selling loose cigarettes. Daniel Pantaleo was moved to desk duty, but was not indicted, for his role in this event. For 10 points, identify this event in which NYPD officers used a chokehold to kill a man who kept saying "I can't breathe." ANSWER: death of Eric Garner [accept clear equivalents]

8. According to Danish tradition, Denmark’s flag fell from the sky during a battle against pagans from this country. In 2007, this country controversially relocated a Bronze Soldier statue in its capital to its Defence Forces Cemetery. This country’s highest point is Suur Munamagi, which translates to the excellently-named Egg Mountain. This country’s borders were set in a (*) 1920 treaty signed in its second largest city, Tartu. Lake Peipus is the source of one of this country’s major rivers; that river’s namesake city was the site of a major Swedish victory during the Great Northern War and is Narva. For 10 points, name this Baltic country with capital at Tallinn. ANSWER: Republic of Estonia [or Eesti Vabariik]

9. In this work a vampire mispronounces the names of the wares she sells, as her character was voiced by a child actor. Another character in this game may have been trying to assassinate the protagonist, as he gives the protagonist scrolls that not only harm nearby enemies, but also the user. Those characters are Babette and J’zargo, and can be found in the safe house of the (*) Dark Brotherhood and at the College of Winterhold. A more famous character from this game is Ulfric, who is said to have murdered the high king with his voice, leading to a civil war that occurs in this game’s title location. For 10 points, name this expansive Bethesda title that takes place in a cold province of Tamriel. ANSWER: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (do not accept or prompt on other entry in the Elder Scrolls franchise)

10. One version of this protein plays a role in phototransduction in the eyes of fruit flies. Defects in the MYH7 gene lead to the formation of clumps of this protein which interfere with the operation of cells where they are present. Most commonly, patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have a defect in a gene encoding for this protein. During (*) cytokinesis, these proteins push another protein into forming the cleavage furrow. Their action is triggered by the release of calcium, which binds to troponin, from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The “thick filament” present in muscle contraction, this protein interacts with actin to produce motion. For 10 points, name this family of motor proteins that converts ATP to mechanical energy. ANSWER: myosin

11. This work claims it’s a “principle of diplomacy” that “one must know something of the truth in order to lie convincingly.” Owen Williams helps find a GRU operative posing as a civilian in this work, where the Dallas is unable to track an enemy vehicle which has “caterpillar drive” cloaking. A (*) Lithuanian man in this book looks for revenge after his wife dies in the care of a drunk doctor. This debut novel is sequentially third in a series, and in it, the CIA protagonist figures out that America is not actually being attacked. Marko Ramius tries to defect in this cat-and-mouse novel, which was published by the U.S. Navy and followed by Patriot Games. For 10 points, name this Tom Clancy-and-Jack Ryan novel about submarines. ANSWER: The Hunt for Red October 12. In a minisode, this character is angry that his band-mates recorded a music video without him and insists he started TwaüghtHammër. This character was originally supposed to be killed after one season, but was saved because the actor was so good, and while standing on a large rock this character says he sees two barns (*) which he cals “cowhouses.” In one appearance, this character gets mad when his friends bring over unsliced pizza, and at some point he is known for using chili powder under the name “Cap’n Cook.” This man tries to shield Andrea and Brock from the Nazis after his previous girlfriend, the landlord Jane, overdosed on heroin. For 10 points name this character that says “bitch” a lot, Walter White’s meth partner on Breaking Bad. ANSWER: Jesse Pinkman (Accept either name)

13. One instance of this action led to the hiring of Doug Collins and an 18-game win improvement for the team involved. John Starks played one-on-one defence after one of these events, which led to a player getting 55 points against the Knicks. According to the book (*) One Last Shot, before these events, the man involved spent too much time riding motorcycles and gambling. This first happened after a mediocre season with the Birmingham Barons, and the second time it happened, the player went to play for the Washington Wizards. For 10 points, name this action done twice by a former Chicago Bull, including once by a two-word press release that said, “I’m Back!” ANSWER: Michael Jordan Comeback to NBA [accept synonyms; prompt on partial]

14. This album samples the Beenie Man song “Memories” and the [Tonight] song “R U Ready.” The iTunes release of this album credits “God” as a feature artist, and it discusses private prisons in the line, “The D-E-A teamed (*) up with the C-C-A.” A song with airhorns and Chief Keef says, “Okay I smashed your Corolla” on this album, and another song says, “I throw those Maybach keys / I wear my heart on my sleeve” before declaring, “I’d rather be a dick than a swallower.” The song “I’m In It” on this album makes a crude reference to sweet-and-sour sauce. For 10 points, name this album that has “Black Skinhead” and “Bound 2,” which was released in 2013 by Kanye West. ANSWER: Yeezus

15. A character in this novel mentions that he is disturbed by the concept of imaginary numbers, and he expresses concern over his mental state as he begins to dream. One lover of the main character is considered too short to bear children, although she tries to do so regardless. The Ancient House in this novel (*) is revealed to have a hidden passageway that leads past the Green Wall to the MEPHI. The main character has a letter and number for a name and undergoes a “Great Operation” to remove imagination and emotions. For 10 points, name this work that involves the rebellion of I-330, the impregnation of O-90 by D-503, and the eventual overthrow of the One State, a novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin. ANSWER: We

16. Several organizers of this event later moved to the mining town Chita, and some others were Masons from the Lodge of Three Virtues. This event killed the officers Sturler, Gastfer, and Mikhail Miloradovich, and it was perpetrated by the constitution-loving Northern Society faction of the Union of Salvation. (*) Leaders of this event were not freed, as per custom, but were instead re-hanged after the ropes broke and all five of them survived their first hanging. Occurring in Senate Square, this hours-long event saw soldiers supporting Constantine Pavlovich protesting a loyalty oath imposed on them by the surprise successor of Alexander I. For 10 points, identify this failed 1825 rebellion in which soldiers of the Russian army protested the ascension of Nicholas I to the throne. ANSWER: Decemb(e)rist Revolt

17. During this album’s release, CBS records was angered that an ET: The Extra-terrestrial audiobook featuring the same artist would outshine it. This album includes the artist telling Paul McCartney that he’s “a lover, not a fighter,” and hugging a (*) tiger in the back-cover. Weird Al parodied one of this album’s songs by singing that “Your table manners are some cryin' shame/ Now, if you starve to death, you’ll have yourself to blame.” One song on this album was used at Motown 25 for the first moonwalk, and another features a spoken-word performance by Vincent Price. For 10 points, name this best-selling album of all time, which has “Billie Jean” and “Beat It” and a spooky title track. ANSWER: Thriller 18. One work by this composer begins with the right hand playing triplet eighth notes, the left hand playing duple eighth notes, and a pedal playing a whole note. This composer made an album with the tracks "Opening," "Facades, and "Rubric," and an opera by this composer debuted with the title role sung by countertenor Paul Esswood. That work includes a tour guide saying, "There is nothing left of this glorious city," and its central "love theme" reused the words from the earlier "Hymn to the Sun." Another work by this composer has a monologue about seeing bathing caps at the (*) supermarket. This composer used solfege, one-syllable arias in an opera which permits audience members to wander out and in during the performance. An opera in Akkadian and Ancient Egyptian was written by this composer, who worked with Lucinda Childs and Robert Wilson on another work with scenes of numbers repeated over and over. For 10 points, name this composer of Akhnaten and Einstein on the Beach. ANSWER: Philip Glass

19. This movie's hero talks a suicidal man out of jumping from a rooftop by describing the gross mess it'll make. John Vernon plays the Mayor and Andy Robinson plays a villain who gets shot in the leg at Kezar Stadium. This Don Siegel movie shows its hero working with Chico Gonzalez and telling a bank-robber, (*) "I know what you're thinking -- ‘Did he fire six shots or only five?'". The final shot of this movie shows the hero throwing his police badge in the water, after killing the Scorpio Killer, who had previously hijacked a bus of schoolchildren. Sequels to this movie, also about Inspector Callahan, include Magnum Force and Sudden Impact. For 10 points, name this movie that features Clint Eastwood asking a punk if he feels lucky. ANSWER: Dirty Harry

20. During a red carpet interview, Jim Carrey asked Tina Fey and Savannah Guthrie about their opinions on this subject without getting a response. When asked about this matter, one actress told a story about her dad getting home in time for a dance. Instances of this behaviour include “sweet-talking” a secret agent who guarded the (*) Pope, as well as gang members harassing people at a hotel after Hurricane Katrina. A meme sparked by this behaviour showed a man sitting in a car with Tupac and attending the “I Have a Dream” speech, and Lester Holt is now a permanent replacement for the man that committed these actions. For 10 points, name these public exaggerations that include a story about a helicopter being struck by an RPG during the Iraq War. ANSWER: Brian Williams Lying [accept synonyms]

21. Two of these devices are found in a circuit used to bias amplifier setups, known as the current mirror. One of these devices is commonly used as a buffer in the common-collector configuration, while another type is used for the same purpose in the common-drain (*) configuration. The hybrid-pi model is an equivalent circuit for these devices to facilitate analysis. The most common type of these devices come in n-channel and p-channel types. Those are MOSFETs, which have largely superseded the bipolar junction type. For 10 points, identify this three terminal electronic device, of which the number that can fit on a single chip is predicted by Moore’s law. ANSWER: transistors BONUSES 1. This state's history is mostly taken from the Primary Chronicle, and it annexed Khazar land near the Black Sea. For 10 points each: [10] Name this federation of medieval tribes, which traded with the Byzantines and which saw power struggles after Yaroslav the Wise died. ANSWER: Kievan Rus [prompt on partial; prompt on Russia] [10] Although Saint Olga was the first Christian ruler of Kiev, this later Grand Prince "Christianized" Kiev and married the Byzantine princess Anna. ANSWER: Vladimir the Great [10] Grand Princes of Kiev were known by this two-word Russian term, which was also used in Imperial Russia to refer to the tsar's children and grandchildren. ANSWER: Velikiy Knyaz [accept similar]

2. This character rides in the back of a cigarette truck after a contraband deal goes wrong. For 10 points each: [10] Name this gun-toting, reckless Detroit police detective who gets sent to Beverly Hills, and unilaterally decides to investigate the death of his friend Mikey. ANSWER: Axel Foley (Accept either name) [10] This actor played Axel Foley and is also known for starring in films such as Trading Places, Coming to America and The Nutty Professor. ANSWER: Eddie Murphy [10] Murphy wrote and directed this gangster film set in the 1930’s, in which he plays the son of the night club owner Sugar Ray, played by Richard Pryor. ANSWER: Harlem Nights

3. Plot points in this series centre around Verbal Fridge Dialogues, a Volunteer Fire Department, and a sugar bowl worth killing for. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this book series with titles like The Wide Window and The Ersatz Elevator, about bad things that happen to the Baudelaire orphans, mostly perpetrated by the villainous Count Olaf. ANSWER: A Series of Unfortunate Events [10] This purported author of the series sends the manuscripts to his “literary agent” Daniel Handler, usually from situations of grave danger. His siblings Kit and Jacques both die over the course of the series. ANSWER: Lemony Snicket [10] Snicket is now writing this prequel series about his childhood apprenticeship in the secretive VFD. The published titles include When Did You See Her Last? and Shouldn’t You Be in School? ANSWER: All the Wrong Questions

4. You can make this substance by melting pig iron in a rotating brick furnace with tuyere vents, and then oxidizing out all the impurities. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this useful alloy made in the Bessemer process. ANSWER: Steel [10] This phase of steel, named after a German metallurgist, can only be formed by rapid quenching, and contributes to significant hardening of the steel due to its large number of shear dislocations. ANSWER: Martensite [10] Stainless steel contains at least 10.5% of this element by weight, which prevents corrosion by forming a resistant oxide layer on the surface of the steel. ANSWER: Chromium 5. Criminals in movies can take on colourful aliases. For 10 points each: [10] Steve Buscemi’s character resents being called Mr. Pink in this Tarantino film about a group of criminals trying to find the mole amongst them after a botched diamond heist. ANSWER: Reservoir Dogs [10] Tarantino’s colour theme was inspired by this film’s use of character aliases. In it, Robert Shaw leads a group that hijacks a subway managed by Walter Matthau. It was remade with John Travolta and Denzel Washington. ANSWER: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three [10] Six guests take on colour aliases in this murder comedy that stars Tim Curry as the butler. In one of its three endings, Mr. Green shoots the butler in the hall with a revolver. ANSWER: Clue: The Movie

6. These documents were discovered in a police station in Asunción in 1992. For 10 points each: [10] Name this set of documents that detailed the imprisonment, torture, and death of thousands of people. ANSWER: Archives of Terror [or Archivos del terror] [10] The Archives of Terror shed light on this conspiracy between South American military dictatorships to eliminate political opponents. ANSWER: Operation Condor [10] This dictator ruled Paraguay during the time period of Operation Condor before his overthrow in 1989. He was nicknamed Colonel Trunk after an early coup failed and he fled to the Brazilian embassy in the trunk of a car. ANSWER: Alfredo Stroessner (Matiauda)

7. Some estimates say that 1 in 5 people suffer from a personality disorder. For 10 points each, answer these questions on some of those conditions. [10] This personality disorder is marked by emotional instability, hyper-sensitivity and an unclear sense of self. It’s so-named because it was initially thought to be between psychosis and neurosis. ANSWER: Borderline Personality Disorder [or BPD] [10] Along with narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders, borderline is grouped into Cluster B by this organization, which publishes a widely-used style guide. ANSWER: American Psychological Association [10] This other Cluster B personality disorder involves disregard for others and a lack of remorse. Psychopathy is often co-morbid with this disorder. ANSWER: Antisocial Personality Disorder [accept dissocial]

8. Answer some questions about El Greco, for 10 points each: [10] El Greco lived in this city and painted a ghostly view of it in a dark storm, complete with Alcazar Palace and the Tagus River in thick white outlines. ANSWER: Toledo [10] El Greco painted View of Toledo in this artificial-looking style practiced by Reformation-era painters. Other artists who used this style include Bronzino and Jacopo Pontormo. ANSWER: Mannerism [10] In an El Greco painting of people writhing around in one of these places, a woman holds a basket on her head while an angry Christ swats at a guy in orange. ANSWER: Temple [don’t prompt on similar]

9. Some NBA players and teams will shamelessly endorse products that aren’t even related to basketball. Identify some of those, for 10 points each. [10] “Don’t mess around with pain” is the slogan used by Shaq to promote this heat rub. The pain is first dulled and then heat makes it relax away. ANSWER: Icy Hot [10] Michael Jordan has starred in several commercials for this underwear company, including one where he has a toothbrush moustache and is told all about “Comfort Flex Waist-Bands” ANSWER: Haines [10] When the Miami Heat win, anybody in the Miami area can use the promo code HEATWIN to get 50% off when ordering Pizza online from this chain. ANSWER: Papa John’s 10. In a comical misunderstanding, this character was once given a pet fish which she named Gail. For 10 points each: [10] Name this White House press secretary played by Allison Janney, who is fond of Goldfish crackers and Danny Concannon. ANSWER: C.J. Cregg [accept either] (“Claudia Jean”) [10] Born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire, this President played by Martin Sheen has had to deal with a divided congress, the diagnosis of MS, and a re-election campaign. ANSWER: (Josiah Edward) Bartlet [accept Jed Bartlet] [10] Martin Sheen played two different characters on this 70s procedural drama starring Jack Lord as detective Steve McGarett, about an elite police branch which takes orders directly from the Governor. ANSWER: Hawaii Five-O

11. With the rise of Suppiluliuma I, this empire in Anatolia reached its greatest extent. For 10 points each: [10] Name this empire with its capital at Hattusa, which fought the Egyptians under Ramesses II at the battle of Kadesh. ANSWER: Hittite Empire [10] The Hittites clashed with this other tribe in the Levant and Upper Mesopotamia. This power allied with the Egyptians to curb the expansion of the Hittites. ANSWER: Mitanni [10] Under king Tudhaliya I, the Hittites attacked this southern Anatolian city-state controlled by the Hurrians. It was known as Yamhad at that time. ANSWER: Aleppo (accept Halab)

[Secret note to moderator: You are encouraged to sing the first answer.] 12. New York to Haiti and London to Taiwan, this guy knows what girls want. For 10 points each: [10] Name this American singer-songwriter, known for enthusiastically singing his own name at the beginning of all his songs. ANSWER: Jason Derulo [10] This 2014 album was mostly a U.S. reissue of DeRulo’s album Tattoos, retitled for a single featuring 2 Chainz. It also has the annoying song “Wiggle” on it. ANSWER: Talk Dirty [10] This artist discussed her breakup with Jason DeRulo on her mixtape ByeFelicia, including a cover of the Drake song “How Bout Now.” She is now dating Sage the Gemini. ANSWER: Jordin Sparks

13. Stephen Greenblatt's book The Swerve suggests that the Renaissance began with a monk discovering the last preserved copy of this poem. For 10 points each: [10] Name this philosophical poem by Lucretius, which argues against religion and promotes an Epicurean view of the world. ANSWER: On the Nature of Things [or De Rerum Natura] [10] On the Nature of Things begins with a hymn to this supposed nature goddess, who Lucretius asks to pacify Mars. This goddess is the mother of Aeneas who makes Dido fall in love with him. ANSWER: Venus [prompt on Aphrodite] [10] Greenblatt also edits this giant compilation of English lit that students often have to buy for survey courses. Its 9th edition includes the full texts of Portrait of the Artist and Mrs. Dalloway. ANSWER: the Norton Anthology of English Literature 14. Despite popular belief, Nicholas Cage is a good actor who appears in great films, sometimes. Identify some of these excellent films, for 10 points each. [10] In this John Woo movie, Nicholas Cage stars alongside John Travolta and they both assume each other’s appearance. Joan Allen figures out who is who by taking a blood sample from Travolta in his sleep. ANSWER: Face/Off [10] Loosely based on The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean, this meta movie stars Cage as twin screenwriters Charlie and Donald Kaufman. ANSWER: Adaptation [10] Cage hallucinates about iguanas in this movie. Despite its name, this film is neither a remake nor a sequel to an earlier film starring Harvey Keitel. ANSWER: Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

15. Not all Christian belief in the End Times reads like Left Behind. Answer some questions about Christian eschatology, for 10 points each. [10] This is the belief that Christ’s one thousand year reign described in Revelation 20 is symbolic of a long period of time, and is currently ongoing. It is the position of the Roman Catholic and most mainline Protestant churches. ANSWER: amillenialism [accept nunc-millenialism or realized millenialism; don’t prompt on millenialism or millenarian] [10] This word refers to believers being raised from the earth to meet Christ; there is disagreement over its timing and whether it is the same event as the Second Coming. ANSWER: the Rapture [10] In this event, which can be seen on the wall of the Sistine Chapel, all those who have ever lived are resurrected in their bodies, and Christ separates the righteous from everyone else. ANSWER: the Last Judgement [or Yawm]

16. The Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of thermodynamics says that one of these which absorbs thermal energy from a reservoir and does an equal amount of work cannot exist. For 10 points each, [10] Name these devices that either convert a heat gradient to work or use work to produce a heat gradient, the most efficient of which is the Carnot type. ANSWER: thermodynamic cycle [accept heat engine or heat pump] [10] The Carnot cycle has two isothermal steps and two steps with this property, which means that no heat is transferred during the process. ANSWER: adiabatic [accept isentropic] [10] This four-stroke thermodynamic cycle consists of two isentropic and two isochoric processes. It is a good model of gasoline engines. ANSWER: Otto cycle

17. Created by Chris Sawyer, this PC game spawned two sequels, the third of which disappointingly removed the ability to drown park guests in bodies of water. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this 1999 game in which players build and manage their own theme park. ANSWER: Roller Coaster Tycoon [do not accept or prompt on “Roller Coaster Tycoon 2” or “Roller Coaster Tycoon 3”] [10] The first scenario in Roller Coaster Tycoon is this type of “frontiers.” Elwynn is one of these places in the Warcraft universe. ANSWER: forest [prompt on synonyms] [10] The Information Kiosks in Roller Coaster Tycoon sell Park Maps and these items. A company named for these things releases the T-virus in the Resident Evil games. ANSWER: umbrellas 18. J.K. Rowling might have got the idea for “cockroach cluster” from this sketch, whose title delicacy is not cooked and still has the bones in it. For 10 points each: [10] Name this sketch where the Whizzo Chocolate Company is revealed to be selling such products as Anthrax Ripple and Ram’s Bladder Cup (garnished with lark’s vomit). ANSWER: “Crunchy Frog” [10] The proprietor of Whizzo was played by this man. He also played an unhelpful cheese-shop owner and directed Meaning of Life and a Wind in the Willows movie. ANSWER: Terry Jones [10] John Cleese mistakes a shopkeeper for a woman in this other sketch, whose title character “wouldn’t ‘voom’ if you put four thousand volts through it,” although he may just be “pining for the fjords.” ANSWER: “Dead Parrot”

19. A mashup of this song with the Thomas the Tank Engine theme is surprisingly catchy. For 10 points each: [10] Name this song featuring Sadat X in which the main speaker states “Release the Brainstorm, to make your motherfucking brain warm,” and that you “can’t touch my riches, even if you had MC Hammer and those 357 bitches.” ANSWER: “Come On” [10] “Come On” is a song by this east-coast rapper, known for the songs “Hypnotize” and “Mo Money Mo Problems”. ANSWER: Notorious B.I.G (or Biggie Smalls) [10] This unrealistic video by the Notorious B.I.G depicts him in a bar where he claims “I got more Mack than Craig and in the bed/ Believe me sweetie/ I got enough to feed the needy”. You should “Throw your hands in the air, if you’s a true player”. ANSWER: Big Poppa

20. One character’s refusal to pay a bridal fee mirrors the central conflict in this play. For 10 points each: [10] Name this play, set in a Yoruba village, about the competing courtships of a schoolteacher and the village chieftan. In it, one of character circulates a rumor about his impotence to lure another character closer to him. ANSWER: The Lion and the Jewel [10] The Lion and the Jewel opens with Lakunle, the schoolteacher, attempting to flirt with this character, the beautiful “jewel” referenced in the title. ANSWER: Sidi [10] In the “Lost Traveller” section of the play, the village girls help Lakunle mime out this activity on stage. Kenickie actually does this on stage in some productions of Grease. ANSWER: driving a car [accept “crashing a car”]

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