Anderson County Schools

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Anderson County Schools

ANDERSON COUNTY SCHOOLS – SAFFELL STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Administrative Goals 2012-2013 Value Statement 1 – Curriculum Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible (Align and teach Common Core Standards K-12; Offer career choices courses; STEM courses; CTE courses that prepare students for a career of their choice; Offer AP courses, dual-credit courses and advanced courses that prepare students for college work of their choice; Offer interview skills, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities, guidance for students.)

Goals: To have an aligned, rigorous curriculum based on KCAS for grades 1-5.

Strategies Evidence of Success Impact Action Steps How will we know that we are making process? What data Has this activity had impact? How do we What steps are required to reach our goal? are we using to measure? know? What are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Progress Monitoring/Benchmark success? What are the reasons expected impact did not occur?

 Each team will continue to  Each team will finish  Each team will revise their  Team meetings – binder checks create their units of creating their units of units of instruction. instruction instruction.

 Use effective feedback to  Continue to use  Students will be self-reliant  Rubric design involving students drive student self- effective feedback to and able to self-assess and it  Assessments will show student self- monitoring drive student self- will be less teacher-driven assessment component assessment

 Create common assessments  Review and revise  Review and revise common  CRT/Principal meetings with staff to and use that data to drive common core core assessments develop common core assessments instruction assessments

 Use program review to  Focus on needs  Have no more than 10% of our  Monthly monitoring of PR evidence – CRT strengthen curriculum in improvement areas of PR benchmarks needing the areas of A&H, Writing PRs to move to the improvement and PL/CS distinguished level  Use SI and MAP as  Using correlate  Use SI and MAP as predictors  Review/Analyze SI/MAP data comparable predictors for student information from last for student success on KPREP to KPREP results to determine those from success on KPREP year’s KPREP, 2012 testing data determine benchmarks for MAP/SI to predict success on KPREP

 Improve math scores  Use KPREP math  Use KPREP math data to  Analyze KPREP data and develop strategies utilizing Math in Focus, SI, data to determine determine area(s) of growth with teams math club, math specialist area(s) of growth needed in each grade and needed in each grade determine strategy(ies) to and determine achieve success strategy(ies) to achieve success Value Statement 2 – Instruction Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible (Actively engage and motivate students to learn by using best teaching practices; provide intervention and enrichment opportunities for students; Teach interview, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities; Use cooperative learning, small group, effective strategies; Teach skills building; Teach learning targets; Monitor curriculum map; Reteach using data, Celebrate; and Partner with parents and community to prepare students for college and career readiness.) Goals: Use KCAS to design, plan and implement rigorous instruction for grades 1-5.

Strategies Evidence of Success Impact Action Steps How will we know that we are making process? What data Has this activity had impact? How do we What steps are required to reach our goal? are we using to measure? know? What are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Progress Monitoring/Benchmark success? What are the reasons expected impact did not occur?  Student-friendly  Student-friendly  Student-friendly learning  Walkthroughs; evaluations; assessment learning targets will be learning targets targets will be posted in all data posted in all classrooms will be posted in classrooms all classrooms

 Implement Lucy  Continue to  Continue to implement L. Cawkins 1-2; standards- implement L. Cawkins 1-2; standards-  KPREP data; Program Reviews; based writing grades 3-5 Cawkins 1-2; based writing grades 3-5 Meetings throughout year to share standards-based and, possibly, include student work samples (Lisa Shaw King)  Provide writing grades 3-5 grades 3-5 in LC training tutorials/interventions and, possibly, for students needing include grades 3-5 additional support in LC training

 Teachers will provide  Teachers will  Teachers will provide  Student work; Team meetings; Increase students with effective provide students students with effective in student achievement feedback to improve with effective feedback to improve student work feedback to student work improve student work

 Use MAP, SI, classroom,  Use MAP, SI,  Use MAP, SI, classroom,  Team meetings – binder checks common, formative and classroom, common, formative and summative assessments common, summative assessments to to drive their instruction formative and drive their instruction summative assessments to drive their instruction  Teachers will utilize best  Teachers will  Teachers will utilize best  Assessment data practice (Kagan, utilize best practice (Kagan, MFALs, MFALs, LDC, practice (Kagan, LDC, cooperative learning cooperative learning MFALs, LDC, groups, differentiated groups, differentiated cooperative instruction, etc.) to improve instruction, etc.) to learning groups, student achievement improve student differentiated achievement instruction, etc.) to improve student achievement Value Statement 3 – Assessment Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible (Perform in the top 10% to 20% of highest performing school districts on the KPREP assessment; Increase the number of students each year meeting benchmarks to ensure all students are college and/or career ready.) Goals:

Strategies Evidence of Success Impact Action Steps How will we know that we are making process? What data Has this activity had impact? How do we What steps are required to reach our goal? are we using to measure? know? What are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Progress Monitoring/Benchmark success? What are the reasons expected impact did not occur?  Create common core  Revisit/Revise  Refine  Student work; lesson plans; PDCA, assessments that align Assessment results and plans to reteach with common core standards

 Continue to develop  Lesson plans, walkthroughs, student friendly learning instructional rounds, assessments targets that use higher order thinking verbs in them (create, analyze, evaluate verbage)

 Frequent use of  Lesson plans, walkthroughs assessment formative assessment to results, binder checks drive student instruction

 Use assessment data to  Data: MAP, SI, STAR, DIBELS, etc., individualize student Binder checks needs and use that to remediate student learning

 Use effective strategies  Assessment results, walkthroughs, lesson to deliver instruction plans, evaluations (Kagan/Marzano, TE)

 Use technology and programs to evaluate and improve student performance (STAR, SI, MAP, etc.)

Value Statement 4 – Safety Vision and Mission – Safe (Discipline policies and procedures are in place and consistently followed to address bullying and inappropriate behavior at each school and department-transportation, food service, extra- curricular activities; Safety plans are in place at each school. Staff can implement safety plans for emergency situations; Alternative education plan an procedures are in place to address students who need additional support. Goals: Provide and promote a positive, safe, orderly environment for students and staff.

Strategies Evidence of Success Impact Action Steps How will we know that we are making process? What data Has this activity had impact? How do we What steps are required to reach our goal? are we using to measure? know? What are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Progress Monitoring/Benchmark success? What are the reasons expected impact did not occur?

 Implement new PM  Continue safe and  Review and continue safe  Efficacy of the plan using the following pickup that involves effective pickup and effective pickup with data: identification protocol with ID protocol ID protocol based on data o Number of cars  Re-route bus and car based on date from 2013-14 o Number of students picked up pickup/drop off to from 2012-13 o Number of adverse ensure student safety incidents/month  Continue to implement anti-bullying lessons  Track the number of incident referrals through classroom through IC guidance  Ensure every teacher  Revisit and revise  Revisit and revise safety has a copy of the safety safety plan if plan if necessary plan and practice necessary intruder drill two times  Drill information reports per year and monthly  Continue to do  Continue to do drills as fire drills and drills as required required tornado/earthquake drills as required  Collect reliable feedback  Using data  Survey again and use data regarding customer collected, make to make service changes/improvem changes/improvements ents

Evaluation Plan: How will we know that we have reached our goals? What will be our measure?

Communication Plan: How will we communicate our plan to our students, staff and community?

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