Procedure for a Pre-Approved Career Ladder
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Procedure for a Pre-Established Career Ladder Career Ladders and associated progression pay require advance planning on the part of the supervisor and adminstrator. An employee’s job may not simply evolve to the point where an administrator realizes, after the fact, that the employee has assumed responsibility for higher level duties. Instead, it is the administrator’s responsibility to detmine, in advance, if:
departmental/operational needs will require the utilization of greater knowledge and expertise to meet the changing needs; and an employee has demonstrated the potential to attain the necessary skills and knowledge
If both conditions are met, the supervisor must then identify a specific action plan providing the opportunity for the employee to meet the identified operational requirements. Career ladder forms must be submitted with the necessary approvals to Human Resource Services prior to implementation of the action plan. Once a career ladder is successfully completed (typically between six months to one year) the employee will be eligible for progression pay. Retroactive progression pay is not available.
Please note that a career ladder request indicating that the employee has already assumed higher level responsibilities is not in compliance with University and Board of Regents’ policies.
Responsibility Action STEP ONE 1. Complete the Justification for use of a Pre-Established or Individual Career Ladder and submit to HR for Getting Approval Supervisor or approval. Manager 2. Complete the Pre-Established Career Ladder Form, gather the necessary signatures and submit the original to HRS for approval. Keep a copy for department use. 3. Review for completion and compliance with policy. 4. If the request does not meet the eligibility requirements, then return all documents to the supervisor/manager Human Resources and keep the original form on file. 5. If it meets criteria and eligibility, HRS will notify department that Career Ladder is approved. STEP TWO 6. If the Career Ladder has been approved by HRS, work with employee to complete the action items outlined Establishing ladder in the form. If placing the employee on a Career Ladder would make the MAP Performance Plan obsolete, criteria Supervisor or complete Checkpoint Review with employee to reflect those changes (Action items on the Pre-Established Manager Career Ladder Form could be used for performance goals if made to fit SMART criteria. At least one goal must be outside of ladder criteria.) As action items are being carried out, if revisions are necessary, note changes on department copy of Action Plan. 7. Determine with supervisor if the action items on the Pre-Established Career Ladder Form should be used for Employee goals in the performance plan. Submit a checkpoint review form if the answer is yes. Complete the action items outlined in the Pre-Established Career Ladder Form. STEP THREE 8. Upon completion of the action items in the Pre-Established Career Ladder Form, fill out the Completion of Implementing and Supervisor or Career Ladder Form and forward along with all supporting documentation (Certificates, Licenses) to HRS. progressing Manager through ladder STEP FOUR 9. Verify completion of the items in the Pre-Established Career Ladder Form and process a 9% pay increase. Affecting Pay Human Resources
Reference: HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES Emma B. Lommasson Center Rm 252 Phone: 243-6766 Fax: 243-6095