Create Maintenance Strategy – IP11

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Create Maintenance Strategy – IP11

Create multiple counter Plan – IP43


Multiple counter plans are used in counter based or performance based Maintenance planning.

Following maintenance plans are not used multiple counter plan . Maintenance strategies and therefore . Maintenance items with strategy . Maintenance plans with strategy

Task lists without strategy associated with them only can be used in a created for use in a multiple counter plan.

Maintenance cycles (frequencies) are assigned in the multiple counter plans for counters with different dimensions, for example weight or length. Time based maintenance cycles can also be incorporated into the multiple counter plans. The time based maintenance cycle will not have a counter.

In this exercise let’s create a Maintenance plan for a Counter.


Authorization to create counter plan Maintenance item without strategy Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Create  IP43 – Multiple counter plan

Double click IP43

Enter maintenance plan category



Click Click

Select the row


Maintain the following fields . Description for counter based plan . Numeric entry to indicate cycle E.g. 2000 to indicate 2000 Hr . Unit of measure of cycle. E.g. Hr . Maintenance cycle text . Measuring point counter maintained in the equipment IN60003



Message appear at the bottom Create Maintenance Item – IP04


A Maintenance item is an important part. It is used to pull together the reference object, planning data and the task list to be used in the Maintenance item.


Relevant PM master data must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Maintenance Items  IP04 - Create

Double click IP04

Click Maintain the following fields

Description Equipment number Planning plant Order type Main Work center Main activity type Priority

Click to assign task list

Tick only the check box Click

Task list will be assigned automatically

Click icon at right side to display or change

Click Message at the bottom

Change Maintenance Item – IP05

Definition:- A Maintenance item is an important part. It is used to pull together the reference object, planning data and the task list to be used in the Maintenance item.

If required maintenance item can be changed to make corrections.

Maintenance item cannot be changed is when it is in use. There is no restriction on number of times to change the maintenance item.

Following Changes are normally done in maintenance item . Description . Planning data . Task list allocation


Maintenance item must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Maintenance Items  IP05 - Change

Double click IP05

Enter maintenance item number Click

Change the description

If requird other details as explained above can be changed. Click Run Deadline Monitoring – IP30


Deadline monitoring is a process which is used to generate maintenance calls for Maintenance plans.

Using the scheduling details within the Maintenance plans it determines when the next maintenance call is due and create the call object if required.

Deadline monitoring program will be run automatically on a regular basis. For our understanding, we shall perform the Deadline monitoring program manually.


Counter based maintenance plan with counter reading must be available. Measure reading must have been maintained.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP30 – Deadline Monitoring

Double click IP30

Enter maintenance Plan number Click Click

Click Release Fixed date Maintenance Call – IP10


Maintenance call can be released before its due date. This does not change the date in the Maintenance order once it is generated.

It is possible to fix the due date of a Maintenance call, which in effect prevents the planned date from changing when the Maintenance plan is rescheduled on a weekly basis.

This may be desirable if the due date of a Preventive Maintenance task needs to be aligned with some other maintenance tasks


Maintenance plan must have scheduled maintenance call.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP10 – Schedule

Double click IP10

Enter maintenance Plan number Click


Enter cycle start date

Click Select the required row to fix

Click at the bottom

Enter the fixed plan date


Click Release Maintenance Call – IP10


Maintenance call can be released before its due date. This does not change the date in the Maintenance order once it is generated.

It is also possible to have the Maintenance order rescheduled and performed earlier than it would have initially been scheduled.

Once the Maintenance order is technically completed for the work, the date of technical completion is earlier than the scheduled date, it will impact the scheduling of the Maintenance plan.

We shall try to release a maintenance call before its scheduled release date.


Maintenance plan must have scheduled maintenance call.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP10 – Schedule

Double click IP10

Enter maintenance Plan number Click Select the row to release. E.g. first row


Click Reschedule manual Maintenance Call – IP10


Maintenance call can be created manually using the information in the maintenance plan and maintenance strategy.

Additional dates can be included in manual Maintenance calls without affecting the normal scheduling. The user can specify the required call date and Maintenance packages that will be due on this date.

The Call Horizon is not considered for a manual Maintenance call. A manual call will typically be created when a scheduling window has opened in the Production unit to perform a Preventive Maintenance task and the next maintenance call has yet to be called.

It is not possible to create a manual call for a Multiple counter Maintenance plan.


Maintenance plan must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP10 – Schedule

Double click IP10

Enter maintenance Plan number Click

Click tab screen Click

Enter start date

Click Select the row 1Y for yearly maintenance



Schedule Maintenance Plan (Counter based) – IP10 Definition:-

Multiple counter plans are used in counter based or performance based Maintenance planning.

The process of scheduling and starting a Maintenance plan begins after a Maintenance plan has been created.

Maintenance plans are created when a new Functional location or Equipment is installed within the plant. These may require a Preventive Maintenance plan to be set up.

Let’s schedule a counter based maintenance plan created earlier.


Counter based maintenance plan with counter reading must be available.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP10 – Schedule

Double click IP10

Enter maintenance Plan number Click

Select the row

Click Click


Click for information messages.

Note down the next call date Click

Message appear at the bottom

Schedule Maintenance Plan – IP10 Definition:-

Multiple counter plans are used in counter based or performance based Maintenance planning.

The process of scheduling and starting a Maintenance plan begins after a Maintenance plan has been created.

Maintenance plans are created when a new Functional location or Equipment is installed within the plant. These may require a Preventive Maintenance plan to be set up.

Let’s schedule a normal maintenance plan with package attached to it for an equipment.


Maintenance plan with package must be available for a equipment or functional location.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  IP10 – Schedule

Double click IP10

Enter maintenance Plan number Click

Select the row


Enter the start of cycle

Click Click

Since the scheduling period is 365 days, it is scheduled for a year.


Double click on Strategy. Select strategy IND61


Click two times

Click Scheduling Over view list for maintenance plan – IP24


We have now completed the following tasks:

. Created technical objects . Created task list . Created maintenance item . Created maintenance plan . Using deadline monitoring maintenance schedules were created. . Released the maintenance call.

Now it is required to look at the list of maintenance schedule along with the maintenance call object.

Let us try to look at the list for maintenance plan category I6.


All above mentioned previous tasks must have been completed.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Scheduling for Maintenance plans  Scheduling Over view  IP24 – List

Double click IP24

Enter maintenance Plan category. E.g. I6. Click

Select the desired row to view more details. E.g. maintenance item 472

Click Click

Click to select all

Follow the menu path from the top of the screen Click to display all maintenance orders

Select the desired row to view more details. E.g. maintenance order 814461

Click Click Change Single cycle Maintenance Plan – IP02

Definition:- Once a Maintenance plan is created, the user can change/update the information within the plan.

The Maintenance plan can be changed many times.


Maintenance plan must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  IP02 – Change

Double click IP02

Enter maintenance plan


Change the required field Click

Click the required tab screen and make changes

Click Create Single cycle Maintenance Plan – IP41 Definition:-

A Maintenance plan is an important part. It is used to pull together the reference object, planning data and the task list to be used in the Maintenance item.

A Single Cycle plan is created for a simple Preventive Maintenance item where maintenance is carried out at the same single frequency. The cycle can be measured using both time and performance.


Maintenance master data must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Create  IP41 – Single cycle Plan

Double click IP41

Enter maintenance plan category Click

Maintain the following fields

. Text . Cycle/Unit

Maintain the following fields Click



Select General task list check box


Select general task list Click


Date determination shift factors and tolerance limits are used to determine the next maintenance date. If the actual present completion dates fall out side the limit or with in the limit, by how much % an offset to be considered when calculating the next date is determined by the entries here.

Maintain the entries under scheduling parameter as shown below.


Message appear at the bottom Change Strategy Plan – IP02


A strategy based Maintenance plan is used when an item of Equipment requires maintenance at two different levels.

Once a Strategy plan is created, changes can be made to it. This can be done at any time, except when the Maintenance plan is in use.

Normally following changes can be done . Description, . Scheduling parameters, . adding/removing Maintenance items and . Changing associated planning data.

In this exercise add a new Maintenance item and remove one. Also change the Scheduling parameters for the Maintenance plan created in the previous exercise.


Maintenance strategy plan must be available. Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Change  IP02 – Change

Double click IP02

Enter maintenance plan



Enter the equipment number. E.g. IN60001 Click

Select the row


Click Select the first row

Click at the bottom


Change the scheduling period to 365 days. Click

Display Maintenance Plan after Deadline Monitoring Run – IP03 Definition:-

Deadline monitoring is a process which is used to generate maintenance calls for Maintenance plans.

Using the scheduling details within the Maintenance plans it determines when the next maintenance call is due and create the call object if required.

Deadline monitoring program will be run automatically on a regular basis. For our understanding, we shall perform the Deadline monitoring program manually.

Displaying a Maintenance plan allows the user to view all the relevant Maintenance calls for the plan. The user can then view the relevant Maintenance orders (This is a Call Object) for the plans. The user can see an overview of the Maintenance orders against a planned date for maintenance.


Deadline monitoring run must have been carried out.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  IP03 Display

Double click IP03

Enter maintenance Plan number Click




Click Display Maintenance Strategy – IP12 Definition:-

A maintenance strategy defines the maintenance packages or conditions under which Maintenance items should occur.

Three types of possible scheduling are

 Time-based maintenance plans  Performance based  Cycle set or multiple counter plan

Time Based:-

Schedule a preventive maintenance plan with a strategy containing a monthly package (for scheduling purposes a month is taken to be 30 days):  Time . Current date: 04/10/1995 . Next planned date: 03/11/1995 -> current date + 30 days  Key date . Current date: 04/10/1995 . Next planned date: 04/11/1995 -> on the 4th day of each month  Factory calendar . Current date: 04/10/1995 . Next planned date: 16/11/1995 -> current date (or next workday)+ 30 workdays

Performance and counter based maintenance plans:-

. Schedule a preventive maintenance plan on the basis of operating hours, kilometers traveled, and so on. The system calculates the planned date in respect of the following counter data: . annual estimate . current counter reading . current date

A maintenance strategy defines the maintenance packages, which also consists of the maintenance sequence and cycles.


Maintenance strategy must exist to display.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Strategies  IP12 - Display

Double click IP12 Select

Click Double click

Click For your reference:

Maintain the fields as shown below Field name Field description and value Package number Serial number of package Maintenance cycle length. E.g. 1, 2 or 3 Unit of cycle length. E.g. MON to indicate months Maintenance cycle text. short text Short text to indicate the maintenance cycle. hierarchy number Maintenance package hierarchy number. If more than one maintenance to be performed in a same time, same hierarchy must be maintained. hierarchy text Short text for hierarchy Initial offsetting days. Number of days float to start order. Follow up float days for order finish.

Create Strategy Plan – IP42

Definition:- A strategy based Maintenance plan is used when an item of Equipment requires maintenance at two different levels.

Example it requires a visual inspection after a month and a full overhaul after two months and quarterly checking. The Strategy based Maintenance item allows the user to create a Maintenance plan that contains three Maintenance packages covering each level of maintenance.

Let’s create a Strategy based plan for a piece of Equipment.


Maintenance master data must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Preventive Maintenance  Maintenance planning  Maintenance Plans  Create  IP42 – Strategy Plan

Double click IP42

Enter maintenance plan category Enter Strategy Click

Maintain the Description to the strategic plan. E.g. Quarterly plan

Maintain the planning data as shown below

Click Maintain priority

Click in row

Click if you get any message.

Click Select the row




Click Maintain the scheduling period as 180 days



Note:- Start can be maintained when scheduling plan.


Message appear at the bottom

Create measurement Document – IK11

Definition:- Multiple counter plans are used in counter based or performance based Maintenance planning.

A Measuring point for technical object (Equipment/Functional location) is a gauge or counter.

Example: a Pressure gauge on a piece of Equipment. They can be used to monitor the condition of the Equipment and schedule planned maintenance tasks. A Measuring document is a gauge reading taken at a specific moment in time.

In this exercise create a Measurement document for a Measuring point.


Equipment master data with measurement point must exist.

Menu Path:-

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Maintenance processing  Completion confirmation  Measurement documents  IK11 - Create

Double click IK11

Enter Measuring point number. E.g. 11481


Maintain the counter reading Click

Message appear at the bottom

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