Sample Devotional Guidelines

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Sample Devotional Guidelines

Sample Devotional Guidelines

Thank you for your willingness to give a personal devotion during our PWOC time! Here are some helpful guidelines as you prepare to share.

TIME: There are five minutes scheduled for devotions during our PWOC opening session. Please stay within this amount of time. A presentation longer than this may cause interruption of the scheduled Bible study time or program.

FORMAT: You may share your testimony. If you do so, remember it is to glorify the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that He will use it to speak to the hearts of the listeners. Telling what the Lord has done in your own life can be a most effective witness. You might share a testimony of how you became a Christian, a physical healing, or a healing of emotions or relationships. You might share something God is in the process of teaching you, such as how to trust Him in financial matters, how to pray more effectively, new parental guidance He’s giving you or how to prioritize your time or goals. Women want to know if God “really works”. Share scriptural confirmation of the truth He has shown you. Remember: our message is not that we have it all together. Our message is that we know the One who does!

OTHER IDEAS: Personal testimony is not the only type of devotion. You may use a prepared devotion from which you think the group would benefit. Some ideas would include a poem, an excerpt from a book or magazine, or even part of a letter from someone else. Music is a good way to speak to the hearts of people and so are dramatic readings or skits. The Lord is very creative in the way He speaks to us, so pray and discover what God gives you to share.

PRAY: Ask the Lord to speak to your heart. He will, for He is faithful. When the Lord speaks, it is always in agreement with the Word of God, the Bible. He will not violate His Word for anyone, so the message must be checked with the Bible. Jesus always speaks clearly and in line with His Word that way you know it is Him.

COURTESY: It would be a courtesy for you to contact the 1st VP - Spiritual Life and to offer her the topic and a brief outline of your presentation.

PRACTICE: Go through your presentation to become familiar with it. This is also a key in helping you stay within the time limit.

PRESENTATION: Psalm 37:5 states, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it.” Trust Him to do what needs to be done. “Now the God of peace…equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in you that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen.” Hebrews 13:20,21


DATE of DEVOTION: ______

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