Table 1: CGEA ACSF/NRS Mapping Grid
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Table 1: CGEA – ACSF/NRS mapping grid
CGEA Element ACSF levels and indicators NRS levels and indicators
VBQM483 Describe costal exploration of Events in Australian Australia prior to 1788 Not covered in this project Not covered in this project History (Not covered in this project)
1.1 Identify the reasons for exploration of the coast of Australia.
1.2 Identify the key players and their roles in the exploration.
1.3 Outline Britain’s decision to settle in Australia.
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Describe the role of convicts in the The following indicators are covered across the European settlement of Australia. four elements of this unit
2.1 Identify the main types of 2.02 Applies a limited number of learning convicts. strategies in structured and familiar contexts 2.1 Reads and Interprets short simple texts on a 2.2 State the relationship between personally relevant topic 3.02 Experiments with new learning strategies convicts and soldiers. in familiar contexts and applies some 2.2 Locates specific information relating to 2.3 Outline the key elements of strategies in less familiar contexts familiar contexts in a text which may contain data convict life. in simple graphic, diagrammatic, formatted or 2.03 Indentifies and interprets relevant visual form. information and ideas within familiar contexts. 2.3 Writes about a familiar topic using simple sentence structure and joining ideas through 3.03 Evaluates and integrates facts and ideas conjunctive links where appropriate. to construct meaning from a range of text types. 2.4 Completes forms or writes notes using factual or personal information relating to familiar 2.04 Uses a number of reading strategies to contexts. identify and interpret relevant information within familiar text types.
3.04 Selects and applies a number of reading Oral Communication strategies as appropriate to purpose and text 2.5 Elicits and gives factual information or type personal details for the purpose of
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc 2.05 Conveys intended meaning on familiar gathering/providing information. topics for a limited range of purposes and audiences. 2.6 Takes part in short interpersonal exchanges, 3.05 Communicates relationships between clarifying meaning and maintaining interaction, ideas and information in a style appropriate to for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and audience and purpose developing relationships; exploring issues; or 2.06 Produces familiar texts types using problem solving. simple vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions. 2.7 Listens for relevant information from oral 3.06 Selects vocabulary, grammatical texts. structures and conventions appropriate to text
2.07 Uses everyday language to provide information or maintain a conversation in familiar spoken contexts.
3.07 Selects and uses appropriate strategies to establish and maintain spoken communication in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts
2.08 Listens for relevant information in oral texts across familiar contexts
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Describe the key features of a particular period or event in Australia
3.1 Identify the period or event and 2.02 Applies a limited number of learning its significance strategies in structured and familiar contexts
3.02 Experiments with new learning strategies 3.2 Outline the key events in familiar contexts and applies some 3.3 Identify the key particiapnts strategies in less familiar contexts
3.4 Outline some features of life in 2.03 Indentifies and interprets relevant Australia at the time information and ideas within familiar contexts.
3.03 Evaluates and integrates facts and ideas to construct meaning from a range of text types.
2.04 Uses a number of reading strategies to identify and interpret relevant information within familiar text types.
3.04 Selects and applies a number of reading
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc strategies as appropriate to purpose and text type
2.05 Conveys intended meaning on familiar topics for a limited range of purposes and audiences.
3.05 Communicates relationships between ideas and information in a style appropriate to audience and purpose
2.06 Produces familiar texts types using simple vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions.
3.06 Selects vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions appropriate to text
2.07 Uses everyday language to provide information or maintain a conversation in familiar spoken contexts.
3.07 Selects and uses appropriate strategies to establish and maintain spoken communication in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts
2.08 Listens for relevant information in oral
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc texts across familiar contexts
Describe the reasons for immigration to Australia and the impact on Australia’s development
4.1 List the key events in Australia’s 2.03 Indentifies and interprets relevant Immigration History. information and ideas within familiar 4.2 Identify the impact of each wave contexts. of immigration. 2.04 Uses a number of reading strategies to 4.3 State issues which have arisen as identify and interpret relevant information a result of immigration. within familiar text types.
4.4 Outline a personal immigration 2.05 Conveys intended meaning on familiar experience. topics for a limited range of purposes and audiences.
2.06 Produces familiar texts types using simple vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions.
2.07 Uses everyday language to provide information or maintain a conversation in
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc familiar spoken contexts.
2.08 Listens for relevant information in oral texts across familiar contexts
Table 1: CGEA – Activity, assessment and outcome guide
Activities Assessment CGEA outcomes performance criteria Employability skills examples or Generic Process skills
Learning Outcome 2 – Role of Convicts
Activity 1 - Prepare for reading Observation 2.1 Identify the main types of convicts Communication of ideas Discussion 2.3 Outline the key elements of convict Discuss topic Group activity life
Activity 2 – Detailed Reading 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Observation Communication Reading and discussion Reading checklist (not yet developed) Read and interpret text
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Group activity Problem Solving
Text - All for a loaf of bread Working out word and text meanings
Collecting, organizing information Activity 3 – Time Line Writing task – creation of a timeline with 2.3
model provided Creating a timeline Group activity, small group, individual Team work Create a timeline
Working collaboratively on the timeline
Mathematical ideas
Working with dates
Chronological order
Team work Class based writing task Activity 4 – Noun Groups 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Working collaboratively Whole group discussion Problem Solving Small group class work Identifying, locating then
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Find and create noun groups creating noun groups
Activity 5 – Topic Sentences Observation 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Team work
Whole group and small group Writing done in class Working collaboratively
Locate topic sentences and paragraph Problem Solving topics Identifying, locating then creating noun groups
Activity 6 – Text summary Communication 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Whole group, individual Writing information for others Writing done in class Using Technology
Word process writing
Collect, organise information
Collect and organise
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc information into a text
Activity 7 – Procedural writing Communication
Whole group, individual Writing done in class Writing information for others
How to make damper Using Technology
How to cook pasta Word process writing
How to make a cup of tea Collect, organise information
Collect and organise information into a text
Plan activities
Organise for class to make tea and damper
Mathematical skills
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Learning Outcome 3- The Eureka 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Stockade Observation Communication of ideas Activity 1 – Prepare for reading Discuss topic
Activity 2 – Detailed Reading 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Whole class activity Observation Communication of ideas Text - The Eureka Stockade Discuss topic
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Activity 3 – Compound word activity
Text Worksheet/activity completion in class
Appendix 1 handout Team work
Working collaboratively
Problem Solving
Identifying, locating then creating compound words
Cooperation for a game
Activity 4 – word endings and beginnings Team work Observation of class work
Text Working collaboratively
Appendix 2 handout Problem Solving
Identifying, locating then creating words
Cooperation for a game
Activity 5 – synonyms and antonyms
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Observation of class work Team work
Working collaboratively
Problem Solving
Identifying, locating then creating words
Activity 6 – notemaking and rewriting 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Table Text produced in class from the model Communication Appendix 4 text
Writing information for others
Collecting, organizing information
Taking notes and writing a summary
Activity 7 – rewriting cont (for 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 struggling writers) Text produced in class from sentence
D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0f9581fc10f4ff32fa8c7ba9f4885737.doc Appendix 4 to make sentence maker maker Communication
Writing information for others
Collecting, organizing information
writing a summary
Activity 8 – rewriting 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Text produced in class
Writing information for others
Collecting, organizing information
writing a summary