Pre-School Instructional and Curricular Planning Time
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Teacher______PIN #______
Under the new professional development plan, teachers, with the approval of the principal, may earn hours on these two days (August 10th and August 11th) and may report any acquired hours from this summer’s PD experience in the required focus areas (i.e., parental involvement, educational technology, and AR History) in ONE of the following ways: Option #1 Option #2 Using this form, a teacher will report any hours from If a teacher desires to use hours earned from the summer for completing any of the activities listed below pursuant to Act August 10th and August 11th and/or to fulfill any of the 1309 of 2009 for August 10th and/or August 11th. required aforementioned focus areas that have NOT already The form should be given to your principal and/or his/her been recorded in the teacher’s PD transcript for the 2011- secretary, where this data will be compiled into an Excel file 2012 year, then the teacher will complete and submit an Out- and sent to the Department of Leadership and Secondary of-District Report Form to the Department of Leadership and Teacher Development. Secondary Teacher Development. Please submit the signed form to your principal by or on NOTE: Teachers should not submit a Out-of-District form Friday, August 12th. The principal will compile a composite for hours that have already been recorded in their list and send to our office by or on Friday, August 26. transcript. This form should be sent to the Department by or on Friday, August 26. NOTE: Teachers may earn up to nine (9) hours during August 10th or August 11th via online professional development (i.e., AR IDEAS). LRSD only accepts 12 hours yearly from online professional development unless otherwise approved by Dr. L. Sain.
Length of Instructional or Curricular Preparation for this ONE ACTIVITY: Date of Activity______
Start Time ______End Time: ______
One Form Per Activity, not to exceed 6 hours per day, total 9 hrs Total Hours______On August 10th, 6 hours max and on August 11th, 3 hrs max via independent PD. On August 11th, the principal will hold a 3-hour PD session, which will complete the 6 hours for this day.
Please submit to your principal with this form the appropriate documentation to support the checked activity below.
Please check at least one relating activity supportive of your time spent on the ONE curricular and/or instructional planning and preparation activity.
Grade Level/Dept/vertical team planning Developing intervention strategies to support remediation Team work to analyze student data Developing/Revising ACSIP Team Work to Develop AIPs or IEPs Developing/revising curricular maps or pacing guides Developing formative assessments Reviewing student work, teacher assignment to improve instruction Professional book studies Other______Developing student-centered units tied to standards Please submit the signed form to your principal by or on Friday, August 12, 2011. Using an Excel file, the principal will compile a composite list and send to our office by or on Friday, August 26, 2011.
______Teacher’s Signature Date Principal’s Approval Signature Date
THIS FORM WILL BE FILED AT THE BUILDING LEVEL.(8/2011) The principal is the final approval for all building-level PD activities and must sign the appropriate form.