Minutes of the Southside Mental Health NGO Collaborative

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Minutes of the Southside Mental Health NGO Collaborative

Minutes of the Bayside Mental Health Network 23rd May 2016 Attendees: Michael Roennfeldt PIR - FSG Michelle Fitzgerald Connect2Group Bec Fitzgerald SIC – MSAMHS Ashley Webster Connect2Group Shanon Cooper Open Minds Marilyn Mosley Families Together – Churches of Christ Lilly Matich Redland City Council Julie McBean Mangrove Housing Rudolf Man RFQ Katie Gresty Dept of Housing Joel Tihverain RFQ Brett Cosford Open Minds Anita Wissemann Dept of Housing Ashleigh Davison Program Support - PHN Jan Elston Relationship Australia Shalene Andersen Headspace Gabrielle Huggett Brisbane City Council Damien Negus SAPA Liz Dwyer Centrelink Carolyn Monck Team Leader – Acute Care MSAMHS Daniel Hobbs Cleveland Anglican Jan Elston RAQ Monique Kofler OT Mental Health (MSAMHS) Cameron Westerland BCC – student Ken Meldrum Team Leader – MSAMHS Kristy Edwards WAVVS Karen Bowman Dept of Education – WSHS Marg Nugent FSG - PIR Apologies: Ingrid Sorenson BABI Maree Green Yourtown Paul Fitzpatrick Crime Stopers Bayside Cathy Collings Yugaipa – redlands mental health Sharon Parker Arafmi Mental Health Carers

Bayside Mental Health Network 2016 Page 1 Name of Meeting: Bayside Mental Health Network Date/Time: 23rd May 2016 Chair: Michael Roennfeldt Minutes: Agenda item Summary of Discussion Actions 1 Welcome Andre did acknowledgment of country an- thank you Welcomed to the group Welcome to new services to the meeting for the first time  2 Apologies See noted above 3 Conformation of Previous minutes 4 Standing Agenda Items Summary of Discussion Actions

4.1 Guest Speaker: Damien Negus - SAPA - three different levels of boarding houses levels 1- 3 - only 31 level 3 in QLD, lack in bayside area - Level 2/3 – portable housing very small - Regulated in 2002 – must apply to DOH to be a provider - main referrals come from mental health services & DSQ - largest provider is green meadow court If you would like to add a service or receive emails, please contact - lifting professional standards, new referral forms Damien - resident support program government funded to provide supports by agencies, link with community to access services - SAPA happy to be this link between supported accommodation and community - Vacancy list emailed out quarterly - Damien open to be contacted to discuss setting up

Bayside Mental Health Network 2016 Page 2 smaller accommodation options [email protected] Discussion on shortage of housing affordability across the Redlands, lack of alternatives for low income earners/newstart allowance, are there any other options?

4.2 Care Coordination - panel to start in the Bayside area Bec to send out invite for initial - Consistent approach across metro south: Logan, Inner South meeting/ round table discussion (PA) and Redlands - Invite sent out to interested NGO’s with TOR/protocol - steering committee will be developed 4.3MHPN - Michel attended physical health education sessions, great turnout and informative topics - will inform the working party around “meeting the physical health needs of people with a mental illness” - presentations available through SIC, if anyone would like a copy email Bec - next MHPN will be in July with the topic on Care Coordination Panels - working group – please advise if your agency wishes to participate Standing Agenda Items

5.1 Outcomes of previous meeting - WAVVS site visit – arranged for 23rd June 9am, please come and visit the centres counselling rooms, meet the staff and team, discuss referral pathways and warm referrals - membership form – is now accessible through the collaborative website www.meanthealthcollaborative.com.au - EOI working party for psychical health – seeking small group of interested people to join a working party to meet the if interested in being a part of the physical health needs of those living with a mental illness working party please email Bec - Bec has started collating information for this group, have had 2 people express interest

Bayside Mental Health Network 2016 Page 3 5.2 Mental Health Week – Thrive by the Bay - next working party held on 27th May, anyone who would like to join please let Michael know, welcome any participation, - wheel of wellbeing to be a tool/resource on the day 5.3 Grants and Funding - if anyone has ideas around opportunities to collaborate on funding please let Michael or Bec know, these can be small grants to start up community activities etc

- Jan shared one initiative in Logan with Ben Soc and WRAP incorporating the WOW model into the WRAP training 5.4 Strategy Group - last meeting it was agreed that the Chair would contact PHN to approach fro resources to this space - group will now come together quarterly until outcome of PHN - Ben Soc have been allocated funds toward the group and will look to engage a consultant to review the current structure and make recommendations moving forward, watch this space - chair/secretariat meeting come together bi-monthly to discuss each networks focus areas and education topics, local level issues 5.4 Service Updates WAVVS – STAAR (standing up against abusive relationships) program for women and children will be offered in Redlands soon Movement is medicine being offered for a gold coin donation (heal through physical health) check out the facebook page for further info

Male health week is approaching – 13-17th June, stall at Capalaba Centre on the 14th come on down for a health check up

Churches of Christ Opening Day – contact Marilyn Mosley for further information

RFQ – conference coming up in Brisbane, seeking abstracts, check out the website for further info

Bayside Mental Health Network 2016 Page 4 http://aspacmentalhealth16.com.au/

Dept of Housing Capalaba – fairness charter has been updated, 3 strike policy removed

Relationships Australia – 24hr help line in QLD which diverts straight to the family and relationships advice line Gambling line now has a quicker response time, numbers have doubled Wheel of Well being (WoW) – early intervention and prevention HUBS across SBMBI/Logan, co-facilitating workshops at Headspace, running capacity building workshops on the Islands. Find out more through the website - http://www.wheelofwellbeing.org/

Next meeting Date and time: Agenda Items to; June 27th 2.00 – 3.30pm [email protected] Venue: Headspace, Capalaba

www.mentalhealthcollaborative.com.au Keep an eye on the website for events, training and updates 

Bayside Mental Health Network 2016 Page 5

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