City of Munday

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City of Munday

City of Munday Meeting Agenda November 15, 2016 6 P.M.

Type of Meeting: Regular Session

Meeting Facilitator: Jimmy Don Moore, City Administrator, City of Munday

Call to order

Invocation by:

To hear public comments: The public will be able to voice their concerns and questions. No interaction between the public and council can be entered into during this session. Requests to place an item on the next agenda can be heard and noted. Please limit your scope of concern and limit the time to a 3 minute interlude.


A. To discuss, consider and vote on approving the Engagement Letter from Moore, Truelove, Pharis, Meyers & Marsh, PLLC, allowing the annual financial audit to be started. This will be the audit for the April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 fiscal year.

B. To discuss, consider and vote on the Board of Directors Knox County Appraisal Board, for Munday gets 200 votes, there are 2 openings and 2 folks running, Patsy Gonzales & Larry Thompson.

C. To discuss, consider and vote on the Proposed 2017 Holiday Schedule for City employees, 11 holidays total, same as 2016.

D. To listen and discuss Ordinance #4 Dilapidated, Dangerous Buildings and #23 Weeds, Rubbish and Brush.

E. To listen to a report from the Munday Park Project Committee, which is organized as a non-profit organization, under the Keep Munday Beautiful, a non-profit corporation.

F. To read and approve the following: 1) Read and approve all previous minutes 2) Hear and approve judges report 3) Hear and approve monthly police report 4) Review monthly bills a. Paid bills October 2016 b. Future bills November 2016 5) Review monthly financial statements 6) Hear administrators report To discuss items for the next agenda.

To adjourn meeting

The City Council of Munday reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, and 551.086

This notice was posted by me, Jimmy Don Moore, at NOON November 10th, 2016, at City Hall and on the City of Munday website,

Jimmy Don Moore

Jimmy Don Moore

City Administrator

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