Student Health Services

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Student Health Services

File: JLC

Student Health Services

It is the policy of the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind to maintain a school health program. The purpose of the school health program is to supplement the efforts and guidance of parents to bring about an awareness on the part of the student of the importance of regular health care. CSDB will participate in programs to encourage good health, including instruction and referrals to agencies which can provide aid for those in need. The objectives of the school health program are: 1. To promote good health habits among students. 2. To stimulate a sanitary, safe and healthful environment in school. 3. To assist in the identification and referral to appropriate health care providers for medical, psychological and physical needs. 4. To assure adequate care and treatment procedures for all students as individual needs arise. Health records Health records will be maintained by the nursing staff. These records will be kept, in a secure area, in the Student Health office. Health records of students with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (hiv/aids) shall be kept in a locked environment to maintain confidentiality. Access to the health files shall be limited to only those school personnel who have a specific and legitimate interest in the information for use in furthering a student’s academic achievement or maintaining a safe and orderly environment. Access to the health files of students with HIV/AIDS shall be limited to those with written permission from the student and/or parent/guardian and to emergency medical personnel. The nursing staff shall maintain a log showing who has been given access, when access occurred and to which specific records. Physical examinations of students Parents are encouraged to have their children receive a medical and dental exam prior to entering school. Identification of health status is to be done for all new students. This can be done by interviewing new students and parents or by including a health screening questionnaire as part of the registration packet. The health screening questionnaire will be returned to the Student Health Services for staff review. Student Health Services will follow-up on any student with an identified health problem by contacting the parent/guardian either by phone or in writing.

Page 1 of 3 File: JLC Any student participating in competitive sports must have a physical examination in which the physician certifies that the student was found physically fit to engage in athletics. A student will not be permitted to engage in any form of exercises leading to such athletics without such physician certification. Further, in any case where physical exercise is strenuous (such as physical education classes) and where a student has any physical impairment whatsoever, the student may be required to present authorization for such participation from a physician. A student may be temporarily excused from physical education activities and from curricular requirements relating to physical education activities upon the receipt of a statement from a physician that such participation would be injurious to his/her health. Service providers will be alert to the general well-being of students and refer students to the Student Health Office when they suspect a medical condition exists that could jeopardize their welfare or health. Dental Health The school district shall participate in programs to encourage good dental health including instruction, dental examination clinics when available and referral to agencies which can provide aid for those in need.

Communicable Diseases Students showing symptoms of a communicable disease, an infectious condition, or illness shall be referred to the school nurse. The school nurse shall report the presence of a communicable disease, if action is necessary to protect the health of other students and staff.

Screening programs Vision screening will be done on an annual basis for all students enrolled in the School for the Deaf by a vision screening team. Student Health Services is responsible for this screening program. Student Health Services will inform parents, in writing, if this screening indicates further evaluation is warranted. Hearing evaluations are done for every student by the audiologist. The audiologist and/or Student Health Services will inform parents, in writing or by phone, if further evaluation is warranted.

These screening provisions shall not apply to any student whose parent objects on religious or personal grounds. Parents/guardians and eligible students (students 18 years of age and older) shall receive notice and have the opportunity to opt a student out of any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or any physical screening (such as routine hearing, vision, and dental screenings) that is: 1. normally required as a condition of attendance; 2. administered by the school and scheduled by the school in advance; and 3. not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, or other students.

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Administering medications to students Parents shall be required to complete CSDB forms regarding administration of medications to students, prior to the student’s enrollment in CSDB. Administration of medications to students shall be in accordance with applicable law. Issued: October 20, 1986 Revised: June 1993 Adopted and revised by Board of Trustees: October 25, 2005 Revised by Board of Trustees: October 10, 2013

LEGAL REFS.: 20 U.S.C. 1232(c) C.R.S. 12-38-132 C.R.S. 22-1-116 C.R.S. 22-1-119 C.R.S. 22-1-119.5 C.R.S. 24-10-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rule 9-105 6 CCR 1010-6, Rule 9-106

CROSS REFS.: JLCB, Immunization of Students JLCC, Communicable/Infectious Diseases JLCCA, Students with HIV/AIDS

School for the Deaf and the Blind, Colorado Springs, Colorado

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