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Supplemental Materials Section 1

Use of Target Rotation.

For present purposes we used a target rotation, taking advantage of the fact that a few items from each factor are relatively pure measures of the factor (i.e., factor cross-loadings are near-zero). As emphasized by Browne (2001; also see Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009; Dolan, Oort, Stoel &

Wicherts, 2009) this strategy reflects a compromise between the rationales for ESEM and ICM-CFA, based on partial knowledge of the factor structure. However, the important difference is that in ICM-

CFA, factor loadings specified to be zero are forced to assume this value. In contrast, for target rotations the factor loadings specified to be zero are made to be as close to zero as possible, but are not constrained to be zero. Thus, whilst the targets influence the final rotated solution, the factor loadings for target items can end up very different from zero if the zero loadings are not appropriate

(Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009). Based on simulated data, Asparouhov and Muthén (2009) suggested that the target rotation was more appropriate for more complex factor models (but ones that still have approximately simple structure) in which several or many of the items load on each of the different factors. The target rotation is particularly appropriate when there is a clearly defined a priori factor structure and at least a reasonable approximation to simple structure. The target rotation also has strategic advantages in multi-group analyses in that it greatly increases the likelihood that the order of the factors is the same for each group-something that is not guaranteed by other rotations.

Consequences of a lack of Invariance.

Most readers of Psychological Assessment are familiar with the consequences of a lack of invariance. Hence we have briefly outlined some of these issues here rather than in the published article.

Tests of the invariance of factor loadings (Weak measurement invariance, Model 2 in TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 2

Appendix 2) are particularly important, both for relating passion factors to other constructs for different groups with cross-sectional data, and for evaluating patterns of relations among variables in the same group over time with longitudinal data. Indeed, all models except the configural invariance model (Model 1) assume the invariance of factor loadings. Unless the factor loadings are reasonably invariant over groups, any comparisons must be considered suspect, as the constructs themselves differ (i.e., the apples and oranges problem). However, if there is a sufficient number of items, tests of partial invariance might be warranted, such that invariance of factor loadings is supported for almost all the items for each factor. Such tests of invariance might also be on the basis of selecting items to be retained in early stages of instrument development.

If applied researchers want to compare latent mean differences across groups, then tests of item intercept invariance (Strong measurement invariance, Model 5), in addition to factor loading invariance, are critical. For example, assume for six items designed to measure a particular trait that three clearly favor one group and three clearly favor the second group. These results provide no basis for evaluating mean differences on the factor, in that even the direction of differences would depend on the particular items used to measure the trait. Furthermore, because these 6 items are only a small sample of items that could be used to evaluate this trait, the results provide only a weak basis for knowing what would happen if a larger, more diverse sample of items were sampled. Support for the invariance of item intercepts would mean that differences based on each of the items considered separately are reasonably consistent in terms of magnitude as well as direction. These results would provide a stronger basis of support for the generalizability of the interpretation of the observed mean differences. Although issues of non-invariance of item intercepts and differential item functioning are well known, historically these issues have been used more frequently in the evaluation of standardized achievement tests than for measures of psycho-social variables. In summary, a lack of invariance of item intercepts would mean that the observed group differences are not consistent TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 3 across even the items used to represent a latent factor on a particular instrument, and would provide no basis for the generalizability of the results across a wider and more diverse set of items that could be used to represent the trait.

In order to compare the Passion Scale (manifest) scale scores (or even factor scores), the invariance of items’ uniquenesses also represents an important prerequisite (Strict measurement invariance, Model 7). Indeed, the presence of differences in reliability (as represented or absorbed in the item uniquenesses) across the multiple groups could distort mean differences on the observed scores. However, for comparisons based on latent constructs that are corrected for measurement error, the valid comparison of latent means only requires support for strong measurement invariance and not for the additional assumption of the invariance of measurement error. Hence, comparison of group mean differences based on latent-variable models like those considered here makes fewer assumptions than those based on manifest scores.

A lack of invariance in relations between factors does not compromise comparisons of latent mean differences over time or groups. However, particularly for multifactorial constructs like the

Passion Scale factors, the pattern of relations among factors has important practical and theoretical implications; interpretations are likely to be complicated by the heterogeneity of relations between

Passion Scale factors and other variables. In more complex models, the invariance of other parameter estimates (e.g., correlated uniquenesses or path coefficients) may also be relevant as a test of the generalizability of the results. TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 4

Supplemental Materials Figure 1

Figure 1. HP=Harmonious Passion. OP= Obsessive Passion. Age2 = Quadratic effect of age. A. Confirmatory

Factor Analysis (CFA) Model. B. Exploratory Factor Analysis Model (ESEM). C. ESEM with multiple groups

(which can incorporate invariance constraints to test measurement invariance and latent mean differences; see

Appendix 2). D. Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause (MIMIC) model used to test mean differences in latent

ESEM factors for manifest independent variables). Solid black lines represent target loadings. Broken grey lines represent non/target loadings; see methods section for information on Target rotation).


Supplemental Materials Appendix 1

Wording of Items on the Passion Scale and Validity Correlates

Harmonious Passion (HP): Reliability= .83; N = 3,571.

HP1 This activity is in harmony with the other activities in my life.

HP2 The new things that I discover with this activity allow me to appreciate it even more.

HP3 This activity reflects the qualities I like about myself.

HP4 This activity allows me to live a variety of experiences.

HP5 My activity is well integrated in my life.

HP6 My activity is in harmony with other things that are part of me.

Obsessive Passion (OP): Reliability = .86; N = 3,571.

OP1 I have difficulties controlling my urge to do my activity.

OP2 I have almost an obsessive feeling for this activity.

OP3 This activity is the only thing that really turns me on.

OP4 If I could, I would only do my activity.

OP5 This activity is so exciting that I sometimes lose control over it.

OP6 I have the impression that my activity controls me.

Life Satisfaction. Reliability = .85; N = 1,649

In most ways my life is close to my ideal.

The conditions of my life are excellent.

I am satisfied with my life.

So far I have got the important things I want in life.

If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

Rummination. Reliability = .88; N = 364

In general, when I am not doing my activity, I analyse and think continually about my activity.

In general, when I am not doing my activity, I have difficulty to stop thinking about my activity. TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 6

In general, when I am not doing my activity, I become so deeply thoughtful about my activity that I have

difficulty thinking about something else.

Conflict. Reliability = .84; N = 220

My activity is in conflict with other activities in my life.

I can sacrifice other life domains for my activity.

My activity is frequently overlapping with other life domains.

Sometimes, I think that I am spending too much time on my activity and not enough on other activities in my


Single-Item Validity Criteria.

Time (N = 2,793): I spend a lot of time doing this activity.

Like (N = 2,793):I like this activity.

Value (N = 2,797): This activity is important for me.

Passion (N = 2789): This activity is a passion for me.

Note. Data are from the Passion Scale responses based on many different studies. Although respondents in all studies completed the Passion Scale, the various multi-item and single-item validity correlates were only used in some of the studies. TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 7

Supplemental Materials Appendix 2

Taxonomy of Multiple Group Tests of Invariance Testable with ESEM and Nesting Relations (in brackets)

Note. FLModeParameters = Constrained to Be Invariant Factor Model 1 none (configural invariance) Loadings; Model 2 FL [1] (weak factorial/measurement invariance) FVCV = Factor Model 3 FL Uniq [1, 2] variance- Model 4 FL, FVCV [1, 2] covariances; Model 5 FL, Inter [1, 2] (Strong factorial/measurement invariance) Inter = item Model 6 FL, Uniq, FVCV [1, 2, 3, 4] intercepts; Model 7 FL, Uniq, Inter [1, 2, 3, 5] (Strict factorial/measurement invariance) Uniq = item uniquenesses; Model 8 FL, FVCV, Inter [1, 2, 4, 5] FMn = Factor Model 9 FL, Uniq, FVCV, Inter [1-8]

Means. Models Model 10 FL, Inter, FMn [1, 2, 5] (Latent mean invariance) with latent Model 11 FL, Uniq, Inter, FMn [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10] (Manifest mean invariance) factor means Model 12 FL, FVCV, Inter, FMn [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] freely estimated Model 13 FL, Uniq, FVCV, Inter, FMn [1-12] (complete factorial invariance) constrain intercepts to be invariant across groups, whilst models where intercepts are free, imply that mean differences are a function of intercept differences. Bracketed values represent nesting relations in which the estimated parameters of the less general model are a subset of the parameters estimated in the more general model under which it is nested. All models are nested under Model 1 (with no invariance constraints) whilst Model 13 (complete invariance) is nested under all other models. Table 2 was adapted from Marsh, et al. (2009) TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 8

Supplemental Materials Appendix 3

Mplus Syntax For Model MG-M2p (Table 6); Weak Factorial Invariance Across Passion Activity Groups

TITLE: MG-M2p Weak Factorial Invariance Across Passion Activity Groups; DATA: FILE IS 'C:\herb\Mplus\passion\combpassion\passion hm 23nov11.dat'; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE SAMPLE ACTIVITY PH1 PH2 PH3 PH4 PH5 PH6 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PTIME PLIKE PIMPO PPASS LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS5 RUM1 RUM2 RUM3 RUM4 CON1 CON2 CON3 CON4 ActGrp ID phtot potot LStot RUMtot CONTot source; usevariables are PH1 PH2 PH3 PH4 PH5 PH6 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6; missing are all(-9); grouping is ActGrp (1=lesr 2=sprt 3=soc 4=work 5=educ); ANALYSIS: estimator=mlr; ROTATION =target(OBLIQUE); MODEL: f1 BY PH1-PO5 po1~0 po2~0 (*t1); f2 BY PH1-PO5 ph1~0 ph5~0 ph6~0(*t1); PO3 with PO4; ph1 with ph5; po6 on F1; po6 on F2; Model sprt: [f1-f2@0];[PH1-PO5]; Model soc: [f1-f2@0];[PH1-PO5]; Model work: [f1-f2@0];[PH1-PO5]; Model educ: [f1-f2@0];[PH1-PO5]; OUTPUT: TECH1; stdyx; mod(0); TWO FACTOR PASSION SCALE_SUPPL 9

Supplemental Materials Appendix 4

Mplus Syntax For Model MG-M5p (Table 6); Weak Factorial Invariance and Intercept Invariance Across Passion Activity Groups

TITLE: MIMIC 1A no sex on fac or items no-cu no-part 25feb09; DATA: FILE IS 'C:\herb\Mplus\passion\combpassion\passion hm 23nov11.dat'; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE SAMPLE ACTIVITY PH1 PH2 PH3 PH4 PH5 PH6 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PTIME PLIKE PIMPO PPASS LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS5 RUM1 RUM2 RUM3 RUM4 CON1 CON2 CON3 CON4 ActGrp ID phtot potot LStot RUMtot CONTot source; usevariables are PH1 PH2 PH3 PH4 PH5 PH6 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6; missing are all(-9); grouping is ActGrp (1=lesr 2=sprt 3=soc 4=work 5=educ); ANALYSIS: estimator=mlr; ROTATION=target(OBLIQUE); MODEL: f1 BY PH1-PO5 po1~0 po2~0 (*t1); f2 BY PH1-PO5 ph1~0 ph5~0 ph6~0(*t1); PO3 with PO4; ph1 with ph5; po6 on F1; po6 on F2; [po6](12); Model lesr:[po6](12); [po5,ph6,po6,ph1]; Model sprt:[f1-f2]; [po6];[ph2,ph4]; Model soc:[po6](12); [f1-f2]; [po2,po3,po5,ph2]; Model work:[po6](12);[f1-f2];[po4]; Model educ:[po6](12);[f1-f2]; OUTPUT: TECH1; stdyx; mod (all 3); svalues; Leisure: po5,ph6,po6,ph1; sport: po6, ph2,ph4; soc: po2,po3,po5,ph2; work: po4;

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