Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS NHS Foundation Trust

In association with


Assessment, examination and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders based on the principles of the Maitland Concept of Manipulative Physiotherapy

Level 2b – 2 week advanced manual therapy course

Conditions of participation: IMTA Certificate of Attendance from an IMTA Level 2a course.

Content includes: Further consolidation of the contents of the Level 1 and Level 2a courses Critical appraisal of the Maitland Concept of manipulative Physiotherapy Advanced skills in the examination and treatment of the neuromusculoskeletal system using a problem orientated approach with the generation and testing of multiple hypotheses Vertebral Manipulative thrust techniques (Grade V) including indications and contraindications Advanced assessment and management of neurodynamics with related theoretical knowledge and evidence Introduction to the principles of dynamic control or stability of the spine Advanced understanding and knowledge of neurophysiological pain mechanisms related to clinical patterns and the implications for assessment and management The assessment and management of further selected clinical syndromes

The content is a balance between theoretical lectures and practical sessions. Patient demonstrations and direct patient contact under supervision are included on the course to develop clinical reasoning and to facilitate the immediate application of learning.

Venue Physiotherapy Department Retford Primary Care Centre North Road, Retford, Notts, DN22 7XF

Dates Nov 30 – Dec 03 2016 April 03 – 08 2017

Times: 8.30-18.00 daily

Tutors Thomas Horre, MSc, PT, OMT-DVMT®, IMTA Senior Tutor Stefan Schiller, MSc, PT, OMT-DVMT®, IMTA Tutor Course application form

Assessment, examination and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders based on the principles of the Maitland Concept of Manipulative Physiotherapy Level 2b – advanced manual therapy course



Date of Birth: (For certificate)

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Email address (For pre-course Correspondence):

Any relevant Disabilities:

To reserve a place please complete and return this application form along with a cheque for £1150 payable to “Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust” to the course organiser:

Stefan Karanec Physiotherapy Department Bassetlaw District General Hospital Kilton Hill Worksop S81 0BD Tel: 01909 500990